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Cruisin' With Sharks (Paranormal Mysteries #1)

Page 15

by Rosette Bolter

  “Nice work,” Ms. Ferns said after the call ended. “You kept it together. Didn’t give anything away. That was important.”

  “I don’t know,” Bryonie muttered. “Either he’s guilty and I’m walking into a deathtrap. Or he’s innocent and I’m a lying piece of shit.”

  “Someone’s guilty,” Ms. Ferns replied. “We’re not at the bottom of this thing yet. Anything you put Finn through between here and there is a small price to pay.” She turned to address the others. “Alright, so what’s the plan then? Who’s going after Colton?”

  “I am,” Taylor said.

  “And who is going after Perry?”

  “Me,” Erin said.

  “Which leaves Finn…”

  “He’s all mine,” Bryonie said.

  “I take it you know where the aquarium is. Or do you need directions?”

  “We should be able to find it,” Erin answered.

  “Okay. We already have team members surrounding it on site. If something goes wrong simply shout ‘Emergency!’ and we will storm in after you.”

  “But then it’ll probably be too late,” Bryonie said.

  Ms. Ferns bowed her head. “Whatever happens, you guys are heroes. Don’t forget it. This is not an easy assignment. At least one of these guys is a monster. Now let’s do it. Let’s find out fucking who!”

  The car doors slammed.

  The engine purred.

  The night’s clear surface moved up and down.

  There was glare on the glass and wind to breathe in.

  “Are you guys afraid?” Bryonie asked during the car ride there. “Or is it just me?”

  Erin glanced at her from the corner of her eye.

  Taylor leaned over from the backseat. “I think some of us stopped being afraid a long time ago.”

  Bryonie would remember those words.


  The aquarium car park was buzzing with activity. Flashy cars filled the spaces, with many a young person stumbling around, laughing with their peers. Men dressed in tuxedos stalked the perimeter carrying machine guns. Loud music echoed from the confines of the building.

  “This is a private affair,” one of the guards said as they tried to drive in. “Are you on the guest list?”

  Bryonie leaned forward. “My name’s Bryonie. We’re here to see Finn.”

  “One moment.”

  The guard stepped away from the car, speaking into his radio.

  “I wonder where the cops are,” Taylor said. “They’ve got their work cut out for themselves if they try and come in.”

  Bryonie squeezed her hands together nervously.

  The guard returned to Erin’s window. “Come through guys. Finn will meet you at the entrance.”

  “Thank you,” Erin said and carried on.

  They drove along the parking lot until there was a free space.

  They parked the car and got out.

  Bryonie fumbled with her earpiece. She wasn’t sure if it was in properly. It was a little itchy.

  “Are you there?” Bryonie asked, raising her wrist. “Can you hear me, Ms. Ferns?”

  “Loud and clear, Bryonie,” Ms. Ferns replied. “Just keep it together now. Try not to think about me unless you have to.”

  “Right,” Bryonie said.

  “Are we going?” Erin asked, turning round.

  “I’m with you,” Bryonie said quickly catching up.

  The three walked together towards the main entrance. Bryonie felt a little strange in her surroundings. Although she had been here just last week, the aquarium seemed completely different.

  One of the guards eyed them suspiciously as they set foot on the carpeted entrance.

  Bryonie realized that none of them were dressed properly for this affair.

  Finn was good to his word and found waiting in the following room. Bryonie noticed that the booths where the aquarium normally sold tickets and merchandise were completely closed up.

  “Hello again,” Finn said mildly as they approached. “I didn’t realize there’d be so many of you.”

  “We just got back from the funeral,” Erin blurted out.

  “Oh,” Finn nodded. “I’m sorry I couldn’t have been there. Send my grievances onto the families when you see them again…”

  “Finn, I need to talk with you,” Bryonie said. “In private.”

  “Of course, of course,” Finn said.

  “Erin and I will find our own way around,” Taylor said slinking by him.

  Erin turned as she was being led away. “Perry’s here, isn’t he?”

  “He’s in the function area,” Finn replied. “Second floor.”


  He turned back to Bryonie. “I wonder if this was the best time for us to get together.”

  “Well, you’re always in and out of town. I’m probably lucky to get you now.”

  Finn nodded. “That’s a fair point.” He looked around a moment.

  Taylor and Erin were ascending the large staircase adjacent.

  “Come on,” Finn said. “Let’s see if we can find somewhere.”


  Not speaking, they crossed through the main area into a dimly lit corridor. Finn stopped at one of the doors and opened it with a swipe card. He held the door open and Bryonie stepped inside.

  The room beyond was small and humid. To the left was a brightly lit bar, to the right were soft padded chairs centered around circular coffee tables.

  The entire wall opposite was a window into a giant fish tank.

  “Have a seat, Bryonie.”

  Bryonie walked down towards the seating area. She looked back for guidance from Finn, but he already had his back to her, at the bar.

  Bryonie picked a place facing the fish tank and waited for him to come over.

  He returned with alcoholic beverages.

  “I’m okay,” Bryonie said, rejecting the drink.

  Finn frowned and set them on the table, before sitting himself down.

  “I hope you’re not upset over the festivities happening here,” Finn said.

  “What do you mean?”

  “The party, the music, the people. It has nothing to do with me. I’m only here because I was asked to be.”

  “By Colton?”

  “In a way, yes. But I’m more here on Perry’s behalf.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “I’d rather not get into it,” Finn said.

  Bryonie made a face.

  “Well, if you must know, he approached me with some concerns about Colton. So we’re both here to keep an eye on him. Make sure everything that’s happening is above board.”

  “And where would you be if you weren’t here?”

  Finn sighed. “I have business overseas. They won’t be happy with the delay, but I guess they’ll just have to make do without me for the time being.”

  “And when were you coming back?”

  “I don’t know,” Finn answered. “A month. Maybe two. These negotiations are rather time consuming.”

  “Have you been looking online again?”

  “For what?”

  “A girlfriend?”

  “Oh,” Finn smiled. “No.”

  “You sure?”

  “No, I … My luck seems to have rather run out in that department.”

  “Cause you wound up with me?”

  Finn shook his head. “That’s not what I mean.” He picked up his glass. Drank from it.

  Bryonie shifted in her chair. “So what do you mean?”

  He put the glass down. “What happened that night was the opposite of what I wanted. I know, that probably seems selfish of me to say. What happened was unthinkable. It’s … it’s been troubling the fuck out of me.”

  “Same here,” Bryonie replied.

  Finn’s eyes lifted. “I’m surprised they let your friend out.”

  “Which friend?”


  “Oh,” Bryonie exhaled. “Yeah. That’s uh…”

  “You were angry with her as well, I can recall.”

  “I would have killed her if you didn’t hold me back.”

  “But you don’t blame her anymore?”

  “I still blame her,” Bryonie said. “But … it’s not only her.”


  Bryonie swallowed. “I don’t know who’s to blame.”

  “Well, the main this that you don’t blame yourself.”

  “I don’t.”

  Finn looked at her carefully. “Can I trust you, Bryonie?”

  “Can you – can you trust me?”

  “That’s right.”

  Bryonie nodded. “Sure.”

  “Have you ever heard of the Paranormal Police?”

  “The Paranormal – the Paranormal what –”

  Bryonie started coughing.

  Finn stared at her. “Here, take a drink.”

  “Thank you,” Bryonie said accepting the glass.

  She put the liquor into her.

  “The Paranormal Police infiltrated your group before they boarded the ship last time we met,” Finn said. “You must have heard about that. Surely.”

  “Yes, I remember,” Bryonie said putting the glass down. “What about them?”

  “Using undercover operatives is one of their most utilized procedures,” Finn said. “You will have heard about the reason why they put someone inside your group, no? That they were investigating me over a number of murders.”

  “Yes, but – but Darien was the killer –”

  “Was he?” Finn said mysteriously.

  Bryonie shrank back in her chair. “Oh hell.”

  “That’s right. You’re getting it now, aren’t you?”

  “Oh shit,” Bryonie whispered. “Fucking hell –”

  Finn stood up from his chair. He pulled a gun out from his waist and waved it in the air.

  “That’s right,” Finn said. “The cover story was complete bullshit. The evidence, all fabricated. I’ve been put in so deep with the sharks that not even some of the Paranormal Police knew I was working undercover.”

  “Wait – what?” Bryonie’s jaw dropped. “I thought you were about to shoot me!”

  Finn laughed. “Thanks a lot.”

  “Well, what was I supposed to think? You’re an undercover agent as well?”

  Finn nodded. “Not a very good one. I’ve been with these guys for the best part of five years and I still haven’t figured out which of them is masterminding everything.”

  “You mean…?”

  “Darien had no way of knowing who you or your friends were before you arrived. The only two people who knew about you were Colton and Perry.”

  “Well, which of them did it? Who’s the bad guy?”

  “That’s what we have to find out, Bryonie. That’s what we have to find out…”


  It was like walking into a rave.

  The function room’s floor was so full of people Taylor and Erin could see little beyond it. There was a live DJ. Everyone was jumping around, dancing. Bass vibrated off the walls and lights spun through the air.

  Fish swam through parts of the ceiling and parts of the floor.

  “Do you see Perry anywhere?” Erin asked, tugging on Taylor’s shoulder.

  Taylor scanned the area. It was just an intoxicated blur of faces and shadows.

  “Hold up! There he is!” Erin cried, pointing.

  Taylor followed Erin’s gaze. It led right up to the corner of the room where Perry and Colton were together, each surrounded by girls left and right. Clinking glasses. Conversation and laughter.

  “You think you can get their attention?” Taylor asked.

  Erin rolled her eyes. “Should I take my top off?”

  Taylor raised her wrist. “What about you Ms. Ferns? Any ideas?”

  “Maybe you should just go talk to them,” Ms. Ferns advised. “See how receptive they are.”

  “Wow, we wouldn’t have thought of that,” Taylor muttered.

  “Look, you stay here,” Erin said. “I’ll see if I can get them to come over.”

  Taylor nodded.

  She watched on as Erin merged into the crowd, pushing in and out and around people to get closer to where the boys were. Taylor reached for her handbag, as though she was about to draw a smoke. Then realized she had none.


  Erin was now at the guy’s corner. She was practically standing on one of their chicks, trying to talk to them.

  Erin then turned.

  Pointed in Taylor’s direction.

  Colton stood up.

  “What’s she saying to them?” Taylor said into her wrist.

  “Uh…” Ms. Ferns murmured. “Hold on.”

  Perry was now also out of his chair. All eyes were on her.

  “I don’t know what’s going on,” Ms. Ferns said. “Is this some caper you girls planned in advance?”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Taylor demanded.

  “I think they’re coming after you,” Ms. Ferns said.

  “I can see that.”

  “No, I think they’re coming to hurt you.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “Run Taylor! Run!”


  Bryonie stood from her seat opposite Finn. “Is there a bathroom or something I can use?”

  “Yeah, just over here,” Finn said, also rising.

  He walked her to the nearby restroom and held the door open for her.

  “See you in a minute,” Bryonie said walking by him.

  Now she was alone. She walked to the basin and washed her hands. Stared at herself in the mirror.

  “How are we doing?” Bryonie asked.

  “You’re fine,” Ms. Ferns replied. “But there’s some trouble upstairs with Taylor. You should get back up there and see what you can do to help.”

  “What’s the situation?”

  “I haven’t worked it out yet,” Ms. Ferns replied. “I’ll have to get back to you.”

  A pause. Bryonie breathed in deeply. “I’m going to tell him.”


  “I’m going to tell Finn what’s going on.”

  “I would strongly advise against that, Bryonie.”

  “Are you saying he’s making all that stuff up about working for the Paranormal Police? You should know right?”

  “I only work for one branch. It’s a nationwide organization.”

  “But still. Have you asked anyone about it?”

  “Hold on.”

  Bryonie banged her fists on the counter. She didn’t need to hold on. She already knew he was innocent.

  “Look Bryonie,” Ms. Ferns said. “I put the information forward and it’s come back that yes, he may well be working undercover.”

  “He may be?”

  “I don’t have all the facts sitting in front of me. This is classified material. You understand we sometimes have criminals infiltrate us. This information isn’t easily accessed.”

  “Just give me a straight fucking answer.”

  “My sources tell me that there is a shark shifter undercover working in our branch. But that doesn’t necessarily mean –”

  “I got it. Don’t blame you when Finn tries to kill me. Gotcha.”

  “I’m warning you, Bryonie –”

  Tears fell down Bryonie’s cheeks. “I don’t care. Let him kill me if we’re wrong. I love him.”

  Bryonie stormed out from the bathroom, ripping the earpiece away.

  Finn looked up from where they were sitting. “Is everything alright?”

  “I’m working for the Paranormal Police,” Bryonie confessed. “All three of us are. Taylor, Erin and me. We’re here to find out which one of you is the killer. And I’m banking it isn’t you.”

  Finn stood up.

  He put his hands to her shoulders.

  “It’s okay,” he said. “I know.”

  “You know?”

  He smiled a little. �
��It was my idea. For Erin and Taylor, I mean. I didn’t know you were a part of it.”

  Bryonie nodded. “I think Taylor’s in danger. We need to do something.”

  “Why what’s happened?”

  “I just heard – she was attacked or something –”

  “So we going to this then? Now all our secrets are out in the open?”

  Bryonie smiled. “Yeah. Let’s do it.”


  Taylor was rushing down the brightly lit corridor, fumbling about the contents of her carry-bag. “If those guys are really after me, then consider this your EMERGENCY,” Taylor spouted to whoever was listening. “Get your guys together and get me the fuck out of here in other words.”

  She glanced back over her shoulder.

  Perry and Colton were exiting the function room.

  “I can’t do that just yet,” Ms. Ferns said over the wire.

  “What? Why not?”

  “We need evidence of who is responsible for the murders. You’ll have to get them to confess.”

  “You mean when they’re hacking and slashing me up, is that it?”

  “I take it you don’t want to go back to prison.”


  “So figure something out.”

  Great. Good lot of help his back and forth with Ms. Whatsits had turned out to be. Taylor wouldn’t have minded putting a bullet in her head too.

  “Alright, just calm down,” Taylor muttered to herself. “Don’t get yourself all worked up.”

  She glanced over her shoulder again and saw that the sharks were now running at her.

  Taylor turned to the nearest door and opened it.

  She was now in a cinema screening room.

  Taylor closed the door and moved a heavy steel bin across the carpet to block it from being opened. She then turned and rushed down the carpeted stairway until she found herself at the bottom in front of the screen.

  There was an exit to her right.

  The door burst open and Taylor fell to her knees crawling along the floor towards it.


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