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Taming the Tango Champion

Page 7

by Cait O'Sullivan

  “Although, now you ask, there are a few steps I cannot get right. I wonder if you would help me with them?”

  Ava tried hard not to laugh and snorted instead, water going up her nose to splutter from her mouth. Luca glared over, while Matthias stepped forward from the doorframe to allow the door to swing into place, and he into her view.

  “Ah there you are, Ava. I hoped you’d be here.”

  His outfit suited him. Dark green, thin-corded trousers with a white open necked cotton shirt loosely tucked in. As usual, he had the sleeves rolled up his biceps, revealing muscular arms and showcasing the width of his shoulders. The white shirt provided a great contrast to his South American coloring and her body reacted by warming pleasantly. But the expression on his face was what captured her most. Softness smoothed the edges, and his eyes smiled slightly at her.

  Any desire to laugh fled for the door. For two pins, she’d believe the tenderness in his eyes. What the heck was he playing at?

  Ava nodded, her mind whirling through the many kinds of possible torture ahead of her.

  “Now, you two being part of my own training group, I need to spend some catch up time with you, both together and separately.”

  She bowed her head to hide the tightening of her face as dismay gathered force.

  “First, I want to see you dancing the finalized routine, then we’ll break it down.”

  Ava was all thumbs but she managed to press play, and automatically started counting her steps, even before she was in Luca’s arms. After the day spent putting the final changes to the dance, they ebbed and flowed together without a mistake.

  Matthias clapped. How did he manage to clap in such an ironic way?

  “Good. It could be better.” He glanced at his Breitling, then addressed Luca, “I think it best to dance with Ava now, but I’ll check in with you first thing in the morning.”

  He walked to the door, opened it and held out an arm to Luca. “Thank you, Luca. You can have the rest of the evening to yourself.”

  Luca’s face fell, but he complied without question, something people usually did when Matthias did the ordering. Ava chewed her lip and gently massaged the back of her neck in a vain attempt to halt the stress rising. What now?

  The door closed after Luca and Matthias held a hand out. “Shall we?”

  Ava’s limbs refused to move. Facing the door, her feet ached to flee. “I’ll um…put on the music then.” She forced her feet to the stereo, hoping after a few minutes grace, the color in her face would diffuse.

  “I don’t mean dance.” His voice stopped her in her tracks.


  He strolled slowly over, and she shrank against the wall, folding her arms defensively. What did he want? He came within whispering distance and stopped. Leaning over to the stereo, he brushed her arm as he clicked the power off. The casual touch set the hairs at the back of her neck on end, yet she couldn’t move from his space.

  Matthias grinned, the knowing expression making his green eyes appear more golden.

  “Let’s get out of here, it’s a bit claustrophobic.”

  “No.” The faster they got this practice session over with, the better. And that wasn’t going to happen by going elsewhere.

  “You have a choice, Ava. We can practice here all night, or we can go somewhere different, hopefully a bit more inspiring, and get you home at a reasonable hour.” His eyes pinned hers until she nodded jerkily and went to fetch her boots.

  Go with the flow…

  Matthias held the door open.

  “This had better be good,” she muttered, sweeping past him.

  They emerged from the building and Ava turned right toward the station, only to be stopped by Matthias’s hand cupping her elbow.

  “This way.” He gestured to a waiting limousine.

  “Madam, Sir.” The chauffeur doffed his cap. Ava scrutinized Matthias, narrowing her eyes.

  “It will be fun.” Matthias appeared years younger, his seductive sincerity knocking years off him. What harm could it do? She gave a half shrug and sat into the car. Matthias settled opposite her, and gestured to a bottle of Champagne and two glasses.


  “Please.” Anything to help.

  Matthias poured two glasses carefully and handed her one before bringing his drink to hers. A delicate note chimed. For a brief moment when she took a sip, all was right in her world. Ava breathed deeply, allowing the champagne to soothe her frazzled soul and bit the inside of her lip to stop her from gabbling. She could be patient.

  * * * *

  Matthias glanced over the rim of his glass, his attention snagged on the rise of her breasts as she breathed deeply. Her previous skittishness had been replaced with something approaching calm. As always, Ava rose to the occasion, seemingly unfazed with the change of scene. Balmy weather beckoned from beyond the tinted window in the climate controlled car. Good. What he had planned wouldn’t work as well as he wanted it to if the weather turned cold.

  The car slowed down and turned into Battersea Park. After a few more turns, it purred to a halt. “Here we are.”

  Ava glanced around, a little frown playing between her eyes. “Here? Battersea Park?”

  The chauffeur held the door open for her, and she exited with a little shiver. Matthias came up behind her, and held his jacket out for her to slip into.

  Glancing disparagingly at it, Ava shook her head. “No thanks. I’ve got a feeling whatever you have planned will warm me up.” A flush started in her neck and took over her pale coloring. “I mean—”

  Matthias toyed with the idea of playing along and teasing her. But he didn’t want to scare her off. He held an arm out. He caught sight of a flash of blue dismissal, and he enjoyed her quick glance away as though she were thinking something she shouldn’t. She walked on ahead.

  “Which way?” She called over her shoulder.

  “Down here.” He caught up to her and they walked down a path lined with Dawn Redwoods. The sun lay low, sending tendrils of sparkling gold to dance through the deep green leaves, and the sky deepened to an orange hue. Ava’s stride slowed while she took the time to look from side to side, clearly enjoying the view.

  Matthias smiled at her, appreciating her enjoyment. He liked this park. Ever since he had moved in around the corner, he had spent quite a lot of time here. “We’re here.” He gestured expansively.

  “Here? What do you mean, here?” Ava tilted her head to one side, the little frown back. “This is the park.”

  “I know, chica. This is where we dance.”

  Chapter 7

  “What?” Ava’s voice rose and her eyes widened further.

  “Of course, you can’t wear your dancing shoes. I think bare feet may be more appropriate.” Matthias casually slung an arm over her shoulder and pointed at the bowling green.

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Over there is our dance floor.”

  She shook her head infinitesimally and scanned the area, her face scant inches from his.

  “Over there is the bowling green. We can’t dance there. They’ll kick us out.”

  “Why? For dancing? Don’t worry, chica, just relax and enjoy dancing in the open for a change.” Matthias smiled. Delight spread through him at her surprise, warming parts of him that he had forgotten existed. He dropped a very gentle kiss on her head, a light pressure he was sure she wouldn’t be certain she had felt. Hating to do so, he whirled her away from him before she could react. Her expression was sublime in its confusion, desire and haughtiness battling for supremacy.

  The glowing sky was mirrored in her eyes, mesmerizing him, but it was her expression which peeled away the tough layer around his heart. The sudden sound of a cello tuning up broke the moment. Turning around, Matthias couldn’t help but laugh to see the bandstand filling with casually dressed musicians.

  Ava’s hand flew to her mouth as her eyes widened. “Don’t tell me, you arranged this?” She glanced back, one eyebrow raised, am
usement clear in her wide smile.

  “A man’s got to do what a man’s got to do.” Matthias gave what he hoped was a mysterious smile. Who knows, Ava might just believe him.

  “Be back in a minute.”

  He walked quickly to the stand, pulling out his wallet. Surely, if they wouldn’t willingly play “The Blue Danube”, he could bribe them. Musicians were always struggling, weren’t they?

  Seeing the conductor, Matthias walked straight over, holding out his hand. The conductor shook it, his expression telling Matthias he knew exactly what he wanted. “I wonder whether you can help me. Can you play either ‘The Blue Danube’ or ‘Love Me Tender’?”

  “We can do both actually.” Pride showed on his face. “Let me guess, you’re going to propose?”

  Matthias smiled, while a crazy thought yelped great idea inside him. “We’re practicing for a dance show to be aired on television tomorrow night.”

  The conductor nodded, smiling. “Aye, go on. It’s nice to play for folk. We need to tune up though, and after that we’ll play ‘Love Me Tender.’”

  “You’re a gentleman, thank you.” Matthias shook his hand. “You know, if you’re good, we may be able to get you a gig on TV.”

  The conductor nodded, a skeptical expression on his face and flapped a hand as if to say be gone with you.

  Walking back, Matthias whistled a tuneless air, noticing Ava had discarded her shoes, putting them and her bag on a wooden bench. This was turning out much better than expected. A good omen for later, then, when hopefully she’d be discarding more than just shoes.

  “Right, bella, they’ll play our song once they’ve tuned up. Giving us time enough to get used to dancing in bare feet.” He reached down, slipped off his boating shoes and placed them beside Ava’s.

  “Come on.” He held out his arms and she moved gracefully into them, holding her head high, eyes wide and shining. A smiled played on her mouth.

  “Just count to yourself.” His mouth was tantalizingly close to her ear, and he fought the urge to gently blow the strand of vanilla scented hair that teased his lips.

  Discordant strains of music slowly came together, but Matthias concentrated instead on the complexities of dancing on the bowling green. He tipped his face to look into her eyes at the same moment the tuning-up stopped.

  A deep silence cast over the green, the kind that only twilight serves. People walking their dogs stopped, kids held their football, waiting and watching. It seemed even the birds in the blossoming trees held their tune.

  Matthias held Ava’s gaze, ignoring the stirring of his body. Enlarged pupils turned her eyes dark, and he wanted to lose himself in their deep navy promise. She blinked lazily and wet her lips. Kiss me. He lowered his head.

  Gentle music stalled him. The rising and falling notes of “Love Me Tender” encircled them, weaved through their bodies to enforce a closer hold. Without thinking, Matthias led Ava into the dance. Moving as though they had danced together all their lives, soon Matthias became lost in the performance—for Ava and the beauty of hope. Ava rose and fell in perfect accord with him, and together, they spun around the green with precision footwork, both natural and reverse turns, falling into place. With her in his arms, Matthias knew he could dance forever, as her feet automatically and assuredly found the right steps. He had supreme control of the floor, a firm hand at the small of her back leaving her in no doubt where to put her feet next.

  The romance of the evening sky, deepening to a velvet purple, and the scent of freesias dancing in the balmy breeze caressed his skin with the heady promise of kisses and love.

  * * * *

  Ava kept her head high, sweeping her gaze from over one shoulder to rest briefly on Matthias’s face, and carry on imperiously over the other shoulder. When she looked into his eyes, she caught a glimmer of admiration, combined with something too deep to decipher in the closing moments of the day.

  What was it about him that exacted such a precise response from her? Just like the night they had made love, his body seemed to converse with hers, locking her mind out. Her body, which acted like a shy teenager around his more experienced masculinity, allowed him to coax responses that she never knew she had in her, leaving her mind scrabbling for a hold. One circling thought rose to the forefront and demanded her attention.

  This was dangerous ground and she didn’t want to be here.

  Oh come on, where’s the harm. Give him a chance.

  Her body rejoiced and started to heat, a long, slow warmth breaking down any resolve.

  Oh heavens.

  So when Matthias pulled her even closer, Ava melted. At the touch of his cheek to her face, her heart swelled and she allowed herself to imagine he crooned the words of the song, just for her. She finally gave up the inner battle and shut down her mind.

  Eyes closed, she hummed as she moved with him. All that existed was Matthias’s body and hers dancing fluidly to beautiful music. As the music faded out, Matthias swung her down in his arms. She lay at peace, grateful for the moment, and her arms fell to the ground to expose her heart.

  Matthias dropped a kiss in the hollow of her neck. Her breath hitched when his lips scorched hers. Gently, he pulled her close to his chest, the feel of his rapidly beating heart finding an answer in hers. Muscular thighs pressed against her, awakening a primal response deep within her and his expression branded her as his.

  Till the end of time.

  Despite being warm, a delicious shiver ran down Ava’s back and swam in pools in her lower belly, and she pressed herself against him, embracing the excitement coursing through her veins. His answering desire sent delicious shivers fizzing through her. He wanted her as much as she did him. She wriggled delightedly against him, rationale lost to the wind.

  A spark of awareness lit the desire in Matthias’s eyes and he cupped her face in warm hands. Glorying in the tender touch, Ava burrowed her head against his hold, and nuzzled into him, inhaling the scent that sent her hormones rocketing to the moon. Drawing back, she bit the corner of her mouth, anything to mimic a feeling of his lips on hers. Matthias ran a thumb over her lower lip, gazing intently at her mouth, sending her nerve ends crazy. She leaned toward him and he lightly, easily, dropped a kiss where she had bitten. A mild panic assailed her. Was that all he was going to do? She turned her head to catch his kiss on her lips and the heady sensation as she sparkled into life nearly caused her to lose her balance. He tightened his arms, and some part of her said that he’d catch her if she fell, deepening the kiss at the same time. Ava clasped her hands around his neck and clung on for dear life, allowing desire to course through her, leaving no cell untouched.

  A low wolf whistle, followed by applause, stopped them. He moved a fraction from her, and eyes glinting dangerously, growled, “Come.”

  He took her hand, leaving her with no choice. Just as well, the ability to make decisions had deserted her with the sinking sun. Where were her shoes and bag? She needed to find them, and follow him wherever he led.

  “Thank you.” She and Matthias chorused when passing the bandstand, then broke into an ever faster walk.

  “You’re welcome, we’ll see you on TV!” The conductor called to them as laughter broke out among the band.

  “Where are we going?”

  “My home.” The half glance he threw left her in no doubt what was on his mind. Her heart raced, her body tingled and her mind flickered through memories of their wonderful night together. Blood rushed in exhilaration and anticipation through her, and a low, sensuous pool of warm ache gathered between her legs.

  Muffling a curse, Matthias stopped abruptly and dropped her hand in order to pull his ringing phone from his pocket and silence the damn thing. Ava walked ahead, not wanting to eavesdrop on his conversation.

  * * * *

  “Whoa.” Matthias called out upon seeing Ava take the wrong turn on the well-lit pavement.

  Ava turned, putting both hands on her hips. “I’m not one of your horses.” Her voice emerged low, th
e dark look she threw sensuous in its promises.

  Walking slowly back, she lowered her voice even further. “And you should know, Senor de Romero, this is one girl you can’t break.”

  Dio, her sultry tones hit his stomach like a wild horse’s hoof. The image of him between her thighs swamped his mind and body, and a desperate need for her commenced a low steady throb. He pulled her close.

  “I don’t want you broken.” It was true. How was he going to leave her tonight? In his apartment? Maybe he’d just have to enjoy the entire night with her, see what the morning brought. He saw arousal in the darkness of her eyes, chest rising and falling rapidly. Had he ever seen her as beautiful as tonight? Her lips had darkened to a glossy red, desire widened her eyes, pulling him as surely as the sea pulled the shore. Blond strands swept from her forehead and a rosy flush infused her pale skin, high on her cheekbones. Her eyes shied from his, only to rest on his lips which he licked slowly, transfixing her.

  Unable to resist her any longer, he stepped into her space, putting a finger under her chin and raising it. In a fraction of a second, her lips parted and the pale tip of her tongue peeked out. Muffling a groan, he pulled her against him, delighting in the feel of her warm curves, and pressed his lips to the sweet ones so willingly offered. He moved his mouth restlessly on hers and flicked his tongue through her lips. Ava gave a low moan, a sound that shot straight through to his groin, hardening the already swollen flesh. She opened her mouth wider, and as her tongue made a gentle exploration of his mouth, his desire to have her overcame anything else. Keeping his lips on hers, he pulled at her hand to walk them backwards to his building. They backed into a wall, and with a wrench, he disentangled himself.

  “We’re here.” Matthias took his keys from his ever decreasing pocket, and unlocking the door, he ushered her inside.

  Scant seconds later, they were through his front door and in his large open plan living room with French doors opening onto the balcony. Ava broke away from him and glanced around, eyes wide in surprise.

  “This is beautiful.” She walked over to the doors. “I love seeing the Thames at night. It’s so romantic.”


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