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Cruisin' With Sharks (Paranormal Mysteries #1)

Page 4

by Rosette Bolter

  “Are you sure about that? Some of us drink faster than others.”

  Finn took a sip from his glass. “It’s not a race, you know. Not yet anyway.”

  Perry grinned.

  Bryonie sipped her drink, eyeing the man beside her carefully. She realized in a way she was now caught between the others vying for his attention. Things might even up later when more of his friends were about, but in the meantime she wanted to be sure no one else was getting any ideas about him.

  “You know I can drink fast too,” Bryonie said, tugging at his sleeve.

  As his gaze drifted towards her, she put the contents of her glass away.

  She paused a moment after it was done, swallowing up the aftertaste. “See… I could go for ten more of those…”

  The glass fell to the floor and rolled by her feet.

  “You wouldn’t be much good to me after ten glasses,” Finn said.

  “She wouldn’t?” Perry mused.

  “Oh please,” Taylor yawned. “You can’t rape the willing.”

  “What the fuck?” Bryonie murmured. “Who’s getting raped?”

  Leah let loose a chuckle.

  Bryonie glared at her.

  “Sorry Bryonie,” Leah said.

  Erin got up from her seat and moved down the end to where Perry was.

  Everyone at the back shifted along absorbing her space.

  “You guys shouldn’t be making jokes about rape,” Taylor’s cousin, Melissa said. “It’s a bit disrespectful.”

  “I’m sorry,” Bryonie said. “I missed what’s going on here. Was someone making fun of me?”

  She looked from Perry who was now in conversation with Erin, back to Taylor who was staring at the floor.

  Her gaze returned to Finn.

  “I don’t think anyone was joking about rape,” Finn said carefully. “It was a poor choice of words used to convey that you’re clearly smitten with me.”

  “What?” Bryonie said blushing. Now she wished she hadn’t asked.

  “Maybe that’s your challenge then,” Finn said. “Not to convince me that you’re worth liking. But that you don’t like me.”

  Bryonie stared at him a moment, not believing the words out of his mouth.

  She was hurt.

  He had hurt her.

  “Chill out,” Leah’s voice whispered in hear. “Just try and relax.”

  Bryonie found herself nodding. Then she looked over to where Taylor was.

  Taylor mouthed: “Fuck you.”


  It was a quarter to six when the dark blue limousine containing Bryonie and her friends arrived at the docks. The sun was still out shimmering across the ocean waters, but its brightness had dulled since the afternoon. One by one they exited out onto the gravel, their drinks finished, the music fading. Bryonie’s gaze drifted up towards the towering mass resting at the shoreline before them.

  Their destination.

  A luxury cruise ship.

  “What is this?” Taylor asked.

  “It’s the party,” Finn said stepping out in front of them.

  “We’re going on a cruise now?” Leah wanted to know.

  “Nah-uh,” Erin chimed in. “I can’t go. I’ve got to be able to leave whenever I want to.”

  “Don’t worry,” Finn said. “This ship isn’t going anywhere. We’re anchored in.”

  “Oh,” Erin replied.

  “It belongs to our friend Colton. He owns a bunch of these. This one is smaller than most by comparison, but people are still known to get lost on board. So try to be careful if you decide to go exploring.”

  “Oh they’re not going to get lost,” Perry muttered slinking behind Finn. “I’m sure this lot can handle themselves.”

  “It never hurts to take precautions,” Finn said.

  “Are you going to lead the way then? Or will I?”

  “You lead the way,” Erin said grabbing hold of Perry’s arm. “Come on Taylor. And … Taylor’s cousin.”

  Perry began to ascend the bridge to the ship, with the girls trailing behind.

  “Now I’m getting left out,” Leah muttered.

  “You know it’s me they hate,” Bryonie said. “Taylor said ‘Fuck you’ to me before when no one was looking.”

  “What are you talking about?” Finn asked. “I thought they were your friends. Why did you invite them?”

  “I don’t really … have a lot of friends.”

  Leah grabbed Bryonie. “Besides me, she means.”

  Bryonie smiled.

  “Well, I appreciate the effort you made,” Finn said. “At least Perry seems to be appreciating it.”

  “Yeah Erin’s already latched onto him,” Leah remarked. “But what’s Colton like? If he’s handsome enough I’m sure he’ll be able to buy me off with a luxury ship or two.”

  “Colton, well he’s just the rest of us. Though I wouldn’t say he has a sense of humor.”

  “He’s like super serious then?”


  “Think I’ll pass.”

  “Yeah,” Finn said. “You shouldn’t feel obligated to entertain any advances from this lot here.”

  “Oh, I don’t.”

  “Just making sure.”

  “Guess we better hurry up,” Bryonie said stepping onto the platform. “Otherwise we’ll lose them.”

  “It’s okay,” Finn said. “We can take our time. I know where they’re going.”

  Finn moved to put his hand behind Bryonie, but she broke away.

  Then marched ahead.


  The cruise ship’s interior was spacious and inviting. Soft golden carpets and brightly lit walls called out upon entry. Perry was still with Erin and in front, leading the way. Taylor was walking side by side with Agent Malone, offering up vicious glances at every opportunity. The Agent seemed unfazed, to the point Taylor expected she enjoyed it.

  Perry and Erin stopped out the front of an elevator, reaching across to push the button.

  “How many floors do we have here?” Agent Malone asked breaking up their flirtatious exchange.

  “There are three main floors,” Perry answered, “not including the roof, or the lower deck. We’re going up to the roof now where Colton was when Finn and I left. He’ll be able to get us all sorted.”

  The elevator doors opened.

  Taylor went to go in after Perry and Erin but Agent Malone pulled her back.

  “That’s the stairs over there, right?” she asked.

  Perry’s gaze followed where she was pointing. “Yes, that’s them.”

  “And they go to the roof?”


  “Alright, we’ll see you up there.”


  The doors closed.

  Bryonie, Leah and Finn appeared from the other end of the corridor.

  “Come on,” Agent Malone said pulling Taylor along.

  They made it to the stairs.

  “What the fuck do you want?” Taylor demanded.

  “Your attitude,” Agent Malone said. “It needs an adjustment.”


  “This is serious business, girl. Finn is a killer. His friends might be killers too. If you don’t stop giving me the evil eye, one of them is going to get wise.”

  “Oh sure,” Taylor said. “They’ll just jump to the obvious conclusion that you’re an FBI agent.”

  They trudged up the stairs together.

  “Paranormal Police,” Agent Malone corrected. “There’s a difference.”

  “Yeah. Whatever.”

  “Look, I’m on your side, Taylor. I’m on your friends’s side. I don’t want to see any of you get hurt.”

  “You’re blackmailing me. You’re threatening me. Now you want to pretend we’re best friends?”


  “Cou – Oh, shut up.”

  They had to be halfway up now. A window in the wall gave an establishing shot of the docks and all their inhabitants.

  The limo was nowhere in sight.

  “Taylor, let’s be real a moment.”

  Taylor stopped.


  “I know I’ve been a cunt to you, really,” Agent Malone said. “I know this has nothing to do with you and your secrets aren’t much worse than anyone’s.”

  Taylor shook her head. “I’m such an idiot.”

  “You’ve done the hard work already. You’ve sold me as your cousin. Sooner or later, Finn and Bryonie will take time alone, and I’ll catch him in the act.”

  “And then I can go?”

  “Absolutely. Just hang in for another hour or so. Have a drink with the others. Relax. This will take care of itself.”

  “And you won’t say anything.”

  Agent Malone shook her head.

  “You won’t say anything to Leah.”

  “I won’t say anything,” Agent Malone said. “I promise.”

  Taylor tilted her head forward. “Is your real name Melissa then?”

  “Let’s keep going shall we.”

  “Right,” Taylor murmured.

  But her feelings inside, they remained unsettled. As if she could fall into everything Agent Malone was telling her, but for one thing.




  “I don’t understand what the big deal about your name is,” Taylor said. “You know mine. You know everything about me. I just asked if your name was Melissa. Can you please just answer me?”


  Taylor swallowed. “Okay, so is your real name Melissa?”



  Bryonie could feel herself go stiff. A funny joke from Finn in one ear with Leah’s laughter echoing out the other. She should have been laughing too. Everything should be totally fine between them all. Bryonie couldn’t explain it. Her feelings were raw.

  The elevator doors parted and they stepped out onto the roof, otherwise known as the upper deck. It was large enough that it could hold two adult sized pools, several kiddie pools, plus a restaurant and dining area in the centre. All that space, and new people stood out pretty clearly. One of them climbing a ladder to a diving board stretching across the first adult pool. The other was sitting just outside the restaurant area with his back to them.

  Bryonie looked across the decking and saw Erin and Perry standing together underneath the ladder.

  “I need to use the bathroom,” Leah said. “Any chance of that happening?”

  “Yes, yes, of course,” Finn replied. “We’ll just wait for Darien to finish up and…”

  “Wait, who’s Darien?”

  “Up on the diving board.”

  Bryonie followed their gazes up to the individual on the diving platform. Darien was a tall, heavy set man around the same age as Finn. He had longish dark hair tied back in a bun, and a goatee on his chin.

  Finn waved to him.

  Darien waved back.

  Then he clasped his hands together and bounced off the board.

  He hit the water with a loud splash and swam towards them with his hands held in a triangular shape over his head.

  As he got out of the water, Perry was climbing up to take his place.

  “Hey Finn,” Darien said. “Hello girls.”

  “This is Bryonie,” Finn said pointing her out.

  “The chick you met on the internet?”

  “Yes,” Finn said. “And this is Leah. Leah’s single, I think.”

  “Is that right, Leah?” Darien challenged. “Don’t have a man in your life?”

  “I’m not sure I gave out that information,” Leah replied.

  “It’s alright,” Darien said. “I don’t have a man in my life either. Ha, ha. Yes. Your favorite line, no doubt.” He turned around. “Come on, Perry. You’ve got an audience now.”

  Erin stepped into the fringes of their group, while Taylor and Melissa appeared behind her.

  Perry ripped his shirt off and let it fly away in the wind.

  He stared intensely at the pool a moment, and then launched from the board.

  The next two seconds were an absolute marvel to witness. Perry expertly twisted and maneuvered his body round in a choreograph of summersaults, before landing in the pool in a perfect straight line.

  “Holy shit!” Erin exclaimed. She put her hands together in a flurry.

  Perry swam up to the edge of the pool and leaned over the edge.

  “You guys need to jump in. It’s the perfect temperature.”

  “No one brought their swimming gear,” Taylor spouted. “Hello.”

  “Get em’ all sorted,” Perry said. “Colton gave you the keys, didn’t he?”

  “Oh right,” Darien said.

  He walked round behind the ground and retrieved an envelope which was at the floor of some seating.

  “Come over here, everybody,” Darien said beckoning them. “That’s it. I have something for you…”

  Bryonie somehow made her way to the front.

  Darien handed her a keycard.

  The number 118 was written on it.

  “What’s this for?” she asked.

  “That’s your room,” Darien said. “Floor one, room eighteen. There’s swimming gear, towels, bathroom facilities. Here everyone take one.”

  Leah grabbed hers next and stumbled off.

  “Wait,” Bryonie said rushing up behind her.

  “Sorry,” Leah said. “I’m busting.”

  They made it to the face of the elevator. Leah pressed the button.

  Finn moved in behind them.

  “You’re off then too?” he asked.

  Bryonie glanced behind her. “Yeah.”

  “Well, will you be back soon?”

  Bryonie shrugged stepping into the elevator. “That depends.”

  “On what?”

  “On how long it will take for you to think I don’t like you.”

  “Bryonie,” Finn said just as the doors were closing, “I was joking.”

  “Funny,” Bryonie said as his presence disappeared. “I wasn’t laughing.”


  A clenched fist, into an open hand. Finn stared at the closing doors of the elevator a little longer than necessary, his face giving little away in terms of expression, yet the emotions were stirring within.

  He felt someone approaching from behind.

  “Did you just get burnt?”

  Finn turned. He saw it was one of the girls – her name he did not recall.

  “All part of the plan,” Finn said casually.

  “I don’t know,” she replied. “Looks like you’re on the outs with her.”

  Finn stared at her.

  Perry moved in from behind, arms locked with his new best friend.

  “Don’t sweat it, buddy,” Perry said. “She’ll come round.”

  Finn’s stare faltered. He stood aside as Perry entered the elevator with his companion. Another one of the girls – Taylor – moved away hurriedly towards the stairs.

  The girl standing opposite him glanced in her direction a moment, before turning back to Finn.

  “You’re … Taylor’s cousin right?”

  She nodded. “Melissa.”


  “And you’re Finn. The guy Bryonie met on the internet.”


  “Can you do me a favor, Finn?”

  “What’s that?”

  “I want to meet him.”

  Her left arm raised itself sharply.

  She pointed across the pool.

  “You mean Colton?”

  Melissa slowly nodded.


  Finn led the way around the side of the pool.

  They walked by Darien.

  “You going to see Colton?” he asked.

  “Yeah,” Finn said, stopping mid-step. “Where are you off to?”

  “I have some conference calls to make,” Darien said.

  Finn nodded and continue
d the trek forward.

  Melissa joined his side. “What’s his story?”

  “Who? Darien’s?”


  Finn shrugged. “He’s just one of our friends. Fun guy to be around.”

  “Does he have a temper?”

  “A temper. Shit. What’s with these questions?”

  “I’m just wondering if he has a temper. If he’s easy to anger.”

  “Not in my experience.”


  Finn stopped again. “I thought you wanted to meet Colton. Do you have a thing for Darien now?”

  “I want to meet Colton because I haven’t met him before.”


  “And who knows who I have a thing for? Maybe it’s you.”

  She walked on ahead of him.

  Finn eyed her carefully.


  The winding corridors on the second floor deck were quiet. Almost, too quiet. There was a stillness about the air. The sight of a closed door not moving. Not breathing. Holding one’s breath.

  Till blue in the face.


  The elevator doors opened. Out stepped Erin and Perry, laughing giddily amongst themselves. Erin couldn’t believe she was having this much fun. Perry was such a great guy. Fucking hot too. She was so glad she’d managed to lure him away from Taylor or Leah or whoever else might have wanted him. Of course, they were her best friends and all, so it wouldn’t have hurt to see him go after someone else. She was just so glad it was her!

  “…And then he’s like, you can have any one of them. Anyone. I don’t care. Just not Bryonie,” Perry said forcing a stern face. “Anyone but Bryonie. Cause she’s special.”

  Erin had to cover her mouth to stop the giggling. “Did you see when I got into the limo and I tried to sit next to him? Bryonie’s practically ripping me out of my seat so she can sit next to him. Like he was gonna fall in love with me as fast as she’s fallen in love with him.”

  “Oh I know right,” Perry laughed. “And before we picked you up Finn goes to me – Make sure you treat her right, man. Be a gentleman.”


  “Yeah, he’s acting like you’re all virgins or something. Like you’re from some bible group.”


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