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Geek Bear (Bear Shifter Paranormal Romance) (Rescue Bears Book 6)

Page 4

by Scarlett Grove

  “If it wasn’t you, then why am I here?”

  “My crew set me up. They want to force me to claim my fated mate.”

  “Am I really it?”

  “My fated mate? I’m afraid so.”

  Willow fidgeted in her seat, and the waitress arrived with their orders. The girl put their plates and glasses down in front of them at the table and walked away, obviously as uncomfortable as Corey and Willow at this point.

  “And this is a problem why?” Willow asked after taking a long drink of wine.

  She held her glass and stared at him, her lips red from the wine. It only made her sexier. That was the last thing he needed. His bear growled in disagreement; appreciating his mate’s sexiness was exactly what he needed.

  “I don’t want a mate. My crew knows that. But apparently, they think they have the right to meddle in my personal life. Believe me, I’m not okay with this.”

  “So, where does that leave me?” she asked, shoving a piece of tart in her mouth.

  Something about her was soft and sweet in a way that made his bear aggressively agitated to mate her. But there was also a spark of inner depth and intelligence in her eyes that intrigued the man even more than her alluring curves.

  “I’m sorry you were caught up in the middle of this. We might be fated mates, but that is the worst kind of relationship. People get hurt when they can’t resist each other. I never want to do that to anyone. And I never want it done to me either. I just don’t have room in my life for that kind of irrational drama.”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” Willow said, taking another sip of wine.

  “How do you mean?”

  “To be honest, I left Seattle to get away so I could work. Not that I didn’t want to meet you, but I’m mostly here so that I can focus on writing my novel.”

  “Writing your first novel, huh?” he asked, sizing her up.

  “This is my twenty-seventh novel in six years,” she said, chopping her tart with the side of her fork.

  That surprised him.

  “Have I heard of you?” he asked, not knowing what else to say.

  “No. I’m a ghostwriter. But the name I write for is pretty famous. I’d just rather not say who it is. I’m having problems with that right now.”


  “I’d tell you, but I don’t know if you want to hear about my personal drama.”

  “We might as well have a conversation while we eat dessert.”

  “Okay…” she said, taking another sip of wine.

  The waitress came over and filled her wine glass. Her scent gave away that she was becoming a little tipsy.

  “So, you’re supposed to stay for a week?” he asked.

  “That’s what you said in your text.”

  “My crew is going to pay for this,” he muttered.

  “I’m sure they were just trying to help.”

  “It’s a kind of help that I don’t need. I’ve known for a long time that I don’t want a mate. All of them know it. There’s no excuse.”

  “Meeting me isn’t that terrible. Is it?”

  “You seem like a great person, but let’s just put this out on the table now. There is no way we will be dating or mating. It’s not going to happen. It’s nothing personal. It’s just a choice I’ve made for myself.”

  “Honestly, I don’t know if I can deal with the whole fated mate thing. From what I understand, it’s all really intense and overpowering. I’m already late finishing my manuscript. My editor is breathing down my neck, and the publishing company is threatening to hold my royalty checks if I don’t come through.”

  “I hope your stay at the lodge will be productive,” he said. “I know I get irritated when I’m stuck on something at work too.”

  “Your fake profile said you were a computer programmer.”

  “Yes. I created”

  “And you don’t want a mate?” She started to laugh, and the sound filled Corey’s heart with some indescribable joy. He pushed the feeling down as quickly as possible and frowned. Was she making fun of him?

  “I identified a gap in the market and capitalized on it. That’s just smart business. It doesn’t mean I have to use the app.”

  “I bet you’re raking in the cash hand over fist. That site’s been getting so much press lately.”

  “It’s no big deal,” he said.

  In the scheme of things, was a small part of his portfolio. But he wasn’t going to tell her that.

  “I need to get some air. This wine made me hot,” she said, standing from the table. His bear wanted him to tell her she was hot, but he pushed that thought down hard and put it where he put all the other observations about how cute, sexy, and amazing she was.

  She took the half-full wine glass with her and headed for the French doors leading to the patio that wrapped around the main lodge building. He followed her, not wanting to be rude. They were having a conversation. Even if he didn’t want a mate, she was still interesting to talk to.

  They walked out onto the patio and began to meander around, looking at the darkened view of the lake. The water was illuminated by the big, bright full moon that shone above. It cast a hazy glow of silver-blue light over the water.

  Willow stopped in a private corner of the deck and leaned over the railing with her glass of wine. She took a sip and sighed, gazing into the distance.

  “I wouldn’t mind living in the country like this. I bet it’s nice to look at the lake every day.”

  “I like my life. I don’t want anything to change.”

  “I’m about ready for some change myself,” she said softly.

  The moonlight caught in her eyes as she tilted her face to look at him. Why was she so damned beautiful? Why couldn’t his mate have been gross? That would have made it so much easier to ignore the feelings stirring deep inside him.

  “What do you want to change?” he asked in a low voice. “You seem perfect.”

  The words came out before he could stop them. Her eyes widened and she looked away, hiding her face in the shadows.

  “I’m not sure I want to keep ghostwriting. Or stay in Seattle. I’m not sure about anything.”

  He took a long draw of her scent. It only made his inner grizzly more determined to claim her. He’d have to be more careful. Resisting his mate would require constant vigilance.

  The bear grumbled and gnashed at the backs of his eyes. His feral instinct was strong. Maybe just one kiss wouldn’t hurt anything?

  He leaned in toward her before he was able to cut off the thought. What was he doing? She tilted her face toward his, opening herself up to his kiss.

  He backed away, feeling ashamed and stupid.

  “Maybe I’ll see you around,” he said.

  “Sounds like a plan,” she said, looking away.

  “Goodnight,” he croaked, yanking himself away from her.

  “Night,” she said to his back.

  He walked around the deck and stepped down the stairs leading to the trail to his cabin. Corey hurried up the trail, his mind reeling. What was he doing?

  When he opened the door to his cabin, he was instantly enraged. The entire crew, except for Levi, were all standing in the front room of his house, stepping on his cables. He growled and charged up to them.

  “How dare you bring her here!” he roared, his bear coming out of his eyes and mouth.

  Shane stepped forward, motioning with his hands for Corey to settle down. He wouldn’t settle down. He was going to punch one of these guys.

  “You, Big Bear? Of all people, I never would have expected you to betray me like this,” Corey said to Angus. The big man crossed his arms and frowned.

  “It was all of our idea,” Drew said, rubbing his beard.

  “I thought it would be fun,” Zach said, his eyes darting to the exit. “As a joke. Haha.”

  “She’s gorgeous,” Shane said, shrugging. “What’s not to like? You should be thanking us.”

  “Thanking you for bringin
g her here so that I can break her heart?”

  “Why would you do that?” Zach asked, stupefied.

  “Because,” Corey growled. “I. Do. Not. Want. A. Mate. Can I make it any simpler for you, Ski Bear?”

  “We know you’ll change your mind,” Angus said, his voice soft.

  “It wasn’t for you to decide. You had no right,” Corey said through clenched teeth, balling his fists. “I don’t want to hurt her. Don’t you get it?”

  “Whatever happened to you that messed you up, Corey, you have to let that shit go,” Shane said. “It’s time to get over the past.”

  “You’re one to talk, Wild Bear. How long did you torture your mate? Fifteen years?” Corey growled.

  Shane balled his fists and bared his long teeth at Corey. Corey let his canines descend and moved closer to Shane.

  “Everyone just calm down,” Big Bear said, stepping between them.

  “You leave Lily out of this,” Shane growled. “I learned my lesson. Now it’s time for you to learn yours, Geek Bear.” Shane brushed past him, smashing into his shoulder as he left the cabin and stormed off into the night.

  “You shouldn’t have brought up Lily,” Angus said.

  “Why not? He’s trying to lecture me about getting over the past when he hurt his own mate over and over again. It’s hypocrisy,” Corey yelled, flailing his arms around.

  “Okay, crew, it’s time to pack it in,” Angus said.

  Drew and Zach followed Angus out the front door of the cabin and into the night. Corey slammed the door behind them, furious at them…and at himself.


  Willow sat down on her big bed and looked out the window. That was not how she’d expected that date to go. Corey didn’t want a relationship. No matter what he said, she could feel the animal need inside her awakening.

  She knew a thing or two about shifters, having written a book about them. She knew how important fated mates were. It was a long-standing custom in the shifter community to actively seek one’s fated mate. When mates met, the pheromones that bound them were instantly released.

  The bear inside Corey must be going mad with lust. She’d read accounts of this during her research into shifter lives. It took tremendous strength for a male shifter to resist the urge to mate. She was impressed with his resolve.

  In some ways, Willow was relieved that she was released from the whole fated mate thing. It was pretty intense, and she didn’t know if she was ready for it right now. Or ever.

  On the other hand, she knew that she needed love in her life. A lot of things would be better and easier, including her work, if she found someone. Willow bit her lip and crossed her arms. Corey was adorable. He was so cute and smart.

  Her body sang with newfound awareness when he’d looked at her. He’d been eying her cleavage all night. She’d noticed, no matter how careful he’d been not to linger. She’d seen the desire in his eyes and the way his lips trembled when he spoke to her.

  She’d thought he might kiss her under the moonlight. But he’d pulled away and left. She didn’t know how she felt about any of it.

  She was ambivalent. Just like the heroine in her novel.

  When it came to love, she could take it or leave it. Corey didn’t want drama in his life and neither did she. She’d have a little vacation on Fate Mountain then go back to her life in Seattle. Case closed.

  She laid down on her bed, groaning. She closed her eyes and all she saw behind them was Corey. The pheromones were no joke. She couldn’t get him out of her mind or out from under her skin. Her whole body felt alive, and she couldn’t help thinking that they had some real chemistry between them. Not just the sex appeal, but something else. She’d genuinely liked him.

  The rest of the night, she tried to enjoy her suite and the super comfortable bed she was sleeping in. When she woke in the morning, she resolved to put her attraction to Corey behind her. Maybe it was for the best. Right?

  She’d spent the entire night tossing and turning, worried about all the things that were happening in her life. Her book. The stalker. And now her fated mate didn’t want anything to do with her. She just couldn’t relax.

  When she pulled herself out of bed late in the morning, she was already dreading the day. She told herself she’d spend the first day of her vacation trying to catch up on work.

  She passed her laptop on the way to the bathroom for a shower, knowing that a confusing mess was waiting for her. She groaned and patted the curly mat of hair that had formed on the back of her head.

  She took a long shower, soaking under the rainwater showerhead. She stepped out of the shower and drank in the luxury that the lodge had to offer. The granite counters and tile floors added to the ambiance. She pulled on the fluffy bathrobe and wrapped a towel around her damp hair. After combing out the curls, she put on some basic makeup and got dressed.

  She’d ordered room service for nine-thirty sharp and was ready for her day by the time it arrived. The server carted the tray into the room and set it up on the dining table.

  Willow sat in front of her meal, drank her coffee, and nibbled on her toast. She already had her laptop open to the last place in her manuscript where the hero walked away from the heroine.

  “Whatever, bro,” Willow typed. “You do you.”

  She groaned and deleted the entire passage, reading over the last lines of dialogue.

  “I’m not ready for this, Cleo. I don’t know if I’ll ever be.”

  Willow stared at the dialogue.

  “What the fudge is wrong with you, Felix? Why don’t you grow a pair?” Willow said to her hero.

  But Willow knew her hero wouldn’t grow up until he was forced to do it by the heroine, and she wasn’t cooperating either. She loved her characters, and she knew they belonged together. They just wouldn’t cooperate, no matter what she did.

  Willow tore apart her toast and shoved it in her mouth. She was beginning to wonder why anyone had ever read any of her books in the first place. She had to finish this manuscript. Her publishers were demanding it. She had to make it work. Too bad her brain was not on board.

  She spent the rest of the day scrolling back through the previous chapters, editing typos and changing around sentence clauses. When she got up from her chair, she wasn’t any further along in her story.

  She heard the sound of music coming from outside her dark window. She walked out onto the deck and looked out at a bonfire glowing on the large bricked patio below. People were dancing and laughing to the music.

  The scent of barbeque wafted up to her. Willow looked down at her sweat suit. She’d have to change if she was going to go to that party. There were a lot of fun, sexy people down there.

  Willow went to her closet and looked inside. She’d brought mostly practical clothes for her working holiday, but she’d also brought a second dress. Just in case she and Corey had a second date.

  Ha! That’s funny.

  They hadn’t even had a first date. She slipped into her summery printed dress. It scooped at the neck and hugged her curves. She applied lip gloss, fixed her hair, and slipped into a pair of sling back sandals.

  While she was putting on her earrings, she looked at herself in the mirror, thinking that maybe she might see Corey at the party. Maybe she was getting dolled up just in case she did.

  She growled inwardly. Corey didn’t deserve this sexy outfit. Maybe she’d meet someone else at the party. She’d come up here thinking she might find a love connection. Maybe she still could. Unfortunately, the only one she really wanted to connect with was Corey.

  He’d already had a profound effect on her. It was something she couldn’t shake. She hesitated at the door, wondering if she should stay inside and try to avoid him altogether. Pursing her lips, she strode out the door. Willow wasn’t going to let Corey Bright ruin her vacation.

  Downstairs on the patio, she instantly felt the music begin to vibrate through her body. The feeling resonated deep within her and she started to relax. The line for the barbeque
was across the patio, and she went to stand at the end of it. Picking up a thick paper plate, she turned to take in the party.

  In the distance, beyond the bonfire, she could see Corey’s face as he stood behind the DJ equipment. Her heart pounded. Now she wouldn’t be able to avoid him. Caught between wanting to run away and wanting to run over to him, she made her way down the line to get her barbeque ribs and glass of wine.

  She noticed a lot of young singles at the party, intermixed with the families and retirees on vacation. She knew the lodge had a reputation as being friendly to all crowds. It was a nice party and she felt appropriately dressed for the summer event.

  At her picnic table, she slid onto the bench and began to enjoy her meal. She was putting a potato chip in her mouth when she glanced over at Corey behind the DJ stand and saw him looking right at her.

  She took a sharp breath and bit down. Looking away, she continued to chew. This whole thing was just too awkward. She was going to have to either leave Fate Mountain early, or find a way to deal with her instinctive feelings for Corey.

  As strongly as she felt, Corey didn’t want her. He’d never wanted a mate at all. Who was she to get in the way of how he wanted to live his life? But now she was here, and she had to be able to get through the next week without constantly thinking about him.

  She took a big bite of barbeque rib and tore it away from the bone. With sauce all over her lips, she looked up to see Corey walking over to her. She widened her eyes at him and looked down at her plate, hoping he’d just pass by.

  Instead, he sat down right next to her at the picnic table. The bonfire light flickered in his eyes as she looked up at him. She gulped, swallowing her food.

  “Hi,” she said, wiping barbeque sauce away from her mouth.

  “You’ve still got a little sauce, there,” he said, pointing to her cheek.

  She wiped at it, but Corey took his finger and ran it across her cheek. He pulled it away and put the finger in his mouth. Willow gasped, blinking. Why was he doing this to her?

  “Fate Mountain secret sauce,” Corey said. “Sweet and spicy. I’d know it anywhere.”

  “What are you doing here?” she asked.


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