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Vegas is Dying (A Croft & Croft Romance Adventure Book 2)

Page 29

by Morgan Kelley

  A great deal.

  Dinner was fairly uneventful. Both men ate most of the food, which was fine with the women. You didn't gorge and try to walk around in an itsy bitsy bikini. Not unless you were a glutton for punishment.

  Both women carried their towels up as they followed the men to the roof. When the elevator opened, the entire pool was empty. There were cabanas with their colorful coverings that offered privacy once the flaps were closed. There were white lights everywhere, making the place sparkle like an oasis under the moon and stars.

  “Wow, this is amazing up here,” Brynn stated, taking in the entire area around them. “I’d be up here every day,” she added.

  “I used to meditate and do yoga, now I swim all the time. I like being in the water.”

  Emma found a cabana and tossed their towels inside. She waited for her husband to pull off his shirt and head towards the water before taking off her own. She was dropping her shorts when he turned around.

  “Emma!” he exclaimed. “We discussed that bikini!”

  She began laughing at the sound of his exasperated tone of voice. Emma giggled more as Brynn stripped down to her bikini too.

  Croft didn't even look at the other woman. His eyes went right to his partner, who was looking back and forth at the two women like a little kid in a candy shop. It was giving the young agent ‘sexy woman overload’.

  “I didn't realize how popular this bikini must be,” Emma taunted him.

  He began stalking towards her around the side of the pool.

  “Now, Grey, stop! Don’t do anything crazy,” she squealed as she ran from him. Emma knew she couldn’t out run Greyson, but she had to try.

  “I told you not that bikini,” he growled, eyes twinkling as he teased her back. Part of him knew she’d disobey and honestly, it gave him the chance to manhandle his very sexy bikini clad woman. It was the little things that gave him the biggest thrill.

  If anything, his wife was predictable.

  When he caught her, she squirmed in his arms as he walked to the deep end of the pool.

  “Don’t do it!” she warned, knowing he was going to dump her in.

  He grinned wickedly. “You're lucky Curtis is very distracted or this would have ended far differently.” With that he ran towards the deep end and submerged them both into the depths.

  Emma held her breath as they hit the warm water. Sinking bellow, she found herself wrapped in his arms. Their feet touched the bottom and their lips came together, sealing them as one under the clear blue liquid.

  Slowly, they floated up. Their arms were wrapped around each other as their mouths sealed together and made them one. The kiss made them forget as they simply floated upward effortlessly.

  Curtis and Brynn watched them from the cabana. Their partners were always fun to observe. They were definitely two people madly in love.

  “They’re perfect together,” she said as she tucked her hair behind her ears. “Even if he is bossy.”

  Briggs nodded, completely agreeing. “They knew the first second they were together. When Greyson saw her across the crime scene, he was ready to marry her that instant. They’ve been pretty much inseparable from day one.”

  She watched them break the surface. They were treading water and still wrapped in each other’s arms. His bigger body was protecting hers, even in the pool. He brushed Emma’s hair from her face as she nuzzled his cheek.

  “I definitely see it now. At first, I thought he was being an oaf and overbearing, but I see that he’s just protective and cares about her so much.”

  Lowering his voice, he looked her in the eye, trying to not stare at her chest in the bikini. It wasn’t easy. “He’s very bossy, and for a while I didn't think he’d ever catch her, but Emma is easy going and can handle his rough edges. They fit perfectly. Where he feels like being aggressive, she steps back and lets him. When Emma is in charge, like this assignment, he’s got her back. They trust each other completely and that makes them good partners, in and out of the field.”

  The guilt was still there and Brynn wanted a chance at the same thing her partner had, just minus the bossy. Where it worked for Emma, she didn't think it would for her.

  “He’d die for her, and Emma would do the same. Those two found each other and it works for them. When she’s afraid,” he paused, thinking back to Celestia, “He’s there to shelter her. Emma saved Greyson’s life in more than one way.”

  Brynn knew it was time. “I need to tell you something.”

  One shade of blue eyes met another. “Yes?”

  “I got drunk and slept with Max.”

  He didn't know what to say. Everything in him imploded in, leaving a sucking black hole-like void in his gut. When he was finally able to get the words out, he held back the anger. “I see. When?”

  She took a deep breath and went with the truth. “Last night.”

  Briggs stood up to move away from her. Right now, he needed to burn the mad off, or he’d say something so completely stupid. He pulled on his shirt and escaped for the elevator.

  Staying there would be a very bad idea.

  Brynn watched him leave. She heard the sloshing of water and looked up to find her partner standing there with her towel wrapped around her and emerald eyes filled with concern.

  “You told him?”

  She nodded her head, wishing she never did but knew it was necessary. “I’m going to go home,” she said, trying to get dressed.

  Emma pulled her into an embrace and glanced over at her husband, motioning to the elevator. He immediately got it and headed after the other person involved in the mess.

  “I wish I never slept with Max. I’ll have remorse over it forever, but I don’t regret being honest with Curtis.”

  “It’ll be okay. Let’s sit here, and calm down. We’ll go from there, okay?” she said, sitting in the cabana with her partner as she tried to calm her down.

  “I’m never going to get a chance with him, am I?” she asked, believing Emma wouldn’t lie to her.

  “Don’t worry. The big scary guy is very persuasive. If anyone can talk Curtis down, it’s him.”

  Briggs had quickly changed and was heading down the hall when he ran into his partner. “Please move, Greyson,” he said, squeezing past him.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I’m going to get drunk and have a one night stand that will rival every one that was ever had by anyone before me. In fact, I may have a series of them in one night. I’m moving into the territory of a serial fornicator.”

  “I’ll drive you then,” he stated as he grabbed the keys to the Navigator. He wasn’t letting his partner do anything stupid, after all, he was like a kid brother to him. “Where to?” he asked in the elevator.

  “I don’t care. Some place with lots of easy women and booze.”

  Croft lifted his brow. That wasn’t happening. His wife would murder him in cold blood. “I know a place.”

  Driving down the street, he finally spoke. “She slept with Max.”

  “Yeah, I heard,” he answered. “I was at the office and the man was talking about how he ‘got with’ the hot detective. Since I know my wife wasn’t having sex with anyone but me, I figured it out. I guess that’s why they pay me the big bucks.”

  “Why didn't you tell me?” he demanded as he stared over at his partner and the man he considered his friend.

  Croft glanced over, catching the pain in his eyes. “Why would I? She isn’t your girlfriend, and you’re not married to her. If Brynn was your wife, I’d be the first one calling you to get a lynch squad ready. Then, I’d be standing at your side ready to kick some man’s ass,” he answered, pulling into a little corner bar. “But since she’s simply my wife’s partner, I didn't think it would have helped the situation out.”

  They got out of the SUV and headed in for a drink.

  Briggs didn't have an answer for his boss, but he was oddly touched knowing he’d help him beat down someone who was poaching any woman he was in a relati
onship with in the future.

  Parking it on a barstool, Croft ordered them each a cold beer. When the bartender placed the frosty bottles in front of the men, he paid before continuing, “I get why you’re upset. I’ve been there, but right now, instead of being mad at her, you have a bigger problem.”

  He was confused. Briggs was pretty sure his anger was directed at the right person.

  “You like her, right?”

  He did but his emotions were a mess. “I did but I’m pissed. I told her I wanted to start something as soon as this assignment was over. Now, I find out she sleeps with another man after we discussed it.”

  There was something entertaining about his partner being this screwed up over a girl. This was completely new. “Back to your problem, son,” he redirected. “There’s a man talking shit about the woman you like, and you seem to be fine with it. I suggest you move on and forget about her. If you don’t care that he’s talking trash about sleeping with her, it’s not meant to be. Find someone else to focus on.” He once remembered his partner setting him up to gauge his anger, well two could play at that game.

  Briggs looked over. He was horrified at the advice and a little bit angry that his friend was telling him to move on.

  “What she did was completely wrong. I mean, it’s not like you’ve jumped in bed with anyone, or made a huge mistake like this before, right?”

  And here came his past screw-up, taking another big bite out of his ass. Briggs sighed before continuing, “Yeah, I did the same thing.”

  “Think about how hard it was for her to tell you. She could have lied or pretended nothing had happened. Brynn could have let you get hit in the face with it at the office when word got back to you. She didn't. The woman owned it and was trying to start something with you on level ground. That’s gutsy and shows her depth of character.”

  Briggs finished his beer and ordered another one for both of them. Throwing down cash, he glanced over. “If you were me what would you do?”

  Greyson grinned. “I’d screw it up and have the girl mad at me for hours, because I acted like a total caveman. Oh wait, it’s like you took a game plan out of the ‘Book of Croft’ after all.”

  Briggs started laughing as he clinked his bottle off his partners. “So, basically, old man, I’m screwed.”

  “Welcome to the life of a domineering Neanderthal,” he stated, drinking his beer. “You do realize that back at the condo there were two very sexy women in very tiny bikinis dying for our attention, right? Someone should be questioning our sanity, because if you needed a beer, there were bottles in the refrigerator.”

  He laughed. “We’re idiots,” he stated.

  “Speak for yourself,” Croft replied. “I’m married to my woman. Sex for me is a given as long as I don’t do anything boneheaded between now and the time I get her in bed. You’ve got to earn it yet, and being here isn’t racking up any babe points,” he paused, grinning. “For the record, don’t repeat what I just said. It’ll get us killed.”

  He started laughing. “You’re probably right. Ready to go?” Curtis asked as they both chugged their beers.

  “Always, partner.”

  Emma offered her partner comfort as she laid on the cabana cushions. As Brynn slowly slipped off to sleep, lulled by the stars and sound of the pool filter humming, Emma hoped her husband was having better luck at patching up Curtis’s heart.

  It was a tough thing for her. She was stuck in the middle between a man she genuinely loved as family, and a woman who was her partner on the streets. They both had her in their corners, and Emma prayed it didn't get ugly.

  Hearing the elevator, Emma hoped it wasn’t some resident wanting an evening swim. Glancing up at the shadow that fell on the cabana, she saw that it was the men returning.

  This time, Curtis didn’t appear angry, but instead he looked concerned for the sleeping woman.

  “She’s had a rough one. Take it easy on her,” Emma warned, pointing ominously at the younger man.

  He nodded sheepishly, climbing onto the cushions beside the woman. Waiting until Emma and Greyson walked away, he ran his hand down her leg. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, unwilling to wake her up.

  As time passed, he remained motionless as he spooned the back of her body against his. Curtis was just beginning to drift off to sleep when he could feel a blanket being laid over them. Looking up, he grinned as Emma gave him a motherly kiss on his forehead.

  “Night, Mom.”

  Emma simply snickered.

  Behind her stood Greyson, acting as sentry over his wife. He was smiling at his partner. With a nod, he closed the flaps on the cabana to hustle Emma back down to the condominium.

  Briggs allowed the sounds of the night and the scent of Brynn’s skin to lull him to sleep.

  He’d already decided that tomorrow, he owed her one hell of an apology.

  It didn't take Greyson Croft long to get his wife out of her bikini. She put up a little fight as she ran around their couch in an attempt to avoid him. In the end, he knew the truth.

  She let him win.

  With his partner tucked away upstairs, he could now have his way with her. Making out on their couch sounded like a really great way to end the night.

  While she was trapped beneath his bigger frame, her squirming and giggling was only turning him on even more. “Emma, you’re not getting away. We have to have a little discussion about you wearing that bikini after the fact.”

  She laughed, running her fingers down the scar on his cheek. “Yes, we do. You aren’t the boss in this house, babe. Do I have to prove it?” she stated, challenging him.

  His masculine chuckle said it all. He didn't believe she could pull it off.

  It was time to school the caveman. Running her hands down his body, she found him and cupped him. Immediately, it pulled a moan from his body as her fingers did wicked things.

  “Oh, honey,” he murmured as he let her toy with him however she wanted. As far as he was concerned, there was no loser in this game.

  When he leaned slightly off her body, she pushed him back to escape from beneath him. “Sit, Grey,” she ordered, watching him obey. Her eyes never left his as she knelt between his legs. “What do you want, Greyson?” she purred, stroking him silkily.

  “Take me in your mouth.”

  She shook her head. “Ask nicely.”

  He stared at her, a little surprised by his woman. She generally was the docile one in bed. Apparently, the minx wanted to be in charge. Croft was more than okay with that.

  “If you want me to give you what you want, you need to give me what I want.”

  Oh, he knew what he wanted to give her. “Please take me in your mouth,” he restated as he smirked.

  Emma began at first gently licking and teasing him as much as possible. Just as her husband was shaking, she stopped. “I’m going to make you beg, Grey,” she purred, and then went back to work.

  He wasn’t feeling nearly as arrogant as he was a minute ago. “Honey, this isn’t going to have a good outcome,” he hissed, closing his eyes and trying to not think about it. When she added her hand and did a creative thing with the tip of her tongue, he shook more.


  Yet, she continued to torment him, knowing it was a battle of wills. It was now his body against her willingness to push him out of control.

  Everything in him wanted to just let go, but there was still that tiny voice telling him to make sure his woman experienced pleasure. Blocking it all out was becoming difficult. Suddenly, it all stopped.

  Opening his eyes, he watched as his wife climbed up his body. The look on her face undid him.

  “I want you, Grey,” Emma whispered as she straddled his lap. “Do you want to feel me around you?” she asked, before leaning into his ear and telling him everything that was on her mind.

  It painted quite the picture and used words he’d never heard her say before. Greyson stared at her, shocked by what she had just shared. Before he even touched her, his b
ody was close to the edge. “Oh God!”

  She slid him home and drew a gasp from his lips as she watched him predatorily. For once, he was the prey. Emma began her torturous ride, controlling the depth and glide.

  It was official. She was trying to make him crazy. Every few strokes, she’d switch the tempo or rhythm. He couldn’t adjust quickly enough.

  “Emma, please,” he begged as all the cockiness was gone and only need filled his voice.

  She continued on, bringing herself pleasure as she used his body. As his frustration grew, her explosion was near. With three more strokes Emma ruptured, giving him a little taste of her body squeezing his before pulling herself off him.

  He was now beyond frustrated. There was something dark brewing along with the need to take his woman. “Emma,” he growled, watching her regain her composure.

  “What?” she asked coyly.

  “Stop the game! I need you, and you’re making me insane!”

  Emma knew the caveman was close to losing it. “Say please and this time, mean it, Grey.”

  He’d give her anything she wanted at that point. “Please. I need to be buried in my wife.”

  The smile on her lips said it all. “Then take me, Grey- any way you want.”

  Everything in him broke free. She’d given him permission to be the man he was, and he wasn’t giving her the opportunity to change her mind.

  Pushing her off his lap, he bent her over the arm of their couch and ran his hand appreciatively down her naked form. “I won’t be gentle,” he growled, leaning over his wife. All he wanted was to take and own the woman before him. “I feel wild and out of my mind with need.”

  Her laughter caressed his body like silk covered fingers, and it enflaming him further.

  Croft positioned himself to take her, and he did just that. As Greyson slid home, he sighed in pleasure at finding the need being finally satiated.

  Emma moaned as his fingers dug into her hips, holding her completely captive as his strokes were long and deep. “Grey!” she gasped, feeling her body warming under his attention.


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