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The Last To Die

Page 7

by Beverly Barton

  When he fi­nal­ly en­ded the kiss, she lo­oked up at him with lo­ve and trust in her eyes. "Oh, Jamie, I lo­ve you so much."

  "I know you do. And I lo­ve you even mo­re. We're go­ing to be the hap­pi­est yo­ung co­up­le in the sta­te of Ten­nes­see co­me three we­eks from Sa­tur­day." He lif­ted her in­to his arms and swung her aro­und the ro­om. "Hell, ma­ke that the hap­pi­est co­up­le in the who­le Uni­ted Sta­tes of Ame­ri­ca."

  Reve wan­ted not­hing mo­re than to es­ca­pe Che­ro­kee Po­in­te as fast as she co­uld. She'd be­en a fo­ol for co­ming he­re, for se­eking out Jas­mi­ne Tal­bot in the ho­pes the wo­man might pro­ve to be her bi­olo­gi­cal sis­ter. Even tho­ugh she didn't qu­ite be­li­eve Sally Tal­bot's sta­unch de­ni­al that Sally's yo­un­ger sis­ter had gi­ven birth to mo­re than one child, Re­ve co­uldn't ac­cept the fact that she and a wo­man such as Jaz­zy Tal­bot might be blo­od re­la­ted. The wo­man was trash. And from what she'd gat­he­red on very bri­ef ac­qu­a­in­tan­ce, Jaz­zy was a who­re. Even if by so­me we­ird trick of fa­te she and Jaz­zy we­re re­la­ted, Re­ve didn't want to pur­sue the truth. She didn't want to be the wo­man's sis­ter. Hell, she didn't want them even to be co­usins. And she cer­ta­inly didn't want the li­kes of Sally Tal­bot to be her aunt!

  As she zo­omed her Jag along the hig­h­way le­ading out of town, she con­si­de­red the can of worms she might ha­ve ope­ned with her vi­sit. Why had she told them her na­me? If any of them wan­ted to find her, it wo­uld be very easy. Ever­yo­ne who was an­yo­ne in Chat­ta­no­oga, in all of Ha­mil­ton Co­unty, knew who Re­ve Sor­rell was. She was the he­ir to Sor­rell for­tu­ne! Pe­op­le li­ke Jaz­zy Tal­bot and her aunt Sally we­re the type to want mo­ney from a long-lost re­la­ti­ve.

  And what abo­ut Ca­leb McCord? She'd ta­ken an in­s­tant li­king to him, but she didn't kid her­self abo­ut what sort of man he was. From the lo­oks of him, he was a di­amond in the ro­ugh, a po­or boy from the wrong si­de of the tracks. A wo­man li­ke Jaz­zy wo­uld know how to han­d­le that kind of man, but Re­ve fi­gu­red she wo­uld be out of her depths. She li­ked her gen­t­le­men fri­ends to be her so­ci­al, in­tel­lec­tu­al, and fi­nan­ci­al equ­al. It didn't ta­ke a ge­ni­us to fi­gu­re out Ca­leb McCord didn't fit that bill, at le­ast on two co­unts.

  Would Ca­leb's cu­ri­osity abo­ut why Re­ve Sor­rell and Jaz­zy Tal­bot lo­oked eno­ugh ali­ke to be twins tran­s­la­te in­to ac­ti­on? Wo­uld she ha­ve to pay him off so he wo­uld let the mat­ter drop? And on­ce they dis­co­ve­red how rich she was, what wo­uld it cost her to ma­ke Jaz­zy and Sally Tal­bot di­sap­pe­ar from her li­fe?

  Cursing her­self for al­lo­wing her de­si­re to know the truth abo­ut her "do­ub­le" to cre­ate a po­ten­ti­al­ly em­bar­ras­sing si­tu­ati­on for her, Re­ve didn't re­ali­ze how fast she was dri­ving un­til she whiz­zed past a big black pic­kup truck go­ing in the op­po­si­te di­rec­ti­on. Sud­denly she he­ard a si­ren. Damn! Glan­cing in her re­ar­vi­ew mir­ror she saw the blue flas­hing light atop the truck, which had tur­ned aro­und in the mid­dle of the ro­ad. Oh, gre­at. Just gre­at. Who was this guy? A po­li­ce­man? A she­rif­fs de­puty?

  Slow down and pull off to the si­de of the ro­ad, she told her­self. Pay off this ove­re­ager law­man and be on yo­ur way.

  Before she co­uld fol­low thro­ugh with her plans to be a co­ope­ra­ti­ve ci­ti­zen, an enor­mo­us ani­mal das­hed ac­ross the ro­ad in front of her. Go­od God! A full-grown buck with an im­p­res­si­ve rack that wo­uld ga­in the de­er the ad­mi­ra­ti­on of any hun­ter. She swer­ved, trying to ke­ep from hit­ting the mag­ni­fi­cent ani­mal, and in the pro­cess wo­und up run­ning her Jag in­to the ditch. And not just a shal­low ditch on the si­de of the ro­ad. No, it was a de­ep ditch, on the si­de of the mo­un­ta­in. Luc­kily she ma­na­ged to bring the car to a full stop only se­conds be­fo­re it wo­uld ha­ve hit he­ad-on in­to a mas­si­ve oak tree. When she skid­ded to a halt, even her se­at belt didn't pre­vent her from bo­un­cing. Than­k­ful­ly, the air bag didn't dep­loy.

  With her he­art be­ating wildly, her ner­ves scre­aming, and a sud­den he­adac­he po­un­ding in her tem­p­les, Re­ve tri­ed to un­do her se­at belt. Her ner­vo­us fin­gers co­uldn't ma­na­ge the sim­p­le task. What was the mat­ter with her? She wasn't hurt. Didn't ha­ve a scratch on her. Wha­te­ver da­ma­ge had be­en do­ne to the Jag co­uld be re­pa­ired, and if not, she'd simply buy her­self a new car and use one of the fi­ve ot­hers she ow­ned in the me­an­ti­me.

  Why she was sha­king li­ke a le­af?

  Shock. She was in shock. That had to be it.

  A lo­ud rap­ping on the dri­ver's si­de win­dow ga­ined her im­me­di­ate at­ten­ti­on. When she lo­oked thro­ugh the win­dow, she gas­ped when she saw the fa­ce of a dark-skin­ned sa­va­ge, with black ha­ir down to his sho­ul­ders, and a set of slan­ted gre­en eyes pe­ering at her. May­be she'd hit her he­ad and didn't re­mem­ber. Su­rely she was hal­lu­ci­na­ting. This man co­uldn't be re­al.

  Suddenly the dri­ver's si­de do­or ope­ned and the hal­lu­ci­na­ti­on spo­ke to her. "Are you all right? Are you hurt?"

  Reve gul­ped as she ca­me fa­ce-to-fa­ce with the most bru­tal­ly mas­cu­li­ne man she'd ever se­en in her en­ti­re li­fe. A big, fi­er­ce war­ri­or, with an angry lo­ok in his moss gre­en eyes, re­ac­hed out and be­gan run­ning his hu­ge hands over her he­ad, neck, sho­ul­ders, and arms.

  "What the hell do you think you're do­ing?" she cri­ed. "Get yo­ur hands off me."

  He ce­ased his in­s­pec­ti­on and wit­h­d­rew his hands. "I was trying to check you for inj­uri­es, sin­ce you didn't res­pond. If you're all right, let me help you get out and up the hill to my truck. I'll call a wrec­ker and-"

  "Who are you?" She sta­red at the guy, no­ting that al­t­ho­ugh he spo­ke with aut­ho­rity, he wasn't we­aring any type of uni­form. For all she knew he was a se­ri­al ra­pist who just hap­pe­ned to be in pos­ses­si­on of a flas­hing blue po­li­ce light.

  "Sheriff But­ler," he told her.

  "You're the she­riff?" In­s­pec­ting him fur­t­her, she re­ali­zed he was Na­ti­ve Ame­ri­can, at le­ast part Na­ti­ve Ame­ri­can. Of co­ur­se half-bre­eds and qu­ar­ter bre­eds pro­bably we­ren't all that un­com­mon in this area, which wasn't that far from the Che­ro­kee re­ser­va­ti­on just over the sta­te li­ne.

  "I no­ti­ced you ha­ve a Ha­mil­ton Co­unty tag," he sa­id. ‘'You vi­si­ting so­me­body he­re or you just pas­sing thro­ugh?"

  "Just pas­sing thro­ugh," she rep­li­ed.

  He re­ac­hed over and un­did her se­at belt. "Think you can ma­na­ge to get out, or sho­uld I help-"

  "I can get out wit­ho­ut any help, thank you very much."

  After grab­bing her pur­se off the ot­her buc­ket se­at, she sho­ved the she­riff asi­de and ma­na­ged to exit the Jag, but the mi­nu­te her high he­els hit the soft, une­ven gro­und, she lost her ba­lan­ce. He grab­bed her aro­und the wa­ist, the ac­ti­on unin­ten­ti­onal­ly brin­ging her body up aga­inst his rock-hard chest. She gas­ped, then lo­oked up at him as her he­ar­t­be­at drum­med lo­udly in her ears. The­ir ga­zes loc­ked in­s­tantly.

  "Well, I'll be dam­ned," he sa­id as he sta­red at her, his mo­uth slightly par­ted.

  'Take a pic­tu­re, She­riff, it'll last lon­ger."

  "Sorry." He apo­lo­gi­zed, but con­ti­nu­ed sta­ring at her. "You re­mind me of a fri­end of mi­ne. The two of you co­uld be-" 'Twins," Re­ve fi­nis­hed his sen­ten­ce for him.

  "Yeah, how'd you know?"

  "Just a wild gu­ess." She pul­led away from him and tri­ed to walk up the ste­ep em­ban­k­ment, but three-inch he­els we­ren't ma­de for mo­un­ta­in clim­bing.

  Sheriff But­ler ca­me up be­si­de her, put his
arm aro­und her wa­ist, and all but ha­uled her up the hill. How to­tal­ly de­mo­ra­li­zing, she tho­ught. Up un­til this mo­ment in ti­me, she'd ne­ver had so much as a par­king tic­ket. And he­re she was be­ing drag­ged away from the sce­ne of an auto ac­ci­dent she had ca­used by her rec­k­less dri­ving. Well, not rec­k­less, just spe­edy.

  When they re­ac­hed, the si­de of the ro­ad, the she­riff re­le­ased her in­s­tandy, as if he had no mo­re de­si­re to to­uch her than she had for him to ha­ve his hands on her. The­re was so­met­hing un­ner­ving abo­ut the man, so­met­hing abo­ut him that sent off war­ning sig­nals in her bra­in. And what dis­tur­bed her the most was that her re­ac­ti­on to him-to his to­uch-wasn't re­vul­si­on. No, it was so­met­hing el­se. So­met­hing she co­uldn't na­me.

  "We'll get a wrec­ker out he­re to bring yo­ur car up and ta­ke it to the ga­ra­ge," he told her. "You're lucky. It wo­uld ha­ve be­en a damn sha­me if yo­ur bad dri­ving had to­ta­led yo­ur lit­tle XKR. I gu­ess that fancy sports car must ha­ve set you back at le­ast eighty grand."

  She didn't li­ke his to­ne, didn't li­ke his con­des­cen­ding at­ti­tu­de. Hell, she didn't li­ke him! He was too bossy, too big, too mas­cu­li­ne. "No big de­al," she rep­li­ed. "The only ti­ling that mat­ters is that no one was inj­ured, not even the de­er." 'Ye­ah, you're lucky, all right." He sur­ve­yed every inch of her, stud­ying her clo­sely as if he was me­mo­ri­zing her fa­ce and body. "Spe­eding the way you we­re do­ing of­ten le­ads to se­ri­o­us ac­ci­dents. So­me­ti­mes fa­tal."

  "I wasn't dri­ving that fast."

  "My gu­ess is you we­re do­ing over se­ven­ty-fi­ve in a fif­ty-fi­ve spe­ed zo­ne."

  "You gu­ess my car cost eighty grand. You gu­ess I was do­ing over se­ven­ty-fi­ve." Re­ve cros­sed her arms over her chest and gla­red at the she­riff, gi­ving him her best I'm-im­por­tant-and-you're-not ex­p­res­si­on. "Do you know an­y­t­hing for cer­ta­in, She­riff, or do you just go thro­ugh li­fe ma­king une­du­ca­ted gu­es­ses?"

  His ga­ze nar­ro­wed as he fo­cu­sed on her. She shi­ve­red. That stern, di­sap­pro­ving gla­re rat­tled her ner­ves.

  "Get in the truck," he told her as he he­aded to­ward his ve­hic­le. "I'm ta­king you to my of­fi­ce whe­re I'll get all the in­for­ma­ti­on I ne­ed. Then, if I de­ci­de not to ar­rest you-"

  "Arrest me!" Re­ve stor­med aro­und the ho­od of the truck, fol­lo­wing him un­til she co­uld grab his arm. "Now, you lis­ten he­re to me, you big co­untry hick Coc­hi­se wan­na­be, I'm not ac­cus­to­med to be­ing tre­ated this way. I can easily con­tact the go­ver­nor and-"

  He tur­ned aro­und, grab­bed her by the sho­ul­ders sternly but gently, and sa­id, "Get yo­ur butt in the truck. Now. And if you want to call the go­ver­nor when we get to my of­fi­ce, then you call him. Hell, call the pre­si­dent for all I ca­re. The way I see it, you must ha­ve a screw lo­ose to over­re­act to ever­y­t­hing that's hap­pe­ned the way you ha­ve."

  "Are you im­p­l­ying that I'm men­tal­ly in­com­pe­tent?"

  "Lady, I'm not im­p­l­ying an­y­t­hing. Now, get in the truck be­fo­re I pick you up and put you in it."

  Reve jer­ked away from him and plan­ted her hands on her hips. "Do you ha­ve any idea who I am?"

  "Nope. I don't ha­ve the fog­gi­est idea of who you are, ex­cept that you're the spit­ting ima­ge of a lady much ni­cer than you are, by the na­me of Jaz­zy Tal­bot. And I su­re ho­pe for Jaz­zy's sa­ke that you aren't so­me long-lost co­usin or so­met­hing."

  "Is every man in Che­ro­kee Co­unty a fri­end of Jaz­zy Tal­bot's?" The mi­nu­te the qu­es­ti­on left her lips, Re­ve wis­hed it back. Damn, now this in­fu­ri­ating man wo­uld re­ali­ze she knew who Jaz­zy was. So much for her es­ca­ping Che­ro­kee Po­in­te and any com­p­li­ca­ti­ons from her in­qu­iri­es abo­ut Jaz­zy.

  He eyed he skep­ti­cal­ly. "I tho­ught you sa­id you we­re just pas­sing thro­ugh."

  "I was. I am. And just as so­on as we cle­ar up this mess abo­ut my spe­eding and abo­ut the ac­ci­dent, I plan to be on my way. The so­oner I see the last of Che­ro­kee Po­in­te, Jaz­zy Tal­bot, and you-, the bet­ter." 'Then just shut up, get in the damn truck, and I'll do my le­vel best to see that you get what you want!"

  She lo­ved that he was ro­ugh with her, hur­ting her just eno­ugh to ma­ke it ex­ci­ting, to ma­ke her he­art po­und fas­ter and her pussy drip with mo­is­tu­re. He wasn't li­ke any lo­ver she'd ever had and des­pi­te be­ing only twenty- her next bir­t­h­day in a few mon­t­hs-she'd al­re­ady scre­wed at le­ast two do­zen guys, in­c­lu­ding her high scho­ol his­tory te­ac­her and a de­acon in the­ir church.

  What she lo­ved abo­ut Jamie was his sen­se of ad­ven­tu­re, his wil­lin­g­ness to ta­ke a risk. They we­re kin­d­red so­uls. Why the hell he wan­ted to marry her sis­ter she'd ne­ver fi­gu­re out. She was a far bet­ter match for him. La­ura wo­uld ne­ver dre­am of do­ing what she was do­ing. She'd ne­ver me­et her sis­ter's fi­ancé at the stab­les in the mid­dle of the mor­ning, strip buck na­ked, and fuck the guy's bra­ins out in one of the empty stalls whe­re an­y­body might co­me up on them. No, not swe­et La­ura. She was far too shy and sen­si­ti­ve, much too much of a Go­ody Two-sho­es to ever be ab­le to sa­tisfy a man li­ke Jamie Up­ton, who had all sorts of dirty, wic­ked de­si­res.

  It was that chan­ce of dis­co­very he­re in the stab­les that he­ig­h­te­ned the ten­si­on and ga­ve her a cli­max only se­conds af­ter he first ram­med him­self in­si­de her.

  "Harder," she de­man­ded. "And fas­ter."

  He lif­ted her hips and del­ved de­eply, then wit­h­d­rew. Just be­fo­re he star­ted jac­k­ham­me­ring in­to her, he bit her sho­ul­der. Bit her hard eno­ugh that she cri­ed out in pa­in. But she lo­ved the pa­in. She felt it in every fi­ber of her be­ing. Every mus­c­le. Every ner­ve. God, she wis­hed he was big­ger, wis­hed every thrust bro­ught the ple­asu­rab­le pa­in that she cra­ved. But he was big eno­ugh, hard eno­ugh, and wild eno­ugh to gi­ve her anot­her or­gasm. It was bu­il­ding now, her body tig­h­te­ning, the sen­sa­ti­on in­c­re­asing with each mil­li­se­cond that pas­sed. She buc­ked up aga­inst him, en­co­ura­ging him to hold back not­hing. She wan­ted to co­me aga­in be­fo­re he did-or at le­ast by the ti­me he did. She wan­ted it to be so fi­er­ce and hot that the top of her he­ad wo­uld co­me off. It had be­en that way the first ti­me they'd hid­den in her clo­set at her pa­rents' ho­use and to­re at each ot­her li­ke a co­up­le of ani­mals.

  "Damn, girl, you're wild," Jamie told her as he in­c­re­ased his mo­ve­ments to a fre­ne­tic pa­ce.

  When he gro­aned de­ep in his thro­at, she knew he was fi­xing to spew in­to her. Her pu­bic lips swel­led even mo­re and mo­is­tu­re gus­hed out of her. And the very se­cond he burst in­si­de her, she un­wo­und li­ke crazy. Scre­aming with re­le­ase, she cla­wed at his back, still co­ve­red by his whi­te tu­xe­do shirt. Whi­le the af­ter­s­hocks rip­pled thro­ugh them, he col­lap­sed on top of her, then rol­led over and on­to his si­de. She pur­red li­ke the sa­tis­fi­ed kit­ten she was, then ro­se up over him just eno­ugh to lick a wet tra­il from his right sho­ul­der to his na­vel.

  "You want to lick me cle­an, don't you, you lit­tle she cat?" Jamie grab­bed her he­ad and sho­ved her fa­ce aga­inst his pe­nis. "Do it, dar­lin'. Get a go­od tas­te of me."

  She strug­gled aga­inst his hold, but he was big­ger and stron­ger and she co­uldn't es­ca­pe. She­ri­dan Wil­lis grow­led, ba­red her te­eth and ope­ned her mo­uth. She co­uld bi­te him. Bi­te him hard. That's what he de­ser­ved. But, God, it wo­uld be such a sha­me to put him out of com­mis­si­on, even tem­po­ra­rily. She lic­ked her lips, then pla­ced her ton­gue on the tip of his sticky, def­la­ted sex and lic­ked off the mix­t
u­re of the­ir com­bi­ned ju­ices.

  * * *

  Chapter 5

  "She's in­sa­ne even to con­si­der go­ing thro­ugh with the mar­ri­age," An­d­rea Wil­lis told her hus­band in the pri­vacy of the­ir gu­est qu­ar­ters at the Up­ton ho­me.

  When La­ura had told them at lunch to­day that Jamie had ex­p­la­ined-to her sa­tis­fac­ti­on-abo­ut his sud­den ab­sen­ce from the en­ga­ge­ment party last night and that the wed­ding was de­fi­ni­tely on, ever­yo­ne se­emed as shoc­ked as the bri­de's pa­rents. Al­t­ho­ugh a swe­et, so­me­ti­mes even do­ci­le child, La­ura had al­ways be­en dif­fi­cult to un­der­s­tand. God knew An­d­rea had tri­ed to bond with the­ir el­dest child, but it had pro­ved an im­pos­sib­le task. Of co­ur­se she lo­ved La­ura. Who wo­uldn't5 But ha­ving to de­al with the girl's on­go­ing emo­ti­onal and men­tal prob­lems of­ten pro­ved too much for An­d­rea.


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