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Radclyffe - Safe Harbor 02 - Beyond The Breakwater

Page 7

by Beyond The Breakwater (lit)

  "I have a patient to check on in the trauma unit," K.T. said stiffly. "I'll be back shortly."

  "Reese," Tory said softly, "I know how important it is for you to have the full use of your arm. But we cant take any chances. II can't risk losing you."

  "I would never willingly do something that might take me away from you. Reese lifted her left hand and when Tory grasped it, she entwined her fingers with her lover's. “But if there's a possibility that we can ride this out without the surgery, I want to try."

  "Jill feels we can wait a couple more hours," Tory said, knowing that she was making perhaps the most important decision of her life. Searching her heart and mind, she settled herself and answered, "I agree with her."

  "Okay then," Reese said with a sigh, closing her eyes. "If you don't mind I think I'll sleep for a bit."

  Tory laid Reese's hand down on the bed and brushed her fingers over Reese's hair, then kissed her. "I'll be right here, sweetheart. You just rest."


  "You don't have to stay, Bri," Tory said with a weary sigh. Reese had been transferred upstairs from the emergency room to the intermediate intensive care unit for observation. The isolation room was equipped with the standard hospital bed, freestanding bedside table, and several chairs. In addition, a small sofa had been provided in the event that family members wanted to stay for extended periods of time. It was easier for visitors to remain in the patients room rather than the regular waiting room, thereby avoiding the cumbersome process of scrubbing and donning cover gowns every time they reentered the room.

  "I want to wait," Bri said as she settled on the sofa next to Tory. "If that's okay?"

  Tory leaned her head against the back of the sofa and closed her eyes. "Sure."

  It was noon. Twelve hours said she had gotten the call from the EMTs about a multi-vehicular accident with victims trapped in the wreckage. It was a call like so many late night calls she had gotten in the seven years she'd been Provincetown's year-round doctor. She and Reese had responded to any number of the same calls over the time theyd been a couple and were used to working together. It had all seemed so routine the night before, but then that's how so many life-altering events began--as something so ordinary. And now, she was waiting while her lover's future, and possibly her life, hung in the balance.

  “ Just a few weeks ago we found out about the baby. Torys voice broke on the words. “Now

  "Tory," Bri whispered softly as she edged closer on the sofa, alarmed by the tears leaking from beneath Tory's closed lids. Tentatively, she placed her hand on the weeping womans shoulder. "She's going to be okay."

  Tory struggled with the rush of emotions, but she was so tired and so terrified and before she could stop herself, shed turned into the warm body next to hers. Bris arms came around her and Tory held on, pressing her face to the strong shoulder as she wrapped one arm around Bris waist. She felt a soft cheek against her hair and the whisper of breath against her ear as she let the tears come.

  “ Shell be fine, Bri murmured, pulling her close.


  When Nelson Parker arrived at the hospital and asked for the whereabouts of his deputy sheriff, he was directed to a room in the intermediate care unit on the second floor. The door was closed when he arrived, and looking up and down the hall, he saw no one around. Carefully, he pushed the door open and peeked in.

  The room was dim, and at first all he could make out was the single hospital bed in the center of the room holding a sheet-covered form. His gaze drifted to the small sofa tucked into one corner, and his eyes widened. His daughter sat with a woman cradled in her arms, her chin resting on the top of the tousled auburn hair. He and Bri stared at one another for an instant, and then he slowly closed the door.

  Nelson leaned with his back against the wall and replayed the image in his mind. He kept being reminded every few months how little he understood of his daughter. Bri was his child; he remembered a million images of her growing up, the kind of snapshot moments he supposed most men had of their children. But he didnt know who she had become. In fact, he didnt have any point of reference to even imagine who she was. Victoria King was one of the strongest women hed ever met, and his daughter was in there holding her, sheltering her, it looked like. He felt inexplicably proud.

  The door opened softly, and Bri stepped out. “Hi, Dad.

  “ Hi, Bri, he said gruffly, his throat a little scratchy. “Hows Reese?

  “ Shes been asleep since they brought her up here, maybe two hours ago. The doctors are supposed to look at her again soon.

  “ Sheuhshe pretty sick?

  Bri swallowed hard. “Yeah.

  “ Christ, he growled. “Hows Tory taking it?

  “ Shes worn out. Shes been asleep, too.

  “ You okay?

  Im fucking scared out of my mind. Bri looked away. “Yeah.

  Nelson squeezed her shoulder with one huge hand, then slid his arm around her and pulled her close. He hugged her for a second, amazed as always by her solid strength. “Reese is tough.

  “ Yeah, Bri said. Shed never leave Tory. But people do, dont they? We lost Mom.

  Bri stepped away. “I oughta get Tory some lunch. She forgets, and you know--with her being--you know. Reese would be pissed if we let Tory get sick.

  “ You go back in, Nelson said quickly, jumping at the chance to do something, anything, remotely useful. He did not want to walk in there and see Reese on the edge. He didnt think he could take it. “Ill get her a sandwich. That would be good, right?

  “ Yeah. And juice. Juice seems to be okay.

  “ Great. Got it, the Sheriff said as he hurried away.

  Bri glanced at the clock down the hall at the nurses station. Almost three p.m. She thought about calling Carre. Carre would tell her that Reese would be fine, and make her believe it. Carred always been able to do that--make her see the light in the dark, no matter how bad it seemed. She closed her eyes, leaned her head back against the wall. I wish you were here. I wish you knew how much I need you.

  After a minute, she opened her eyes, straightened her shoulders, and slipped back into the room.


  Reese opened her eyes, blinked, and focused on the faces leaning over her. The surgeon was closest to her, her dark eyes opaque, her austerely handsome features expressionless. Tory stood across from her. Focusing on those tender green eyes, Reese smiled. "Is this the only show in town?"

  A flicker of joy flared in Tory's eyes, the first sign of happiness in hours. The corner of her mouth lifted in a soft smile. "Apparently, Sheriff, youre it."

  "Its good to see you," Reese whispered, lifting her free hand, which Tory immediately grasped. Then, Reese turned toward K.T. O'Bannon. "How do things look, Doctor?"

  "Stable," K.T. said, her gaze on Reeses arm. Then she seemed to reconsider. "Actually, a bit better than that. I think the cellulitis has receded and the swelling is a little less."

  "I guess that means you and I won't be getting together then."

  K.T.'s dark eyes rose to meet the deep blue ones. She smiled faintly. "I guess not." The she glanced across Reese's body to Tory and said quietly, "Can we speak outside?"

  Tory looked as if she were about to object, but Reese squeezed her hand reassuringly. "Go ahead, love."

  After a seconds hesitation, Tory nodded. "I'll be right back."

  Once outside, Tory studied K.T., who leaned with one shoulder against the wall, waiting for her. The surgeon wore only hospital scrubs with no lab coat. Her beeper was clipped to the right hip and several pens protruded from her breast pocket. She was still lean and faintly tanned. She looked much the way Tory remembered her, with only a few added lines around her eyes to mark the passage of time. She was still heart-stoppingly beautiful, with that same dangerous glint in her eyes, as if she knew it. Looking at her, Torys memories of their years together were clouded by the mists of half truths and lost dreams. The emotions that had once been so achingly close to the surface whenever she thought of K.T.
s smile, her touch, were gone. Uneasily, she asked, "What is it? Did you see something that worried you when you examined her?"

  "No, nothing like that," K.T. clarified quickly. "I just wanted you to know that I'll be here for another twelve hours. If there's any change, call me. I'll come take another look."

  "Thanks, K.T. The relief almost made her dizzy. Maybe the nightmare really was over. “I appreciate you spending so much time with us. I know how busy it gets when you're the only one on call."

  "That's okay." K.T. shrugged. Then, her voice pitched low, she added, "I'm glad things turned out this way. As much as I love to operate, I'm glad I didn't have to this time."

  "So am I. I know you werent happy when I wanted to wait."

  "The two of you would have been hard to take on."

  Tory smiled. "Reese is not someone you want to challenge at any time, even when she's flat on her back."

  "I haven't seen her at her best, and I believe you." Uncharacteristically, K.T. looked away for a heartbeat, and then brought her eyes back to Tory's. "I still miss you."

  Tory's lips parted in surprise. They hadn't seen each other since separating nearly seven years before. The first few years after that had been agonizingly difficult. They'd been through medical school and residency together, and Tory had planned on a lifetime with her. When all that had changed, she'd lost faith in love and even worse, in herself. First she had regained her identity and sense of purpose by establishing her medical practice in Provincetown. Shed rebuilt her life while keeping her heart locked safely away. Then Reese had come along and made it impossible for her not to believe in love again. Reese had brought hope back into her heart, and because of Reeses love, her life was filled with joy and promise.

  "Take care of yourself, K.T.," Tory said quietly. "I need to get back to her."

  As Tory turned away, the deep, sensuous voice she knew so well murmured, "If I called you, could I see you?"

  Without looking back, Tory softly replied, "No."

  Then she walked through the door and let it swing closed behind her.


  "Everything okay?" Reese asked as she watched her lover approach. Shed been fading in and out for what felt like days, but she remembered realizing who the surgeon had to be. Torys ex-lover. Do you still hurt, love?

  Tory pulled a chair close to the bedside and lowered the rail that separated them. She placed both hands around Reese's below the intravenous line, lifted it, and pressed her lips to the top of Reese's hand. "Everything is wonderful.

  “ OBannons your K.T., right?

  Tory stiffened slightly, then shook her head gently. “No, honey. Not anymore.

  “ Youre all right?

  “ I am now. Youre better. Tory lifted Reese's fingers and brushed them against her cheek, then turned her face and kissed each one. “How do you feel?"

  "Like I've been on maneuver for four days straight in a swamp somewhere without water. My head hurts, my insides are empty, and I don't think I could stand up if the room was on fire." Reese grinned weakly. "But compared to this morning, I feel like a million bucks."

  "You're going to be fine."

  "I can think a little bit clearer now, and I seem to have most of the feeling back in my right hand. Im just so damn weak."

  Youll get over this. You have to, because I need you so much. Tory closed her eyes as a sudden rush of the emotions swamped her. Then she couldn't stop the tears, even though she wanted to. "Oh, god, Reese."

  "Tory," Reese whispered. "It's okay, love."

  "I was so scared," Tory murmured, her eyes still closed. "I don't know how I would manage without you. I can't even imagine..."

  "I love you. I will not leave you. Reese moved their joined hands until her fingers touched the tears. “Besides, we have a baby coming, and I intend to be there for every second of the fun."

  Tory leaned closer and rested her head against Reese's shoulder. “Fun. Ha. But her spirits lifted at the sound of Reeses steady heartbeat beneath her cheek.

  “ I cant wait. Reese wrapped her free arm protectively around Torys shoulders and held her as close as she could. "You should go home, love. You need to get some rest. Especially now."


  "Tory, please. Everyone agrees I'm going to be okay, and I don't want anything to happen to you. Please."

  "Later. I promise, I'll go home in a little while." She lifted her gaze, her green eyes still swimming with tears. "I just need to be with you a little longer. I need to feel safe again."

  Okay," Reese said softly, her fingers stroking Tory's face. "Okay, love. Whatever you want. Always."

  They both jumped as a knock sounded at the door. Then it slowly swung open and Bri peered around the corner. Her face lit up when she saw that Reese was awake. "Hey! You okay?"

  "Yeah, pretty much. Come on in."

  Suddenly shy, Bri came slowly forward until she stood on the side of the bed opposite Tory, her hands in the front pockets of her low-riding jeans. "I'm glad you're okay."

  "Me too, kiddo." Reese smiled. "You know, I seem to remember you managed to find some food earlier. Any chance of repeating that trick?"

  "Sure, if it's okay." Bri looked to Tory questioningly.

  "Now that we know she's not going to need surgery, I don't see any reason she can't eat. I'll check with Jill Baker. She's the attending."

  "How about Bri huts down some hoagies, and by the time she gets back, we'll have our answer?" Reese suggested. You look ready to collapse, love. Hoagies will have to do until I can get you to go home.

  "You mind, Bri?" Tory asked.

  "Hell, no. Anything as long as I don't have to eat what they have in the hospital cafeteria."

  They all laughed and Bri hurried out.

  "She's been here all day," Tory said quietly. “Nelson was here earlier, too.

  “ He see Bri? Reeses eyes fluttered closed, and she fought them open.

  “ Yes. They seemed okay.

  “ Good. Im glad Briwas here for you.

  "She's been great. It's hard to believe that she's not a kid anymore."

  "Yeah," Reese agreed. "She is and she isn't, you know? She's not a kid, but she's stillso damn young." She sighed and closed her eyes. "I'm a little...worried...about her."

  "Rest for a little while, honey. I'll wake you when Bri gets back with the sandwiches."

  "Maybe just for a few minutes," Reese murmured as she drifted off into healing slumber.

  Chapter seventeen

  A week later, Kate Mahoney looked up from the newspaper and regarded her daughter with amused consternation. "Reese, darling, I don't think that's exactly what Tory meant when she said you should rest today."

  "If I rest anymore, I'm going to be comatose," Reese complained as she awkwardly pried open a can of primer with her left hand. The right was tucked into a sling across her chest. She wiped her hand on her faded fatigue pants and glanced at her mother in frustration. "I've been home from the hospital for four days, and I'm perfectly fine. If there were any real paperwork to do, I'd beg Nelson to put me on desk duty. But until the end of the month, there's hardly enough of that to keep him busy in the office."

  "I know you're bored," Kate sympathized. "But somehow, painting a room does not seem like resting."

  "It's therapy. She said I could use my hand."

  "No. What she said is that you could start gentle strengthening exercises. I doubt very much that includes wielding a paintbrush."

  "Did Tory assign you to spy on me?" Reese regarded her mother with faint suspicion.

  "No," Kate said with a laugh. "I just happen to like your company. I know once the season starts, you're going to be too busy even to visit."

  "Shouldn't you be working in the gallery? Don't you have paintings to hang or something?"

  "The gallery is in good shape. Jean is taking care of everything." Kate smiled benignly. "I have absolutely nothing on my schedule."

  "I'm not going to do anything foolish. Reese stirred the paint and sighed. “
I don't want anything to keep me from getting back to work as soon as possible."

  "Tory said it would be a month," her mother reminded her gently.

  "It needs to be a little sooner," Reese said determinedly. "The stitches will be out in another week, and there's no reason I can't start getting some of the strength back in my arm now."

  "If you use it too much, too quickly, you'll just prolong the swelling."

  Reese raised an eyebrow. "Is the house bugged? Tory said something just like that this morning."

  "No, but I lived with your father for fifteen years, and I've seen my share of physical injuries. Marines tend to get banged up a good deal, as you may recall."

  For a moment, silence descended between them.

  "I suppose I'm as bad a patient as he was," Reese muttered. "Do you think we're a lot alike?"

  "Only in the sense that neither of you were ever willing to admit there was something you couldn't do." Kate looked away, a distant expression in her eyes.

  Reese leaned back on her heels and asked softly, "Do you hate him?"

  "No," Kate replied without hesitation. "I don't like him, but I don't believe he ever did anything to intentionally hurt you . Hurt me, yes. But not you. That I would never forgive."

  "He never tried to understand you."

  "I doubt that he could. He couldn't change who he is anymore than I could."

  "He could learn to accept some things," Reese said with a hint of bitterness in her voice.

  "Like the fact that his ex-wife and his daughter are lesbians?"

  “ Maybe. Reese's smile was brittle. "Or maybe just that there are more ways to live than his way."

  "I won't defend him to you, Reese. Not when he took nearly twenty years that I might have spent knowing you."

  Reese drew a long breath. "Tory thinks I should tell him about the baby."

  "Do you want to?"

  "I don't know." Reese leaned her shoulder against the wall and rubbed her eyes. "I'm not sure what the point would be. He hasn't accepted my relationship with Tory, so he certainly isn't going to accept our child."

  "Perhaps it isnt his acceptance, but your telling him that matters."


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