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Southern Shifters_Taken by the Wolf

Page 3

by Selena Blake

  As if she hadn't just had a psy experience in the middle of dinner, she returned to her food, eating with the kind of gusto he enjoyed. And he was pleased that she didn't try to hide her appetite. He'd heard human women did that and he couldn't understand. You ate when you were hungry. Hell, sometimes a wolf would go a day or two between meals when food was scarce. Thank goodness those times were almost gone.

  But she seemed to enjoy her pasta and had praised his ability to throw dinner together on such short notice. Something was weighing on her mind and had been since he'd opened the front door and ushered her inside.

  While she seemed at ease with him, she also seemed unsure about something.

  He'd lost the battle a while ago, had decided he couldn't live without her. It'd taken a while to come to grips with that decision. Hell, it'd taken him almost a month to tell Matthias his plans and his second had never been anything but supportive.

  He had a feeling that Matthias wasn't delivering good news though.

  He pushed the thought aside and squeezed her hand. Words had never been his tool. Brawn, cunning, sheer ruthlessness, those were his weapons. But he needed to say something to her, something to ease her mind and prove to her that he meant what he'd said down the mountain.

  She was his mate.

  And he had no intention of ever giving her up.

  She gasped, eyes swerving to his. A knock at the door drew their attention and he got up to answer it.

  “Since when do you knock?” he asked the big man.

  Matthias stepped across the threshold slowly, like he was afraid of what he'd find inside. His dark gaze flicked to Robin who gave him a soft smile. Deep inside Colt realized that she was trying to be friendly, to ease whatever news his beta was about to give them.

  “Blackwood knows you've begun you're mating cycle,” Matthias said without preamble.

  Robin's cheeks turned bright red and her eyes went as round as the dinner plate beside her. “I-he—” she stuttered.

  Colt had never thought of a woman as adorable before. Bunnies were adorable. Babies too, but women? She snapped her lips closed and met his gaze.

  Matthias's words finally sank in.

  “Your mating cycle?”

  She and Matthias nodded in unison.

  “How did Blackwood find out? I haven't told anyone.”

  Matthias shrugged. “Someone in your clan must have been paying attention. He wants your power.”

  “Why?” she chirped. She shrank before their eyes but then she rallied and sat tall. He supposed it was natural for her to feel fear in a situation like this. From what he knew about her, she'd led a sheltered life. She hadn't dealt with wolves the way he had.

  It was the second time today that she'd strengthened her backbone and tackled things head on. He admired the hell outta that.

  Matthias shrugged again. “Who knows? Blackwood's an asshat of the first order. Someone told him. He's had his men tailing you. They decided today was the day.”

  “How did you find me?” she asked Colt, shifting her attention to him.

  “Matthias was also watching you, to make sure you're safe. I've had eyes on you for ten years,” he admitted. “When he told me you were missing, we started searching.”

  He wasn't sure what to expect; women could be very strange about his protective nature. Nevertheless, he held his breath as he waited for her reaction.

  “You were watching me?” she asked, her voice soft and cautious. “For ten years?”

  He nodded.

  He saw her chest lift as she took a deep breath. Glancing between him and Matthias, she seemed to draw in on herself and consider that.

  “What do I do about Blackwood?” She asked the question almost absently, as if she was already losing herself in thought.

  Colt hated that she was in the middle of any sort of pack dispute. But the idea that anyone wanted to harm her, to steal her psi powers...his wolf snapped forward so hard he felt fur start to sprout from his skin.

  He pushed the beast back and stepped forward. “You'll let me deal with him.”


  He closed his hands around her waist to ground her. “No buts. He'd be stupid to try to take you from me.”

  Her lovely red brows lifted and the cute freckles on her nose crinkled.

  “What do you want me to do?” Matthias asked, cutting into Colt's lust.

  Chapter Six

  Robin watched Colt carefully. His power rippled beneath her fingertips and she'd never felt so close to swooning before. The thought of it almost made her laugh but she didn't think either man would appreciate that.

  So she stayed still in his arms, felt his heart tapping a steady beat against her fingertips and hers responding in kind. Was he right? Were they destined to be mates? That would go against everything she'd been taught to believe.

  But that was the crux of the matter. She'd been taught what to believe. Almost thirty years old and she'd never been allowed to think for herself. Feel what was right and wrong. The Tallan was a strong guide and now her powers were beginning to fade and flicker.

  She'd resigned herself to a quick death rather than fight. But being with Colt made her stronger, angrier, and determined. Somewhere along the way she'd lost that.

  “Tell the men to stand guard. If he wants her, he'll have to try again.”

  Something else passed between the two men, so quick she missed it. Matthias nodded and turned to leave.

  “Thank you,” Colt called as the big man shut the door behind him.

  “Hold that thought,” he murmured and kissed her forehead.

  After locking the front door, he turned off the light in the kitchen corner and returned to her. Wave after wave of emotion assaulted her as she digested everything she'd just learned.

  “You all right?” he asked, that deep voice rumbling through her.

  She shook her head slightly. Someone in her Clan had been watching her, knew she was in her mating cycle? Did they sell the information? She tried to think of who would do such a thing. Who had something to gain?

  Revulsion filled her as she thought of what Blackwood had planned. Her stomach turned and she fought to keep the pasta down.

  “Have a seat,” Colt ordered softly, guiding her to her chair.

  She didn't even know exactly what he had planned which was almost scarier. Reaching out she tried to sense if anyone was close but the power waned. More than anything, she hated feeling like her own mind was betraying her. It scared her to think things would only get worse.

  She appreciated that Colt didn't pepper her with questions or platitudes. On the other hand, he probably had a lot on his mind. If he really believed they were mates—

  “Stop that line of thought right there, gorgeous. Maybe I've had more time to come to the conclusion, but I know the truth when I smell it. You're my mate. And to top it off, I like you.”

  “You know that after less than twenty four hours? What if I use the bathroom a hundred times a night or sing off key in the shower? What if I can't cook or I hate your friends?”

  He took her hands in his and she soaked up his warmth. “You're friendly with Matthias and that's a good enough start for me. I can cook...I can heat things up,” he amended. “I can't sing and I'll be keeping your spot warm in bed no matter how many times you pee.”

  That was all too easy.

  “Ask me something else.”

  “What do you like about me?”

  “You're smart. I can see it in your eyes and hear it in your thoughts. You're not ridiculously chatty. You're down to earth and you know when to stand up for yourself. You're not a quitter. You're like me, a fighter.”

  If only he knew. She almost laughed at the thought of herself as a fighter.

  “So my power has nothing to do with it?”

  “I like the fact that I can hear your voice in my head, but other than that, I could take it or leave it.”

  Was he for real? Gorgeous men didn't fall over themselves for her. Th
ey didn't trip over their own two (er four?) feet to become her mate.

  “Do you remember the day we met?” he asked.

  “Of course.”

  “I felt it then, how special you are. But I ran from it. I ran for ten years even though I knew the truth all along. I wanted you the entire time and I never met anyone who held a candle to you.”

  He said he wasn't charming around anyone but her. Somehow she had a hard time believing that. If she had to wager a guess she'd say that he'd talked his way out of a fair share of arguments. Perhaps talked his way into women’s panties...

  “I'm not blowing smoke up your skirt, Robin.”

  Oh but if he would. She smiled at the thought.

  “There.” He pointed his finger at her, excitement radiating through him. “That. Your smile. I've been a goner since the moment you smiled at me. It's like my whole world twists into focus and everything that was blurry becomes clear. You do that. Your presence makes me feel complete. It's the damnedest thing but I'm done denying it.”

  Her smile grew because honestly, a confused werewolf was as adorable as all get out.

  “How do you feel about me?” he asked, suddenly anxious.

  “I might be warming up to you.”

  His smile returned and she found that it had a similar effect on her. Her pulse rate sped up and the world melted away. His excitement became hers and she squeezed his hands.

  “Anything in particular?”

  “Your arms,” she blurted.

  Then she blushed. He flexed and his biceps popped up like cantaloupes.

  Laughing softly, she reached up for a squeeze.

  “I like your hands. I like that you're confident and steady and protective. I like that you made sure I was safe for the ten years it took you to...figure out whatever you figured out.”

  “That you're my mate,” he prompted, that devilish gleam in his eyes.

  “I like that you're quick on your feet—”

  “I’m quick on my feet so I can take my time later.” His brows wiggled suggestively and she felt a responding flutter behind her belly button. The man didn't lie.

  “You're loyal. And you eventually come to your senses.”

  He silenced any further discussion with a kiss.

  Chapter Seven

  Colt didn't give her time to think of anything but him. Arms wrapped around her waist, he pulled her flush with his body and told her exactly what he was feeling with his lips. It was a language he'd never spoken before but luckily, she was fluent. Her hands slid into his hair as she nestled closer. Lips parted, she sucked his tongue inside. The warm heat sent a jolt of sensation straight to his cock.

  This was what he'd been missing. Not just the kissing, but her. Robin's scent filled his lungs and he trailed his lips down her throat, seeking out every pleasure point. Her arousal thickened the air, chasing away the hints of tomato and basil. She was such a natural fit against him, the other half of his puzzle.

  He'd known it then.

  “I'm the luckiest bastard alive,” he murmured, licking the skin beneath her right ear.

  She shivered against him and he heard her heartbeat accelerate. Eager for a similar response, he trailed small, soft kisses down the side of her neck and then nibbled on the tendon where her shoulder and throat met.

  A full body shudder brought her delicious body even closer.

  The wolf wanted out. He wanted to lick her all over, starting with her pinky toes. He wanted to get to know every single inch. Tonight, he promised the wolf. They would make her theirs tonight, become intimately familiar with her.

  The beast eased back a fraction and Colt ripped his shirt over his head before starting on hers.

  “Need you naked,” he said, losing the ability of coherent speech.

  Waited too long for this, he sent the thought and delighted in her soft laughter.

  Why didn't she scold him for taking so long to come to his senses?

  So make up for lost time.

  He felt her hands move between them and realized what she was about. A second later his pants gave.

  “That's my girl,” he praised, shoving them to the floor.

  As he stepped out of them, he maneuvered them toward the ladder/stairs that accessed to the loft and his bed.

  “Am I?” she murmured, in between kisses to his chest. Just as he remembered, she wasn't a silent or stoic lover. Her hands were thorough participants, touching everywhere they could. They tangled in his hair just long enough to pull his mouth back to hers and then they were on the move again. Feather light touches teased his nipples. He sucked in a breath and backed her up until she was trapped.

  Not the least bit startled or concerned, she sank back against the stairs and reached for his cock.

  “Robin,” he groaned.


  “You're absolutely mine.”

  The joyful look she sent up to him stole his breath. Her eyes were soft, her smile pleased, everything about her open and engaged. In that moment he knew he'd do anything to make her happy, to please her. She was a sunbeam on a foggy day, warming him through and through.

  “Is that right?” she said, almost coy.

  “Mmm huh.” He teased her nipples through the fabric of her pale blue bra. She inhaled sharply and tipped her head back.

  He took immediate advantage, moving in to taste her throat. Hands moving behind her, he undid the clasp and made quick work of removing her bra. Colt didn't understand those contraptions, preferred his woman all natural.

  “Need you,” he said before closing his lips over a nipple.

  Her intake of air was sharper this time and she moaned so loudly he thought for sure the rest of the pack would hear. He didn't care; let them know he was pleasuring his woman.

  Her hands locked over his shoulders and she rubbed her hips against his. He slipped his hands inside her pants and pushed them down. The moment they hit the floor her legs tangled with his as she tried to step out of them. Her eagerness thrilled him.

  Needing to feel her soft heat wrapped around his cock again, he let her nipple pop from his mouth and lifted her straight up. Her pants fell free of her ankles and she wrapped her legs around his hips, pinning his cock between them. All semblance of control snapped and he scrambled up two stairs before they were kissing again.

  One hand braced against the stairs, the other cupped her ass.

  “Hurry,” she murmured, so soft and breathless he nearly came right then.

  But it was the gyration of her hips that made him trip. He caught them before they could fall and she slipped down his body several inches. Enough to line his cock up with her entrance if she leaned back just a little.

  She must have read his mind because she relaxed her grip until her elbows were braced on the stairs and her slickness coated the head of his dick.

  “Now, wolf. Bed later.”

  She seemed to be having as much trouble forming sentences as he was. Damn, he adored her. Judging by the pinkness in her cheeks the feeling was entirely mutual. He paused just long enough to take her in, each curve, the weight of her breasts, the shadow of her belly button and that gorgeous hair swirling around her shoulders. But it was her eyes that beckoned and held him prisoner. As far as he was concerned, she could throw away the key.

  Taking himself in hand, he ran the crown through her lower lips.


  “Are you wet for me?” he asked, already knowing the answer. He could smell her sweet honey filling the air. And she was soaking him as he continued the smooth glide.

  “Yes,” she said, sounding oh-so-desperate.

  That made two of them. Why had he waited ten years for this?

  “Later, I'm going to lick you from head to toe, but right now—”

  “Colt!” Her shout of frustration echoed through the cabin an instant before she tightened her legs, pulling him inside.

  Growling, he drove home, seating himself fully. He had to pause as he bottomed out. She was tighter than he
remembered and her heat and wetness went straight to his head.


  He ground his back teeth together and forced the wolf back. He wanted to bite her, claim her, take her fully.

  “Make me come,” she whispered. No, that was more of a pleading.

  He couldn't deny her. Her lips were rounded in a soft O and her lashes fluttered. She was completely irresistible.

  Wrapped in her arms, cradled by her legs, he lost all sense of time and place until all that was left was the pleasure and sensation. Being joined with her was better than he'd ever experienced and he wouldn't mind staying just like this. Except it had to be terribly uncomfortable, braced against what was essentially a ladder.

  Next time the bed, he promised as he pulled his hips back.

  Her core tightened, as if she didn't want him to leave. One hand beneath her ass, the other gripping the stairs, he tunneled back inside. Amazing. Home.

  In and out, over and over he returned home, driving them both up the crest of passion.

  Her eyes stayed locked with his and her breasts bounced with each thrust.

  “Faster,” she urged.

  It was as if she was echoing his thoughts. He was more than happy to give her what she wanted.

  Robin threw her head back when Colt shifted his stance. The blunt tip of his cock rubbed the front wall of her pussy, setting off an explosion of sensation. It was small at first, then another thrust sent her spiraling faster until her breath caught and she was in danger of blowing apart.

  Her breath came out in short, ragged pants. The stairs dug into her back, bruised her elbows but she didn't care. Right now the only thing that mattered was the gorgeous man sliding between her thighs. Did he realize how she'd longed to know his possession again?

  She'd daydreamed about him for years, relived the moments in his arms. But this was something more. Fast, furious, a mating if there ever was one. She didn't know where she ended and he began.

  The quivering inside intensified and she tightened her core muscles, gripping his cock like a vice. He groaned and dropped his head against the side of her neck.

  “You'll be the death of me, woman.”


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