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Sassy Ever After: Sassy Ink 2: The Hunter's Mate (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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by Christina Benjamin

  “Wes, I don’t want to fight with you. I love you. And I want you in my life. But I need you to understand that I do love Grey. That’s what finding your mate is. It’s more than love. It’s bigger somehow.”

  “Nothing is bigger than love, Etti.”

  “Wes, I want to be with him. I love him.”

  “How can you be sure?”

  She smiled shyly. “Because my heart hurts when he’s not next to me. I feel like I can’t breath if I don’t know where he is. And when he’s in danger, the wolf inside of me will do anything to protect him. I’ve never felt this way about anyone.”

  Her words stung. Wes always thought one day, Etti would say those very things about him. “He’s not your only option, you know?” Wes said bitterly.

  “Grey asked me to marry him, Wes.”

  Wes blinked. There was no way he’d heard correctly. “What?” he asked barely able to hear his own words over the raging sound of his pulse. “He what?”

  “I said yes.”

  The room tunneled and Wes felt his world being torn away. It was like he was in a vacuum and someone was pulling everything he loved away from him. And that someone was Grey!

  Chapter 7


  Wes stormed past Etti, nearly tearing the door off its hinges on his way to the porch. He had Grey by the throat by the time she reached them.

  “Wes! Stop it!” Etti screamed.

  But he didn’t. He just kept punching Grey until blood covered them both—Grey’s face and Wes’s knuckles. Grey was letting it happen. He could have easily fought Wes off with his supernatural strength. But for some reason he didn’t.

  Etti couldn’t just stand there and watch someone attack her mate, even if it was her best friend. Her wolf pushed at her skin, snarling as if she felt each blow herself. She lunged for Wes, aiming to put herself between them, but Grey wouldn’t let her in harm’s way.

  “Just let him get it out of his system,” Grey warned, trying to keep Etti back.

  “The only way I’m getting you out of my system is by killing you,” Wes growled swinging for Grey again.

  Etti snapped. She shifted mid leap and slammed Wes to the ground, her large black paws pinning him to the ground. She glowered over him, snarling low, her powerful jaws close to his tender throat. The fear in Wes’s eyes was the only thing that helped Etti leash her wolf. The beast wanted to kill Wes for hurting her mate, but Etti’s will overpowered the wolf. She slinked off of Wes and paced back to Grey, nuzzling his injured face as he crouched down to caress her.

  Cali appeared at the foot of her porch, surveying the scene—Wes, sprawled on his back, Grey’s face bloody as he pet a massive black wolf. She scowled and shook her head. “If you’re going to act like children, could you at least do it inside? I try to keep a low profile here.”

  Wes picked himself up and stormed into the house. He was back out the door with his jacket and boots on a moment later. He got into his beat up old truck, slamming the door and roaring the engine to life. Etti watched as the white pickup fishtailed out of the driveway, the loud engine the only sound in the serene woods for miles.

  A moment later, Etti was back in her body. She was naked and shivering at Grey’s feet. He scooped her up and carried her into the house, with Cali trailing them.

  “This kind of stress isn’t good for the baby,” Cali said softly after she settled Etti in the guest bedroom. “You can’t let yourself get so upset.”

  “I know. I didn’t mean to. But I’ve never seen Wes like that. I just reacted. And I was terrified for a moment that my wolf would hurt him.”

  Cali sat down on the edge of the bed. “It’s your instinct to protect your mate and your baby above all else. You’re a good mama already,” she said smiling softly.

  “I hated feeling so out of control,” Etti replied.

  “I know. Pregnancy will take a little bit to get used to. Assuming that’s what you want?” Cali asked.

  A knot tightened in Etti’s throat. She knew deep down she’d made the choice to keep this baby the moment she found out about it. And now with Grey back at her side, wanting to start a life with her, there was no way Etti would give up this child. Her uncertainty was just fear. “Yes,” Etti replied. “This is what I want.”

  Cali took Etti’s hand and squeezed, her blue eyes shining. “Good.”

  “Can you do the blood work so we can see how far along I am?” Etti asked.

  “Sure. We can go to the clinic tomorrow. I might even be able to tell you the baby’s sex if you want to know.”

  “I have a feeling it’s a girl,” Etti admitted. “Is that possible?”

  Cali was practically beaming. “Of course! I’ve always thought maternal instinct is better than any test.”

  “You’re really good at this nurse thing,” Etti praised, grateful to have Cali as a friend.

  Cali brushed the compliment off. “I just love babies. They can be pretty rare in the shifter community.”


  “Yeah. It’s hard for females to pinpoint their fertility since we’re always shifting between wolf and human. It sort of messes with our cycles.”

  Etti’s hand went reflexively to her stomach. “Oh. I had no idea.”

  She couldn’t even believe she’d contemplated giving up the tiny miracle growing inside her after what Cali said.

  “Well, get some rest, mama. I’ll send Grey in after I patch his face up. And I’ll make an appointment for you at the clinic tomorrow.”

  Etti grabbed Cali’s hand as she rose from the bed. “Cali, thank you. And I’m sorry for getting in the way.”

  “You’re not in the way at all, honey. I have plenty of room here.”

  “That’s not what I meant.” Etti held Cali’s gaze until she understood. “I know that you and Wes were starting something before I dropped this bomb on everyone. And for what it’s worth, I think you’re good for him. But he’s not gonna make it easy. He’s stubborn as hell and too prideful to ever ask for help. And I think he needs help dealing with this,” Etti said patting her belly.

  Cali’s face tightened. “Should I be worried about him tonight?”

  “Knowing Wes, he’s at Horney Wolf. That’s where he goes when he’s pissed. He usually drinks too much whiskey and hits on anything that moves.”

  Cali flinched.

  “Sorry,” Etti said suddenly regretting her honesty.

  “Maybe I should see if he needs a ride home?” Cali offered.

  “Yeah. I’d say give him time to cool down and that might be a good idea.”

  “Thanks for the advice,” Cali replied. “And I’ll bring him back to his place for now. Things are complicated enough here.”

  “Shit, Cali. I’m sorry. This is your house. Grey and I can get a hotel. We need to find our own place anyway.”

  Cali raised her eyebrows. “So you two patched things up while I was gone, huh?”

  Etti blushed. “He asked me to marry him.”

  Cali’s mouth fell open. “No wonder Wes tried to kill him.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Etti, I see the way Wes looks at you. And how he was with you last night . . .”

  “Wes and I are just friends, Cali.”

  “Does Wes know that?”

  Etti gawked at the petite blonde shifter. “What are you saying?”

  “Nothing.” Cali sighed. “Just promise me you’ll stay here tonight. You need to rest. I’ll take you to the clinic tomorrow and we can make a plan from there.”


  Wes was three quarters through a bottle of whiskey when he felt a light touch on his arm. He grumbled. He’d already shot down every chick that offered to take him home. He knew it was useless to try to screw away his problems tonight. He also knew the answers didn’t lie at the bottom of the bottle he was drinking from either, but that didn’t stop him. He turned to the woman touching him, prepared to utter something rude, when he saw the familiar shimmer of blonde hair.

p; Wes was on his feet. “Cali? What are you doing here? Is it Etti? Did he hurt her? I’ll fucking kill him.”

  “Etti’s fine,” Cali said pushing Wes back onto his barstool. “She’s in bed getting some much needed rest.”

  “And Grey?” Wes could barely say the shifter’s name through gritted teeth.

  “He’s looking after her.”

  Anger surfaced through Wes’s alcohol induced calm. “You left her alone with him?”

  “Wes, I know you don’t like Grey. But he’s the father of her child, and her mate. He’s a part of this whether you like it or not.”

  “Not if she doesn’t keep the baby.”

  “Is that what you want?” Cali asked calmly.

  Wes was gripping the bottle so hard he thought it might shatter. He wished it would. He wanted to hurt. He wanted to feel anything but the pain squeezing his heart. He was losing Etti—his Etti—to some egotistical shifter.

  “No. I just don’t want anyone to hurt her,” Wes whispered.

  It was the first honest thing he’d said in the past hour. Cali had a way of getting him to open up. Just yesterday, Wes had woken up in the pretty shifter’s bed and felt something he’d never experienced with any of his hookups before—affection. He’d always kept that part of his heart locked up just for Etti. But Cali had made him feel something different. She’d made him wonder if maybe they could have more than just great sex. But that was before Grey had stomped all over Etti’s heart and awoken the jealous monster in Wes’s soul.

  Cali stroked Wes’s cheek, her blue eyes studying him with surprising sympathy. How could a girl he’d fucked last night comfort him while he wallowed over another?

  “Come on,” Cali murmured, pulling the bottle from Wes’s hand. “Let’s go home.”

  “No,” Wes argued grabbing the bottle back.

  “Please, Wes. I’m worried about you. And Etti’s worried about you.”

  “No she’s not. She only cares about her mate!” He spat the word like it was poison.

  “Wes, I know you care about her. And she’s upset about shifting on you. It’s not good for her or the baby to be stressed right now.”

  “Which is why I should be the one by her side. Not him!” Wes roared and slammed the bottle on the bar, shattering it apart.

  The atmosphere in the crowded shifter bar stilled. All eyes swiveled to Cali and Wes. His hand was bleeding and Cali was quickly trying to stop it with a pile of bar napkins as the bartender came over. The blue-haired woman sniffed the air and smiled like she enjoyed the scent of Wes’s human blood. He shouldn’t be in a bar like this. But the thrill of walking among all manner of supernatural creatures that hung out at the Horney Wolf was half the allure for Wes.

  “Is he bothering you, Cali?” the sinister bartender asked.

  “No,” Cali replied quickly. “We were just leaving.”

  “No we weren’t,” Wes slurred pulling away from Cali.

  Two burly shifters suddenly flanked him. “I think you should listen to your lady,” one of them said with a menacing tone.

  Wes snorted. “She’s not my lady.”

  “Guys, I’ve got this,” Cali said, wrapping her arm around Wes’s waist while trying to apply pressure to his hand. But Wes kept running his mouth.

  “My lady got herself knocked up by a piece of shit shifter that I’m gonna have to kill.”

  Wes didn’t even see the punch coming, but he certainly felt it. And then he felt the floor rush up to smash his face. He heard Cali yelling . . . and then everything went black.

  Chapter 8


  Wes woke up in his bed with a pounding headache. He groaned and tried to sit up but an explosion of stars in his vision threatened to pull him under again. His head felt like it was being squeezed in a vice and when he raised his hand to rub his throbbing temples he winced. His eyes brought his bandaged palm into focus.

  “How are you feeling?” a soft voice asked.

  Wes felt his bed dip as someone sat next to him. He turned to see Cali studying him with concern. “Like I lost a fight.”

  She smirked. “You did. That mouth of yours is trouble.”

  “Some women like trouble,” Wes retorted. Flirty banter was ingrained in him.

  Cali shook her head. “This one doesn’t.”

  She picked up his hand examining the blood soaked bandage. Wes studied her face while she unwrapped it. When she frowned he looked down at his palm, stunned to see so many stitches.

  “Shit,” he muttered.

  “I’m sorry. My medical abilities are limited when it comes to healing humans,” Cali said staring down at the angry wound. “I was more worried about getting you home and stopping the bleeding than making it pretty.”

  “How did you get me home?” Wes asked.

  “The guys that hit you are friends of mine.”

  “Nice friends.”

  “Yeah, they usually are when you’re not insulting their entire race. You know, not all shifters are assholes, Wes.”

  “I know that,” he grumbled.

  Cali sighed. “Look, I know you’re upset, but you really shouldn’t hang out at a place like that. It’s not safe for humans. I don’t even want to think about what could’ve happened if I didn’t show up.”

  Wes’s shoulders slumped. That’s why he’d gone to shifter bar. He liked tempting fate. He’d been looking for a fight, for someone to put him out of his misery. “Maybe I don’t care what happens to me.”

  “Don’t be an idiot,” Cali said wrapping his hand with a fresh bandage.

  “I’m not being an idiot. I’m fucking mad!” Wes winced, his head began to pound again when he raised his voice.

  “Why are you mad?” Cali asked patiently.

  “Because Etti chose the wrong guy!”

  “Is that really what you think?”


  “Why? Because he’s a shifter?”

  “No. That has nothing to do with it.”

  “So you don’t hate shifters?” Cali asked.

  “No. I’ve lived in Blue Creek all my life. I grew up knowing about shifters and all the other supernaturals. Plus, I’m Native American. I’m not ignorant enough to hate an entire population just because they’re different from me.”

  “So what’s the problem with Etti and Grey? You didn’t have a problem with him yesterday?”

  “Yesterday I didn’t know what he did to her. Yesterday he wasn’t the asshole that hurt her.”

  “Wes, Grey didn’t hurt Etti. He got her pregnant. There’s a difference.”

  “He made her cry. Etti never cries. I’ve never seen her that upset. Not even when her mother used to beat her.”

  Cali paled. “Etti’s mother beat her?”

  Wes exhaled. He’d never told anyone that before. It was always his and Etti’s secret, even though it killed Wes not to go to the police about it. That’s how Etti had wanted it. But here was Cali, getting him to open up again. Wes didn’t see how it really mattered now. Etti wasn’t a kid anymore. “Yeah. She was fourteen when I found out. And once I knew, I put a stop to it.”


  “I never left her side. I became her shadow. And I promised I’d never let anyone else hurt her again.”

  Understanding flickered across Cali’s blue eyes. “That’s why you freaked out on Grey.”

  Wes nodded.

  “You have to know that Grey would never hurt Etti.”

  “You can’t know that.”

  Cali took Wes’s good hand. “He’s her mate, Wes. It’s impossible for mates to hurt each other.”

  “That’s bullshit. You saw how upset Etti was when she showed up at your house.”

  “Upset yes. They’ll argue. That’s normal in any relationship. But Grey will never willingly hurt her.”

  Wes frowned skeptically at Cali.

  “The fact that Grey said something that upset Etti probably hurt him worse than it hurt her,” Cali added. “Seeing your mate hurting is unbearable.
And knowing you caused it only magnifies that. Mates will do anything for each other. They’d rather suffer their own unhappiness than see their mate hurt. Trust me. The beating you gave him was nothing compared to the mental anguish he was putting himself through.”

  “I just don’t understand it. Etti’s never even had a serious relationship. How can she all of a sudden be in love with some guy she just met a few weeks ago?”

  “That’s the mating bond,” Cali said wistfully. “Once it snaps into place you wonder how you ever functioned without your other half.”

  “I always thought Etti was my other half,” Wes said sadly.

  “I know,” Cali replied, gently stroking Wes’s crestfallen features. “I’m sorry you’re hurting. But when you figure out who you’re truly meant to be with, it will heal even these wounds.”

  “I’m human, Cali. I’m not going to find a mate.”

  “That’s not true. I believe everyone has a soul mate. And humans and shifters can be mated. That’s how the shifter community continues to grow. Think about Etti and Grey. She was human when they met.”

  Wes shook his head. “Etti was always a shifter. She just didn’t know it because her family hid it from her.”

  “But Grey didn’t know that. And it didn’t stop him from knowing she was his mate,” Cali argued.

  “Not every story has a happy ending, Cali.”

  “Just because you don’t believe in something doesn’t make it not true.”

  Wes closed his eyes, agony squeezing his heart. “I don’t want to talk about this anymore. I just want the pain to go away.”

  Cali drew her thumb slowly across Wes’s lower lip. “Let me take it away,” she whispered. Then she traced her finger’s path with her tongue, kissing him softly. Wes’s body responded, pulling her closer, breathing her in as the kiss deepened with his hunger to drown his sorrows. Cali was sexy as hell—all soft curves and creamy skin. And Wes’s body craved hers even though he knew it was wrong to use her this way.


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