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New Sensations

Page 6

by Lee, Lenise

  After the valet made haste in jetting away in our little sedan, she and I wandered into the foyer of the conference room. I’m not sure why Rita was moving at a snail’s pace, perhaps she had knocked back a few too many beers on tap, but I was absolutely sure of the reason for my steady paced and careful strides. I was extremely sore in some very sensitive places. The muscles in my thighs were aching, my back was throbbing, my neck had a crook in it, and my – uh – kitten – was in a great need of another long and scorching bath to sooth away its tenderness. To my surprise, even as I eased my way from the sign-in desk where I was given one of those My name is…stickies and then over to the large circular table that we had been assigned to, I couldn’t help but to smile contently to myself. Despite the slight discomfort I was experiencing, my guy had given me one of my most intense orgasms to date. Even a quick reflection back on the exact moment of release, when my juicy female cum was pouring down his shaft, was enough to start my hot button thumping again as it swelled out.

  I shook my head and chased away the memory. New day, new start. I could already see that forgetting about that sexy man from Crystal Springs’ local night spot wasn’t going to be as easy as I had originally hoped. Or, maybe I just didn’t want to forget about him so easily. The small hickies on the insides of both of my mocha thighs had been delightful reminders of his sensuous playfulness. Jackson had indeed succeeded in ensuring that I had not lost any delicious memories of him when I awoke this morning.

  “Hey, girl, are you with us over there?” Rita questioned with one eyebrow raised up high.

  “Yeah, I’m good. I was just thinking about something.”

  “Whatever it was had you smiling like a Cheshire cat just now. Would it happen to have anything to do with last night and that young stud I saw you doing the country two-step with?”

  When had she seen me dancing with Jackson? I thought her own fellas had kept Ms. Rita occupied. I guess I was so wrapped in Jackson’s world and his big arms that I had drowned out everything else around me.

  I cleared my throat and relaxed my facial features before I answered in a calm, dismissive voice.

  “No, we had a dance and that was mostly the end of it.”


  I looked away and watched as more members filtered through the doors.

  “I think Ms. Janay isn’t telling her bestest friend in the whole world the entire story. You never did explain why we had to high tail it out of there like the roof was on fire.”

  “That’s because there is nothing to tell,” I replied without turning back in her direction.

  I know that wasn’t the complete truth but I honestly was not ready to share the lustful events of the night I fucked a stranger in dark corner. Even thinking of my time with Jackson in that type of manner was disturbing because that crude description did not quite fit how it all really happened. Yes, I really didn’t know him well, but our attraction was instant and our ease in one another’s company was natural. Our perfect in sync chemistry was undeniable and, although he was hard and rough when he was taking me against the wall, there was still the feel of tenderness and deep passion present, the kind that only two eternal lovers can have. I was the one who had decided to call a sudden halt to our thrilling evening when I fled in a panic and ran off into the night like some type of overzealous drama queen. Thinking back, I almost wished that I had stayed and was able to see where the rest of our night together would have progressed to.

  Another thought flashed like a hot poker stinging me. What if Rita and I weren’t as different as I had always perceived us to be? Maybe she was the better woman for not being afraid to express who she really was inside and what she really wanted out of life, love, and relationships while I hid behind a false facade of modesty. No, that wasn’t completely true. As long as I had known Rita she had always been a free spirit and as long as I had known myself, I had always been quiet and reserved. There was something alluring about Jackson Bryant and his enticing effect on me. His seductive pull was strong enough to coax me out of my safety zone and, thus far, he was the only man who had ever been successful at drawing out the carnal cravings masked within me. I wasn’t lying when I told him that my exaggerated euphoria last night was only for him. I doubt that another man would have been able to work me into new heights of excitement and risky behavior, as he had been able to with ease.

  “Yup, so you say,” Rita’s comment snapped me back to the present. “Anyways, the pickings sure are slim this time around.”

  Rita was right on point with that observation. The number of attendees since last year’s seminar had shrank by almost half. There were still several large tables that were wholly unoccupied. The male population was near close to zero and most of the men present appeared to be from the same company. Even though the guys were spread out amongst the tables, they were all dressed in similar business casual attire, pressed black slacks and blue polo tops embroidered with their company’s logo on the front.

  “Guess you’re not getting any tonight,” I tossed at Rita.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  I gave her a knowing look. Besides the fact that her comment about the lack of selection in the room was obviously referring to the limited number of men here, I had known this woman long enough to know that she was determined to have at least one fabulous roll under the covers before we left this state on Saturday afternoon.

  She chuckled to herself and rolled her eyes toward the podium.

  “Okay, okay, I admit that I’m trying to line up some possibilities. I don’t want you to be the only one who has a naughty story to go back home with.”

  I was glad that Rita was looking the other way because my eyes nearly jumped out of the sockets. I was seriously starting to wonder how much she really knew about what I had done last night. Her teasing was getting dangerously close to the truth regarding my encounter with a hot young man named Jackson.

  Rita and I were at the front table and our attention went over to the noise of someone fumbling at the stand. The speaker was a middle aged Caucasian man who was in fairly good shape and pleasing to the casual eye in his thin red V-neck crew sweater and dark dress pants. He cleared his throat over the microphone and the rumble of the audience died down. After giving a brief introduction of himself, the chairman of the of the national agency that hosted this event, and offering the customary ice breaker joke, followed by the customary bellowing of the audience’s laughter, he announced the theme of this week’s training events. The topic was curiously familiar to last year’s theme – crossing the generational gap. The man’s eyes wandered over to where Rita was a seating, arm folded in front of her on the table. She smirked up at him and his face lit up like a tree. When his eyes wandered further down her dress top, I already knew this was going to be an awkward introductory workshop, and possibly an even slower morning, than I had anticipated. I shook my head in disbelief that I was missing out on my joke of the day for this nonsense.

  Four exhausting hours later, after an over abundant number of meet-and-greets, networking sessions, and useless mini-shops on how to be trendy and hip, the group was excused for an extended lunch of our choosing.

  The morning hadn’t turned out to be all in vain. A very handsome Latino man with smooth butter almond skin had come over to Rita and I during one of the networking meetings and cheerfully introduced himself. His name was Alberto Santino and he was a contractor who was scheduled to begin a new project with our agency when we all returned back to the office next week. He had taken a later flight out and was just now getting around to picking us out of the crowd. He explained that because he was a contractor, he had to make his own accommodations for travel and lodging and that was the reason he had not been able to join us from the beginning of our trip.

  The three of us spent the rest of the morning snatching chances at having small talk and trying to get to know one another. Advertising was usually done within tight work conditions. The members of the team would be face
d with working long and stressful hours when a new project started up, so it was best to be on good terms with anyone who was picked to be your group.

  When lunch was called, Rita and I grabbed out handbags and floated toward the front of the hotel with Alberto in tow. As our small group made its way down the staggered stone steps of the front of the hotel, I surveyed two interesting observations. Alberto wasn’t giving Rita the type of attention that I was used to men adorning her with. In fact, he seemed to be more on the girlfriend side than on the guy friend side. I kept that thought to myself and stored it away for later consideration. Besides the fact that this was neither the time nor the place – nor any of my business, actually – to pose the question that was on my mind, my full attention was cut to the monstrous vehicle parked at the head of the circular driveway of the hotel.

  A shiny silver extended cab pickup truck was parked a few feet behind where the teenage valets were waiting for the next vehicle that they could race away with to arrive. The underframe of the truck sat up about six inches from the asphalt of the driveway. Stationed on the passenger side of the truck, leaning back against the door, the ankle of one long leg crossed over the other and burly arms folded over his big chest, was the man who I both longed to see and dreaded running into again.

  The shirt was a light beige this time, still rolled up past the crook of the elbow, the jeans were a shade lighter and fell down over tan colored boots, but the bowed straw hat dipped forward over his face was the same and so was the flutter in my heart.

  It was as though he heard my heart skipping against my breastbone. The instant I swallowed hard and held my breath for a long pause, Jackson Bryant lifted his head upward and blue jewels playfully danced over every inch of my face. I felt the air rush out of my lungs when his easy grin lifted up one side of his pink lips. I was becoming light headed and all of my nerve from yesterday had fleeted away. My feet wouldn’t budge one centimeter to move me closer to the place where my tempter stood calmly waiting for my arrival or one back step closer to retreat.

  My two companions had also taken note of the man waiting patiently and unmoving, like a chiseled piece of perfect Greco-Roman art, at the curb ahead. A swift flash of slyness crossed Rita’s green eyes and, not to my amazement, a look of interest also settled over Alberto’s brow as well.

  “Jae, it looks like you have been a naughty, you little minx,” Rita quipped in.

  All amusement aside, I remained stuck in place, unsure of how I would make the first move. I caught movement out of the corner of my eye and then realized that I didn’t have to. Jackson was making long and determined steps toward where my companions and I waited about five steps up from the sidewalk. His six foot plus height and brawny frame moved at a smooth and steady pace. His cool swagger, combined with my nostrils catching a whiff of his spicy cologne, was already starting to reke havoc on my hormones. I must have looked like a silly schoolgirl waiting for her boyfriend after class. I was helpless to stop the big grin that was plastered across my face or fight down the big knot of nerves gathering in my stomach.

  This would be our first meeting since our intimate encounter the previous night and I was at a loss as to what to expect from Jackson. Had he purposefully come seeking me out or had this unexpected reunion only been a coincidence? Was he here to see some other person – some other woman – and just happened to run into me standing here so awkward and confused and excited and horny all at once? After all, this was a public hotel and suites; there could be any number of other people he was scheduled to meet up with here on this particular day and right at this exact time when I would be exiting the building. As he approached closer, I became fairly certain that I could scratch out the last part of my rambling thoughts. His eyes, light like tinted quicksilver today, had locked in on me in perfect aim and put me at ease.

  Jackson halted his broad stride right in front of me. His large body was standing one stone step lower and yet he remained tall enough to be smiling down at me.

  “I knew I’d find you again, Miss Janay,” he grinned wide while he spoke.

  The blush crept into my cheeks but shyness was not the emotion that was washing through the nether regions of my body.

  “Yes, you did, Mr. Jackson…now what?” The urge to be cheeky with my reply was irresistible.

  He liked that feisty response. That telltale blaze was starting to kindle in his eyes.

  “Now I get to make sure you never run out on me again.”

  My pussy jumped. I liked his comeback more.

  Someone to my right let out a small cough and I snapped out of my trance.

  My eyes reluctantly abandoned his intense gaze, now settling down a few degrees, and floated over to where my companions waited. There were creased lines in their foreheads from eyebrows being raised almost back to the hairline. I suppose introductions were in order.

  I took a chance and reached out to lightly lay my hand on his shoulder blade as I pointed out each person in turn. I felt no hesitation or motion to flinch away from my small token of affection, and I considered that a good sign.

  “Jackson this is my friend and co-worker, Rita Kaye.”

  Cue the dramatics.

  Rita stepped from the sideline and made her way over a few inches closer toward Jackson. Big green eyes flashing, hair glittering in the early afternoon sunlight, body perfectly petite. She was truly liken to a picture off of a women’s fashion magazine. I could never find fault in Rita for being naturally stunning. I would, however, have to do so if she even attempted to lay one manicured finger on my man. Huh? Did I actually just consider telling off my best girlfriend over I man that I barely knew?

  “Howdy, cowboy,” Rita’s evenly coated red lips mouthed the words with practiced ease.

  She offered a crooked hand and waited for Jackson to take hold of it, as she was so often use to. Instead, to my great relief, he opted to raise his hat from the crown of his head and tip it forward in her direction.

  “Ma’am,” was the unruffled response he offered in return to her flare. His face remained even and expressionless.

  If I had a camera, this moment would have definitely been featured on one of those photo finish commercials. Rita’s jaw dropped down to her collarbone and her face tinted turnip purple. She snatched her hand back and angled it on her small hip.

  “Ma’am? Excuse me, but I am nobody’s ma’am.”

  Rita had become the picture of exasperation and she didn’t wear the look well.

  Since none of us were ready to deal with her antics, and I already knowing how far off the map Rita could take the direction of this conversation, I cut her short and moved on the next person waiting to be introduced. The appalled look splashed on her face was beyond priceless.

  “And this is my soon-to-be coworker and new acquaintance, Alberto Martino.”

  Jackson stuck his hand out to the other man without hesitation and Alberto returned the gesture with a firm shake of his hand.

  “Alberto, nice to meet you,” Jackson said as he nodded with an open smile toward his male counterpart.

  “Same here, Jackson.”

  Rita had remained speechless during the exchange but the instant she was about to form her lips to make a new sentence, Alberto chimed in this time and cut her off again.

  “Our little Janay here hadn’t told us she befriended such a nice looking man.”

  Jackson’s eyes widened a fraction, almost imperceptible to the naked eye, and then relaxed to their natural state again. He never lost that classically friendly smile while he listened and then replied to Alberto.

  “Chances are my pretty lady didn’t mention me because she and I only met up last night.”

  Jackson turned his sights on me and I could tell by the bass in his voice and the glint of passion in his eyes that he wanted to kiss me – hard and long – but I also knew that he wouldn’t be anything but a gentlemen with me while we were in public and especially in present company. I wasn’t sure of how I could be so certain of thes
e two notions; nonetheless, I knew that my hunches were right on point.

  “Ah, I see,” Alberto snatched a look over at me with a knowing smile. “I take it you two must have gotten along well?”

  “Janay and I sure did,” Jackson said as eased in closer under my hand on his shoulder and slipped his arm around my waist. He made sure to stare deep into my brown eyes as he said his next words. “That’s why when she ran out on me, I didn’t have any choice but to come lookin’ for her. I had to see my lady again.”

  Alberto made a high yelping noise and clapped his hands together.

  “¡Que linda! How beautiful! This reminds me of one of those novels I was reading during the plane ride over here.”

  Jackson and I snickered and grinned at his comment. At the same time, in the back of my mind, I felt like all of this was playing out all too well and I kept mulling over when all of this sweet attention might turn sour and fade away. For the time being, I pushed that dark possibility to the side. In all honesty, I was elated to see Jackson in person – and in daylight – and I wanted to make the best of this opportunity.

  “Jackson did you need to speak with me about something?”

  I still hadn’t found out the real reason for his surprising visit and was curious to hear his answer.

  “Actually, I did,” his face was eager, “I wanted to see if you were free to take a lunch break with me?”

  “Um, I not sure if I have enough time,” I answered while I started to dig for my phone, which had managed to shimmy down to the very bottom of my purse.

  I had no idea what time it was and we were only scheduled for a one hour lunch. I didn’t know where he might be planning on taking me and was hesitant to accept his offer if we would be returning past my allotted time.


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