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Bad Apple

Page 3

by Wren Michaels

  “Something wrong, dear?” Queen Miriam asks.

  “No,” Darien chokes out. “Good....meat.”

  A giggle escapes me, and I jerk back my hand. I pray he takes that as an invitation after breakfast.

  “Snow White, I have arranged for a carriage to take you back to your cottage this eve. While we've enjoyed having you here for the last few weeks, I would imagine you're ready to get back home now that your sister is take care of.” Queen Miriam gives me a smile shrouded in apathy.

  Darien whips his head in the direction of his mother. “So soon? The wedding only happened yesterday. Surely Snow wouldn't mind staying a few more days as things settle down? Plus all the fanfare that Marcus and Rose will have to do with the Kingdom now that he will be accepting the throne. The people will expect Rose's sister to be at her side as she becomes queen.”

  Queen Miriam glares at Darien. Disgust fills her eyes, and it thrusts me back against my seat as they penetrate my soul. “Marcus has decided to abdicate the throne. Rose will not be queen.”

  Darien looks from his mother to his brother with wide eyes. “Is this true, Marcus?”

  Marcus glances up from his plate, stopping mid-shovel of eggs into his mouth. “Um, yes.”

  “But why?” Darien shakes his head. “The people love you. You would make a great king. I thought this is what you wanted.”

  Marcus drops his fork to his plate, letting out a long sigh. “I thought we weren't going to discuss this until after the honeymoon, mother.”

  Queen Miriam fidgets in her seat, folding her hands across her lap. “Now's the perfect time, dear son. We do need to let the people know I will be continuing as their ruler. Since you married a commoner, you cannot take the throne. Only if you marry of royal blood are you allowed to be king.”

  I suck in a gasp and dart my gaze around the room. Darien's eyes fill with confusion, drowning his ice-blue eyes in dull gray. Marcus' blaze with fury, and Rose places a hand on his shoulder to calm him.

  Marcus sneers at Queen Miriam. “You will never address my wife as a commoner, mother. She is my wife. Rose Red. And there's nothing common about her.”

  Rose looks to me from across the table, and a hopeful smile curls at the ends of her lips. “Actually, Snow, I wanted to talk to you about the cottage.”

  “What about it?” My breakfast sits in my stomach like a rock, waves of nausea splashing against it like a churning storm.

  Rose tosses a glance to Marcus before returning her gaze to me. “Marcus and I would like to live there. Neither of us feel right living here in the castle. We'd like a nice, quiet life back at the edge of the woods, where we feel at home.”

  Relief washes through me, and the swelling storm in my stomach eases. “Of course! I would be happy to have you both live there with me.”

  Rose bites her lip with pause. “That's the thing, Snow. I think it would be best if we live there....alone.”

  “Oh.” My lashes flutter as I blink back the sting of tears. “I see.”

  She thrusts her arm across the table and clutches my hand in hers. “You are more than welcome to live there with us until you find a new place. I just think it would be better for us to live there, than here in the castle. And that cottage would be far too much for just you to live in by yourself. You'd do nothing but clean all day and talk to your plethora of wild life. You need to get out. See the world, Snow. Perhaps we could help you find a nice house here in the kingdom.”

  I choke back my breakfast doing its best to make a resurgence. “That....sounds nice.”

  Darien places a hand on my shoulder. “Snow, why don't you stay here in the castle?”

  I tuck my head, not wanting either of them to see my tears. “I...I don't know if that's a good idea.” A multitude of thoughts barrage my head—from my lost innocence to the ever growing urges and need to be with Darien, to my sister thrusting me from my home to be with her husband. “If you'll excuse me.”

  I dart from the table. A clatter rings out behind me as Rose and Darien rush after.

  “Snow, wait!” Darien calls out. Rose juts to his side, but is held back by his arm. “Please, let me try and talk to her?”

  Rose nods and heads back into the dining hall. I force down the bile singeing my throat as I stare at him, unable to hold back the tears any longer. He slides a hand along my cheek, brushing away the tears.

  “Snow, I was serious when I made the offer. Don't go. I want you to stay,” he whispers, locking onto my gaze.

  I grab him by the shirt with both hands and yank his face to mine. Our lips mash together before I part them with my tongue in search of his. I need him. I need reassurance of his feelings for me. His return kiss swallows me whole as he thrusts his hands into my hair. An ache wells between my legs, and I press myself against him, fumbling my hands down his chest to find his cock. Slipping my hand into his trousers, his hardness greets me as I brush my fingertips over my prize.

  He gasps into our kiss, separating our union as he pulls back. “Snow, we're in the hallway. Someone will see us.”

  “I don't care. Take me there, Darien. Take me to that place where nothing else matters but you and I joined together as one. Fill me.” I stare into his bewildered eyes.

  He shakes his head. “You amaze me, Snow. You're nothing like I thought you would be.”

  I jerk back my hand and drop my head. “You don't want me?”

  He clutches my face with both of his hands. “I want you like I've wanted no other before. We just can't do it here, out in the open in the light of day. Let me take you properly in my bed and make love to you until you're spent.”

  “I can't wait that long.” I slip from his grasp and yank his cock from his trousers. He is stunning. Erect and throbbing, his penis is even more beautiful than Marcus'. And I want it. Dropping to my knees, I wrap my mouth around it.

  Darien slams his hands on the wall, holding himself up as he releases a stunned gasp. “Snow,” he chokes out, yet fails to stop me.

  One of his hands drops to my head, curling his fingers into my hair as I pull him further into my mouth. Tightening my cheeks and tongue around him, I move him back out in a slow languishing movement as I remember Rose doing. His back arches, and a hiss shoots over his clenched jaw.

  “Snow, if you continue I won't be able to stop. Please, I beg of you, let me take you to my bed.” He swallows hard and grips my head with both hands.

  “No,” I whisper and slide him back into my mouth. Massaging my tongue over the length of him, I wrap my hand around the base of his shaft. The balls hanging at the back intrigue me, and I cup them in my other hand.

  Grunts echo in the hall as he struggles to control himself. “Snow, you're going to make me cum. You need to stop.”

  I continue on my mission. His cock twitches and tenses against my tongue. So I suck harder, tighter against him until my cheeks strain and my tongue tires. He thrusts his hands against the wall once more, holding himself up as his hips rock in rhythm with my mouth. Spasms rip through his cock, and a salty warm liquid squirts across my tongue.

  As it hits the back of my throat, I force back an unexpected gag at the shock of the experience. But I continue to lap his seed up with a hunger I've never felt. His heavy breaths weaken his body, and once rigid legs wobble. Groans work their way through each labored wheeze of his chest.

  I pull back and wipe a dribble at the corner of my mouth on my sleeve. He breaks into laughter as he tucks my prize back into its garment cover, and a sadness fills me. Dropping to his knees, he pulls me to his chest and slams his mouth against mine.

  He works his tongue deep in my mouth, as if he wants to taste himself on me. Cradling my head with his hands, he holds me like a doll as he makes love to my mouth. The fervor of his kisses will be my undoing. I cannot get enough of them.

  He breaks the kiss that feeds me life, reassurance, and love, pressing his head to mine. “For God's sake, Snow, what were you thinking?”

  “Did I do it wrong again?” I blin
k, looking up at him through my lashes.

  He stares into my eyes. “I don't think you could ever do anything wrong. You were magnificent.”

  Rose and Marcus appear from around the corner. “Is everything alright?” Rose asks.

  Heat floods my cheeks, and Darien shields me from their prying eyes. “She's fine. We'll be fine. I'm going to take her to her room to rest. I think she had far too much wine last night and is suffering the effects today.”

  “Snow, do you need me?” Rose asks. “Can I help you?”

  I shake my head and wiggle from Darien's arms. “I just need to lie down.”

  Rose smiles and offers me a hand, helping me up. Darien rises from the floor, stroking his fingers along my back.

  “You missed a spot,” Rose whispers as I pass, pointing to the corner of my lip. She slaps a hand across my ass, takes Marcus by the arm, and they head toward their own bed chamber.

  Chapter Four

  My mind swirls as I think of ways to keep Snow here in the castle with me. If she leaves now, devastation will claim my soul. At first I thought Marcus a fool to abdicate the throne for a woman. But I understand now the power the right woman holds over you. But Snow, she'd make the perfect queen. She would rule this land with kindness, generosity, and our kingdom would prosper.

  Ever since father died and mother took charge, our once fertile lands have been sold off to neighboring kingdoms to keep mother's cellars filled with gold. Instead of protecting our borders, she sells them to our enemies. We needed that union with Marcus to take place with the princess of Everwood in order to secure our borders. And when he got cold feet and ran, mother sold them the last bit of fertile land to avoid conflict. Some days I think she did it on purpose.

  But because I am the youngest, I am not in line for the throne until after my brother. Though now that he's decided not to rule, if I marry a princess I will be king, and I can repair what mother has broken. And now I lay torn, as Snow is not a princess. Once I am king, I will rid us of that ridiculous law. The irony—I'd have to marry someone other than Snow in order to change it. Anger slices through my heart at the very thought.

  I guide Snow back to her bed chamber, my cock already rearing to life again after her little surprise in the hallway. She amazes me. So innocent and naive, yet filled with a voracious hunger for the flesh. She drives me mad, and I want to spend endless hours showing her the wonders of her body and mine. I love her soft nature, so caring and kind. Her reputation through the kingdom is untarnished, a true angel. Yet an awkward wit to her first caught my eye that day in her manor. Rye humor lay buried under that shield of purity, harboring a volcano of curiosity and lust. She is an enigma.

  I lean to place a kiss along her neck, but the shrill cry of my mother's voice knifes through me, and my cock shrivels.

  “Darien, a word please,” she says from behind.

  Sucking a deep breath, I release it in a terse huff. “Snow, if you wouldn't mind, I'll come find you later. We can finish the...discussion we started.” I cup her hand in mine, dot it with a kiss and toss her a wink, hoping she understands my hidden meaning.

  She nods with a twinkle in her eyes as she purses her gorgeous red lips and heads down the hall to her chamber.

  “Yes, mother. What vexes thee now?” I fold my arms and lean against the wall.

  She drops her clasped hands against her stomach. Emotionless violet eyes stare at me from under her cowl, hiding her mousy brown hair. “First thing in the morning you will see to it Snow finds other accommodations. If you don't, I will. The wedding feast is over. We have royal issues to tend to, and we don't need a commoner endlessly roaming the halls. Not to mention causing”—she clears her throat—“distractions.”

  I shake my head with a snort. “Of course you'd call her a commoner. Is she nothing else to you? Her name is legendary throughout this kingdom. Full of warmth and kindness. She's done much for the starving families in our kingdom. That's more than I can say for you. You take away their food. She gives it back to them. Do you not see what you're doing?” The words spew over my lips, stinging like acid. I cannot stop them. I don't want to stop them. For the first time in my life, I have something worth fighting for. Snow gives me the strength I need.

  “You're nothing but a boy with your head in the clouds.” She shakes her head with pursed lips.

  “I am far from the boy you still think of me as. I'm well fit to rule this kingdom. I'm more of a man than father was at this age when he took the throne.”

  “I make the hard decisions no one else can. We're still alive because of me. Our kingdom hasn't been taken over because of me.” Her eyes narrow, hiding the rage that fills them. “Watch your tongue, Darien. Son or not, I will not tolerate your insubordination.”

  Disgust toils in my gut. “Just what will you do, mother? Hestor's no longer alive for you to make deals with. Do you have another sorcerer to do your bidding?”

  A laugh pops from her throat, echoing through the castle halls. “You know not of which you speak. Keep up your accusations, and I guarantee you will not like the results.” She turns, heading for the throne room. “By dawn, Darien. Or I take matters into my own hands.”

  Her boots pound against the stone, making a triumphant exodus. Heaviness buries my heart beneath layers of fear and regret. If I give up Snow, maybe I can save the kingdom. If I give up the kingdom, lives will undoubtedly be lost. But I'll have Snow.

  My hands clench, digging nails into my palms until my skin turns as white as Snow's. Anger boils in my veins. I know what I have to do.

  I must make love to Snow. I must show her my love, and fill her with everything in me. For it will be the last time I'll ever get to do so. Mother was right about one thing; part of being a ruler is making the hard decisions other people can't. I just pray Snow will not think less of me. In my heart of hearts, the Snow I know and love would tell me to choose the people over her.

  In a fury, I rush the halls and make my way to her bed chamber. With heavy pants of air wheezing out of my lungs, I knock on her door. It creaks open. Her stunning brown eyes capture mine, and I instantly rethink my choice.

  “Darien, are you alright?” She pulls me inside the room, wearing only a shift, and slams the door shut with a thud.

  I bite back the words. I'm not ready to tell her just yet. Right now, I need her. Nothing else in the world, just her and I. No Marcus. No Rose. No mother. No choices.

  Her eyes train over my body, filled with concern and confusion. “What's wrong?”

  “Nothing, sweet Snow. Nothing.” I run a hand through her hair before resting my palm against her soft cheek. “I hope I didn't make you wait too long.”

  She bites her bottom lip and dips her head. “I think I know of a way you can make it up to me.”

  A chuckle pops from my throat as I shake my head. “I have a pretty good idea what that way may be. Oh, Snow. I have so much more I want to do to you.”

  She spins from my arms and drops her chemise to her ankles. Turning her head, long raven locks drape her bare shoulder as she glances back at me. I stare at her naked flesh. Last night in the tunnel darkness shrouded us. Now, in the bright morning light, I see her for the first time.

  Her gorgeous hair stops right before her rounded hips. She clings to the oak bed post and eases herself around. The pink of her breasts stare back at me. I swallow hard over the lump wedged at the back of my throat, blocking my words. My gaze traverses the length of her, stopping on the beautiful patch of hair between her legs. All the air in my lungs lunges out of me in a gasp.

  “Why are you still clothed?” She tilts her head as a coy smile weaves over her lips.

  “Because I cannot take my eyes off of you. Words fail me. They would do no good anyway. There are none to describe you, Snow. Gorgeous. Stunning. Beautiful. They pale in comparison to how my eyes see you. How my heart feels for you. But perhaps with actions, I can show you.” I rush her and sweep her into my arms, squashing her breasts against me.

ushing my lips over hers, I sweep her mouth, telling her things with my tongue that I cannot say. Soft moans fill our kiss, and my feisty Snow works hard to get me out of my clothes. Hating to unlock our lips, I step back to undo the last of my trousers.

  “I finally get to see all of you, too.” She stalks around me like a tiger eyeing its prey. “I like this part best.” She drags a finger the length of my cock, which stands at attention waiting to pleasure her. “But, I also like this part.” Her hands palm the width of my torso. I fight back a smile itching to curl over my lips at her little game. “I really like these.” Gripping my hands, she pulls my fingertips to her lips and kisses each one. “They do so many good things to me.” She makes one final walk around me. “But I like this part most of all.” Pressing her lips to my chest, she kisses my heart. It fills with sadness and love at the same time.

  The lump returns to my throat as I fight back choking emotions attacking my head and heart.

  “What about my lips?” I ask, forcing a smile over the ache in my heart.

  “They are not part of you. They are part of me. They breathe life into me. They feed me words that can never be spoken.” She runs her hand up my chest before cupping my cheek. “They unlock true love's kiss.”

  I ease her backward onto the bed and hover over her body. Leaning forward, I brush my mouth against hers. Hard nipples graze my chest, sending a lightning bolt of arousal to my cock resting against her hips.

  “These lips can do so much more.” I look deep into her eyes that swallow me whole.

  “How so?” she whispers.


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