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The Anchor

Page 23

by B. N. Toler

  Joey gave me away, just as he’ll do for Edie when she and John marry. And I think he got a little emotional. When the justice of the peace asked, “Who gives this woman to be married to this man?” he replied, “I do,” with a choked up voice, melting my heart.

  Fucking Joey.

  Parker and I shared our first dance; I let Parker pick the song. When the DJ started playing Country Girl by DF Dub, I nearly donkey punched him, but after a few seconds the DJ scratched the record obnoxiously and started playing Prosthetic Love by Typhoon. He was instantly forgiven.

  As we danced, Parker sung the words to me, and when the song ended, he led me aside and motioned for Edie who quickly brought over a package wrapped in silver paper. She handed it to Parker and winked at me before scurrying away. That’s weird.

  So here we are as Parker hands me the package, an uncertain smile on his face. “A gift for my bride,” he says.

  I grin, wondering what on earth he could have gotten me. “I’m guessing Edie wrapped this,” I quip.

  He laughs. “Actually, I did.”

  “I’m quite impressed, Mr. Hayes.”

  “I’m a man of many talents, Mrs. Hayes,” he banters. I stop tearing at the paper and meet his gaze. I love hearing him call me Mrs. Hayes. I’m his wife. Damn, my heart wants to burst with happiness.

  “I love you, husband.”

  He gently runs his knuckles over my right cheek. “Fucking beautiful,” he whispers. Leaning down, he kisses me softly, and then says, “Open it.”

  I busy myself again and have the paper gone in seconds before ripping open the box. When I pull the tissue paper back, I freeze. Looking to him, he reads the question in my eyes.

  Running a hand through his hair, a look of deep uncertainty on his face, he sighs. “Edie told me. It took quite a bit of digging, but the Wakefield paper had a copy under announcements.”

  Tears form in my eyes as I move my stare from him and back to the gift. “Shit,” Parker murmurs. “I shouldn’t have gotten it. I’m sorry, Nik—”

  “I love it,” I manage with a hoarse voice. It’s a framed photo of my parents on their wedding day, the one that was taken from me so many years ago.

  His lips curl into a heartwarming smile. “You do?”

  “I love it because you knew what it meant to me and you found it for me.” I’m sure to some it seems odd I’d want such a thing with being estranged from my father and having never really known my mother, but I’ll treasure this. One day, our son will want to know about them and I can show him this photo. He can at least see their faces. And even though my father declined his invitation to our wedding, his secretary stating he would be out of the country, I’m not angry. Parker’s uncle, Paul, and his grandparents declined their invite as well. Their absence didn’t ruin our day, though. His parents and sister are here and his uncle, Winston, sent his best. And everyone that’s important to me is here as well. That’s good enough for me.

  His mouth quirks in a half smile. “I just want to make you happy.”

  I fling my arms around his neck and kiss him passionately. When I pull away, I smile against his lips. “You make me very happy, Parker Hayes.”

  “Excuse me.” The music stops and all eyes turn to the DJ booth where Joey stands with the mic. He’s wearing his best dress clothes and of course, his ball cap, with his hair sticking out. He looks adorable. Quickly, I wipe under my eyes, wondering what in the hell Joey is up to.

  “Nikki and Parker, can you come here please?” Joey requests and I look to Parker, but he only shrugs, clearly having no idea what Joey is up to either. We make our way through the crowd until we reach him where he now stands by a small table someone must’ve brought up to the dance floor.

  Joey turns to the crowd and says, “I gotta say, I’m so damn happy for these two. Nikki has been one of my best friends for a long time and I’m proud to say Parker is now one too.” Parker pats Joey on the back in thanks.

  Joey turns back to me, his expression falling from humorous to dead serious. “Nikki.”

  “Yes,” I snort, still trying to figure out what he’s up to.

  “Place your left hand on the table and raise your right hand,” Joey instructs me. I look at him like he’s crazy, but he insists, “Go on and do it.” I do what he says and he asks, “Nikki, do you love Parker Hayes with all your heart and soul?”

  I grin and glance at Parker. “Yeah,” I say, casually. “He’s all right.” Our guests all chuckle as Parker twists his mouth in amusement.

  “Answer the question, Nikki,” Joey presses.

  I look back to Joey and say, “With all my heart and soul.”

  Joey grins and nods once in acceptance and orders, “Keep your hands where they are.” Murmurs fill the room as everyone questions Joey, just like me. But Joey doesn’t stop to explain. After he sees my hands remain where he instructed me, he moves on. “Now you, Parker. Raise your right hand and put your left hand on the table.”

  Parker does as he’s told.

  “Do you love Nikki Reese with all of your heart and soul?”

  Parker glances at me, feigning uncertainty. “You better say yes,” I sass and our guests chuckle again.

  “Yeah, she pretty much owns me,” Parker admits and I stick my tongue out at him.

  “All right then. Keep your right hand up and put your left hand over Nikki’s.” Parker does so, and the crowd gets a little loud, chuckling heartily, wondering if Joey’s gone mad.

  “Folks,” Joey says, loudly, drawing everyone’s attention back to him. “I want you all to take a good look. This is a momentous occasion you are bearing witness to. This, right here,” he points to where Parker’s and my hands are joined, “will be the last time Parker Hayes ever has the last word or the upper hand.”

  The room explodes with laughter and hoots as Joey keels over in laughter. John rushes up to him and hugs him for his epic show. Parker is red in the face he’s laughing so hard. Me, I fight the laughter and scowl at Joey when he looks at me. And in the true fashion of a former beauty queen and mother-to-be, I flip him the bird.

  He runs to me and wraps me in a big bear hug as my laughter bubbles out. “He’s a lucky son of a bitch, Nik,” he tells me. “I’m happy for you.”

  When he pulls away, Parker and he do a weird one-hand shake, hug thing. We dance until my poor feet can’t take it anymore and laugh the night away and even though nothing turned out thus far in my life like I thought it would, I’ve never been happier. I have an amazing husband, a healthy baby on the way, friends I would do anything for—who would do anything for me as well—and now . . . I have a mother, father, and sister in the Hayes family.

  As we say our good-byes for the night, Parker and Dierk stand off to the side, chatting. When I approach, Parker is telling Dierk, “I appreciate you lending her the truck, man. We paid for the repairs and it should be back to you this week. We’re going car shopping next week.”

  I didn’t know this, but I don’t say so. I’m just happy to hear Parker having a polite conversation with Dierk. Then in the same well-mannered fashion he puts Dierk in his place. “Joey, Nikki, and Edie think a lot of you. I hope we can be friends, but you have to respect that John and I are with these girls. If you can do that, be respectful, that is, you’re always welcome in my home.”

  Dierk nods, his lips flat when his eyes find me. “I’m happy for you two. And Nikki and Edie are two of my oldest friends. I don’t want to lose that.” Then he reaches a hand out to shake Parker’s.

  As they shake, Parker announces, “Pencil us in for Thanksgiving next year. Nikki’s cooking.”

  I roll my eyes as Dierk snorts. Here we go again. “So you’re saying I should eat a big meal before coming over?”

  I lunge and pinch Dierk’s side and he winces as he laughs. Then he hugs me—an appropriate hug—and says, “Congrats, Nik.”

  “Thanks, Dierk.” As Parker and I walk out to the car, I squeeze his hand. He amazes me every day and what he just did with Dierk means s
o much to me. Dierk can be a dick, but there’s a good side to him, too. Hopefully John and Parker will see that one day.

  We stop on the dance floor where Maddie and Joey are dancing. Maddie looks elegant in her black dress, her long, dark hair twisted to the side. And Joey . . . well Joey looks like he’s got a hard on for Maddie and I’m not sure how Parker feels about it. He hasn’t said anything yet, but I’m wondering if that’s because he knows Joey hangs the moon in my eyes. We hug them both and say our good-byes.

  When we climb in Parker’s car to head home for the night, he takes my hand and kisses it. “I know it wasn’t your dream wedding.”

  But he’s wrong. I look down at my simple white cotton dress and breathe with ease. And a sense of calm washes over me. By all accounts, to some I’m a washed-up former beauty queen that got knocked up and had a shotgun wedding. To them I’m a walking cliché. Nothing like they imagined my life would be. Their illusion was of me in a satin gown covering my perfect body, the unattainable persona they admired radiating off of me, expensive flowers everywhere, and every person I’ve ever known in attendance. Our wedding was nothing like that dream. Rubbing my belly with my free hand, our healthy son kicking away, I sigh with contentment. “You’re right. It wasn’t,” I tell him, and he winces with my words. Then drawing his hand in mine, I lean in and kiss his warm lips.

  “It’s so much better.”

  Dear readers:

  You’re probably wondering . . . what happened with the baby? When will John and Edie get married? Does Dierk finally get welcomed back into the gang? What’s going on with Joey and Parker’s sister? Yeah . . . I know. It’s coming. I’m super excited and I can’t wait to share it with you.

  If you want to find out how the gang is doing, you’ll have to pick up Joey and Maddie’s story, coming in 2016. Title not yet decided. Joey is going to be an interesting character to write.

  Fucking Joey.

  Thanks to all who have given the Holly Springs series a chance. These books are meant to be easy reads that make you blush, smile, and laugh. I hope you’ve enjoyed Nikki and Parker’s story.



  So many people to thank. First, the Legion of Moist. Kim Holden, C.M. Foss, Gemma, Lindsey, and Amy…you ladies rock my world all night long like Lionel Richie. Thanks for listening to me whine about my struggles with this book. I love you all dearly. You guys make me…

  Dreama Boo, as always, thank you for being my friend, confidant, beta, and partner in crime. I love you to the moon and back.

  Meg Collett, our schedules were hectic and you weren’t able to critique this one for me, but it’s your voice I hear in my head as I write. You’re gift in writing inspires me. So even though you haven’t read this one, you’re still a part of it. Thank you for your friendship and honesty. I love you, sugar boo-boo.

  Marilyn with Eagle Eye Reads, thanks for not driving to Virginia and beating me. I know this one was a doozy. I truly appreciate your time and care. As always, you are awesome. Thank you!

  Tami with Integrity Formatting. Have I mentioned I bloody love you? Because I do. Your designs are always magnificent and you are beyond amazing. Thank you so much!

  To my readers…my cup runneth over. How lucky am I? Your reviews, messages, posts, and constant show of support makes this job absolutely epic. I am thankful for each and every one of you.

  To my family, Toler and kids, I love you all. Thank you for your patience and support.

  B N Toler lives in Virginia with her three rowdy children and gearhead husband. She enjoys warm weather, beaches, reading, and music.







  Table of Contents



  chapter one

  chapter two

  chapter three

  chapter four

  chapter five

  chapter six

  chapter seven

  chapter eight

  chapter nine

  chapter ten

  chapter eleven

  chapter twelve

  chapter thirteen

  chapter fourteen

  chapter fifteen

  chapter sixteen

  chapter seventeen

  chapter eighteen

  chapter nineteen

  chapter twenty

  chapter twenty-one

  chapter twenty-two

  chapter twenty-three

  chapter twenty-four

  chapter twenty-five

  chapter twenty-six

  chapter twenty-seven

  chapter twenty-eight

  chapter twenty-nine

  chapter thirty

  chapter thirty-one

  chapter thirty-two

  chapter thirty-three

  chapter thirty-four

  chapter thirty-five

  chapter thirty-six

  chapter thirty-seven

  chapter thirty-eight

  chapter thirty-nine

  chapter forty

  chapter forty-one

  chapter forty-two

  chapter forty-three

  chapter forty-four

  chapter forty-five

  chapter forty-six

  chapter forty-seven

  chapter forty-eight

  chapter forty-nine

  chapter fifty

  chapter fifty-one

  chapter fifty-two

  chapter fifty-three

  chapter fifty-four

  a note from the author


  about the author

  connect online




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