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The Breach

Page 3

by L. L. Frost

  What happens when Emil calls in his debt and I can’t answer? What happens when the guys kick me out next year because I’m a failure of a succubus?

  My stomach rolls at the idea. Now that I’ve settled in, I like my new home and my prickly roommates. I don’t want to leave. Not the house, not the guys, and not Tac, the furry, lovable monster.

  When I reach the kitchen, I find everything still running smoothly. The imps know their jobs, and as long as I keep hiding sparkly balls around the kitchen for them to find, it curbs their desire to cause mischief with the actual baking ingredients.

  Reminded of this, I pull a green one from my pocket and tuck it next to the dishwasher.

  Tally bustles back into the kitchen, the door swinging closed behind her. She carries an empty tray which she sets next to the sink. “Adie, one of your roommates is here to escort you to lunch!”

  “Oh?” I walk to the passthrough and peer out to find Emil seated at one of the tables, a blue rose cupcake half eaten in front of him. Turning back to Tally, I ask, “Are you sure you’ll be okay without me?”

  “Yes!” She pulls a tray of sunflower cakes off the waiting rack and strides back for the door. “Go have fun!”

  I shrug out of my chef coat and hang it up before I walk out to the front of the shop. A nice line waits in front of the display case, and small groups fill the tables. The scent of frosting and coffee fill the air, riding a cloud of happiness and a delicious undercurrent of guilty pleasure.

  When I reach Emil’s table, I pause next to him and shuffle my feet. “Tally said you wanted me?”

  He arches one white eyebrow. “I thought I’d already made that obvious.”

  A blush heats my cheeks. “Not really, no.” Before he can respond, I rush to add, “I meant for lunch?”

  He rises and brushes crumbs from his pale blue sweater. “It’s late in the day, so I’d call this more of a linner.”

  My head tilts to the side in confusion.

  “Lunch and dinner,” he huffs in exasperation. “Linner.”

  “Oh, yeah, that makes sense.” I check the time and find it’s already four o’clock.

  While the store’s only been open for two hours, I’ve been here since early morning. My stomach takes that opportunity to remind me how little I’ve eaten so far today.

  I smile up at Emil. “Linner sounds wonderful.”

  “Where do you want to go? Somewhere close, I’d guess.” He snatches the half-eaten cupcake off the table and shoves it into his mouth.

  Laughing, I reach out to wipe away the dot of blue frosting at the corner of his lips. “There’s an Italian place down the block.”

  He holds the door open for me. “Do they have a good cannoli?”

  I push on his arm. “Are you cheating on me already?”

  In the next instant, I freeze as the double meaning of my words sink in, but Emil doesn’t seem to care as his hand finds the small of my back to push me into motion.

  “Would you add cannoli to your menu?” His frost-colored eyes stare down at me. “I do like the cream center.”

  My mouth drops open. “You did not just say that.”

  His icy finger nudges my chin back up. “I believe I did.”

  Dazed, I let him guide me through the crowded sidewalk, my focus on him. “Are you flirting with me?”

  Pink tints his cheekbones as he stares straight ahead. “That’s what people do with the person they like.”

  My heart skips a beat, then begins to pound. “You like me?”

  “More than I thought I would.” His gaze cuts to mine. “Although my expectations were very low.”

  “You really can’t help yourself, can you?” A smile tugs at the corners of my lips. “I can make cannoli.”

  His fingers flex against my back. “I look forward to it.”

  New Rules

  It turns out Emil is a pleasant conversationalist, and the hour passes before I even realize it. We ended up sharing a large plate of spaghetti with meatballs, and I learned he prefers the ones made with sausage and plenty of fennel. I file that tidbit away for the next time I make pasta at home. When the waiter arrives with the dessert menu, he waves it away, and warmth fills my chest.

  Definitely making him cannoli the first chance I get.

  On the way back, we walk in comfortable silence. When we reach the alley that leads to the bakery parking lot, through some unspoken agreement, we turn down it instead of continuing to the front door.

  I stop next to the side entrance and turn to Emil. “Thank you for linner.”

  “It was a pleasure.” Surprise fills his voice, and at my frown, he adds, “It’s been a long time since I ate among humans. It felt...nice.”

  Not in a hurry to go inside, I lean against the wall. “Humans are generally fun to be around.”

  “That’s hard to remember sometimes.” He pats his pockets for a second before he pulls out a slender, silver cell phone. “I picked this up for you today.”

  “Thank you.” I take it from him, warmed all over again by this show of consideration. “I meant to replace mine today, but...”

  “You left the house before we woke this morning.” The question hovers in the air between us, and I sigh.

  “I was too excited about today to sleep.” He shifts closer, and I peek up at him through my lashes. “And I had some things to think about.”

  His hand lifts to cup my cheek, frosty against my skin. “About last night?”

  A lump forms in my throat, and I swallow it down. “Yeah.”

  He bends closer. “Did you come to any conclusions?”

  Nervous, I lick my lips. “I’m considering revising the Rules board.”

  “Oh?” Closer still, and I taste a hint of metallic frost on his breath. “Which part?”

  “The kis–”

  His mouth brushes against mine, freezing my words with the gentle kiss of snowflakes, slow and melting against my lips. I lift onto my toes to press us closer and inhale the burn of frostbite.

  When his head lifts, small plumes of frozen air hover between us. “I think that’s an excellent idea.”

  My tongue darts out to lick icicles from my lips. “Yeah, me, too.”

  He reaches for the door handle and pulls it open. “Have a good rest of the day at work, Adie.”

  “You, too.” I cringe instantly, and stammer, “I mean, have a good night.”

  Instead of taking the opportunity to mock me, he smiles. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Yeah.” I sidle through the door and wait for it to close before banging my head against its solid surface. “Stupid, stupid, Adie. You, too. Gah!”

  A soft tap comes from the other side of the door, followed by Emil’s voice. “Adie, you okay?”

  Flinching away, I yell, “Fine!”

  A light touch on my arm makes me jump a foot in the air, and I swing around to find the little gray imp at my side.

  My hand flies to cover my racing heart. “Yes?”

  Its long fingers curl over its stomach as it slouches to make itself smaller. “Adie, we have rats in the walls.”

  “What?” My head whips toward the nearest wall. “That can’t be.”

  Its voice becomes squeaky. “There is scratching noises.”

  Excitement tingles through my limbs. “Where?”

  I follow it back to the kitchen, to the wall of ovens on the opposite side from Torch’s home. It points to a bare patch. “There.”

  My hand lifts to the wall to feel for the vibration of scratches, then I lean forward to place my ear against the sheetrock.

  Tally bounces into the kitchen from the front of the shop and freezes in confusion. “Adie, what are you doing?”

  “Shh.” I lift a finger to my lips, and the kitchen quiets.

  Beneath my ear, a quiet scratching sound comes from the other side of the wall. Elation shoots through me, and I whisper. “Someone get me a fresh cupcake and a saucer of milk.”

  The formless imp brings the req
uested items back, its eyes wide with excitement. Taking the small plate and bowl, I crouch and set them near the seam in the wall where the ovens and wall meet. I feel warmth at my back, and I glance up to find Tally hovering over me, her hands clasped with excitement.

  I hold my breath for one heartbeat, then two, before a stubby hand slowly reaches out through the shadows in the wall and curls around the small cake, pulling it back into the seams. Tally’s fingers latch onto my shoulders, and she shakes me gently.

  A moment later, a small, fur-covered head pokes out. It swivels to blink one bright, yellow owl eye at me from beneath a bushy gray eyebrow. Frosting sticks to the hairs around its mouth, and his bulbous nose twitches as he sniffs the air. After a moment, he lifts the saucer of milk in his short, blunt fingers and drinks it down.

  “Welcome to the team,” I whisper.

  His long, pointed ears flick at me in acknowledgment before he disappears back into the shadows.

  Standing, I turn to Tally, and we both break out into happy squeals and fling our arms around each other. Panicked, the imps run in circles around the island, and it takes us a couple minutes to calm them down.

  My cheeks hurt from smiling as I mark off the new place in the kitchen to leave the domovoi’s offerings.

  As everyone gets back to work, my bones sing with the rightness of it all.

  Finally, everything is falling into place.


  My muscles ache by the time I get home that night, but it’s the pain of a good workout. I kick off my clogs in the entryway and stumble through the living room and into the kitchen to see if the guys saved me anything for dinner. Next to the stove, I find my dry erase board waiting with the marker at its side.

  “Real subtle, Emil,” I mutter as I tuck it under my arm before continuing on to the fridge.

  Inside, I spot a container of chicken pasta salad and pull it out. After I fetch a fork, I perch on one of the bar stools and set the dry erase board down to contemplate as I eat. Smudges mar the narrow columns for Yes, Maybe, No, and the x is completely missing from sex. I use a paper towel to wipe it clean, then draw new lines and relabel them.

  Skimming and Touching go in the Yes column.

  In the No column, I write Entering Adie’s bedroom. That’s a hard rule for me and one I won’t be budged on anytime soon. The guys can’t be allowed to come into my personal space as they please. It’s mine now, and I need that safe place for my own piece of mind.

  I puff my cheeks out as I pause on the next two.

  Do I really want to put kissing in the Yes column? My finger lifts to brush my lower lip. I really do like kissing the guys, and it makes feeding easier. But it’s also dangerous with Kellen when he gets feisty and wants to take instead of give. And what about sex? We already crossed that line once, kind of, but it was an emergency.

  Slowly, I write Sex in the Maybe column and Kissing under Yes.

  “That’s a nice change.”

  I nearly fall off my stool in fright at the sound of Tobias’s voice behind me. Only then do I register the fresh smell of ozone in the air.

  Swiveling around, I point the marker at him. “Don’t sneak up on people.”

  “I wasn’t being quiet.” One thick eyebrow lifts. “Maybe you were just too caught up in your new rules?”

  “Maybe.” I spin back around to hunch over the small board. “Anything you’d like added?”

  “Yes.” His body brushes my back as he leans around me to take the pen. My pulse picks up speed as the scent of volcanoes fills my nose. Like Emil, Tobias has regained his power since the last time I saw him.

  In solid block letters, he writes House Parties in the No column.

  Enjoying the heat of his body a little too much, I lean forward to put some distance between us. “Yeah, I could have guessed that one.”

  His hot breath ruffles past my cheek as he murmurs. “Emil would also like something added.”

  Also in the No column, he adds Dishes in the Sink.

  I huff out a laugh. “It was only one mug.”

  His chest brushes my back. “He’s particular.”

  “So I’ve noticed.” Dragging in a long breath of his lava scent, I stare down at the board. “Anything Kellen wants to add?”

  I feel his head turn toward me, his lips close to my ear. “Actually, yes.”

  The pen moves down, still under the No column, and he writes out Remodeling.

  Confused, I twist to stare at him, and our noses bump. His nearness overwhelms my senses. I go to lean back, but his arm comes up on the other side of me, hand against the counter to keep me from escaping.

  With a shiver, I turn to stare back at the board. “I wasn’t planning to remodel.”

  “That one’s for Emil.” Tobias caps the pen and sets it down next to the dry erase board.

  “Does he remodel often?” Based on all the furniture in the basement, I already know the answer, but I want to keep the conversation going.

  After my long day, I should be tired, but Tobias’s presence creates sparks of energy between us that heats my skin and makes me yearn for something more. It’s not hunger, exactly, but at the same time, it feels like it is.

  His hands trace up my bare arms to my shoulders. “How did opening day go?”

  “Really well.” I groan as he gently massages my stiff muscles. “We sold out of three of our flavors.”

  His strong thumbs sweep up my nape. “The line was out the door when I stopped by.”

  “You came? I didn’t see you.” I drop my head to give him better access.

  “The imp behind the cash register, the one with the colorful hair...”

  “Iris,” I supply as his fingers heat, working the muscles loose.

  “Iris said you were baking up a fresh batch of the devil’s food flavor.” His fingers rise to my scalp, and a soft tug frees my hair from its bun.

  The instant release of pressure makes me whimper in relief. I didn’t even realize I had a faint headache until it vanishes, leaving me light headed and limp beneath Tobias’s touch.

  When his head drops to the curve of my neck, I tilt my head to the side. The tip of his nose skims along my skin. “You smell like sugar.”

  My eyes flutter shut as I mumble, “You don’t like sugar.”

  “I like restraint.” His lips drag against my throat, leaving a hot trail in their wake. “If I indulge right away, then it lessens the treat.”

  “That’s...ah...” I trail off when his teeth play over my shoulder, unable to organize a complete sentence.

  His lips rise to my ear. “Don’t feed right now.”

  My eyes pop open in surprise. “Huh?”

  His hand circles my throat, thumb under my chin to tip my head back. Black eyes meet mine. “Stop feeding.”

  As soon as he says it, I become conscious of the sparks of energy creeping beneath my skin from every point of contact with him. Confused, I blink up at him. “Why?”

  He strokes my racing pulse. “It will feel good. Trust me.”

  His energy seeps into me, seeking out the ball at my center. I absorb it automatically, and it takes effort to block it off now. Shuddering, I push the power back to the surface, where it dances in seductive waves of heat.

  His pupils expand to cover the whites of his eyes. “Good. Keep doing that.”

  Slow, to give me time to turn away, his head drops, his mouth settling over mine. His tongue pushes into me, and the taste of volcanoes teases my taste buds. I shiver at the effort it takes not to fight for dominance, not to take control and drink from his power.

  He tips my head back farther to investigate every crevice of my mouth, leaving no place untouched, unclaimed, by him. My heart races, the air in my lungs tight as the air around us turns heavy with the weight of avalanches. It pushes against my skin, trying to slide into me, and I whimper at the effort it takes to stop it.

  His hand leaves my neck to trace over my shoulder and down the inside of my arm, his knuckles brushing the side of my
breast. My nipples harden to painful points, desperate for attention. Instead, he reaches my elbow, then runs his hand over the quivering muscles of my stomach. Again, he brushes against my breast, teasing the underside with the hint of a fingernail.

  Desire pools between my legs, and my feet shift on the bar of the stool. Sensing I’m about to spring, his arm bands around my waist to hold me in place. I growl in frustration, and his other hand rises to gently stroke my throat.

  His mouth leaves me, his gentle pants feathering against my face. “Easy. Keep holding back.”

  I strain toward him, rising from the seat despite his hold, and he lifts me to swing us around and place me in his lap, my back against his chest. His hard cock grinds against my ass, and I undulate against him. His free hand slides beneath my shirt, his skin searing against my stomach. It leaves a path of fire across my ribs, and when he finally cups my breast, I release a moan of relief.

  Over my shirt, my hand covers his, dragging his touch higher until his palm covers my aching nipple, and I melt within his hold. As he massages my tender flesh, liquid heat pools between my thighs, and I roll my ass against his cock in a simulation of sex.

  Lust fills the air around us, a perfume of temptation that makes my jaw ache with the need to feed. It strokes against every exposed surface of my skin, as if Tobias touches my entire body at once. His volcanic scent fills my lungs, burrowing down to claim me from the inside.

  His low voice rumbles in my ear. “Give me your mouth.”

  Twisting, my open lips close over his, our tongues tangling together for dominance. Ash and coal flood my taste buds, and I whimper with the need to drink it down, to fill myself with Tobias.

  A calloused thumb flicks my nipple, and a jolt of pure bliss rolls through me. He tugs me higher on his body until my empty core aligns with his cock, and I press down on him, frustrated at the clothes that separate us. His body burns beneath mine, adding to the heat already building at my center. My stomach muscles tighten and pleasure becomes a suffocating knot that wipes all other thought from my mind.


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