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Radclyffe - Safe Harbor 02 - Beyond The Breakwater

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by Beyond The Breakwater (lit)

  "I can't believe I slept more than twelve hours."

  "You needed it." Tory softly stroked the length of Reese's thigh. The silence stretched between them, and finally she said gently, "I know you were trying to protect me."

  "Yes." Reese found Tory's hand and linked their fingers. "Are you still angry?"

  "Mostly still scared."

  With effort, Reese rolled onto her side, ignoring the shaft of pain that started in her breast bone and penetrated through to her back. In the pale moonlight, she could just make out Tory's face, luminous in the silvery shadows. "I told you I wouldn't take any chances, and I didn't. I wore the vest."

  "I know," Tory whispered. "And we both know if it been a few inches higher, it could've been your throat."


  "It's just that I love you so much," Tory murmured. She kissed her with the gentle, tentative touch of a first kiss, amazed at how precious their love still felt. "Can you tell me about it now?"

  "Tor," Reese said tenderly. "You might not want--"

  "I want, Reese. Knowing is always better than wondering."

  After another kiss, Reese proceeded to outline the morning's events. She spoke concisely, as if she was giving report, until she reached the point where she went through the door. Then her tone grew guarded.

  "When I was first hit, I wasn't entirely certain what had happened." Reese's voice trailed off, and for the first time, she considered her words before speaking.

  "Go ahead, sweetheart," Tory said gently. "I'm okay."

  "I couldn't move, and I couldn't get a breath, and I wasn't sure how badly I was hit."

  Tory struggled to keep her voice even. "Were you frightened?"

  "Not for me, so much," Reese said quietly. "I was worried about Bri, because I couldn't see her. I was worried about you, because--"


  "I didn't want to leave you alone." Reese sensed Tory tremble and moved closer to her. “You know I never would, right?

  "I know that," Tory whispered, blinking back tears that she didn't want Reese to see.

  "When I finally realized I was pretty much okay, the only thing I could think of was that I didn't want an officer showing up at our door, because I knew what you would think."

  "If you're hurt," Tory said firmly, "I want to know about it."

  “ I dont want anything to upset you. Not now, Reese admitted fervently. "I just want us to get through the next few months, and for you and the baby to be all right."

  "We will be." Tory kissed Reese again. "I promise, sweetheart."

  As Reese sighed and closed her eyes, Tory desperately hoped that she could keep her promise.


  July, Provincetown, MA

  “ I dont think spending the evening in town is exactly what Wendy meant by bedrest, Reese said pointedly. She was in uniform, having stopped home in the middle of a Saturday to see how Tory was doing with her new routine.

  “ She didnt say strict bedrest, Tory pointed out irritably. She got up from the couch and started to pace. “She didnt even say bedrest . What she said was rest at home.

  “ I know what she said, Reese said, leaning against the counter and trying not to raise her voice. “She said your blood pressure had edged up another five points, and it was time for you to cut back on everything .

  “ Ive agreed not to work for the rest of my term. I cant be any more sedentary without risking a psychotic break.

  Reese felt like she was living with a ticking bomb. The visit to the obstetrician two days before had scared the hell out of her. The preeclampsia was worsening, and Wendy said that they couldnt wait the full term. As soon as there were clear signs of fetal maturity, Tory would need a Caesarian section.

  “ I know you wont take chances. Reese rubbed her cheek against Torys hair, then kissed her temple. “But its going to be a mad house with the fireworks at the monument tonight.

  “ I feel fine, sweetheart. Since I havent been going to work this past week, my pressure has really settled down. I dont have any new symptoms. Lets just go out tonight, okay? I promise just for a little while.

  “ Sure. Reese wrapped her arms around her lover from behind.

  “ I promise Ill let you do all the shopping and the barbequing for the Fourth of July, okay?

  Reese laughed. “Now theres a deal.

  Laughing, Reese stepped away, collected her keys, and headed for the door. One she had gone, Tory stretched out on the couch with a sigh and put her feet up. She hated to admit how tired she was, even to herself. Within minutes, she was asleep.


  Reese slid in behind the wheel, started the engine, and pulled out of the department parking lot. Glancing at Bri, she asked, “Are you and Caroline pretty much settled in the new place?

  Bri grinned. “Other than the fact that we dont have any furniture, were doing fine.

  “ So youre all right with Paris?

  Bri shrugged. “It still...scares me some. But I love her, and I know she loves me.

  “ You must be really proud of her.

  “ Yeah, I am, Bri said, meaning it.

  Reese watched the road, scanning passing cars, checking out the yards that they passed, looking over the pedestrians crowding the sidewalks. “Have you heard from Ashley or Allie?

  “ I talked to Ashley the day the final report on the shooting was filed. She said she was headed back to Rhode Island. Bri grinned. “She also said she expected to be around a fair amount this summer, because Allie is going to be stationed permanently in Wellfleet.

  “ Huh. Guess that worked out too, then.

  The radio crackled to life, and Gladys voice filled the car. “Reese?

  “ Go ahead.

  “ Theres an emergency call for you. Its Tory.

  “ Patch her through to my cell phone, Reese said sharply, pulling the mobile from her belt. It rang an instant later, and she snapped it open. “Tor?

  “ I just called the paramedics, Tory reported, her voice tight. “Im having some bleeding.

  “ Ill be right there. Reese tossed the phone onto the seat, flicked on the lights and siren, and slammed her foot down on the gas pedal.

  Chapter Forty

  When Reese careened into her driveway, the EMT van was already there. The door to the living room was open, and as she pushed through, the paramedics were just strapping Tory onto a stretcher. Just seeing Tory like that made Reeses stomach twist, and for one terrible second, she thought she might be ill. Then, Tory turned her head, their eyes met, and everything inside of Reese settled.

  “ Hey, love, Reese said gently as she reached for the hand that Tory extended. “How are you feeling?

  “ You need to call Wendy, Tory said urgently. “Shes going to need to talk to whoever is on call at the local hospital, because I cant make it to Boston.

  " Tell me whats going on so I can tell her .

  Tory bit her lip and squeezed Reeses hand so hard that the band on Reeses ring finger pressed painfully into the bone.

  “ Tor? Reese asked, trying unsuccessfully to keep the panic from her voice. “Baby? What is it?

  “ Im having...some pain.

  Torys face was white and her skin clammy.

  Reese looked at the two men. “I think we need to hurry here.

  “ Dont worry, one of them grunted as he pulled open the back of the ambulance. “Well be flying in just a minute.

  Once the EMTs had Tory secured inside the van, Reese knelt by Torys side on the corrugated floor, one hand cradling Torys head and the other gripping her hand. Within seconds, they were rocketing east on Route 6.

  “ Put the fetal heart monitor on now, Tory instructed the EMT.

  “ Let me get you lined up first, he said calmly.

  “ Check the babys heart rate first . Tory gasped as another wave of pain began. “Hurry.

  “ Sure, Doc. Just try to relax, okay?

  “ Then call ahead and tell themyou abruption coming in.

  The EMT hesitated, his
expression darkening. “You sure?

  Tory gritted her teeth and sweat broke out on her forehead. Finally, when the cramp passed, she gasped, “Yes.

  “ Tory, Reese said urgently. “Whats happening?

  “ I Tory clenched her jaws as another wave of pain coursed through her abdomen. “I think the placenta is separating from the uterine wall. Thats whats causing the bleeding.

  Neither of them spoke for a moment as the EMT situated the external fetal heart monitor. The seconds it took for him to get a reading seemed endless. “Heart rates normal.

  “ Watch it carefully for decelerations, Tory instructed as she drew a shaky breath. She looked into Reeses eyes and said, “Theyre probably going to have to section me quickly, especially if the babys heart rate drops.

  “ Can we wait for Wendy? Reese asked hoarsely.

  Tory shook her head. “We could try to wait, but theres a danger for the baby if the hemorrhage worsens.

  “ What about you? Reese whispered, her insides so tight she could barely breathe. Its you, Tory. Only you. Youre my heart. My soul.

  “ Ill be okay.

  Reese had never been so scared in her life. She had to rely on what Tory was telling her, because she didnt understand what was happening.

  “ Theyve called the OB guy to come in, the EMT reported as he pulled a syringe and medication vial from the red tackle box that contained his emergency drugs.

  “ What is that? Tory asked.

  “ Mag sulfate.

  “ Whats it for? Reese questioned.

  The EMT hung the drip. “Helps prevent seizures from the hypertension and premature labor.

  Seizures. Jesus Christ. Reese thought her head might explode. “What about her blood pressure?

  “ As soon as I get this drip going, he said calmly, “Ill give her a dose of nifedipine. That should take the edge off.

  “ No, Tory said forcefully. “Not until were in the emergency room. If my pressure drops and the baby becomes hypoxia, we need someone who can section me stat.

  “ Youre still bleeding at a pretty good rate. He regarded her solemnly. “That might settle down some if your blood pressure were a little lower.

  “ Well be there soon, wont we? Tory asked, her face tightening as yet another wave of pain began to crest.

  “ ETA 6 minutes.

  “ Then we wait.

  Tory closed her eyes, trying to gather her strength. Reese lifted her lovers hand to her lips and held a kiss against the pale skin. The only comfort she could find in the nightmare world of the rocking van was the steady, rapid beat of the fetal heart monitor.


  The instant the EMTs shoved the stretcher through the double doors into the emergency room, both men started shouting.

  “ ...placental abruption...hemorrhage...hypertension...thirty-three weeks...OB stat

  A tall, thin balding man in a white coat approached on the run. “Im Dr. Saunders, the emergency room physician. I called the OB attending. He should be here in forty-five minutes.

  “ That might be too long, Tory gasped. “Is there an OB resident in the house?

  “ A second year, the ER physician advised. “Not senior enough for what you need. I consulted the in-house general surgeon, just in case.

  “ Im expecting her obstetrician to call any second, Reese stated as several nurses assisted the EMTs in moving Tory to a gurney. “When I tried to reach her earlier, I got her service.

  “ Fine. We'll alert the operating room to prepare for an emergency Caesarean section. I've called in the pediatric intensivist from home.

  “ What have we got? a deep voice questioned from behind Reese.

  Reese turned as K.T. OBannons dark eyes fell on Tory. “Shes bleeding, Reese murmured quietly, almost choking on the words.

  K.T. nodded to Reese, then leaned over the bed and briefly ran her fingers over Torys cheek. Gently, she said, “Hi, Vic. I thought it had to be you when I heard that a pregnant doctor was coming in. I always seem to be on call when you roll in.

  “ Just your luck, Tory whispered.

  “ Whats the situation?

  “ I think Im getting ready to deliver this baby, Tory gasped, her green eyes almost all pupil, her brow running with sweat. “Im bleeding pretty rapidly.

  “ Pressures up there too, K.T. murmured as she quickly scanned the monitors surrounding the bed. She glanced at the OB resident, a freckle-faced, blond-haired boy who looked to be about fifteen, as he hurried up to the bedside. “Can you give me a status check on the baby?

  With a surprising degree of aplomb, the young man dragged over a portable ultrasound, checked the monitors, and did a quick evaluation. “Cant tell the extent of the abruption. Fetal heart rates good with no dips, though. And theres movement.

  Reese rapidly searched the faces clustered around Tory, frantically trying to decipher the medical shorthand. Sharply, she asked, “What does that mean ?

  “ It means the babys alive, the resident said flatly.

  Reese felt as if shed been shot. It took her a second to get her breath. “You mean theres a chance it might not be?

  “ With a moderate to severe placental abruption, the fetal mortality rate is very high, the resident dutifully reported.

  “ Christ, will you shut up, K.T. snapped. “All I want you to do is stand here and monitor the baby. If you see a problem, tell me. Otherwise, I dont want to hear anything from you.

  Purposefully, she turned partly away from him and looked steadily into Reeses eyes. “The babys fine. The babys going to be fine as long as we keep a careful watch on things.

  “ What about Tory? Reese clutched the bed rail so hard her fingers ached. In a strangled voice, she repeated desperately, “K.T., what about Tory?

  “ Im not going to let anything happen to Tory. K.T. angled back to Tory. “We may not be able to wait for a phone consultation with Wendy. You ready for that?

  “ Yes, Tory said, struggling with pain and fatigue and fear. “K.T...can you do this?

  “ Of course I can, K.T. said with absolute certainty. She tilted her chin toward the OB resident. “Ill bring Junior here along for back up.

  “ Then go ahead. Tory closed her eyes.

  “ I wont let you down, Vic, K.T. murmured. Then she gestured to Reese and said in a low voice, “I need to speak with you over here.

  Reluctantly, Reese released Torys hand, stepped away from the stretcher, and followed.

  “ Ill have to take Tory to the operating room very soon, K.T. reported. “She could start bleeding more heavily at any minute, and thats not only a risk to her life, but to the babys.

  “ Okay, Reese said hoarsely. “Whatever you need to do.

  K.T. nodded. “Good. Ill need you to sign the consents.

  Rees e complied, then walked on wooden legs back to Torys side. “I love you, Tory.

  Torys lids fluttered open. She smiled softly. “Youve given me everything Ive ever wanted, sweetheart. Ifif I

  “ Dont. Reese stopped her with a kiss. When she drew back, her blue eyes were calm. “Were not saying good-bye. Not now. Not ever.

  “ I lov

  “ Weve got a dip in the fetal heart rate, the OB resident called out.

  “ Thats it, K.T. said firmly, grasping the bottom of the stretcher and propelling it out of the small cubicle as the resident grabbed hold of the other end. “Lets move, everybody.

  Reese ran beside the gurney, trying to hold Torys gaze. Her lovers eyes were clouded with pain and worry. The elevator doors slid open, most of the people piled on along with the stretcher, and Reese was forced to step back.

  When the doors closed with a quiet swush, she was left alone in the suddenly still hallway. She had never felt so empty in her life.

  Chapter Forty-one

  Kate stood in the doorway of a small waiting room down the hall from two windowless, gray metal doors marked with a red sign that proclaimed No Admittance - Labor and Delivery. Her daughter sat alone, head bowed, face hidden in her hands

�� Reese? Kate said softly as she approached. “Honey?

  Reese looked up, her eyes hollow pits of pain. “Mom?

  Kate slid onto the vinyl sofa beside her daughter and put an arm around her waist. “They told me downstairs that Tory was in delivery. Any news?

  Reese shook her head. When she spoke her voice was rusty, as if she hadnt used it in a long time. “What are you doing here?

  “ Bri brought me. She and Caroline are outside in the hall.

  “ Im glad youre here, Reese whispered. “Theyve been in there half an hour. Shouldnt theyshouldnt something have happened by now?

  “ Im sure theyre all busy, honey. Her voice was gentle now as she slowly rubbed her hand up and down Reeses back. “It doesnt mean a thing.

  Reese met her mothers gaze. “I dont want Tory to die. I dont care about anything elsegod, not even her voice broke, her eyes flooding with tears. “Shed hate me if she knew.

  “ No, honey, Kate murmured. “She wouldnt. Tory would understand. I know she loves you that much, too.

  “ But shes all I can think about

  “ Its natural for you to fear for your lovers life. Theres nothing to feel badly about.

  Reese cleared her throat, making an effort to focus. “Did you say Bri was here?

  “ Just outside with her girlfriend. Kate stood. “Shall I get them?

  “ Yes. Thanks.

  A minute later, Bri and Caroline entered.

  “ Hey, Bri said quietly, stopping a few feet from Reese, her hands in her pockets.

  Caroline leaned down, kissed Reese on the cheek, then settled close to her on the couch. She rested one small hand lightly on Reeses forearm. Gently, she asked, “Any word on Tory and the baby?

  “ Not yet.

  When Caroline linked her fingers through Reeses, Reese held on gratefully, then met Bris eyes. The young officer looked worried but steady, and Reese found her familiar presence a comfort. “Thanks for bringing Kate.

  “ No problem. Bri didnt know what the hell to say. It made her insides turn to water to see Reese looking so scared and trying to pretend she wasnt.

  Caroline must have seen the edge of panic in Bris expression, because she held out her other hand. “Sit down, baby.


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