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Vegas is Dying (A Croft & Croft Romance Adventure Book 2)

Page 45

by Morgan Kelley

There was no doubt her husband was fully aroused. She could feel him shaking and was at eye level with even more proof. “You need to be set free,” she purred, reaching for his zipper and slowly drawing it down. When it reached the end, she stared up into his eyes, and they were on fire- much like her whole body.

  Emma ran her palm up and over him, causing a low moan to break his lips. “I can’t wait to taste you, Grey.”

  He shook more as he watched her eyes sweeping his entire body appreciatively. God, he was ready to snap with the foreplay. He prayed he could get through the actual sex without embarrassing himself.

  Emma pulled his boxers down to set free her ultimate prize. When he sprung into her waiting hand, she delicately ran her fingertips up and down him, inciting more guttural groans from her husband.

  “What do you want, Grey?” she asked, staring him in the eyes. “Tell me how to please you.”

  Oh, how the temperature in the room just shot up even more at her words. If she only knew the part of him she was attracting, luring, and enticing to break free. “Emma. You’re playing with fire. When Pandora opened the box, she couldn’t put the bad back. If you allow it out, it’s never going away.”

  He waited to make sure she understood what he was saying.

  Her breathy laughter made him even harder. He twitched under her fingertips. “Tell me what you want, Grey, I’ll give you whatever you need. The ‘bad’ doesn’t scare me.”

  The words tore at his control as she ran her finger over the necklace at her throat.

  She stared up into his eyes. “I’ll do anything for my husband.”

  A million things began tearing through his mind. They were followed by so many other scenarios. In his brain, she was offering herself up to his old school nature, and that was the ultimate gift. Croft gambled and risked it all. “I want my wife to worship me like no other man before.”

  She stared up into his eyes and waited.

  “I want her to promise she’ll give herself to me and only me.”

  Emma could feel the heat rushing through her body as everything in her was turned on by his words.

  “I want her tough for the world to see, but underneath it all, I want her soft, delicate, and mine.” The flush to her skin gave her away. “Promise me, Emma,” he demanded. His eyes never leaving her face. “Promise that you’re only ever going to be mine.”

  “I promise, Grey.”

  It was all he needed to hear as the wildness buried deep surged to the surface at her vow. There was no going back for him. He had everything he wanted in life, and with her words, he felt complete. “Take me in your mouth, Emma.”

  She giddily leaned forward and gave him what he requested. Nothing excited her more than the way her husband wanted her. Working him in and out, she would occasionally flick her eyes up to him, and his face said it all.

  Emma and Greyson had found what was buried inside. What lay dormant for anyone else was now unlocked by their soul mate.

  Together there was acceptance. As one, they were a matched set.

  This was who they were meant to be. The Neanderthal had finally found the one woman who didn't mind being carried back to his cave.

  Together, they found perfection.

  “Honey!” He closed his eyes as another moan broke free.

  She released him with her mouth, only to stand in front of him. “What next, Grey? What would turn you on?”

  He laughed sardonically. “I’m way beyond turned on,” he said, staring at her body as she waited. “I want you in my lap,” he answered. “Riding me.”

  She went to pull her panties off, and he stopped her.

  “Leave them and the heels on. Just pull them aside,” he demanded.

  Holy shit!

  His words made her shake. “Yes, Grey.”

  When she was fully in his lap, he wasn’t sure he was going to last long, and he only prayed his wife would fall first. As she positioned him in just the right spot, he stared up into her eyes.

  “You’re mine, Emma, and only mine.”

  “Always,” she replied, sliding down his erection and burying him deep in her body.

  He fought to not lose it, and his hands automatically went to her hips to keep her from moving. His heart overflowed and was overwhelmed that he’d found a woman who wouldn’t run from the man he was, but help him embrace it.

  He could be himself and be loved for it.

  Her body quaked around his, as Emma needed him. When he released her hips, she took it as her sign to take over and give them both what they wanted. Gliding up and down, she dug her fingers into his shoulders as he helped her set the rhythm. When she dropped her head back to enjoy the building heat in her body, she knew she wouldn’t last long.

  “Go over, Emma!” he ordered as he watched her use his body to find pleasure.

  When she did, he let her lean against him to catch her breath. Emma finally refocused and could see how hard he was fighting to stay in control.

  “I want to take my wife,” he stated, lifting her out of his lap to carry her into their room. Once there, he placed her on their bed and stripped. “I can’t wait,” he said, staring down at her pale flesh. “First to get rid of these,” he grabbed the lace panties and pulled, rendering the fabric into pieces.

  Emma gasped at the feeling and sound.

  “This next,” he stated, pulling her bra from her body without unhooking it. He threw it across the room. “The heels stay, because they turn me on,” he added as he climbed back onto the bed, ready to take what was his. “See why Pandora was a very bad girl? You can’t reclose the box.”

  Sliding into her, he took her mouth at the same time, swallowing the gasp. Before long, she was writhing beneath him as he plundered her body to satisfy all of his cravings.

  “Grey!” she exclaimed, pulling her mouth from his as her world began shifting. Her husband was building her back up only to make her fall again. Yeah, she was so glad she opened this box. In fact, she planned to toss away the lid. Long live the caveman!

  “More, Emma,” he demanded, driving himself totally crazy with the woman beneath him.

  Her nails slid down his shoulders as her body bowed into his. “Please, Grey!”

  He didn't care if the world imploded around them. His wife was all his and giving him the most precious gift, herself.

  “God, Emma,” he muttered, his own body was so very close to the edge as she began to quake. He slammed into her again and again pushing her over the edge as he fought to follow.

  She shouted his name.

  He called for the only woman he’d ever love as his body exploded, and the world stopped around him.

  Together, they fell as one--as it would always be.

  Emma could detect the subtle scent of cologne, cigars, and husband, and it slowly brought her back to the surface. The weight of his body on hers was cathartic. She began to run her fingers through his hair.

  “I don’t feel like moving,” he finally said, knowing someone had to shut everything off.

  She snickered. “You're closest to the door.”

  His masculine laughter filled the room, and finally he rolled off her to go to her side. Seriousness took over. “Emma, I love you. Thank you.”

  She curled against him and ran her fingers through his chest hair. “For the sex? I don’t think that’s necessary.”

  “You know what I mean. You let me be whole. I don’t have words to tell you how much it means to me that you accept me for who I am.”

  “You’re bossy, stubborn, outrageously sexy, perfect and mine.” She threw it out there, grinning. “We are who we are, Greyson, and let’s face it, you’re a caveman. I’m just the mere woman you dragged back to the cave,” she teased.

  He lifted her chin. “You’re so much more, Emma. Never in my life was I able to be me, and not be scared it would chase someone away. You let me be Greyson Croft, and I won’t ever love anyone like I love you. For years, I had to always hold back and pretend I wasn’t this Neanderthal. F
inally, I’m allowed to be me.”

  She stared into his eyes. “Babe, I’m getting to be me too. You’re not the only one who’s happy. I have no complaints about our relationship. When we come together, I come alive too. This is who we’re supposed to be, so why deny it. You can be the king of my castle any day,” she teased, winking.

  He kissed her. “For that my queen, I’ll go shut everything off.”

  Emma giggled. “You’re easy.”

  Croft glanced back over his shoulder at his wife. “When it comes to anything that is going to happen in our bedroom, then you better believe I am.”

  He could hear her laughing all the way across the condominium.

  Tuesday Morning

  Emma woke wrapped around her husband and protectively housed in his arms. Slowly, they both began to pull away from the slumber and stretch.

  “Morning,” she whispered, cuddling into his body.

  Croft loved waking up in bed with his wife. “Morning, honey. How did you sleep?” he asked, dropping kisses to her bed messed hair.

  “Not bad, considering I was dwelling on the whole case through the night.”

  He admitted he was too. “Today, we have the shrink and Randall Mason, right?”

  Emma didn't get to tell him about the call from Doctor Bentley last night. “We have one more thing to do,” she added, telling him about Liza Harper and HIV.

  “Oh shit, that’s bad,” he answered, feeling for all the people whose lives were about to be altered by one choice they made. This was yet another reason he never did drunken one-night stands, or any kind for that matter.

  “Yeah, we have to tell them later today.”

  His body went tense.

  “What’s wrong, Grey?” she asked, leaning on her elbow to stare down at him.

  “I have meetings all afternoon. I can’t go with you.”

  “I’ll take Curtis.”

  Yeah, that didn't make him feel as good as it should. He would rather be the one to take her to that house.

  “Babe, there’s nothing to worry about. Let’s get a shower and get going. Curtis is meeting us at the FBI building, so we can grab breakfast there before our meeting with the psychiatrist at ten.”

  He rolled out of bed and held out his hand. “Shower with me?” he asked, still feeling nervous about letting her out of his sight for a second.

  “Absolutely,” she replied, letting him pull her up. “You can wash my back,” she said winking.

  “Woman, you’re very domineering in the morning,” he teased, leading her into their bathroom.

  “I’m just making up for the rest of the day when you win the bossy contest, Greyson,” she quipped right back.

  How could he argue? She had him there.

  * * *

  Special Agent Curtis Briggs was glad to be back at work. He had left the hospital that morning with increased vigor in his step. It was time to get back to solving murders.

  He’d miss Brynn and promised to text her nonstop with any information to keep her up to speed and in the loop. She was healing nicely, but still needed the pain meds to get through the day. She would probably sleep a few hours and not even miss him. Briggs promised to stop in later and have dinner with her to keep her company.

  Walking into the building that his partner was running, he enjoyed the sounds of the hustle and bustle of agents in motion. It was a much bigger place than the one they worked out of in Pennsylvania, and it was going to be an adventure.

  After flashing his badge to security, he was instructed on how to find his boss’s office. Entering the elevator, he took the slow ride as it stopped at almost every floor. At the tenth one, he exited to hunt down the big guy.

  As he asked directions, he made his way to a little blonde woman sitting at a desk in front of the office.

  “I’m here to see Director Croft,” he said. Curtis was excited to be back in the land of the functioning.

  “Are you Agent Briggs?” she asked, staring at him intently.


  “He said to send you right in when you arrived. The director is in with his wife.”

  The man headed towards the door and knocked before entering. At Croft’s voice, he couldn’t help but be excited. Inside was his family- well adopted anyway, and he missed them the last couple of days.

  “Curtis!” Emma said, crossing the room towards him. “How’s Brynn today?” she asked, greeting him warmly.

  Releasing her from the embrace, he answered, “She’s improving and sitting up today. She has to use her left arm, since they have the other one immobilized. I’m heading back tonight to have dinner with her and make sure she’s doing okay.”

  Emma patted his cheek. “You're a very good man, Curtis Briggs.” She dropped a kiss on his cheek.

  He grinned at his boss. “The ladies love me, what can I say?” he teased as his boss crossed his arms.

  “We waited to have breakfast with you,” he replied as he tried not to laugh at the young man. “We need to get you back up to speed before we head back out into the field.”

  “I can’t wait!” Then, it hit him. “Am I trapped inside doing searches? You wouldn’t do that to me after I just spent three nights in a hospital all alone, would you?”

  “You probably should have thought about that before you were hugging and accepting kisses from my wife,” he faux growled and teased the man.

  Emma laughed as they headed towards the elevators. “You’re my partner this afternoon in the field while Grey has meetings.”

  “Wooo hooo,” he stated exuberantly.

  Croft gave him the look but said nothing. His partner knew his main job when alone with Emma was to keep her safe. They’d had the talk many times in Celestia. “Don’t get too excited. You’re going to do a notify.”

  “Aw hell. I hate telling people that their family member is dead.”

  Emma patted his shoulder. “Not that kind. Our last victim was HIV positive and shacking up with a bunch of men.”


  “Bed babe,” Croft clarified.

  He got the terminology. “Ohhhh, well that sucks for them. That’s the last thing they’re going to want to hear.”

  As they were walking towards the cafeteria, many of the agents greeted Greyson with waves and smiles. Briggs couldn’t help but find it entertaining. “It’s funny to see Mr. FBI have to schmooze with people. He used to be so serious. Now, he’s the big boss.”

  “I’m seriously going to schmooze you if you don’t zip it,” he stated, nodding at the employees they passed in the halls.

  “Boys, fight nice,” Emma added. “I’m starving, so let’s get breakfast and discuss work.”

  “I’m sorry Mr. Suit and Tie,” apologized Curtis, grinning. “I should be on my best behavior. You’re cranky without your bran muffin.”

  Emma punched him.

  “Hey!” he objected. “I want to file an abuse report.”

  Croft kissed his wife on the top of the head. “She doesn’t work for me, so take that to her boss, but for the record you deserved it. I’ll even be her witness.”

  Emma pointed at him. “Don’t stir him up. For your information, Mr. Suit and Tie is carrying a lot of weight on those incredibly sexy, strong shoulders.”

  “Thank you, honey,” he said, kissing her again despite the gawking onlookers.

  “Anything for you, Grey,” she purred, patting his ass under his suit jacket.

  “Seriously? I’m about to eat here. I can only imagine what mom and dad have been doing since I was away.” He mock shuddered as he took his place in line. “That condo is a crime scene.”

  Emma giggled as they shared a look.

  It sure as hell was.

  “Hey, I smell bacon,” he stated, tormenting his partner further. “Delicious piggy, come to daddy.”

  Greyson sighed, knowing he wasn’t getting bacon.

  The younger agent made his choices, headed off to pay and to find them a table.

  Croft lowered his
voice. “Can I have bacon too?” he asked hopefully.

  There was nothing more entertaining than her big dominant husband begging for pork products. “I think if we share some and you balance it out with some fruit and maybe toast with peanut butter, we can call it even.”

  He kissed her. “I love you.”

  Emma started laughing. “I’ll get the coffee and toast. You get the bacon and fruit.”

  Greyson Croft grinned at the fact he was wearing his wife down.

  It was all part of his husband master plan.

  One day he’d have free reign over all the pig he could eat.

  At the table, they found Briggs scoffing bacon, sausage and eggs. Maybe that wasn’t the right word. The man was inhaling food like there was no tomorrow.

  “You better chew,” stated Emma, taking a seat beside her husband. “You’re going to choke.”

  “I missed food,” he mumbled as he waited for his partner to sit. “Hey, he has bacon!” Briggs stated, pointing at the tray.

  “Yes, I do.”

  Emma ran her fingers over his cheek. “He’s been a good boy and earned it.”

  He winked at his partner. “Yes, I have.”

  Briggs didn't think they were referring to his food choices. Immediately, he changed the subject. “Okay, get me up to speed.”

  Emma started as her husband smeared peanut butter on their toast. “We have a psychiatrist that has a tie to three of the four victims. We need you to run her today.”

  “Okay.” He was suspicious. They said fieldwork and that didn't sound like it. “I’m coming with you, right?”

  Croft bit into a forkful of fruit salad that his wife held out for him. “Yes, take a tablet and work on the fly. She has diplomas on the walls. Run them, find out when she was in college, and see if you can tie it to Randall Mason or his son, Dyer.”

  The man nodded and inhaled more sausage. “I can do that.”

  “I find it suspicious that the doctor knew three of our women. I also think that where there’s smoke, there’s fire. We need to find the common thread that ties this all together.” Emma added.

  “Then you and I, Curtis, are headed to the party house to discuss the sex lives of a bunch of twenty something year old men men.”


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