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Damaged Love (Bound Series Book 2)

Page 9

by Layla Stevens

  “Sorry Kay, I didn’t mean to.”

  I whisper in her ear that Elijah is parked in a black vehicle down the road. She taps her purse, and I shake my head.

  “Come on, let’s go get Starbucks.”

  We gather our stuff, and I see a light on in the living room. We walk over and see Rodney there.

  “You girls really are going, I see.”

  “Yes,” we say in unison.

  “Well, since I can’t stop you, I want you to take this can of mace.”

  “Thanks Rodney.” I grab it and stuff it inside my purse. “Take care of the house for me while I’m gone. I have tons of presents to buy. Oh, be ready to unload my truck when we get back.”

  “Oh great! Really? I get the joys of being the muscle?”

  “You’re the one playing house with my mom, so yes sir, you do.”

  That gets a laugh out of him, and we walk to the door.

  When we walk out to the beast, I quickly unarm it and we jump inside. I turn the heat on, and VI turns the seat warmers on. It doesn’t take long before the truck is a perfect temperature, so I throw it into reverse and back out.

  We get out on the road, and I get a text stating Damon is in Seattle.

  I hit the automatic dial on the wheel, and Damon answers.

  “Birmingham, where are you?”

  “I am just now leaving the house, but we have company following us.”

  “Oh damn! He’s a quick one, isn’t he?”

  “You have no idea.”

  “Okay, so I did my homework on him. He has a temper, correct?”

  “Oh yes, very much so, and his temper is going to be off the charts today. His brother is dead, and it’s my fault.”

  “Okay, so what is the plan?”

  “I was going to drop VI off at the mall, but seeing how I have company, she’s going to have to ride along. I didn’t want her to be part of this, but it looks like I can’t prevent that.”

  “I know where there’s an abandoned warehouse.” VI says. “It’s actually condemned and due for demolition this week.”

  “Okay, can you give me the address? That’s where we’ll make the magic happen.”

  “Perfect, we’re only about a block from there.” Damon says.

  “Us too. I’m going to pull in and get out of the car. That is when I want your guys to grab him. Then VI and I will leave, and you can do whatever you’re going to do. Remember, I want him alive. I want the last face he sees to be mine.”

  “Done. Not a problem.”

  “We’re pulling in now.”

  “We’re here but hidden, so come on in.”

  I look over to VI and tell her I love her.

  “I love you too, Kay. Now let’s get this fucking bastard.”

  We step out of the beast at the same time. I walk to the back and see the black car pull in right behind me. A chill runs down my spine.

  He opens the door and says, “Superstar, you’ve been a naughty girl, and you need to be punished.”

  “Why are you following me? I know the police told you to stay away from me.”

  He moves closer to me and grabs my face.

  “You fucking bitch! You killed my brother. Did you actually think I’d stay away? Oh, look! You’ve brought me a play toy.”

  “Leave her alone you bastard!”

  I feel a sting across my cheek and taste the metallic taste of blood.

  “You fucking dick! I can’t believe you hit her. Have you lost your fucking mind? Didn’t your daddy teach you to keep your hands to yourself? Oh that’s right, you don’t know your real dad, do you?”

  That got her face slapped and before I know what is happening men come out of hiding and grab Elijah. They have a black sack over his head.

  I hear him scream, “You set me up, you fucking whore, and I swear you will pay for this.”

  I look over at Damon who is smiling. I know he is going to have a good time because he can’t stand rapists. His sister was raped.

  I hold up six fingers, letting him know I will be back in six hours.

  He shakes his head, and then Elijah is taken inside the warehouse.

  VI is pulling me into the beast. She has the keys and throws me inside before placing the truck into drive and peeling out of the parking lot.

  “Let’s get the hell out of here.”

  “I agree VI. Let’s go shopping.”

  “Wow! Really? We aren’t even going to talk about him?”

  “No we aren’t. I want to go shopping. I have things to buy.”

  “Okay, where are we going first?”

  “Well, let’s start off at the mall because I might be able to get everything there instead of going to several places.”




  “Thank you.”

  “Girl, you know I got you. I wasn’t going to let you do this on your own.”

  “I know and I’m thankful for that. I was scared shitless back there. He is just so unpredictable, but enough of the heavy. Let’s go spend some money.”


  We get to the mall in a few minutes and it’s starting to rain hard outside.

  “Hey VI, look! There is a parking spot right up front.”

  “Hell yes!”

  She whips the beast into the parking spot. I take my purse and throw it over my chest sideways. She hits the alarm on the beast and we are walking arm and arm into the mall.

  “So what all is on your list?”

  “Well, I have to get something for everyone, but I know what I’m getting Garrett. I guess we can start there.”

  “Oh, what are you getting him?”

  “I’m buying him a cross necklace. He has been trying with his faith lately and I want to get him something that could help.”

  “That’s a great gift. He’ll love it.”

  We end up getting everyone something at the jewelry store. I bought Patrice a beautiful ring that says mom on it. I got Rodney an engraved money clip. Wyatt got a sterling silver flask that says Suck it, Buttercup. And while VI was busy getting her gift to Wyatt, I got her a gold ring with two dolphins. She has mad love for them. I also ordered her a dolphin cruise on a glass bottom boat. She will get a day of pampering from head to toe.

  “Kayla, there is a Christmas store right there. Let’s go in.”

  “Okay, I want to do white lights with silver decorations and a splash of hot pink.”

  “I knew you were going to say that.”

  We walk into this store, and it’s so beautiful. Everywhere you look there are Christmas ideas. Since I’ve never done the whole Christmas thing, I know my credit card is getting ready to have a major workout. I need everything.

  I look around the store and see do it yourself gingerbread house, lights in every color, lights that play music, and there are candy canes, bells, and garland. I grab a few of the apple cinnamon broom sticks, stockings, and decorations.

  I get candles and towels, and I look over and see an angel tree topper. It is gorgeous. She has blonde hair, green eyes, and a beautiful black and silver velvet dress. She also has silver wings and a halo. She is speaking to me and I know I have to have her. Looking around, I see a sales lady and I go ask for help, leaving VI to shop.

  “How can I help you today?”

  “I saw a tree topper that I am hoping is for sale.”

  “Well honey, you’re in luck. Everything here is for sale. Can you tell me where it is?”

  “Oh sure, it’s right back here.” We walk toward front of the store, and I stop where I thought the angel was. When I look up, it was gone.

  “Honey, there is nothing there. Are you sure there was an angel on top?”

  “Yes, but I guess someone else bought it.”

  I go back to the back where the registers are, and I tell them I’m ready.

  “What’s wrong, Kay?”

  “I found the prettiest angel, and I went to get a lady to help me but when I came back, the
angel was gone.”

  “Aww babe, I’m sorry. We can find another one.”

  “No, it’s okay. I’ll just make a tree topper out of ribbons.”

  I am waiting on the cashier to finish ringing up my load of decorations and I look down and see I have a text message from Damon.

  It read, “Hey Birmingham, all is ready.”

  I reply “okay.”

  When the lady finally finishes, I see the smile on her face when she looks over at the total. It’s seven hundred, sixty-four dollars.

  “Holy shite Kayla! What did you buy?”

  “Everything. I had nothing.”

  We gather all the bags and walk out the door as I tell VI it’s time.

  She nods her head, and we walk out to the beast, load our stuff, and get in.

  “Kayla, what is the plan for Elijah? You mentioned a rig. I think I know what it is.”

  “Well, what is your guess?”

  “Is a rig a needle? You use to shoot up, right?”

  “Yes VI, that’s correct.”

  “So what exactly are you going to do with a needle?”

  “I’ve already told you I’m not telling you everything. If we get in trouble, I don’t want you to go down for my stupidity.”

  “Kay, you’re my ride or die. I’d do anything for you. I just need to know what’s going on.”


  The guys grab Elijah and cover his face with a blacked out hooded cover. We have all worked together before so no words are needed. I give the motion for them to take him inside, where I have everything all ready.


  I want to make Kayla proud, I have much love for her. I push this sorry bastard into a chair, and quickly my men have him tied down.

  “Let me go you bastard, this has nothing to do with you.”

  “Oh but it does, you hurt my friend and now I am going to hurt you.”

  “Kayla is a whore, why in the fuck would you want to protect her. That stupid ass bitch got what she deserved.”

  “Oh really, you think I should force you to have sex? Tie you up and rape you? Take your ass and make it mine?”

  I get the battery charger and touch the ends together. The sound of electricity makes Elijah jump.

  “What was that?”

  “Oh that is no concern of yours. I will show you what it is later.”

  “Why are you doing this? I have money, I will pay you whatever you want.”

  “Oh, you think I am doing this for the money?”

  “Well, what other reason would you be doing this for?”

  I rip the hooded cover off his eyes. It takes him a minute to adjust to the light.

  “I am doing this because for years you and your stupid ass brother hurt my friend. I can’t do anything with your brother because well, let’s face it he is now worm dirt.”

  “You sorry mother fucker, I will kill you for talking about my brother like that.”

  “Oh you will kill me huh? I’d like to see you do that.” I grab the clamps off the battery cables and I attach one to his left nipple.

  I watch as his eyes get the size of softballs. And I turn on the charger. A jolt sends him convulsing in the chair.

  “Tsk-tsk, looks like you have just pissed on yourself.”

  “I believe you guys used a belt of some sort on her as well correct.”

  He can’t answer because the electricity is still flowing on a low dose to his nipple. I take out a black leather strap and I hit him on his chest. Immediately there are gashes.

  I turn off the battery charger. And he vomits all over himself.

  “You really are a sissy. I hear you guys tortured her for hours. And it was an on-going thing but I am not going to be doing this for long.”

  “What do you mean you are not going to do this for long, are you going let me go?”

  “Oh no Elijah, there will be no letting you go but I won’t be the one to kill you, Oh no Elijah that joy will lay with Kayla. She killed your brother, and now she is going to kill you as well.”

  “Please, let me go, I will never hurt her again. I swear.”

  “Too bad I don’t fucking believe you.” I slap him hard and hear his nose break.

  “You mother fucker. You will pay for this.”

  “Oh please, you don’t even know who I am. Kayla will be here soon and she will give you what you deserve but before that, I am going to show you how it feels to be tortured.”

  “She will never do it. I know that Superstar will save me.”

  “Funny how you think you know her. Guess what? She paid me to come out here. She paid me for the drugs that killed your brother, and she is paying me to fuck you like you did her.”

  I pull him out of the chair and throw him on the ground.

  He tries to fight but it does him no good. My guys have him held down, and I have his jeans down around his ankles.

  He is begging me.

  “Beg please, god beg. I love it when a little bitch begs.”

  “I’m sorry, I don’t know your name but please tell Kayla I am sorry. It was all my brother. He was the mastermind.”

  “Oh isn’t that grand, you are blaming your dead brother. He can’t even defend himself.”

  “I swear on my life that it was him.”

  “That is not what I hear.”

  I breathe in his ear. “I hear that you were worse than he was, that you took great pleasure in hurting Kayla. That it was you who also took great pleasure in raping her. That it was you who would beat her. That it was you, Elijah, that burned her with cigarettes.”

  And in one swift motion, I have him flipped around and I have my cigarette pressed against his neck.

  He is breathing heavy and screaming each time I touch him with the cherry end of the cigarette.

  “You thought I was going to rape you, didn’t you? I am not like you, I don’t have to rape someone to get them in bed, but I had your bitch ass scared shitless. You are no man, more like a little mouse.” I flip the switch on high, and he screams in pain.

  I knock him out and tell the goons to place him back in the car and make sure all traces are gone.

  I send Kayla a message to tell her that he is ready.


  It’s pouring outside. I see the black car sitting on the side of the road. I tell VI to stay in the beast.

  I get out and walk over to the car. He is bleeding and has bruises everywhere. Damn I see the cigarette burns along his collar bone and have to laugh because those bitches hurt.

  I put a pair of latex gloves on and open his car door. He jumps at the sound and looks at me.

  “Superstar, I knew you would save me, I told them that you would save me...”

  I look at him with pure hatred, grab the rig, and drew back the syringe filling it with air. I move his neck so I can get to his carotid artery. I stab him suddenly and look out the window and see VI looking at me. I push the plunger, letting the air go into his vein.

  He struggles, and I know he will die of an embolism.

  I lean in close and tell him, “I am done being afraid of you. You can’t hurt me any longer. Oh, say hello to your brother when you get to hell. Oh, the reason you didn’t get raped wasn’t because of me. I told him to do it, but you won’t be so lucky because you are going to die. But I forgive you.”

  I walk away and never look back.


  Meeting the Monster

  “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.”


  When we get back inside the beast its quiet and I can see what had occurred is bothering VI.

  “Are you okay?” I ask.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I never thought you had that much hatred. I saw the look on your face. You really hated him.”

  “He was a monster, VI. You have no idea the vile things he was capable of. For years he had a power over me and by holding that needle in his neck, I took back all that power. He can no longer hurt me or anyone else.”

  “I understand that Kayla, but I’ve never seen that look on you before. To be honest, it scared the shit out of me.”

  “I’m sorry, but in my defense I told you to stay in the truck.”

  “I know you did and I probably should have but I wanted to make sure if you needed help, I was there. I had my gun in my hand.”

  “Thank you for that, but I need to know if you can forget what you saw?”

  “Yeah I can, but if you want me to forget, you need to tell me a few things first”

  “Oh yeah? Like what?”

  “Well first off, what did you do?”

  “I filled his artery with air which will cause him to have an embolism.”

  “Okay, you are going to have dumb that down for me because I have no idea what the hell that is.”

  “I injected air into his artery that caused him to have a blockage. Basically I put a bubble of air into his blood supply.”

  “And how did you know you could do that?

  I look over at her and see she is trying to figure things out.

  “So what exactly are you asking VI? You know I am not just going to start talking about my past but I will answer if you ask the right questions.”

  “Okay, so when you were using, did you always use needles?”

  “Sadly no. I snorted, smoked, and shot up.”

  “What is the difference? I know I sound like I’m an idiot, but I want to know.”

  “VI, I never thought you were an idiot babe, but I will tell you. Snorting is inhaling the powdered form of an illegal drug, especially cocaine, through the nose. I will give a run down on smoking Heroine. Heroin smokers start by attaining a rectangular aluminum foil about three centimeters by seventeen centimeters. You’ll also require some kind of funnel tube to help you inhale the vapor. You can create one__”

  “No! Stop! I don’t need that many details. I understand,” Vi interrupts me.

  The look on her face makes me start crying.

  “Oh Kay, please don’t cry, I am just trying to figure things out, but I really don’t need that much detail. I never plan on smoking the stuff.”

  “I know VI, it’s just I looked at your face and you looked like you were disgusted. I am not proud of the path I took those years ago, but I did it and I have to own up to my mistakes. If I could do it all over again, I would but I can’t. My past has made me who I am now. I am not shy about telling people I was a drug user. Hell, I will proudly tell anyone to not use drugs. Do you have any more questions?”


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