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Logan (For The Love Of A Good Woman Book 3)

Page 10

by Giulia Lagomarsino

  Heaving from the exertion, I looked up to see Vira and Cece surrounded by bikers, but they didn’t look scared at all. Cece picked up a chair and swung it through the air, smashing one biker in the face, his teeth flying from his mouth. Then she ducked down and slammed her fist into another guys junk. Damn, these women fought dirty. Vira swung her chair at another guy, hitting him in the back and sending him into a crowd of guys sitting down.

  We had cleared out the bikers who were standing in front of the door and as exciting as it was to watch Vira and Cece kicking their asses, it was time to go. Sean whistled and they both looked up. He jerked his head and they immediately dropped their chairs and came running. We ran out to the trucks and spun out of the lot in seconds. I kept my eyes on the rearview mirror, but luckily nobody followed. They were probably too drunk.



  “What the fuck were you thinking back there?”

  We were on our way back to his house after screeching out of the bar’s parking lot. He was growlier than a mother bear and taking it out on me.

  “Excuse me? What was I thinking? I didn’t do a damn thing wrong.”

  “You should have gotten out of the way and stayed down. Do you realize how much you could have been hurt? Any one of those bikers would have loved to have grabbed you and made you their whore. You’re just lucky that Sean and I got you both out of there.”

  “If I remember correctly, Vira and I did quite a bit of damage on our own. Besides, I knew you were there and would take care of it. Did you see Sean’s face in there? I’ve never seen anyone so lethal in all my life. He was amazing the way he took on those bikers. I always thought Sean was this big teddy bear, but man, get him riled up and he can really do some damage.” I blew out a breath and fanned my face. “I think my panties got a little wet back there.”

  A growl escaped from Logan’s lips and when I looked over, his knuckles were white against the steering wheel. “Great. I got it. Sean really did it for you back there.”

  “Oh, is someone feeling inadequate?” I reached over and pet his cheeks. “Don’t worry, sweetie. You were amazing too. I saw you take down those guys. None of them stood a chance against you.”

  “Yeah, well next time start with that.”

  He huffed in annoyance and continued to glare out the windshield. This was going to take some great acting on my part when we got home. I was going to need to build up his confidence or he would be brooding all night long. On the ride home, I drifted in and out of sleep against the window and only realized we were back to his place when he turned off the engine. Now that I had been sitting a while, I noticed my body was sore in a few places. Well, no time like the present to really play it up.

  I pushed my head away from the window and let out a hiss. “Ow.”

  “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m just a little sore.”

  “Stay there. I’ll help you out.”

  I rolled my eyes and waited for him to come around. I was perfectly capable of getting out of the truck on my own, but if it made him feel better, I’d gladly pretend. He opened the door and eased me down to the ground. No joke, my legs almost collapsed from underneath me. I guess I was more worn out than I thought. Logan scooped me up in his arms and carried me inside. He took me upstairs to his bathroom and set me on the toilet while he started the tub. He had one of those large garden tubs and it was calling my name.

  Logan started stripping me of my clothes and I saw right away why I was so sore. I had several bruises on my back from when we were in the bar. I hadn’t realized that anyone had even hit me, but there was a lot of shoving and it could have happened at any time.

  He took his time picking leaves and twigs out of my hair, running his fingers through the strands for tiny pieces. When he was done, he picked me up and set me in the steaming water. At first, the heat stung against my cuts, but after a minute I relaxed back into the warmth. I closed my eyes and was surprised when Logan pushed me forward and climbed in behind me.

  Picking up some body wash, he poured some in a washcloth and rubbed it together before gently washing my body. His hands glided across my skin, caressing every inch of me.

  “You’ve got quite a few scratches on you. Maybe the woods wasn’t the best place to work out my frustrations on you.”

  “You didn’t hear me complaining.”

  “Still, I don’t like to see your beautiful skin all torn up.”

  “It’s fine, but thank you for taking care of me.”

  His mood seemed a little lighter after that and I was glad my plan had worked. The last thing I needed was Logan feeling like he wasn’t as good as Sean. Then I wondered why I cared that much when I was still planning my revenge against him.


  Over the next week I rarely saw Logan. I was busy at work with multiple projects that needed to be finished up and at the end of the day, I was just too tired to head over to see Logan. He stopped by Wednesday night and stayed over, even though I protested.

  “Logan, don’t get any ideas. Just because you stop by for a quick fuck doesn’t mean you get to stay the night.”

  “Seriously, Cece? Stop being a bitch and let’s go to sleep. I’m tired.”

  “Fine, but you stay on your side of the bed.”

  The next morning I woke to Logan wrapped around me. I was content for all of two point five seconds until I remembered my vow of revenge. I flung the covers off and stalked to the kitchen where I got a cold cup of water. Stomping back to my room, I threw back the covers and emptied the cup right on his dick.

  “What the fuck!”

  I heard the door to Vira’s room open and footsteps head my way, but that didn’t stop me.

  “I told you not to fucking snuggle with me. Now get out before I do something worse than pour cold water on your dick.”

  “Christ, Cece. I was asleep. I didn’t know that I did that. Geez, you’d think I groped you in your sleep or something.”

  “That would have been preferable.” I crossed my arms over my chest and tapped my foot on the floor in impatience.

  “Alright, fine. I’m going.”

  He grabbed his clothes off the floor and walked into the living room where Sean was smirking at him.

  “Kicked out before breakfast, huh?”

  “Shut up, fucker.”

  “Don’t get too smug, Sean. You’re leaving too.” Vira crossed her arms over her chest and gave him a pointed look.

  “What the fuck did I do?”

  “You should be happy you got more than one night with me. I don’t do sleepovers or breakfast.”

  “Well, that’s just not true because I’ve slept here multiple times and have plenty of breakfasts with you.”

  She tossed his clothes at him, his belt buckle hitting him in the face.

  “Right. So be glad with what you got.”

  I walked over to the door and held it open as both men grabbed their clothes and left the apartment none too happy. Through the door, Vira and I could hear them in the hallway getting dressed.

  “Thanks a lot fucker. I usually get breakfast.”

  “It’s not my fault you opened your big mouth.”

  “This is all because you couldn’t stay on your side of the bed. If she doesn’t want to snuggle, don’t snuggle, you stupid fucker.”

  The conversation continued as they walked down the hall and Vira and I stood inside laughing. Fucking with them was just too fun.


  I didn’t let Logan stay over the next night and I refused to answer any of his calls. Friday couldn’t come fast enough. I had fun plans with Vira and nothing was going to stand in my way. I stopped by the cafe for my usual flirtation with Logan before heading off to work, but when I got to the office, I was hit with a massive workload. Apparently, Mr. Johnson was so thrilled with my work on the last project that he gave me another that would also have a Saturday morning meeting.

  I called Vir
a to let her know of my change in plans and she was relieved because she also had to work. I got back to work and hoped that I could get enough done that I didn’t have to work too late tonight.

  Once again, the day got away from me and I was left begging the snack machine gods to send me something good. Alas, they didn’t listen and I was stuck with Snickers bars for dinner once again.

  “You must be doing the same thing I am.”

  I practically jumped out of my skin when I heard the voice behind me. I had been bent over retrieving my food, so whoever was behind me got a nice view of my ass. Perfect. I turned around to see a handsome man standing behind me. I had never met him, but he must work here if he was up here late at night.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Cece.”

  I stuck out my hand and he wrapped his large hand around mine, rubbing his thumb over my hand. It was a little too familiar and I quickly snatched my hand back.

  “It’s nice to meet you. What are you doing up here so late?”

  “Oh, you know. Work never stops. I didn’t catch your name.”

  “I didn’t give it.”

  Well, that’s a little disturbing. This guy must think he was being mysterious, but really, he was creeping me out. Time to get back to work.

  “Alright, well I have a lot to do, so if you’ll excuse me.”

  I went to step around him, but he stepped in front of me. Seriously? I pulled my shoulders back and plastered on a fake smile.

  “I need you to move. I have work to do.”

  “Work is boring. I have something we could do that’s more fun.”

  “Thanks for the offer, but I don’t have time to have fun right now. I need to get back to work.”

  His soulless eyes looked over my body and gave me the chills. His hand went to my shoulder and skated down my arm and over my waist. Some men didn’t know when a girl was shutting down their advances, so it looked like I was going to have to be a bitch to him.

  “Look, jackass. I didn’t say you could touch me. Get your filthy hands off me and get out of my way. I was trying to be nice, but you’re not understanding. I’m not interested so back off.”

  His eyes darkened and he gripped my hair roughly. Apparently, all I did was poke the bear. This guy was dangerous. I don’t know why I didn’t see it before. False bravado? I guess I thought I could tell him to leave me alone and he would, but now I had stupidly mouthed off to him and he got angry. I was cornered in the break room with a guy who didn’t take no for an answer.

  I looked up into his eyes as he moved in closer. When I felt his chest brush mine, I rammed my knee into his crotch. He instantly released me, falling to the floor and holding his crotch. I ran around him back to my office. Screw working late, I was getting out of here. I grabbed my purse and headed for the door. I briefly thought of locking myself in my office and calling the police, but this guy wouldn’t be stopped by a locked door. Besides, the walls were glass and he could easily break the glass if he really wanted me.

  I quickly grabbed my purse and took the long way to the elevator to avoid passing the break room, which may have been a stupid idea when I realized that this area was completely dark. Adrenaline was keeping the panic at bay for now and my only thought was getting out of this building. I half ran down the hall to the elevator. I would have gone faster, but I couldn’t really see where I was going. I saw the red glow from the exit sign further ahead. It was already too late when I saw the large figure coming at me. His body hit me with such force that I was thrown against the glass, my head bouncing against the wall.

  It took me a second to regain my wits as spots floated in front of my eyes. When I did, I felt his hands on me, pinning me to the floor. His minty breath misting over my face.

  “I just wanted to talk. You didn’t have to be such a bitch.”

  “I told you I had work to do. What was I supposed to think when you wouldn’t let me leave? Get off of me.”

  He pushed himself further onto my body and I felt his erection rubbing against me. A whimper escaped my lips as one hand pushed down my pants. When it finally kicked in what was about to happen, I bucked my hips and tried to pry my wrists free of his grasp. His grip tightened painfully and I started yelling. I knew it was pointless. We were the only ones here. There was no one to help me.

  “Shut up, bitch. You know you want it. I see the way you flaunt your body around the office, wearing your tight skirts. You’re asking for it from every guy around here. We all want you and we know you want us too. Now I’m taking what’s mine.”

  He settled his body back on top of mine to keep me still, keeping one hand around my wrists and the other snaked up my shirt and started fondling my breasts. Bile was rising in my throat and I couldn’t keep it down. I turned my head to the side and vomited violently. He pulled back slightly, a look of disgust on his face. I started screaming again, when the wind was suddenly knocked out of me. Someone had tackled him off me, kicking me in the process. I didn’t care. I pulled my pants back up and scooted into a darkened corner, watching the two of them fight. Punches were thrown and I heard grunting, but I couldn’t tell who was winning. I closed my eyes, waiting for it all to end. I felt a swoosh of air as someone ran past me and I prayed it was my attacker leaving.

  “Hey, are you okay?”

  The voice was one I knew instantly. I looked up to see Logan’s concerned face staring back at me. Relief flooded through me and I threw myself into his arms, gripping him tightly around the neck.

  “How are you here?”

  “I talked to Vira and she said you had to work late. I came to bring you dinner.”

  “Is he gone?”

  “Yeah, he landed a well placed punch and ran off. I’m sorry I didn’t catch him.”

  “I’m just glad he’s gone.”

  I sagged into his body, the adrenaline wearing off and the shakes setting in. He gripped me closer to him, rubbing my back and trying to ease my body. He settled us on the ground with me in his lap. I had never in the last ten years figured that I would be attacked for the way I dressed. I wore sexy clothes, but never trashy clothes. I always dressed more professional than sexy in the work place, but that didn’t mean I had to look like an old woman. Now, I was regretting every single outfit I had ever worn, knowing that each piece could have resulted in something much worse.

  I barely registered that Logan was talking to someone on the phone, but my brain was going fuzzy and I could only stare off into space. I don’t know how long we stayed like that, but I tensed in his arms when I heard the elevator doors open. Had he come back? We should have moved. He could easily find me over here. I pushed away from Logan, but he held me tight.

  “It’s okay. I called Sean. He’s a police officer, remember?”

  “I don’t want to report this. The whole office will know about it and I don’t want everyone looking at me differently.”

  “Sweetheart, your bosses need to know. They need extra security if people are going to be here at night and they can’t have a rapist walking around the building. Besides, someone will look at the camera feed tomorrow when they notice this crack in the wall.”

  Sean walked up to us slowly and kneeled down in front of me. My cheeks burned red as embarrassment settled in.

  “Hey, Cece. Are you okay?”

  Sean’s voice was very gentle and I didn’t see pity in his eyes, only concern.

  My head nodded with a jerk up and down.

  “Okay. I want to take you to the hospital to get checked out. Do you want to take an ambulance?”

  “I don’t need to go. I’m fine.”

  “You could have your attacker’s DNA on you, under your fingernails. We need to take you in to be checked over and get samples.”

  Shit. I hadn’t thought of that. I really didn’t want to go to the hospital. I just wanted my bed, but would I be safe if they didn’t catch him? He knew who I was, but I had no idea who he was.

  As if Sean read my mind, he asked, “Do yo
u know who attacked you?”

  “No. I’ve never seen him before, but he works here.”

  “Okay. How do you know that?”

  “He said that I walk around the office tempting all the guys with the way I dress.”

  I felt Logan tense around me. I didn’t really want to talk about this in front of Logan. I needed distance from him.

  “Can we talk about this in private?”

  Sean nodded, but Logan protested. “No, I want to be there when you talk to him.”

  I pushed out of his arms and stood up, giving myself space. “But I don’t want you there.” I couldn’t look at him as I said it. I needed space from him. What happened was intimate, but not in a good way. I didn’t want him getting close to me and comforting me. I was supposed to be getting my revenge, not falling into his arms for comfort. I couldn’t risk being drawn closer to him, sharing this with him. It was too personal.

  The other part of me was ashamed to admit that I didn’t want him to hear the details because he might look at me differently. I was very sexual and confident, but now, I didn’t know what I was. He would know that and he would be gentle with me. I didn’t think I could take that. I didn’t want sex right now, but I didn’t want to be handled with kid gloves either. It would just make me feel worse about myself.

  “How about we go to the hospital and have them look you over and Logan can wait in the waiting room. When the nurses are done with you, I’ll take your statement. If you want me to give you a ride home, I can. Otherwise, Logan will be there waiting for you.”

  I agreed and we went to the hospital where I was checked out. I was fine other than a bump on the head that was causing a slight headache. It wasn’t a concussion though, so that was a relief. The staff called in a SANE nurse, but I didn’t think it would be any use. I didn’t scratch him and I didn’t remember him spitting on me or anything. Logan had interrupted before things were taken that far. I was photographed where I had minor bruising and my nails were scraped. The nurses took my clothes for evidence and I was given scrubs to change into. Then Sean came in and took my statement. I felt numb as I relived the events of the night. When we were all done, Sean walked me out into the waiting room where Logan was waiting. Part of me was surprised he was there. I knew that he was a caring person, he always had been. Still, some part of me expected that he would say I wasn’t worth the hassle.


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