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Broken Kingdom : A bad boy college romance (Royal Hearts Academy Book 4)

Page 36

by Ashley Jade

  The moment Crystal walks away, I plop down on the couch. “Want to play on the floor, C.J.?”

  I take the slimy raspberries she’s blowing as a yes.

  I set her down and she immediately lunges for a blue stuffed bear on the carpet. It’s almost as big as she is.

  “I guess he’s your favorite?”

  Brows furrowed, she clutches him protectively, as if to say he’s hers and I’m not allowed to touch him.

  Once again, I find myself laughing at her antics. “Don’t worry, sis. Mr. Blue Bear is all yours.”

  This seems to please her because she gives me another toothy grin, letting me know I’m back in her good graces.

  I watch as she starts doing this hoppy thing on the carpet, almost like she’s trying to stand on her own. I remember my dad saying she took her first steps a few weeks ago, but I guess she still hasn’t gotten the full hang of it just yet.

  I hold out my arm so she can use it for leverage.

  She licks it instead. Apparently, every new thing she comes in contact with must go in her mouth first.

  I’m still getting slobbered on when my phone buzzes.

  Reaching for it with my free hand, I take it out of my pocket and pull up the new text from Bianca.

  Bianca: How’s everything going?

  I quickly snap a picture of C.J. nibbling on my watch and send it to her.

  Oakley: Being a big brother is pretty sweet. How’s your first day of school?

  Bianca: Holy shit. She’s so freaking cute. I knew you were a natural. And ugh, school sucks big hairy monkey balls. Bitches be trippin’.

  My eyebrows raise as I type out my next text.

  Oakley: Bitches be trippin’? Or you be trippin’ bitches?

  Because with Bianca…it’s usually the latter.

  Bianca: It will be the second one if Caitlyn doesn’t quit running her STD filled mouth and telling everyone that I’m a carpet muncher.

  Well, shit.

  I know Bianca doesn’t exactly walk the straight line because she’s fooled around with girls, but it’s some bullshit that people are condemning her for it.

  Oakley: Fuck em’.

  Bianca: Nah. These skanks aren’t my type. I’d much rather fuck you.

  My dick twitches in agreement.

  Oakley: I’m babysitting. Stop making my dick hard.

  Bianca: Whatever. We both know a strong breeze gets you hard.

  I grin as I type out my retort.

  Oakley: Only if the breeze is blowing your skirt up.

  Bianca: Tru dat. Oh, I forgot to tell you earlier, but I have to stay after school for cheerleading practice. I’ll be home right after tho.

  Oakley: Enjoy practice. Maybe a strong breeze will greet you when you walk through the door. ;)

  I bring my knuckle to my mouth and bite it when she sends me a pic of what’s underneath her cheerleading skirt.

  Oakley: Tease.

  I’m quickly brought out of my haze when C.J. starts wailing.

  Shit. Gauging by the red mark on her forehead she must have bumped her head on the coffee table when she tried to stand.

  Guilt prickles my chest as I pick her up. I should have been paying better attention. “I’m sorry—”

  “What happened?”

  Crystal rushes into the living room like a cyclone.

  “I think she bumped her head—” I start to say and that’s all it takes for her to go from zero to sixty.

  “What do you mean you think? Weren’t you watching her?”

  “I was, but then I got a text and—”

  She snatches a still crying C.J. out of my arms and cradles her to her chest. “I knew this would happen. God, you’re the most irresponsible person I’ve ever met.”

  Given the events that just unfolded, her outrage is warranted.

  I honestly feel like shit about it.

  “I’m sorry.” I check out the red mark on C.J.’s forehead. Luckily it doesn’t look too bad and it’s not bleeding. But still…I know I fucked-up. “Should I get some ice?”

  “No. I don’t want you going anywhere near her ever again.”

  She shoots me a death glare before she storms out of the living room.

  I follow her to make sure C.J.’s okay.

  Furious, Crystal sticks her daughter in her highchair and gives her some Cheerios. Then she plants a bunch of kisses along her head. “I’m so sorry, honey bunny. Mommy never should have left you alone with him.”

  Stick the knife in deeper why don’t you?

  Fortunately, C.J. doesn’t harbor the same resentment toward me because once the first Cheerio hits her mouth she stops crying altogether.

  Crisis averted.

  Only it isn’t…because Crystal’s still mad as hell.

  “I can’t believe you let this happen.”

  “It was an accident,” I tell her. “I didn’t mean—”

  “She’s a baby, Oakley. You have to watch them all the time.” She snorts. “Not that I expect you to understand that, because like I said, you’re the most irresponsible person on earth.”

  The words are out of my mouth before I can stop myself.

  “Right. Because fucking your stepson behind your husband’s back is the epitome of responsible.”

  I regret taking it there when I see the horrified look on her face and she starts screaming at the top of her lungs.

  “You were a mistake!”

  It’s on the tip of my tongue to point out that a mistake is something that happens once…not multiple times.

  “Was it a mistake before or after you got what you wanted from me?” I grind out, because I’m sick of this shit.

  I came here to meet my sister and try to work on my relationship with my dad. Not be dragged through the mud by her.

  It takes two to tango and I’m tired of being the only one to shoulder the burden of all this guilt while she gets to live her life like nothing happened.

  I was still a teenager the first time we fucked, and I ended up paying the ultimate price and losing my family because of our mistake.

  Hell, I’m practically an orphan now since I had to distance myself from my dad, and if it wasn’t for Jace and Cole saving my ass back when shit went south and taking me in, I’d have no one.

  “My God,” she snarls. “You really need to get over your sick obsession with me.”

  Obsession? More like revulsion.

  However, I know exactly where to hit her so it hurts.

  “Don’t flatter yourself, sweetheart. I’m over chasing women who like to fuck teenagers because they looked in the mirror and realized they’re not nearly as hot as they used to be.” I snort. “Fuck you and your mid-life crisis.”

  The slap from her palm connecting with my cheek nearly echoes throughout the kitchen.

  And then Crystal hits me where it hurts.

  “I thank my lucky stars every day that she’s not yours.”

  It’s a blow I wasn’t prepared for.

  But she isn’t finished yet.

  “Because you’re such a screwup.”

  She’s right, I’ve done a lot of fucked-up shit in my life…fucked-up shit that ended up hurting the people I care about most.

  But I don’t want to do that shit anymore. I want to be a better person.

  “I get why you think that, but I’m trying—”

  Tilting her head back, she cackles. “Oh yeah? For how long?” Her eyes narrow into tiny slits. “You know as well as I do that it won't last. If you actually cared about your dad and baby sister, or this new girlfriend of yours, you’d go far away and leave them alone, because sooner or later you'll screw up again. Because that’s what you do. You destroy lives and leave everyone else to clean up your messes when you’re done. No wonder your mother left you. Dealing with you wasn’t worth the crap you bring to the table.”

  Every word out of her mouth feels like a bullet burning through my chest and leaving me to bleed out.

  “You’re a fuck-up, Oakley. Always hav
e been, always will be. Do the world a favor and OD already you worthless piece of shit.”

  Chest caving in, I brush past her and out the front door.

  My dad is pulling into the driveway as I’m getting into my car.

  “Hey, Oak.” His face falls when he realizes I’m bouncing. “What’s wrong? Why are you leaving?”

  I don’t say a word as I drive off.

  There’s nothing to say.

  Because she’s right.

  Chapter 59


  I spot Oakley in the waiting room standing next to Dylan and Sawyer.

  He looks so broken it cracks my chest wide open and I can’t get to him fast enough.

  Like a magnetic force pulling me, I catapult myself toward him as quick as my legs can carry me.

  The moment his gaze locks with mine, he opens his arms, catching me.

  I wrap my legs around his waist as he fastens his arms around my back, gripping me like I’m a lifeline.

  Wordlessly, he walks us over to a chair in the far corner of the room.

  I bury my head in the crook of his neck as he sits us down.

  He doesn’t have to say anything for me to know how much he’s hurting.

  And I won’t tell him false words of encouragement and pretend like everything will be okay, because right now his universe is falling apart.

  A slight tremble runs through him as he breathes me in. “You came.”

  “Of course, I did.” Shifting in his lap, I cradle his jaw. “I’ll be here for however long you need me.”

  Closing his eyes, he tightens his hold on me, like I’m the only thing tethering him to this world.

  And that’s exactly how we stay for the next hour.

  “Your father is out of surgery,” some woman wearing scrubs and a white lab coat informs us.

  “That means he’s alive, right?” Oakley rasps, his skin turning pale. “That he made it?”

  The doctor nods. “The surgery went well, and we were able to retrieve the bullets.” She smiles. “Your dad was really lucky. One of the bullets missed his lungs by a centimeter and the other one just missed his spine. If everything continues to go well, he should make a full recovery.”

  I can feel the relief coursing through his body as Dylan and Sawyer exchange hugs.

  “Can I see him?”

  “Sure. The nurses are getting him set up in his room so just give them another minute.” She glances around at all of us. “However, it’s only one at a time right now and immediate family only.”

  Oakley peers down at me. “Do you mind if I go?”

  “Not at all.”

  I start to get off his lap, but he locks my chin in his hand. A moment later, our lips meet in a feather-light kiss before he pulls back to look at me.

  “Thank you.”

  If it wasn’t such a serious moment, it would be almost comical. “You don’t have to thank me.”

  I swiftly jump to my feet so he can go see his dad.

  I can feel Sawyer and Dylan boring holes into me the moment Oakley leaves.

  “It should be weird,” Dylan tells Sawyer even though her eyes are trained on me.

  Sawyer sucks in a breath. “I know, but it’s not.”

  Dylan takes a bite of her Twizzler. “Not even a little.”

  I roll my eyes. “Are you two done gossiping yet?”

  Sawyer steals one of Dylan’s Twizzlers. “Nope. We’re just getting started.”

  Given my brothers will be arriving any moment, I need them to put a cork in it.

  “Well, get it out of your system now before Jace and Cole get here.”

  They exchange a confused glance, which only makes me confused.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” I cross my arms. “You told them what happened, right?”

  “Yeah,” Sawyer says softly. “We did.”

  It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out something is off.

  “So, they’re on their way…right?”

  “Not exactly.” Dylan looks down at the floor. “They said they were busy.”

  Hold the fucking phone.

  I place my hands on my hips. “Busy doing what?”

  What the hell could be more important than being here for Oakley?

  Sawyer winces. “Working out at the gym.”

  Oh, for fuck’s sake.

  I know my brothers are stubborn…which undoubtedly makes them stupid most of the time, too. But not being here for Oakley is un-freaking-acceptable.

  I’m about to pull up an Uber on my phone, but I realize it will take too long. I don’t want Oakley to think I ditched him.

  I turn to Sawyer. “Can I have the keys to your van?”

  “Sure.” Sawyer raises a brow as she fetches them out of her purse. “But, why?”

  “So I can tell my idiot brothers to get their asses here before Oakley comes back and wonders where I am.”

  Sawyer looks at me like I’m insane. “Let me get this straight, you want me to let you drive my van?”

  “Yes,” I deadpan, not understanding what the big deal is.

  Sawyer clutches her keys protectively. “I’ve never even seen you drive before, Bianca. I don’t want you to wreck my baby.”

  “I have my license,” I remind her.

  Retrograde amnesia only impacts my memories, not the part of my brain that stores the skills I’ve learned in the past. Therefore, driving again would be like riding a bicycle. Kind of like how I was able to understand things like math and science when I went back to school without falling behind.

  My brain already knows how to do it, the only thing standing in my way now is…well, Sawyer.

  “True,” Sawyer says. “But I still think it’s risky.”

  I level her with a glare. “You drive a minivan that’s older than I am.” I pluck the keys out of her hand. “Trust me, if I wreck the damn thing, I’d be doing you a favor.”

  I stride toward the exit doors, but some woman barrels into me.

  “Jesus, lady. If you’re gonna wear a pair of Louboutin’s you should at least learn how to walk in them first.”

  “You,” she sneers, moving her finger up and down. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  I do a quick once-over, but I can’t recall ever meeting her before. Although she kind of looks like an older version of Dylan.

  Whatever. I have more important things to worry about than some bitchy chick inquiring about my whereabouts.

  Tossing my hair back, I snap, “None of your damn business.”

  Then I keep moving.

  Because God gave me two dipshit brothers who constantly test my patience instead of agreeable, pleasant sisters who would do whatever the hell I told them to.

  I screech to a stop next to my brother’s car just as Jace and Cole walk out of the gym.

  After getting out of the vehicle, I charge toward them.

  “You two have done some cruel shit before, but this takes the cake.”

  Jace’s mouth falls open. “How did you—”

  “Did you steal Sawyer’s van?” Cole questions. “Because that’s not fucking cool.”

  It takes everything in me not to throttle them.

  “You know what else isn’t cool?” Not waiting for a response, I hiss, “Ignoring your friend whose dad is lying in a hospital bed after getting shot.”

  Jace averts his gaze. “I hope Wayne makes it through, but it’s not our place to be there.”

  “Oak’s not our problem anymore,” Cole affirms with a nod.

  “Exactly.” Jace pulls his keys out of his pocket. “Fucker dug his own grave.”

  I block them when they start heading for Jace’s car.

  “Jesus Christ. You two are such assholes.” And because I’m not above using guilt to get what I want, I add, “Mom and Liam would be ashamed.”

  That gets their attention.

  Jace’s nostrils flare. “Mom and Liam—”

  “Would be ashamed,” I repeat. “Because we don’
t turn our backs on one another. Ever.” I jab them both in the chest with my finger. “Boo-fucking-hoo my boy messed around with my sister. I’m gonna cry about it like a little bitch for the rest of my life. Get the fuck over it.”

  “He almost killed you,” Jace snaps. “That’s not something you just get over.”

  “Exactly.” Cole snorts. “Not to mention all the other fucked-up shit he’s done.”

  Jesus take the wheel and knock some sense into these morons.

  “Yes, Oakley’s made some mistakes in the past—but unlike you two angelic saints who have never fucked-up—he’s loyal. And you know damn well he’d never turn his back on either of you if you needed him. Because he considers you his family.”

  And our mother always taught us that family was the most important thing in the world.

  Guilt colors their features. Good.

  I shove them both. “Suck up your goddamn pride and get your asses to the hospital. Not just because it’s the right thing to do. But because he’s one of us, and I know deep down you still love him.”

  Chapter 60


  “Can’t get rid of me that easily,” my dad says with a chuckle. “That asshole shouldn’t quit his day job because he has one hell of a lousy aim.”

  The fact that he just had massive surgery after being shot and he’s already making jokes about what happened is…

  Well, not unlike him…but still.

  “Dad.” I can’t bring myself to look at him when I say the next words. “That asshole was an associate of Loki’s.”

  Given Loki’s still in jail somewhere across the country—and will be for the next ten to fifteen—he must have hired someone to do it for him.

  The shame snaking up my chest nearly chokes me.

  My dad never would have been shot if it wasn’t for me.

  A horrifying thought hits me like a brick to the head. What if he goes after Bianca next?

  Or C.J., Dylan, Sawyer, Jace, and Cole?


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