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Decker's Fate (The Decker Brothers Trilogy Book 1)

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by K. R. Richards

  “I’m thinking about it.”

  Connor grinned. “Good. You should. I think you two would do well together. She’s a nice lady, you’re a nice guy.” He brandished a wide grin.

  “Then I will! If Connor says so.” Decker rolled his eyes.

  “Hey man, I give great advice sometimes!” Connor laughed.

  Grinning, Decker sat down at one of the empty tables. He wolfed down his sandwich and pita chips. On his way out, he stopped at the counter for a cold bottle of water to take with him.

  His thoughts were still on Jade Murphy when he returned to his patrol car. She worked on Saturdays. Tomorrow was Saturday and he had the day off, but he decided he wouldn’t rush things. He didn’t want to come on too strong, but he definitely wanted to see her again. He’d wait another week. He liked to take things slow, anyway. Maybe he’d stop in at White Magic one day next week and make an appointment for next Saturday.

  “Oh. My. God!” Harper rushed to her when she entered the shop. Jade handed the latte to Erin as she sprinted by.

  “Thanks, sweetie! You saved my life. I can have a few sips before my client comes out of the changing room,” Erin said with a happy sigh as she hurried toward the massage suite.

  “What?” Jade cocked her head and looked at Harper.

  “That drop dead, gorgeous police officer you were talking to outside of Connor’s, uh, that’s what! Was he nice? Did you talk to him more inside Connor’s?”

  “He was very nice and polite, a real gentleman. He said he may come in for a reading.” She shrugged.

  “Nice. Polite. That’s all well and good, Jade, but didn’t you notice how hot he was?”

  “Of course I did.” Jade grinned. “How could I not?”

  “Erin said you turned and ran right into him. Splat! She thought you’d be mad at her because she said it was her fault for distracting you. I told her no one could get mad about running into that guy. So, ah, what’s his name?”

  “Officer Decker. He told me he goes by Decker but his first name is Mike.”

  “Decker. Hot Officer Decker. I like it.” Harper gave her a wide and particularly wicked grin.

  The bells on the door sounded as Jade’s client came in.

  “That’s my client.”

  “We are not finished talking about Hot Officer Decker yet,” Harper called out as she watched Jade walk away.

  Jade took some deep breaths and tried to clear her mind of thoughts of the handsome officer, Mike Decker, with the devastating smile. She remembered the flare of incredible, warm energy she felt when she’d run into him. What caused that crazy burst of energy? She shook her head. She had work to do.

  It was colder than a spring morning in Ireland should be. Although he had grown tired of the many months of searching for his prey in the American Southwest, he had to admit that it was warmer there. He had returned to Ireland, to the quiet of Connemara. He had purchased the old hunting lodge some time ago. It was his refuge from the world, his sanctuary.

  The past month had been spent here, in peaceful solitude, on the banks of the lough. Connemara, actually most of Galway, was quiet, peaceful, and people left him alone here at Finnisglin Lodge. The fact that the grounds he acquired with the old fishing and hunting lodge were expansive and surrounded his residence helped to ensure his privacy. In fact, the house could not be seen from the road due to the trees that had been planted hundreds of years before, nor could the remains of the ancient castle ruins, located some distance from the Lodge. It was precisely the reason he had purchased Finnisglin. That and it was his place of power.

  He was sitting in his favorite chair in the den when it happened. When every nerve came alive and he felt the burning blast of energy shoot through him like a bolt of lightning.

  When the warning passed, and the red, hot burn of energy ebbed and dissipated, he struggled for breath. He noticed his hands gripped the chair arms so tightly his knuckles were white. It took him several seconds but he stood, though he felt shaky and weak. He looked to his ring. The dense black obsidian stone now glowed orange. He felt his own power rise as the stone in the ring lit up like brilliant, fiery embers. A minute passed and the incredible heat of power left him. He watched as the stone returned to its original, opaque darkness.

  He caught a flash of light from the corner of his eye. He watched in wonder as the old crystal point, placed upon his shelf decades before, flared to a brilliant white. The light winked out quickly, the crystal returning to its original dullness the moment he turned fully around to gaze upon it. He’d thought the old hag’s crystal to be dead for ages. He’d merely kept it as a memento of his long ago victory.

  The realization came to him like the force of a blow. This series of events could mean only one thing. He had waited for so many, long centuries, now it seemed the time had come at last. Anticipation for revenge snaked through him. Excitement and the craving to begin the hunt anew brought a tingle of anticipation.

  They gathered.

  He reached down and lifted the Galway crystal glass to his lips. He drained the amber liquid, savored the smoothness of the fine brandy, just as he savored thoughts of his final revenge. His last battle, and the ultimate victory.

  It was late, but he hadn’t any time to waste. He would make his preparations tonight and leave for the U.S. when the sun rose over Lough Inagh on the morrow. He would renew his search in the very place he’d lost the trail when last in Arizona. Chandler. He was off to the arid desert again. This time, he would find his prey. Eventually, after he toyed with his victims a bit, he would eliminate them. He did enjoy seeing terror in his enemies’ eyes. It always gave him a heady rush of energy. And power.

  He stood and walked toward his computer that sat upon his fine French desk. There were things he must do.

  Jade changed into a pair of yoga capris and a tank when she arrived at the apartment. Thankfully, it had been a busy day. They needed more of those this month. She went downstairs. Harper had changed into a pair of shorts and a tank and was setting out bright red placemats, paper plates and napkins on the table. Erin had volunteered to stop and pick up sandwiches for dinner on her way home.

  “I’m starving!” Harper sat in the chair across the table.

  “I’m hungry too. I skipped lunch today. It was busy for a Friday! I think I did seven readings today, four of them were for an hour each.” Jade smiled.

  “Thank goodness for us, because the shop hasn’t been as busy this month. Today was the best day so far, I think. At one time, I counted fifteen customers in the store at one time, when you and Erin both had clients. That was this morning and it only got busier this afternoon. Erin did massages all day. From what I saw, all but one customer bought something today when they came in.” Harper grinned.

  “I bet we had close to seventy people in today, and it was still quite busy when we left. I hope it’s a good night for the other girls.” Jade raised her arms above her and stretched.

  “I hope so. Claire had done a couple readings already before we left. Annie went straight in for a reading when she arrived,” Harper told her.

  “I know. It was a great day. I was expecting our sales to start off slow when we first opened and they were, but by the third month we were in the black and increased our profits every month after that. And we continued that way until this month. I think the summer months may be slower than we expected them to be,” Jade confessed.

  “We’ve been lucky. Maybe this is just a bad month.”

  “I hope that is it. Today’s sales definitely helped. If we could have a couple more days like this, we might end up in the black for this month.” Jade nodded.

  They heard the door open.

  “I have food!” They heard their roommate’s cheerful voice from the lower level entry.

  “I just left my massage bag in the entry. I’ll put it in my room after we eat,” Erin said as she jogged up the stairs. “I skipped lunch today and I am starving.” She set down the white bag and the drink holder from Greens and
Wiches. She added, “Delia said to say hi to you both. She was crazy busy today too.”

  “Marcy, at the Happy Kid’s Boutique said her business has picked up since White Magic and Greens and Wiches came into the plaza. Delia opened just two weeks after we did,” Jade said. “Today was a stellar day. We’re almost halfway through the month. Maybe we’ll pull it off by the last day of May.”

  “We just need more days like today. Here’s your chicken salad with your favorite, Delia’s fresh garlic and parmesan pita chips.” Erin grinned as she handed the wrapped items to Jade.

  “Yum. Thanks, Erin.” Jade reached over and grabbed a tall clear cup out of the container marked raspberry tea. She snagged a straw and a napkin that were tucked into the container.

  “Her Teriyaki beef is so tender,” Harper said after she took a bite of her sandwich. “And this bread, fresh baked every day. It tastes amazing.” She rolled her eyes.

  “What did you get?” Jade looked to Erin.

  “I felt like the veggie supreme on multi-grain and I decided to buy a side of snap-peas and cucumber dip for us all to share.” She opened a bag of snap peas and set a small, covered container next to it.

  “I adore Delia’s cucumber dip! The woman is incredible in the kitchen.” Jade grinned.

  “Seriously!” Harper agreed.

  Erin removed one last container from the bag and walked into the kitchen. She opened the freezer and put the large container inside.

  “You didn’t?” Harper asked as she froze. Her sandwich was just inches from her mouth.

  Erin grinned and nodded. “I did. I’ve made good money this week. We had such a good day I thought it called for a special celebration!”

  “Chocolate raspberry frozen yogurt?” Harper looked at her wide-eyed, a big grin plastered on her face.

  Erin laughed and nodded.

  “Yay!” Harper let go a giggle.

  “Oh my gosh! I love, love the chocolate raspberry. It’s my favorite.” Jade rubbed her belly with her hand.

  “It’s my favorite too, but then it’s chocolate. I adore chocolate.” Erin sat down, unwrapped her sandwich, and stuck a straw in her raspberry tea.

  “So?” Harper looked at Jade.

  Jade cocked her head in confusion. “What?”

  “Tell us more about Hot Cop Decker.” Harper waggled her brows.

  Jade laughed. “I ran into him, literally, as you know. We talked for maybe four or five minutes, and he asked how he should go about getting a reading. That was it.” Jade shrugged. “Oh, he said he was in the shop a couple of months ago and liked the place. He said it had good energy.”

  “That’s why he looked familiar. I remember when he came in. He was with another good–looking guy on crutches. He wasn’t in uniform that day. Did he ask you your name?” Erin asked.

  “No, but Connor used it when he said hi to me, so Officer Decker knew it already.”

  “But he used your name when he asked about a reading, right?”

  “I guess so.” Jade took another bite of her salad. “I don’t remember.” She did remember, very well actually. He used her name. She wouldn’t make something of that because she didn’t need to get her hopes up. She had been immediately attracted to Officer Decker. Hotness aside, he seemed like a nice guy.

  “He gave you his name.” Harper pointed out.

  “Yeah, Mike Decker, but he likes to be called Decker. So?” Jade countered.

  “So, if he wasn’t interested, he wouldn’t have told you his name, or paid attention when Connor used your name,” Harper pointed out.

  “If he just wanted a reading he might.” Jade took a moment to munch on some pita chips.

  “Granted, I only saw him right before and right after you ran into him. And when he reached out to steady you, he had the kind of smile on his face a guy has when he’s interested,” Erin offered with a smile.

  “You were late for your client. How did you see him after I ran into him?” Jade’s eyes narrowed on her roommate.

  “I might have waved Harper over to the window. And maybe both of us watched until he opened the door for you, as a gentleman should. I thought he looked very interested in you.” One corner of Erin’s lips lifted as she exchanged a conspiratorial look with Harper.

  “Oh come on. I think he was just being polite.” Jade’s lips thinned. Most police officers were polite. Not that she had met that many.

  “Sure, he was. But, I think he checked out your butt a little when you went in the door ahead of him.” Harper sported a wide, amused grin.

  “He did not!” Jade cracked up.

  “I couldn’t really tell where he was looking, but his eyes were cast down, so I just assumed. He’s a man.” Harper took a bite of her sandwich and grinned at Jade as she chewed.

  “Come on, you guys! The man just wants a reading. Don’t make it more than it is,” she said with a laugh.

  “Jade, do you think he is handsome?” Erin asked.

  “Of course I do, I’m not dead.” She giggled.

  “No, you’re not. Austin has been dead four years, and you haven’t gone out on a real date yet. I’m not counting the times you helped us out when Harper and I suckered you into joining us and guys we were interested in on double dates. And I’ll be the first to admit the guys you were stuck with on those double dates were nothing to write home about.” Erin grimaced.

  “And neither were our dates, obviously as we’re still single,” Harper inserted with a chuckle.

  Erin laughed. “That’s the truth. Sweetie, what I’m saying is that you always say you are waiting to get the right feeling when you meet a guy. And you haven’t. Maybe it’s been so long that you’re scared to date again.”

  Jade reached over and picked up some snap-peas. She poured some cucumber, avocado, and lime dip on her plate. She thought about what Erin said as she chewed on a snap pea.

  “Okay, maybe I am,” she admitted with a shrug. “You know, scared I might pick the wrong guy again, afraid of being hurt again, having my heart sliced open on a platter and fed to me. Little things like that.” Jade rolled her eyes.

  Some of the last words her late husband said to her popped into her head. “Why do I want a divorce? Why? Could it be because you’re boring, and no fun whatsoever? Maybe, huh? You’re so serious all the time. What guy wants to come home to that? And did I mention cold fish? No I don’t think I did. Cold. Fish. People here wonder why the hell I married you. They were not impressed, Jade.”

  Those words still stung a little, but not as much as they did before. Austin was drunk when he called her that night, apparently for the purpose of ranting and belittling her. He called three months later at Christmas. The conversation lasted about three minutes. He said he just called to wish her a Merry Christmas and thanked her for the care package she sent to him. He thanked her for making his favorite cookies. He didn’t tell her he loved her. He said he had to go.

  And that was the last time she talked to him. She didn’t tell him she loved him either, because she wasn’t really in love with him anymore by that time. A month later, he was killed in action.

  “Did you get a good feeling from your encounter with Officer Decker today?” Erin questioned her.

  Remembering the warm jolt of energy that passed between them and looking into those brilliant blue eyes, and that handsome face, she did recall noting his strong, steady energy.

  “Yes. He had very good energy.” She paused to chew then added with a teasing smile, “And he’s gorgeous.”

  Harper and Erin giggled.

  “No, she’s not dead, Erin. You don’t have to worry about that!” Harper chuckled. She looked to Jade and posed her question, “So if he asks you out, are you going to go?”

  Jade shook her head. “You know, I bet a guy that good-looking has women all over him, and if not then he’s married or has a girlfriend. I really didn’t pick up that he was interested in me that way.”

  “He wasn’t wearing a ring. I noticed. But, if he is interested in you a
nd if he does ask you out, will you go out with him?” Harper repeated.

  Jade thought as she chewed on a bite of her sandwich. “I think I would. He’s the only man that I have been attracted to in all this time. But then again, I don’t really know him.”

  Harper and Erin exchanged big smiles.

  “But you could go out with him if he asks, then you could get to know him a little better,” Harper posed.

  “I guess so.” Jade shrugged. “That’s if he asks me out. I think he just wants a reading.”

  “You’ll go if he asks?” Erin pressed.

  “Sure. Yeah.” Jade nodded then shrugged. “Why not?”

  “Good. We’ve been worried about you. We want you to date, at least make some male friends to maybe hang out with and there’s nothing wrong with just having sex. I mean, it must have been longer than five years since you’ve had sex. Austin had been overseas for awhile before it happened.”

  Jade almost choked on her raspberry tea at the mention of sex. “I wouldn’t have sex with a stranger.”

  “Of course not! I didn’t mean it quite like that. Don’t you miss physical intimacy? I do.” Erin smiled wistfully. “It’s only been a couple years for me. But if you went out with Decker and liked him, it might lead to sex later. That’s all I am saying.”

  “If you’ll recall, I hadn’t had much physical intimacy with Austin in some time. He was in the marines and he was away more than I saw him for years. Then there were…problems. So,” Jade continued with a heavy sigh, “To be perfectly honest I’ve missed that for a long time. I guess I’m just used to not having any. I assure you if I meet the right guy, that yes, someday I do want to have that again, the physical intimacy, the sex, great sex. All of it, you know. I want it all; love, sex, and happiness.” Jade smiled.

  She added, “It would have to be the right guy. I don’t want to make another mistake…well, like I did the first time.”

  “You started dating Austin when you were seventeen, Jade. You got married when you were nineteen. You were young. We were all young then. You don’t still feel guilty about not being in love with him when he died, do you?” Erin asked her.


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