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Decker's Fate (The Decker Brothers Trilogy Book 1)

Page 8

by K. R. Richards

  “Are you okay?” he whispered close to her ear. “Do you want me to take you home?”

  “No.” She took a deep breath and smiled up at Decker. “I don’t want to go home. I’d rather stay here with everyone. I don’t want to be alone. I want to stay and have fun. That is what we came here to do. I am fine. I’ve never been stalked before. It’s a strange feeling.”

  “I’m going to get the guy. I promise you. He won’t get near you again.” He took her hand in his and gave it a squeeze.

  “I do believe you, Decker. You look very determined.” She offered him a bigger smile then.

  “I am.” He put his arm around her and pulled her close. “I am going to stop him. You can count on that.”

  A somber mood prevailed, and everyone seemed edgy. The other girls were talking about what they should do to protect Jade and the rest of them while they were at the shop. Liam, Connor, and Brody were providing suggestions and ideas.

  “Are you getting all this, Jade?” Harper asked her.

  “Yes. No. I’m not sure I’m absorbing it all. Wow, this is all so overwhelming,” she admitted as she reached up to rub her forehead. “It’s hurting my head.” She laughed. “But, I am listening.”

  “Yeah, well you’re shook up. It’s understandable. I’m off tomorrow, why don’t you and the girls, and Connor if you can,” he met Connor’s gaze, “come over to our place tomorrow afternoon. We’ll barbeque some burgers and chicken breasts. Then we’ll talk about all of this, and help you get some plans of action in place if this guy should show up again. Brody and Liam might have the license plate number for us by then too.”

  “Barbeque! I’m in!” Harper raised her hand and grinned.

  “That sounds good,” Jade agreed. She turned to face Decker. “I’m off tomorrow. I’ll make a salad. Is there something else you want me to bring?”

  “A salad’s good. I have potatoes.”

  “I’ll bring some snacks,” Erin volunteered.

  “Me too!” Claire said. Riley echoed her.

  “I can cover dessert.” Connor grinned. “I can make something while I’m at work.”

  “What time? Some of us have to work on Sundays, you know.” Harper looked to Decker.

  “What time does the shop close tomorrow?”

  “We only work noon to five on Sundays,” Erin answered.

  “My shop closes at five too,” Connor threw in.

  “Okay, let’s say five thirty or six, whenever you guys can get there.” He turned to Jade. “Are you going to be alone tomorrow? You said it was your day off, right?”

  Jade nodded. “Yes, I guess I will but I’ll be fine.”

  “Why don’t I come pick you up? You can spend the afternoon with me and my brothers, if you want to.”

  “Okay. That sounds good. I don’t want to let this creep scare me, but the thought of being all alone tomorrow does make me feel a little uneasy. I’m sure I’ll feel better tomorrow after we’ve all talked and have a plan in place.”

  “You might wish you were home alone after spending the afternoon with the Decker brothers.” Liam winked at her. He laughed.

  “No she won’t, because the Decker brothers are going to be on their best behavior tomorrow,” Decker said as he lifted a warning brow and looked from Liam to Brody. His brothers both grinned back at him.

  Liam laughed. “Yeah, right, Mikey.”

  Decker couldn’t conceal his smile. He laughed. “I promise, they’re not that bad,” he told Jade.

  She laughed.

  Brody told the girls how to get to Decker’s house. Harper wrote the directions down.

  “Well, I have to be up in six hours, I’m going home. But I’ll see all of you tomorrow at five thirty.” Connor rose. He said his good-byes. He raised a hand to the band as he left.

  “Good night Connor. Gotta get up early and make the coffee?” the lead singer, Marty Lucas, asked over the microphone.

  “Someone has to. I don’t think it will be you!” Connor pointed to him and laughed as Marlowe stepped up on the stage with a tray of Jager shots.

  Marty laughed. “No. Early for me on a Sunday after a gig is ten a.m. Thanks for the shots, buddy! Compliments of Connor from Connor’s Coffee,” he announced before he downed his shot.

  Connor laughed and exited the bar.

  While Jade said good-by to Annie, Claire and Riley, who rode together and were heading home, Decker informed Liam and Brody that he was not laying the family curse explanation on Jade tonight.

  “She needs to know,” Brody whispered.

  “Not tonight, she’s pretty shook up. I’ll tell her tomorrow. It was a strange night and we want them to get a good night’s sleep,” Decker explained.

  “As long as you tell her tomorrow. You’ll have plenty of time before the barbeque,” Brody said with a frown. “Let’s just hope he leaves them alone tonight.”

  “You have to tell her tomorrow, Mikey,” Liam added. “I don’t think this guy is just a random stalker and I don’t think you do either.”

  “I don’t honestly know at this point. This guy might not be who we think he is,” Decker posed.

  Liam gave him a look.

  “Okay, he could be. I will tell her soon, I promise,” Decker tried to appease him; however Liam continued to glare at him. “Okay, I’ll do it tomorrow,” he acquiesced.

  However, damn it, he wasn’t happy about telling her this soon. He was strongly attracted to Jade, more so after spending the evening with her, and he didn’t want to lose her before there was even a chance for them to get to know one another. On the other hand, if this creep was the old, evil demon after the Deckers, and Jade proved to be his fated ‘one’, she could be in serious danger right now. He had to admit that Liam and Brody were right about that.

  He had to tell her. He would do it tomorrow. The guy left the bar. Connor saw him leave the parking lot. He just hoped like hell that the guy didn’t know where she lived. He’d make sure they weren’t followed on the way to her apartment.

  “See you at home in a bit,” he said to his brothers as Jade returned to his side. “I’m taking Jade home.”

  He decided he had to make the rest of the night and tomorrow morning count with Jade. The reveal of the evil bad guy and the family curse would have to come sometime tomorrow. Right now, it truly did seem like a curse.

  Chapter Five

  “I told you not to worry,” Decker said softly as he turned onto Ray Road and headed east toward Alma School Road. He checked the rearview mirror to see if anyone turned behind him. No one did.

  “I know that and I’m trying not to.” Jade did give him a smile. Overall, he was probably not impressed. She had talked about her late husband at dinner and now she was being stalked. She wouldn’t blame him if he decided she was too much trouble. She really hoped he didn’t though. She looked at him from beneath her lashes.

  “We’ll figure everything out when we all get together tomorrow. Hey, you don’t run by yourself outside or anything like that do you? I know they have some tracks at your apartment complex.”

  “I do sometimes, but I definitely won’t be doing that tomorrow and not until this guy is out of the picture,” Jade assured him.

  “Do you use the fitness room there?”

  “Yes, I do. I’ll just make sure Harper or Erin go with me when I go. For the time being, I won’t go alone.”

  “That’s a good idea.”

  “The night turned out kind of weird, Decker. I don’t normally have people stalking me. I’m sure we’ll get this taken care of soon.”

  She looked worried. “Hey, I know that. I told you, I’m going to find this guy. I had a great time tonight, Jade. I really enjoyed your company. I’m hoping you’ll go out with me again. You will, won’t you?”

  “I will. I look forward to it.” Jade breathed a sigh of relief and gave him a happy smile.

  “Good. Is Saturday night good for you next weekend?”

  “Well…” she teased then laughed when he gave
her a look.

  “It is. Saturday is perfect.” She beamed at him.

  “Good. I’ll take you someplace special.”

  Decker walked around and opened the passenger door for her. She started to get out, but he placed his hands on her waist and asked her, “Do you want me to come in and look around, and make sure everything is safe?”

  “I’m sure everything is fine, but since you’re offering, that would be great. It would make me feel better too.”

  “I’ll come in for a few. I know you are tired, and the other girls have to work tomorrow, so I won’t stay long. I really would like to look around, check all the windows and doors if you and your roommates don’t mind. I would feel better if I did.”

  “You don’t have to convince me, I’m all for it.” She gave him a nod and a smile.

  Even though it was against his number one rule, never kiss on the first date, he really wanted to kiss her. Before he even thought about what he was doing, he bent his head to kiss her. He immediately straightened when he heard a vehicle approaching on the driveway. He stepped in close and gave her a quick hug instead.

  “I promise we’ll get his taken care of, get rid of this guy.” The strength of energy that came with their physical contact this time surprised him. He regretted then that he hadn’t kissed her.

  “I guess we should go inside. Your roommates?” he asked.

  Jade nodded. “Yes.” She noted his voice sounded husky. She wondered if he had felt the same strong burst of heat that she had when he hugged her. She thought he was about to kiss her. Maybe he had intended to before he heard Harper’s car approaching. She’d never know. Darn it.

  He helped her from his vehicle as Harper parked her shiny white Altima on the other side of them. He kept Jade’s hand in his and paused to wait on the girls. They headed down the walk toward the apartment together.

  Decker did look around. After the lower level and main living area on the second floor checked out, he followed Jade down the hallway past Harper’s room and a large bathroom before they reached the stairs leading up to the third floor.

  A few steps and a small landing, then more steps led up to her room.

  Jade flicked a switch as they reached her space.

  “This is nice,” Decker complimented as he looked around. His first impression was that she appeared to be a neat freak just like he was. There was absolutely nothing out of place. No clutter. Awesome.

  “Thanks.” She petted her cat as she uncurled herself from the foot of the bed and stood. The sleek feline stretched, making soft, little chirping sounds as Jade ran a hand over the shiny, black fur on her back.

  “Hey Sam,” Decker reached over and scratched her behind the ears. Sam purred loudly.

  Yeah, he thought, the room felt like Jade, earthy, green, like a breath of fresh air. There was a large painting of Buddha done in varying shades of cream and greens on the farthest wall. It hung above a low, antique chest holding pillar candles and an array of crystals, minerals, and gemstones contained in hand-carved wood and wicker baskets. A few bright colored pottery dishes held some clear crystal points. It was obviously her sacred space. Her altar.

  “I like your altar.” He looked to her.


  The vaulted ceiling gave the room an airy feel. Dark wood furniture, with simple, clean lines contrasted with the light wood laminate floor. Her headboard was tall with straight lines, just simple elegance. He couldn’t help but notice the footboard was low, so a guy as tall as he was wouldn’t kick it all night, if he slept with her. He couldn’t help thinking about that because he definitely wanted to sleep with her at some point in the near future.

  A fluffy comforter, a tiny floral print in muted greens, yellows and oranges, adorned her bed. Large pillows of the same print and some larger and smaller, of complimentary colors lined the headboard. It was feminine, but casual. A photography print of a lush, misty forest scene hung above the headboard.

  A rectangular, framed mirror made up of tiny squares of creamy mother of pearl hung above an antique, marble-topped chest of drawers. Next to the Victorian chest, in front of a large window, there was a sleek, antique mahogany desk with elegant cabriole legs where her laptop, printer, and wire baskets holding files and mail sat. A pretty stained glass lamp adorned the desk. He definitely liked her style.

  The bathroom was big for an apartment bathroom. To the right was a walk in closet. One peek into the well organized closet, and he decided he really liked Jade now. He couldn’t keep from grinning. They were a lot alike when it came to cleaning and organization, that was for sure.

  If you looked straight ahead from the bathroom door, there was a small alcove, possibly meant to be a sitting area, in front of a glass cinderblock window. The window wasn’t large, just tall and narrow. A fish tank was on the wall to the right. It looked to be a tall twenty, maybe thirty, gallon tank on a dark wood stand. He caught a few flashes of bright yellow darting around in the unlit tank. On the opposite alcove wall was a pretty print of a woman from medieval times in a small beautifully crafted boat. There was a lot of detail in the print. There was a lantern, lit candles in the boat, and an interesting looking quilt or tapestry trailing in the dark water. Birds flew from the dark forest behind the water.

  Noticing what had caught Decker’s interest, she explained, “That’s a John William Waterhouse, one of the Pre-Raphaelite artists. The print is Elaine, the Lady of Astolat, from the Arthurian Romances.”

  “I like it,” Decker said. “There’s a lot going on in that picture. You could find something new every time you looked at it. I like prints like that.”

  He looked up to see the partial vault in the bathroom ceiling, as well as a skylight.

  “Nice big bathroom.”

  “Thanks. I like it.”

  They returned to the bedroom. He checked the French door. It was locked. “You keep it locked, right? Sam doesn’t go outside, does she?”

  “It’s always locked unless I step outside. Sam was declawed when I adopted her, so she can’t go outside.”

  “Good, and don’t go out on the balconies for awhile, okay?”

  “I assure you, I will not. I’m still a little uneasy about this guy stalking me.”

  “We’ll figure things out tomorrow, and come up with a plan. I won’t let him hurt you, Jade. I will find a way to stop him.” He rubbed her arm.

  “Thanks, Decker. I appreciate everything you’re doing.”

  “I have a vested interest. You’re my girl, remember?” The dazzling smile he gave her eased her fear a little.

  “I do.” She managed a bright smile herself.

  “Now, I’ll get going and let you get some sleep,” he whispered. He wanted to kiss her, but it was just too soon. Besides, she was shook up from what happened tonight. He’d settle for another hug.

  He drew her into the circle of his arms and gave her what he hoped was a decent hug. Again, that rush of warm, tingling energy shot through him. He pulled back, moving his hands to her shoulders.

  “Keep your phone on your charger and within reaching distance of you while you’re in bed tonight. Promise me you will call me for anything if you need me. Any strange noises, unexplainable shadows, anything out of the ordinary at all, okay.” There was a chance this guy was the old evil demon.

  “I might just be imagining things, you know. I am kind of spooked.” She managed a little laugh.

  “That doesn’t matter. You call me, and I will be here in a very short amount of time. Promise me you will call if something doesn’t seem right or even if you are just scared.”

  “All right, Decker. I will call if I need to, but I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

  “If not, you know what to do.”

  “If not, I’ll call. I promise,” she assured him.

  “Good. I’ll head home so you ladies can get some sleep. I’ll pick you up at eleven tomorrow. Harper told me she and Erin will leave at eleven fifteen to go to the shop.”

  “Okay, I�
�ll be ready.” She smiled. She was definitely looking forward to spending the day with Decker tomorrow.

  He took her hand and led her back downstairs.


  Jade punched in the code to turn the alarm on as soon as Decker left.

  “Are you turning in?” Jade asked her roommates as she came up the steps to the living area. She was a little disappointed Decker hadn’t given her a goodnight kiss, but Harper and Erin were hanging out in the family room above the entry, so that’s probably why he didn’t.

  “No. Harper and I are going to sit with you for a little while, until you calm down. This has to be really scary for you, hun.” Erin patted the space on the sofa next to her.

  “Thanks, but I know you need to get some sleep. You both work tomorrow and it’s almost one,” Jade said as she sat down.

  “And you get to hang out with hot cop Decker tomorrow, missy,” Harper grinned at her. She waggled her brows.

  “I do. It will be nice. I’m sure I’ll enjoy his company. I just wish it was for some other reason.”

  “Maybe Liam and Brody will get the creep’s license number off of the photo Connor took and the police will get involved. Decker says there are things he can help you with to stop this guy from bothering you. Everything will work out,” Erin tried to assure her.

  “Decker said he’ll get the guy. I believe him, Jade. He seems to be honest,” Harper added. “I think he’s very interested in you.”

  “Maybe he is. I’m not sure. He can’t be excited about the fact I’m being stalked.” She shook her head.

  “I think he is genuinely interested in you. He seems determined to help you get rid of this guy,” Erin offered.

  “Yes, he does. I just hope that jerk doesn’t come around the shop anymore.” Jade sighed.

  “We all do. Remember, we’re going to talk about all of this tomorrow after work. We’ll be more prepared if he does show up.”

  “That’s true. Good point.” Jade covered her mouth when she yawned. “Wow, I guess I am tired. I think I better get to bed while I am sleepy.”

  “Do you want one of us to sleep with you?” Erin asked.


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