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Radclyffe - Safe Harbor 02 - Beyond The Breakwater

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by Beyond The Breakwater (lit)

  "Then tell her all those things." Tory waited a beat, and then continued softly, "I have faith in you. Both of you."

  Chapter Thirty-six

  Bri parked her motorcycle in the narrow driveway and walked up the steps to the front porch. The door opened and she was face to face with her father.

  “ Hi, she said quickly.

  “ Hey, Bri. Nelson made a motion with his head toward the interior of the house. “You want to come in?

  “ Yeah, sure, Bri said, following him into the living room. She rocked uneasily from foot to foot. It had been almost two months since shed seen Carre.

  “ Hi, Bri, a soft voice said from somewhere quite close by.

  Bri jumped, startled, and looked toward the stairs from the second floor. Carre stood halfway down, dressed in a scoop-neck black Lycra top and hip-hugger bluejeans. A thin silver belt of interlocking links was looped around her waist. The end trailed down one thigh.

  Bris mouth was suddenly dry. “Hi, ba...Carre.

  Nelson cleared his throat. “So, you two doing anything interesting?

  “ Uh, Bri said, her eyes devouring Carre even as she stood rooted to the spot, “I was wondering if youd like to go to the movies? Theyre showing Bound again at the Cinema Arts, and I know youve seen it, but

  “ Id love to go, Caroline said quickly, coming down the stairs and crossing the small room to Bris side.

  “ Uh-huh. Bri lifted a hand, automatically reaching for Carres, and then stopped. Softly, she said, “We should go.

  “ Okay, Carre replied, her eyes holding Bris.

  Nelson coughed, then said heartily, “Well, you two have fun. And be careful.

  Once outside, they walked to the motorcycle and climbed on. When Carre wrapped her arms around Bris waist from behind, automatically sliding warm palms over Bris stomach, Bri shivered and dropped the keys. When Carre tightened her hold and rested her cheek against the back of Bris leather-jacketed shoulder, Bri spoke without turning around. “You look beautiful.

  “ You look great, too.

  Bris entire body twitched as she felt Carres hot breath against the back of her neck. Then she put one leg down and leaned over, groping on the ground for her keys. When she found them and managed to get them into the ignition with shaking hands, she said, “Hold on.

  She couldnt hear Carres reply as she started the engine.

  “ Oh, dont worry, I will.


  After the movie, Carre asked, “Do you want to walk on the beach?

  “ Okay.

  A few minutes later they reached the waters edge, not far from the tumbled-down pier where Bri had sat that night with Ashley. It was Carre who broke the silence. “Hows work?

  “ Good, Bri said quickly. The nights were cold by the water, even in summer, and Bri removed her jacket and draped it around Carres shoulders. “I like it.

  Carre turned, snuggling into the jacket, luxuriating in the heat left behind by her lovers body. “So youre glad about the decision that you made? Carres voice trembled slightly with the question.

  “ Im glad that I went to the academy when I did. Cautiously, Bri placed her fingertips very lightly on either side of Carres waist beneath the bottom of the jacket. “Im not happy about leaving you, though. Im sorry for screwing up.

  “ Have you been seeing anyone since youve been here? Carre spoke quietly, so quietly that her words were nearly carried away on the night wind.

  “ No. Not once, Bri replied vehemently. “I love you, Carre. I wont ever hurt you again. I promise.

  “ Ive missed you so much, Bri, Carre said softly.

  “ I love you, babe. Do you believe me?

  “ Ive always believed you.

  “ Is it enough? Bri was holding her breath.

  Carre turned her face and pressed her lips to the spot where she could feel Bris heart pounding beneath her cheek. “I always thought it would bebefore. Im not sure now. But well find out.


  Tory had just awakened from a nap on the couch when Reese walked in. Smiling, Reese leaned down and kissed her softly on the mouth. "Hi, love. How are you doing?"

  "Other than feeling like a narcotized whale, I'm doing just fine."

  "You don't look like a whale," Reese commented as she lifted Tory's feet, sat down, and settled her lover's legs into her lap. She began to massage Tory's feet.

  "Are you trying to seduce me?"

  "Do I have to try?"

  "No. Tory nudged her heel between Reese's thighs, eliciting a groan from her. "To tell you the truth," Tory said somewhat irritably, "I feel like sex, but I'm not sure my body is up to it."

  "Whatever you want, whenever you want. You're the boss." Reese leaned sideways until she was reclining next to Tory, taking care to support herself on one arm so that she didn't put her weight on her lover's body. "This is enough for me." As she spoke, Reese ran her fingers over the swell of Tory's belly, and then brushed lightly over the curve of one full breast. “You get more beautiful every day. And when I feel the baby move, its just about the most thrilling thing Ive ever experienced.

  "This is heaven," Tory murmured. "But once in a while, Sheriff, I miss the wild sex."

  Reese laughed out loud. "I need to shower. Then what do you say we get in bed and see what happens?"

  "See? I knew you were trying to seduce me."


  When Reese emerged from the shower, she crossed to the bed and reached for the bedside light.

  "Just turn it down low, but leave it on," Tory murmured. "I want to see your face.

  "Okay," Reese said softly and slid beneath the sheets.

  "You know what I love about sex with you?" Tory said pensively.

  "What?" Reese asked, her eyes fixed on her lover's. Tory's expression was both whimsical and tender.

  "You don't hold anything back."

  "I love you with everything I am," Reese whispered, gently resting her palm on the arch of Tory's hip. "You own me."

  "Mmm. I love that about you, too." Tory nestled her cheek in the bend of her arm and ran her other hand over Reese's abdomen. "I want to watch you come," Tory said steadily, running her fingertip between Reese's breasts, then fleetingly over her nipples. She gave a murmur of satisfaction as they hardened to her touch.

  "Aren't you tired?" Reese was having trouble keeping her breathing steady or her legs still as Tory caressed her.

  "I said I wanted to watch ." Slowly, deliberately, Tory drew Reese's fingers down the center of Reeses body and between Reese's thighs. "Okay?"

  Reese's lips parted with a soft groan as Tory urged her to touch herself. Throat tight, Reese murmured, "I said anything you wanted."

  "I want."

  Tory kept her fingers lightly in contact with Reese's so that she could feel Reese move. Her own heart beat faster, watching the tension grow in Reese's face. Beneath her palm, Reese's hand circled gently. "Are you hard?"

  "Christ, yes." Reese found it almost impossible to talk. It wasn't as much the pleasure spiraling from beneath her fingers, but the look of hunger in Tory's eyes that fueled her excitement.

  "Slow down," Tory said softly.

  "I don't...think I...can," Reese said through gritted teeth. The muscles in her stomach danced in anticipation. "Oh God, Tor. It feels so good."

  "Make it last," Tory urged. She enjoyed watching the pleasure ripple through Reese's body too much to end it too quickly. "You're so beautiful right now."

  "I come," Reese gasped desperately, her vision dimming. “Can Icome?

  "Hold on as long as you can." Tory shifted her fingers lower, gliding over Reese's fingertips as Reese fondled herself. "Tell me when you're coming."

  "Soon...oh, soon."

  "Wait...wait, baby."

  "Tory," Reese cried sharply. Her eyes opened wide, then the pupils flickered rapidly as her limbs grew rigid. "I'm gonna come."

  "Yes, sweetheart," Tory murmured as she slid into her in one single motion. "You are."

  Reese chok
ed out a cry as she flung her head back, forcing the orgasm on with each frantic stroke of her hand. When it seemed the convulsive contractions were almost over, Tory withdrew nearly completely and then entered again, setting off another round of spasms.

  Dimly, Reese heard Tory's voice close to her ear. "Again?"

  "I can't, I can't." Sweat streaked Reese's face as she pressed her cheek to Tory's breast. She still cupped herself with her palm, but Tory had withdrawn. "God, I'm wasted."

  "I adore you. Tory pressed her lips to Reese's forehead, then drew her lover's head back to her breast. “Now go to sleep, sweetheart."

  With a sigh, Reese slid her arm over Tory's hips and closed her eyes, doing as her lover bid.


  A little after midnight, Bri walked Carre to the door of what she now thought of as her fathers house, not hers.

  "Can I see you tomorrow night?" Bri asked, grasping Caroline's hand as she leaned back against the porch post.

  Carre stepped closer until she was nearly between Bri's legs. "I'd like that."

  "Carre," Bri whispered just before she kissed her. The kiss was nearly as tentative and tender as the first time she had dared to put her mouth on Carre's skin. Their thighs brushed lightly, and they joined fingers, clasping hands as their lips met.

  Slowly, Carre pressed closer until the front of her body pressed against Bri's, her hips sheltered between Bri's thighs, her pelvis rocking softly in time with her slowly thrusting tongue. She whimpered quietly and Bri moaned.

  Abruptly, Bri broke off the kiss and pulled her head back. "Babe," she whispered urgently. "I have to stop."

  "We're just kissing," Carre teased gently.

  Bri shook her head. "You feel too good. I'm too excited. I want to save it."

  "For what?" Carre tilted her head and studied Bri's handsome face, dark now with tension and desire.

  "I want the first time we're together again to be special," Bri whispered, resting her forehead gently on Carre's.

  With a small cry, Carre wrapped her arms around Bri's waist and pressed her cheek to Bri's shoulder. "I love you."

  "I love you," Bri whispered. "So fucking much."

  Carre ran her fingers lightly along the edge of Bri's jaw. "I should go in. Be good, okay?"

  "You mean I can't go home and take care of myself?"

  "I'd rather you waited for me," Carre replied, her voice soft and low.

  "Does it count against me if I come in my sleep?"

  Carre seemed to give this some thought, her smile widening. "Depends on who you're dreaming about."

  "Babe," Bri answered seriously, "I only dream of you."

  Chapter Thirty-seven

  When Reese stopped by the clinic to pick Tory up after her half day shift was over, Randy was nowhere in sight, so she walked through the door that led to the examining rooms and Tory's office. As she passed an open room on her right, she automatically glanced in and saw Dan Riley bending over a woman lying on the examining table. Reese stopped abruptly, her pulse suddenly racing. The woman was Tory.

  "Tor? Are you all right?" Reese walked around the far side of the table and grasped Tory's right hand. "What happened?"

  "Nothing," Tory said quickly. "I had a bit of a headache, and Dan insisted that I lie down."

  "Headache." Reese said the word very calmly as she studied Torys face. Inside, the roaring in her head was making it hard for her to think. Headache, visual disturbances, protein in "Did you call Wendy?"

  "It's not necessary. Tory shook her head and sat up on the side of the table. “My pressure hasn't changed. It's just an ordinary headache. It happens." She spoke very slowly and kept her eyes fixed on Reese's. "Sweetheart, everything is fine."

  Finally, Reese shifted her gaze back to Dan, and he nodded slightly before speaking.

  "Her pressure's high, but no higher than what she tells me it's been for the last few weeks." He smiled, the kind of smile doctors give patients to reassure them. "Buther shift is over, so I recommend an afternoon of taking it easy. I think that will probably solve the problem."

  "Well, that's what well do then," Reese said, forcing a smile of her own. “Lets go home, love.

  Tory kissed her, then said, "Let's call Kate and Jean and invite ourselves to dinner tonight."

  "That sounds like a great idea."


  "Go to work, Reese," Kate said. "It's almost time for your shift. We'll drive Tory home."

  "Okay," Reese said, "if you're sure. Tory?"

  "Its fine, sweetheart. I'll see you later at home."

  Reese frowned faintly. "Don't wait up. It'll be after midnight before I get back."

  "Then wake me up," Tory murmured as she put her hand behind Reese's neck and pulled her head down for a kiss. "Now get out of here, Sheriff."

  Kate waited until Reese had left, then tilted her head and asked kindly, "Is something wrong?"

  "Do you and Jean have any plans to be away in the next few weeks?"

  "We were going to go to Jean's brother's for fourth of July weekend. He and his family live near D.C." Kate rested her hand on Tory's knee. "Is there some reason we should cancel?"

  "I hate to ask you," Tory began hesitantly.

  "What is it?"

  "Hopefully, nothing," Tory said with a small sigh. "I'm having just a bit of a problem with the pregnancy, and I might go...early." Tory explained while Kate listened calmly.

  "Could this be dangerous?" Kate asked when Tory had finished.

  "There's probably nothing to worry about but...Kate, in case anything were to...happen to me, Reese..." Tory's voice trailed off, and she had to wait a few seconds before she could continue. "Reese would need help for a while."

  "Tory," Kate said tenderly, taking both Tory's hands in hers. "We're not going to let anything happen to you. You or the baby. But no matter what, I promise that Reese will be fine. This time, I'll be there for her."

  "Thank you, Kate. For everything."


  Bri raised her head and whispered, "Did you just hear a car?"

  Carre, who reclined between Bri's legs on the sofa, murmured breathlessly, "No. Don't stop."

  "I think Reese is home," Bri insisted, sitting up a little. "Besides, if we keep making out like this, I'm going to have some kind of serious nerve damage. I'm walking around permanently hard."

  "I could fix that, but you keep saying no." Carre slid her hand under Bri's T-shirt and let her fingers drift just below the waistband of Bri's jeans. She smiled at Bri's swift intake of breath and the rapid tensing of the abdominal muscles. "So it's your own fault if you're suffering."

  At that moment, Reese walked in. "Hi, you two. Tory asleep?"

  "It was all quiet when we got here about ten," Bri announced as she and Carre bolted upright.

  "Good. Reese headed for the stairs, ignoring their frantic rearranging of clothing. “I'll see you in the morn--"

  The phone rang and, turning back quickly, Reese grabbed for it. "Conlon."

  She was silent for a few moments, and then said, "You are actually closer to me than the Sheriff's office. Why don't you come here."

  Reese recited the directions and hung up the phone. She turned to Bri and said, "That was Ashley Walker. She says she knows where our firebug is."

  "Holy shit."

  "What's going on?" Tory asked from the top of the stairs.

  "Nothing," Reese said quickly. "Just a call from work."

  "Do you have to go back out?" Tory, in a loose top and baggy sweats, descended to the living room and made her way into the kitchen. She opened the refrigerator, drew out a carton of orange juice, then pulled a glass from the dish drainer by the sink. "Hi, Caroline. How are you?"

  "Just great." Carre smiled brilliantly, resting her hand on Bris thigh.

  Tory watched Reese check her watch for the second time, and repeated, "What's going on, sweetheart?"

  "We might have some information on the arsonist. Ashley Walker is on her way over."

  "Really." T
ory did some quick calculating. "Can I talk to you out on the deck?"

  "Of course," Reese said immediately.

  Once outside, Tory turned to Reese and said, "Will you tell me what's happening after you talk to Ashley?"

  "Will you promise to go back to bed and try to get some sleep if I do?"

  "God, youre difficult." Tory's voice was a mixture of frustration and tenderness. "Yes, I promise. As long as you promise to come home unscathed."

  Reese pressed her lips to Tory's forehead, and then her mouth. When she drew back, she whispered huskily, "I promise."

  "Then we have a deal," Tory said as she rested her cheek against Reese's shoulder. A moment later, she said softly, "I think that was the doorbell."

  A moment later, Caroline walked out onto the deck carrying Tory's sweatshirt. She was wearing Bri's leather jacket. "Do mind company while they're talking?"

  "No," Tory replied with a smile as she reached for the sweatshirt. "Thanks, sweetie. Now...what's on your mind?"

  "Bri hasn't said anything about me living with her when I finish school," Caroline said in a small voice.

  "Do you want to?"

  "Of course. I love her. I've always wanted to live with her."

  "Have you told her that?" Tory asked gently.


  "Why not?"

  Caroline was silent for a long moment. "I guess because...I'm still mad at her for making plans without me. For leaving me alone for the last four months."

  "Then you two have some more talking to do." Tory brushed her fingers over Caroline's cheek. "Don't wait too long, sweetie. Time is precious."

  The sound of the sliding doors from the kitchen opening caught their attention as Reese came out and said, "Bri and I are going in to work in a bit."

  Caroline got up suddenly and started toward the house, Tory's words echoing in her mind.

  Chapter Thirty-eight

  "What is it?" Tory asked as she sat up on the lounge chair, making room for Reese next to her.

  "Ashley Walker has been running deep background checks on everyone in Morris's family, as well as his wife's. She turned up something on an Internet search tonight."


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