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Blood Awoken

Page 7

by Elle Grace

  “Are you seriously hoping to watch?” She was mad. Definitely not a morning person, I thought.

  “I will be waiting outside the door for two minutes.” I had not even thought about how I was watching her; I just did not want her to get back into bed again.

  Two minutes later she left the dorm and walked up to me outside.

  “So what training is it this morning?” She asked miserable.

  “You are coming with me on my run.” I said as I set off up the stairs and she audibly huffed.

  “Running is a thing only boring people do to seem more interesting.” She sighed.

  She cast me a dirty look thinking I could not see it. I smiled, maybe she was not at weak as I thought.



  11am 7th September 2025

  After Viola had finished with Tristan, she sauntered into the training room where I had laid out something new. I looked her up and down. She looked exhausted. I rolled my eyes. At least she was on time, I thought.

  “What is this?” She asked looking at the six-foot-high balance beam that towered above her.

  “I noticed yesterday that you are a little all over the place when you fight. This is to help you to control your movements.” I replied. “As we have limited time, we need to work on as much as we can as intensely as we can.”

  I threw a wooden pole at her and she caught it. I was pleasantly surprised, at least she had some coordination, I thought to myself.

  “We will be fighting with these today.” I grinned.

  “Okay.” She did not even try and argue. It surprised me, she was either too tired or was starting to learn her place. I gave her a boost up on to the balance beam and pulled myself up. She struggled to gain her balance long before we even began to practice fight. I was beginning to understand why she had quit ballet.

  I decided to teach her a few moves with the stick before we put them to practice. To my surprise she picked them up quite quickly. Her form was looking much better already. Even after only a day. I was almost proud of myself.

  “Now let’s use those moves.” I said calmly and she nodded.

  The first twenty minutes or so of the new training style were good. I gradually began to move faster, and she was fighting back well. She was really improving fast and it gave me some hope for her trial that was coming up. I made a sweep with my stick to her legs. She tried to block me but was a little slow. My pole collided with her leg, simply hard enough to knock it to the right and her whole body lurched right, suddenly.

  She fell. I had not expected it.

  The thud when she hit the ground sounded terrible and I could have sworn I heard bone crunch. I climbed down off the balance beam quickly. She was trying to sit up wincing in pain. As she noticed me, she tried to shuffle back away from me. I felt terrible.

  “Don’t touch me!” She snarled, fear in her eyes. She clutched at her shoulder as she shuffled away from me further. I think she thought I had knocked her off on purpose.

  “I need to see if you are hurt Viola.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Cleary not.” He stepped towards her.

  She tried to move her arm to get up and swore from the pain she was clearly in.

  “Let me help you.” I pleaded. I was beginning to feel bad about my stupid innovative balance beam idea.

  “No.” She whispered. Tears formed in her eyes.

  “Why?” I asked.

  “Because you don’t want to help me. You just feel bad for pushing me off the beam. You don’t care, I have heard you call me a mongrel. You are worse than Lance and Caitlyn. So, don’t pretend to suddenly care or want to help me.” She shouted at me.

  Her words hurt; I had been harsh on her. Perhaps too harsh. It made me question myself. Why was I being this way? I asked myself.

  “I’m sorry.” I sighed.

  “Save it.” She snapped.

  “I’m going to get some help okay?” I asked her and stood up to leave, not completely sure what to do.

  “Why do you hate me so much?” She stopped me for a second. I brushed off her question and went to find Tristan as he would be able fix it. He always did.

  A few minutes later I returned with Tristan. Viola had given up with her shuffling and was laid down on the floor. Looking at the ceiling trying to breathe through the pain.

  “What happened?” Tristan asked me, looking at the girl on the floor who was visibly in a lot of agony. Pain, I had caused.

  “She fell off the beam.” I stated simply.

  “Did she?” Tristan narrowed his eyes at me, silently asking for more details.

  “More like pushed off the beam.” She retorted. Tristan shot me a look.

  “Where does it hurt, Vi?” He asked Viola using the shortened version of her name. I was instantly jealous; she had clearly told him to call her that. She had not felt comfortable enough with me to let me have that small sign of friendship. It made me reflect on my own actions even more.

  “My shoulder and the side of my chest. It hurts to breathe” She said calmly.

  “Can I have a look at your side?” He asked and she nodded. He lifted her t-shirt carefully. Bruises were already visibly forming. Deep blue against her pale skin. He gently felt around, and she swore under her breath at him.

  “It looks like your ribs might be bruised.” He informed her. Next, he looked at her shoulder. It was clearly out of place. Her whole arm was slumped to a weird angle. “I also think your shoulder is dislocated.”

  “What do we need to do?” I asked. Tristan ignored me. I wanted to help

  Tristan opened his bag and pulled out a small vile of healing tonic. It was something that the Inperium had always used. It was a formula gifted to Thomas Walsh himself back when he ran the Inperium. It was created by witches and only worked to heal hybrids. He gave it to her, and she drank it. Wincing at the taste.

  “Hold her still.” He said to me and followed his directions. As he carefully sat her up and moved her arm. Popping it back into place. There was an audible noise and I shuddered. She swore at the pain. Tristan was cautious as he put her arm into a sling that he pulled from the small medical box he had brought with him.

  “Thank you.” She mumbled at him.

  “Now that healing tonic will take care of your ribs in next couple of hours and your shoulder too. No more training for the rest of the afternoon Vi.” He told her. “You need to get some rest. I am also going to get the canteen to send you some food to the dorm, you are looking a little bit pale. Well paler than usually.” He smiled at her and she thanked him again.

  “Thanks Tristan.” I said to him as he stood up casting me a look. “You are the best; I knew you would fix it.”

  “Can I have a word?” He pulled me outside of the gym door. I could see he was beyond angry at me.

  “You need to calm down Colt.” Tristan warned me. I knew what he was getting at. Honestly, I had been calmer with her, it had just been an accident.

  “I’m trying.” I replied.

  “Well try harder before you kill the girl.” He spat. “You can’t just act like this because you don’t understand your goddamn feelings. Sort yourself out.”

  Tristan stormed out and I could see he was mad. He was not like the rest of us. He always treated the Mults well. I suspected it had something to do with his half-sister. Although it was never confirmed I think she was a Mult. Sadly, she died years before in a nasty accident along with Tristan’s father. I had found out about it through rumours and gossip, but I saw his pain on a daily basis.

  I walked over to Viola. I wanted to help her back to the dormitory. As I came close to her, she looked at me suspiciously.

  “Why aren’t you being vile to me today?” She asked. She did not seem as upset now that the pain had clearly subsided.

  “Because it isn’t right, you don’t deserve it.” I was honest.

  “What changed your mind?” She frowned.

  “You surprised me.” I said honestly and she regar
ded me for a moment before walking away alone.



  2pm 7th September 2025

  My shoulder still hurt from where it was healing. My head still hurt from my conversation with Colt. I shook my head thinking there must be something wrong with me because I was still finding him strangely attractive. He did nothing but degrade and hurt me. That was really a reflection on me, I thought. Frankie sprang to mind; she would think it was hilarious.

  I just felt a little weary. Walking into the dormitory I was surprised to see Cameron in there too, he was obviously finished for the day. He looked as weary as me.

  “Hey Vi.” Cameron was quick to notice me. “Oh, you look like poop on a stick.” He said honestly. “Sorry I mean your beautiful and all but right now you aren’t looking too well.”

  “I’m okay.” I smiled at him. Wanting to laugh at his self-correction.

  “Do you need a magic brew?” He asked.

  “Nope, already had the 5% from Tristan. I just need to sleep.” I winked at him.

  “Good luck with that.” He laughed. “It’s Sam’s Monday night poker game tonight.”


  “Yes, its tradition.” He smiled.

  “Where are the others?” I asked.

  “They are all outside hanging out, I like to get here and shower early. I don’t like people seeing me… without clothes.” He confessed. He seemed to be able to trust me.

  “You shouldn’t worry about it. No one in here would be nasty to you.” I tried to smile, to reassure him.

  “I know they wouldn’t but still.” He looked down.

  “I understand.” And I did, I had my own body hang ups, like everyone does. “So, who always wins at poker?” I asked, changing the subject.

  “Mike, I think he counts cards or something, bloody Brainiac.” He laughed.

  “He doesn’t like me, does he?” I sighed.

  “Who?” He pretending he had not understood me.

  “Mike.” I confirmed.

  “I think he does.” Cameron smiled, but he was clearly hiding something.

  “Then why doesn’t he speak to me or he runs out of the run every time I’m here?” I pressed the matter.

  “I think he feels guilty.” Cameron said.

  “What for?” I frowned at him.

  “I can’t say.” Cameron tried to busy himself tidying his locker.

  “Yes, you can. Tell me?” I said turning him around. Doe walked into the dorm room, she looked puzzled.

  “Tell you what Vi?” She asked.

  “Why Mike feels guilty and won’t speak to me or be around me?” I answered, still staring at Cameron.

  “Cameron Turner, why is it that you cannot keep your big mouth shut?” Doe was a little mad but more frustrated.

  “I can’t help it, she’s just too pretty.” He confessed and Doe cracked up laughing. I blushed.

  “Oh Cammy!” She playfully punched him lightly in the arm.

  “So, what is the reason?” I was still waiting for the answer.

  “I really should not be telling you babe.” Doe said but I had a feeling she was going to tell me anyway. “Mike is young and when he first got here was highly influenced by Lance. He would spy on us and tattle on us. I think he did it because he could see how Lance treated us and wanted to not be put through that. We all understood. He is a lot younger than us.” She stated and I nodded. I could understand it to.

  “So, what has that got to do with me?” I questioned.

  “Well, one of the things Lance had him working on was a computer program. It was supposed to cut through all of the security firewalls that your records were behind so that they could find out where you were and bring you here.” She explained. “We found out after we all had a little too much to drink and he let the whole lot slip.”

  “Oh.” I said. Unsure of what else to say. Words failed me. I was not happy about being at the Inperium, but I certainly did not view it as Mike’s fault that I was there. After all you do not blame the inventor or maker of the gun when someone gets shot.

  “What happened to you? You look god awful!” Sam came bounding into the room. Their hair was now glaringly pink. “Do you like the new hair?”

  “It’s certainly bright.” I replied.

  “I love it Sam!” Doe exclaimed, playing with it.

  “You all look like someone died. Why are we all so miserable?” Sam asked.

  “Vi, knows about Mike.” Doe informed her quietly. Sam swore. James and Mike walked in the room right on cue talking low. Mike saw me and stopped dead in his tracks.

  “I forgot my books.” He explained to James. “I’ll be back in a minute.” He turned to go back out of the room.

  “Stop!” I shouted and he did as he was told. He had been at the Inperium too long. I stepped over to him. “Mike, I know about what you did.”

  “You do? Who told?” He looked worried and angry at the other faces in the room. He gulped audibly, fear in his eyes.

  “It doesn’t matter who told. What does matter is that I don’t care about it. You did what you had to do to survive and you did not know what that meant in terms of me being forced to come here. Honestly, it is impressive that you wrote a program to find me, when you think about it.” I smiled at him reassuringly.

  “So, you don’t hate me?” He asked carefully.

  “No.” I stated. “Now please stop running away from me.”

  “Okay.” He nodded.

  “Good.” I placed a hand on his shoulder and felt him relax.

  We walked over to the others who were all chatting about their training and about how one of the other human recruits had received a broken nose from Doe after making comments about her rear. She certainly was a firecracker.

  “You handled that well.” James whispered to me as the others were talking.

  “There was nothing to handle. He didn’t do anything wrong.” I replied.

  “Still. I admire how you dealt with it.” James smiled at me. “I really am glad you are here.”

  “Thanks.” I blushed again. I was beginning to think my cheeks were permanently scarlet.

  “Who is playing poker?” Sam asked, breaking us from our quiet conversation.

  “Only if there is vodka involved!” I said and everyone laughed.

  I was beginning to feel like one of the team.



  1am 8th September 2025

  “Can we talk?” I shook Viola awake.

  “It’s 1am.” She groaned as she looked at her watch. It was standard issue for hybrids was important for them to keep the time when opening gates. She looked beautiful lying there. I felt my heart begin to race looking at her.

  “I couldn’t sleep.” I stated.

  “So, you thought you would wake somebody else up? Like a one up, all up, type of situation?” She jeered quietly. “What do you want?” She was cranky with me. It was the middle of the night and honestly after the way I had hurt her in training I was not surprised she did not want to talk to me.

  “I wanted to apologise.” He said.

  “Ok cool, thanks.” She said coldly and turned away from me in the bed.

  “Don’t you want to know what for?” I asked.

  “Well I don’t think it takes a genius considering my arm is still in a sling.” She responded.

  “I suppose not.” I murmured. “I will let you get back to sleep.” I sounded defeated as I went to leave.

  “It’s pretty obvious you are only sorry I got hurt.” She mumbled. “You would have continued being nasty to me if I hadn’t.”

  “I wasn’t being nasty in the session before you got hurt, was I?” I sighed at her.

  “No.” She answered thinking. “I don’t remember anything specific.”

  “Well I’m sorry for that too.” My tone was not as apologetic as I wanted it to be.

  “Okay.” She said cold, it was clear she did not believe me. I could not blame her.

“No actually, I’m sorry for more than that.” I sat on the side of her bed.

  “Oh, like?” She tilted her head to the side and tucked her hair behind her ear.

  “For a few things. Mostly for the way you have been treated since you got here by me. I have been terrible to you and I don’t even know why.” I confessed.

  “Don’t worry about it.” She said going to turn away.

  “But I do.”

  “Colt, don’t take this the wrong way but it's all too little too late.”

  “Okay.” I felt dejected.

  “Okay.” She repeated.

  I decided it was time to give up and leave but a thought held me back.

  “I just seem to want to protect you.” I let it slip and waited for her reaction.

  “I don’t mean to sound awful, but I just don’t need to be protected by a man. I have to find my own way here and be strong by myself, not because there is someone shadowing me doing that for me.” She explained. I just looked at her for a moment.

  “I get that.” I could understand what she was trying to say. “I just needed you to know that I never meant to make you feel like I was against you.”

  “I don’t.” She said honestly. She narrowed her eyes and frowned at me, sensing there was more going on. “What aren’t you telling me?” Viola questioned me.

  “Nothing.” I answered too quickly.

  “Goodnight then Colt.” Viola said and we stayed for a beat looking at each other. Something was being left unsaid. I wanted to leave but I had one more thing to say.

  “You asked me why I hate you.”

  “So?” She asked.

  “I don’t honestly hate you.” I said. “I just don’t know how to be around you.”

  “That makes no sense.” She replied.

  “It doesn’t make sense to me either. I can’t get that kiss out of my head.” I confessed it and instantly wanted to take it back.

  “Are you kidding?” She looked mad. “You only kissed me to get me here, so don’t start acting like it meant something. You need to figure your own crap out and leave me out of it.” She was mad. I had been insulting to her about that kiss. In trying to cover up my feelings I had clearly hurt hers.


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