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Demons of Desire

Page 4

by Debra Dunbar

  “Yep. You go. I just need to catch my breath a bit.”

  I stood beside the table, not trusting myself to slide into the upholstered seats. Darci and her friends danced, hips gyrating, hair flying. I’d just watch them. No one else. Just them. But my eyes drifted to a couple nearby. Her leg was between his, thighs rubbing against his crotch. He bent down to wrap his hands around her waist and pull her close, mouth sealing to hers. Everything exploded with the beat. Hot pulsing waves that flowed along the room like a tide. Soft skin, the musky scent of arousal, shared breath, fingers nudging apart thighs and reaching for the sweetest of spots. It all blurred together, but somehow I remained standing, remembered to breathe.

  Hands touched my waist, smoothing down to rest at my hips, and a voice like dark chocolate whispered in my ear.

  “Whoa there my little half–breed. Steady, steady, or we’ll have an angel down on our heads. There’s one permanently assigned to New Orleans, and although they usually don’t bother with hybrids, you’re a bit different. Take the pheromones down a notch, and don’t pull so hard on the energy.”

  Irix. Was I hallucinating? Did someone slip something into my drink? I’d dismissed him. I’d left town. How had he found me? Why was he here? My wild monster suddenly tamed, aligning herself with his wishes. She was overjoyed to have him here, and the elf part of me was equally thrilled. Traitors, both of them.

  The dancers continued their very inappropriate dance moves, but it was slow and purposeful, less frenzied. I leaned back, into a hard chest. Arms came around to clasp at my waist. With a gentle tug backward, I felt myself being pulled down onto a lap.

  “Do you feel it, elf–girl?”

  His voice rolled over my skin, and I leaned my head back against his shoulder. Yes, I felt it — an erection like steel against my ass. The man could pound nails with that thing. I squirmed in appreciation.

  “Not like I could miss it.”

  He chuckled. “No. The energy they’re generating. Take it. It’s yours.”

  Sex. It flowed from the dancers, from the D.J., from the people at the bar. Darci danced with her brother’s friend. The other girls had attracted a group of men and were now pairing off. Their lust sparked into me. I nearly purred. Perhaps I could make do with this. I wouldn’t need to run around like some crazed nympho. I could just hang out in dance clubs, enhancing the natural sensuality, and refuel that way.

  “It’s only an appetizer, little one. Look around and pick out someone for the main course.”

  No. I’d planned on doing just that, hooking up with someone tomorrow, or even tonight if I just couldn’t wait, but suddenly none of the men on the dance floor appealed to me at all — even the two guys I’d been gyrating in between just a few moments ago. I was still turned on as hell, but I wanted none of them. Not the doorman, not the bartender, not any of these men.

  Irix’s hand slid up the inside of my knee, bunching up my skirt and halting a tantalizing inch away from the apex of my thighs. “You haven’t had anyone since I arrived from Hel, Amber. You’re hungry. That man at the door is yours for the taking. Anyone here is yours for the taking. Why do you deny yourself?”

  How do I explain to a sex demon that I hated what I was? Eternal fascination might fuel my power, but it made me feel like a cruel, selfish monster. A trail of broken hearts wasn’t worth it. The other part of me, the part I’d always thought was human, wouldn’t allow it. But there was something else that kept me from picking out a “main course”.

  I’d resigned myself that I’d have to give in to my needs occasionally, and there were plenty of guys in this club that would meet my criteria, but when Irix was around, all the other men became as sexually interesting as a piece of cardboard. I might be contributing to the sensual atmosphere of the dance club, but the incubus whose hand caressed my thigh was the sole occupant of my very lustful thoughts.

  “I don’t want any of them.” And for once, my demon and my elf both agreed.

  Irix sighed. I thought for a second it was in disappointment, but then his hand ventured north to run along the strip of my thong.


  I was wet. Soaked. And his accusation only increased the throbbing moisture between my legs. My mind scrambled for something to say as I felt my face heat up.

  “I …uh, spilled my drink.”

  Yeah. Only on the crotch of my underwear and nowhere else. I should have claimed incontinence. It would have been more plausible.


  The word was drawn out, like I was an adorable, naughty child. Irix shifted me on his lap and I looked into his face. Light golden–brown eyes, like caramel, like whiskey on ice, like the amber I was named for, stared back at me. Thick sable hair brushed his collar. A lock hung along his face, curling right at the corner of his lip. And, oh his lips — generous and sculpted, the cause of so many of my restless nights. Those lips turned up in a smile, and his hand left my thigh. Slowly he brought it up and slid a finger into his mouth, pursing his lips as he withdrew it.

  “A drink this wonderful should never be spilled.”

  His voice was husky. I suddenly didn’t care if it was pheromones, or some trick of incubus magic. Heat shot through me, and every nerve ending quivered. There was no argument between the various parts of myself. I was of one mind as I leaned forward and claimed his lips with my own.

  They were better than I’d dreamed of — soft and firm, tasting of rum, and the darkest chocolate. The hint of my own musk on his mouth only increased my desire. It was as if I’d marked him, imbedded my scent onto his. I bit his lip, demanding entry, and squirmed on his lap, desperate to straddle him and ease my ache against his hard cock.

  He held me firm on his lap, but obliged my other request, opening his mouth. I explored every inch with my tongue before he captured it, sucking it deep inside. Pulling away, he placed his forehead against mine. His eyes were calm and thoughtful, revealing none of the inferno I’m sure mine reflected. It brought me back to sanity, made me remember that as much as I wanted him, I’d never be more than just another fuck to him. Sex was like eating lunch — he might enjoy it, but ultimately it only served to fuel his body. I’ll be damned if I was going to be in the same category as a ham and Swiss on rye.

  “You’re losing control of the dancers, Amber.”

  I was. Clothing was beginning to slip off, some had completely stopped dancing and were groping each other with desperate hunger. My twosomes were beginning to blur into foursomes and more. Struggling, I turned my attention from Irix and reined in the pheromones pouring from me like a fire hose. It wasn’t easy with Irix’s hands roving over my bare legs and his lips feathering across my neck.

  “Better. I’m all in favor of orgies, but I know you’d have a hard time facing yourself in the mirror tomorrow if you caused one — especially one that included your friend.”

  Darci. I barely knew the other girls, but Darci would not want that. I glanced over at her dancing, her partner bending nearly in half to hear her above the music. Irix’s lips traced a line across my jaw. I shook with the sensation. The desire flowing from the dance floor, the warmth of Irix’s body against mine, it was like a little slice of heaven, but he was right — it was only an appetizer. And it would have to suffice.

  “Let’s dance. You’ll absorb more out there with them.”

  I hesitated. Out there, pressed up against Irix, I’d have little to no control. The orgy he’d mentioned earlier would surely come to pass if I didn’t manage to hold things in check. Standing up, Irix slid me off his lap to my feet, rubbing a hand up the back of my dress to squeeze my ass. I gulped air, feeling more stable now that there was a little distance between us. His hand on my rear felt good, but it was nowhere near as disruptive as when it was caressing the inside of my thighs.

  “Come on. I’ll help you. If you’re going to continue on this absurd course of self–starvation, I might as well ease your pain as best as I can.”

  The dancers parted, creating a smal
l passageway for us as we worked our way toward Darci and her friends. As we reached them, Irix turned, pulling me against him. I loved the way we fit together — my nose nestled into his neck, and his cheek against my temple. My arms circled his waist, and I breathed him in, content to just stand there in his arms.

  Irix had other ideas. His knee nudged between my legs as he guided me forward and backward in a three point step pattern. I didn’t recognize the dance, but his hand, firm at the small of my back, guided me, and I soon fell into the rhythm. The movement was like a drug, and I found myself kissing his neck, my breasts rubbing against his chest.

  With a sudden movement, he spun me around, hands holding me tight against his chest. “Here?”

  He knew how much I wanted him. I hesitated, needing to feel him inside me, but a tiny bit of my sanity remained. There was no way I was going to have sex in public, especially in front of my friends. Especially with Irix.

  “No. ” My voice was thick with frustration.

  “I know a place.”

  He nuzzled my neck, his hand skimming across my waist to splay against my stomach. I was drunk on him, so very lost. A night of passion in his arms was tempting, but it would be only once. In the morning, he’d look at me with dispassionate eyes and I’d carry the cravings for him all my life. I was only half a succubus. He’d bring me to my knees without a second thought then leave me, not because he was mean and cruel, but just because it was his nature. No, I wouldn’t be his ham and Swiss.

  “I’m not having sex with you.”

  His soft laugh was warm against my ear. “I know. My complaint exactly. Let’s go somewhere and remedy that situation.”

  I stepped forward, trying to put more space between us. The dance floor was crowded, so I only managed a few inches. “Irix, I’m not going to have sex with you. Not tonight. Not ever. Now go away. I came here to get away from you. Go back to Hel. Or at least the next state over.”

  The hands on my waist and stomach tightened, curling painfully into my flesh. I felt his sharp intake of breath against my neck, and a punitive nip of teeth. It hurt. It would leave a mark, but I held still and silent, refusing to turn this into a fight. Irix’s anger was just as much an aphrodisiac as his passion.

  “I won’t leave. You’re barely holding on here. If I go, this whole place is going to fall apart into a mess of sexual activity — consensual and non. Personally, I don’t care, but I promised Leethu I’d guide you, promised I’d keep you out of trouble. I can’t return to Hel and tell her that her daughter went crazy in a dance club and was executed by an angel before sunrise.”

  Neither of us was really sure what an angel would do to me. I wasn’t the typical hybrid. They might not overlook my existence as easily as they did the others. Angel or no, if Irix kept this up, I’d be screwing him on the dance floor before sunrise. I’d rather take my chances with the angel.

  “I’ve got it. You helped me, and now I’m fine. Leave.” It all came out through clenched teeth, because, in spite of my words, I wasn’t fine. “Just leave.”

  He must have heard the wobble, the unsaid “please” in my voice because the hands gripping me relaxed and caressed with an apologetic gentleness. His mouth moved over the bite on my neck, licking and sucking. I leaned back against him, all resolve slipping away.

  “Please.” And now I actually said it, although at this point I wasn’t certain what I was begging him for.

  “I will give you a chance to do this on your own,” he murmured, moving his lips back up to the edge of my ear. “I’ll stay in the club, where I can watch in case you need me. Deal?”

  “Deal.” My heart thudded in gratitude.

  Just like that, he was gone. Vanished, leaving me cold and shaking in the middle of the dance floor. The only thing keeping the crashing feeling of loss at bay was the knowledge that he was somewhere close by.

  I glanced over to make sure Darci and her friends were still dancing then stumbled back to the table, flagging down a waitress for another drink. With Irix gone, the energy flowing off the dance floor seemed thin — a watered–down version of what I’d had earlier. I struggled to keep it going, my enthusiasm flagging. The sparks sputtered, died, and the only thing left was a group of humans doing the bump and grind to Trap. The waitress brought my rum and ginger ale, but nothing cleared the sawdust taste in my mouth. I was starving, and the one thing I wanted was the one thing I’d sent away.

  “I was wondering when you’d run out of juice.” It was Jordan, picking up her beer and edging up beside me. “I owe you a big thanks. That was the hottest guy that’s ever looked twice at me. Too bad he ditched me as soon as your spell ended.” Her eyes focused to a spot behind me. “I see yours did the same.”

  I refused to look, and I refused to rise to the bait. Unfortunately my silence didn’t deter her.

  “I can’t believe what you did at the park this afternoon. That’s when I really knew. I mean, you’ve got that vibe about you, but Darci never said anything about you being a witch. Not many have that talent with plants and can rock the sex magic too. We could really use your energy in our coven. I’d love to introduce you.”

  This had to stop. Now.

  “I’m not a witch. I’m not even human. I was born in Hel and smuggled here when I was an infant. I’m half elf/half succubus.”

  Jordan made a sputtering noise, choking and coughing as beer poured out her mouth and nose. I gave her a half–hearted slap on the back and walked away. It didn’t matter whether she believed me or not; hopefully it would stop her from pestering me.

  “Hey, how’s it going?”

  Darci’s eyes were wild with excitement, her face flushed as she leaned in close to me. A fine sheen of sweat coated her dark skin, setting the glitter aglow in the lights. The boy she’d been dancing with trailed after her, a cocky grin on his face.

  “Good.” I looked pointedly at the boy. “I didn’t catch the name of your brother’s friend before. It’s too stinking loud on that dance floor to hear a thing.”

  Darci nodded. “Totally. I think I’ve lost hearing in one ear. Gavin, Amber. Amber, Gavin.”

  The way she said his name approached reverence. The big brother’s friend — I’d been there many times before. Gavin reached over to shake my hand, using the movement as an excuse to rub against Darci’s hip and shoulder. Things definitely looked promising for her.

  “I’ll get more drinks. Be right back,” he shouted before working his way to the bar. Darci didn’t waste any time grabbing me and pulling me aside.

  “Where’s that guy you were dancing with? Wow. Just wow. Leave it to you to score the hottest guy in here.”

  I felt my stomach twist. “We danced. He left.”

  Darci’s eyes grew huge. “No way. You were practically devouring him. He had his hand up your skirt. I swear smoke rolled off you two. There’s no way that guy ‘left’.”

  “I don’t want that, Darci. I came here to get away from that, remember? This is a week for me to hang with friends.”

  She gave me The Look — the one only best friends can pull off. I squirmed, but was unable to resist.

  “That’s Irix,” I reluctantly admitted.

  Darci made an unsophisticated noise that sounded like she was choking on a chicken bone. “Your life coach? Holy cow, no wonder you fled the state. I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off that if my life depended on it.”

  “Yeah, well tonight proves that I can’t keep my hands off that either.”

  My friend shot me a shrewd glance. Uh–oh. Here we go again.

  “I think you need to go for it. Hit that thing. From what I saw on the dance floor, he’s more than willing to go there.”

  I sighed, because I sooo wanted to go there. “It would only be one night, though. He’d do the ‘just friends’ thing, and I’d want more. Remember?”

  Darci shrugged. “Who’s to say you wouldn’t feel the same? You were crazy for that Zumba instructor, and the next day you felt nada. Maybe you need to jump t
his guy, get it out of your system, and move on. You wouldn’t need to feel guilty either, because he’d want the same thing.”

  But the way I felt about Irix was different than that Zumba guy, or any of the other crushes I’d had over the years. The craving I felt for him went beyond my need for energy, beyond my desire for physical pleasure. Every cell in my body sang when he was around; every part of my being wanted him next to me. One night would never quench my thirst for him.

  “Maybe, but not tonight. I need to think about things and get my head on straight before I make that sort of decision. Tonight I’m going to do my thing, and he’s going to do his. Separately.”

  “Okay.” Darci’s voice wavered and her eyes focused behind me, just as Jordan’s had done.

  I will not look. I will not look. I was practically gritting my teeth with the effort. Whatever Irix was doing, I knew I didn’t want to see it. Just put him out of my mind and go dance with my friends. I needed to pretend he wasn’t here, needed to keep my eyes in my friends’ direction.

  Oh, fuck it. I turned my head and scanned the crowd behind me. There had to have been a hundred people on that side of the club, but my eyes zeroed in on one. Irix. A redhead was plastered to him, rubbing the entire front of her body along his backside in a rhythmic motion. At his feet was a brunette, wrapped around one of his legs, practically dry–humping his foot. A blond stood in front of him. He dribbled his beverage down the front of her dress then bent his head to chase the drops.

  I whipped my head around, holding back the urge to rip his head off. My mind stupidly replaced the three girls with myself, and before I could stop my thoughts, they spiraled into lust and jealousy. In my mind, I could feel his back against my breasts, his foot rubbing between my legs, his tongue teasing down into the hollow between my breasts. . . but it wasn’t me he was with on the other side of the bar. I tried to calm the fury that warred with a resurgence of desire. This was who he was, what he did. No sense in getting resentful about it.


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