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The Spires of Dasny: 2: Queen of Dragons

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by Cheryl Rush Cowperthwait

  “Where are you two going?”

  “We’re taking a ride out over the sea. I’m going to collect sea shells to make necklaces and wrist-wraps with them, if I find enough.”

  A slow sigh escapes my mouth. It seems everyone is going out and having fun, and now Dreyth has locked himself away to do some reflection in reading old scrolls. I wish he would stop being so ruminative. I wander back to my alcove and stretch out on my bed of dried grasses covered in soft pelts.

  Maybe Dreyth was this way when he was the Brula’r before, always looking for trouble when there was none. I hope he doesn’t spend the next fifty or so years digging through the old scrolls, hunting for the ghosts of the past.

  I’m awakened by Grifton calling for Elky, searching high and low through the caverns and school. I yawn, stretch and rise to find him. I would have thought Elky had told him she was going shell collecting this afternoon. Once I enter the main cavern, it hits me. Darkness has already gathered over the cavern and fires are aglow.

  My heart races as my feet do the same. I fly up the stairs to follow Grifton’s voice. I catch up with him inside the Tack classroom. He stands in front of the empty space where Elky keeps her saddle for Ustice.

  “Grifton, has Athan tried to reach Ustice?” I bite my lip waiting for his answer.

  He turns, chest deflated. “He can’t get a response from Ustice.”

  “I saw her earlier. She and Ustice were going to fly out by the sea. She said she wanted to get some seashells. I had no idea I fell asleep and it’s already dark. Let’s get Dreyth and Athan so we can go search.”

  “I already asked Athan to meet me to search for her. He should be here in a moment.”

  We hurry down the stairs. By the time we reach the exit, both dragons are waiting for us. I tell them everything I know from before Elky left on Ustice and see the concern flicker through their eyes. I hurry off to get Dreyth’s saddle and as I come out of my alcove, almost plow into Hu’gan. His electric blue eyes are clouded and he wears a deep scowl on his face.

  “Come. I have a Vision to share.”

  Before I can gather my wits about me, he surges forward, his ever-present staff clicking away against the stone floor. He stops next to Dreyth.

  “I have seen the girl in my Vision. They were set upon by a band of Xi, very powerful sorcerers of the far East. They may be affiliated with the dragons we battled before. The Vision was unclear. They have taken them away to some land bridge that transported them beyond.”

  “Beyond? Where? Tell us where they went!” Grifton’s face is angry and red, spittle flying with his words.

  Hu’gan gives one short nod and opens his eyes. “Warrior Grifton, I know you are angry but channel the anger inside. We cannot follow them and certainly not in the depth of night. We will fly in the morning and I will guide you to the place I saw in the Vision.”

  Every muscle in Grifton’s body stiffens. I watch as the vein in his neck engorges with blood, throbbing. “The morning? Have you lost your senses? By giving them that much time we may never find them!”

  “Grifton, you do not understand. There is no path to follow in the darkness. They have already disappeared. Our only hope to find them is with daylight to guide us to the land bridge. It is a gateway between here and there. It will take all of my focus to even perceive it in daylight.”

  “I can’t just stand here and do nothing. That’s my sister they’ve taken, and for what, I’d like to know?”

  Hu’gan turns and placed both hands on Grifton’s shoulders. I stare in a strange fascination. Hu’gan’s staff stands next to him as if held by invisible hands. Grifton gazes into Hu’gan’s eyes. They are so bright I have to look away. Hu’gan reaches out to catch Grifton as he crumples to the floor. He swiftly motions two of his Warriors to pick Grifton up and return him to his alcove.

  “I apologize for sedating Grifton. He would have brought himself injury, otherwise. Call the dragons. I have sent for the Warriors. We will meet in the Armory to discuss how to find and return Elky. But know this, I sense extreme danger in our path.”

  When we enter the Armory, Belinda hurries over to me. “I just heard about Elky being missing. I have a report from my village but I thought to wait until morning. It may have some bearing on Elky’s disappearance.”

  I grab her arm and move out of the flurry of people and dragons. “What is it?”

  “My village reports there were several nomad looking people that congregated on the razed village. The site of our battle. They described them as similar but different than Hu’gan. They all had shaved heads except for a tuft of braids at their crown. They had dragons but these were odd ones. They were long and snake-like but with dragon heads and talons.”

  “What did they want?”

  “No one knows. A group from our village made an excursion to pay homage to those who lost their lives. The nomads asked them what they were doing there and had a brief exchange. It left our people feeling uncomfortable but they said the nomads planned on leaving soon.”

  “You need to tell Dreyth and Hu’gan everything you remember hearing. Let’s go tell them before they call the meeting.”

  I grab her arm and tug her towards Dreyth. Hu’gan meets us with a flash of lightning in his eyes. He gives a barely perceivable half-nod to Belinda before addressing her.

  “Warrior Belinda, do you have news to report?”

  I stand transfixed as she reports to him. In her telling, small details fill in so much more than she told me. She gives a description of their clothing, their mannerisms and the strangest of all, the way the villagers turned around and went home without leaving their flowers and food over the mound of bones. She remarks that they turned their wagon around and went home, only to be puzzled later that they left nothing behind.”

  “Yes. I thought as much. They use a form of Mind Magic to control those around them. Where I can do the same, much like you saw with Grifton convincing him to sleep, I only do this for the good of the person, not to use against them.”

  I give an involuntary shudder. I knew there were things about Hu’gan that made me uneasy and this knowledge is a new one for me. I thought he’d somehow knocked Grifton out by holding his shoulders. I grimace.

  The night fills with voices and answering roars. As eager as I was to find Elky and Ustice, now I understand the need to wait and prepare. We’re in for a battle to rescue them against formidable foes. It still doesn’t answer why they would take them. What are they to them?

  Chapter 4

  We awake at pre-dawn. I say we, because by the time I make it to the communal fire pit in the center of the Spires, Grifton is chatting with Belinda. I pour a mug of tea, hoping it will finish waking me up.

  Jerking my head to the side, I see Hu’gan striding forward with ten of his Beljeem Warriors. Shivers run up my spine, raising bumps around my neck. The last time Hu’gan and his warriors showed up dressed ready for battle, there was one. I was hoping this would be a search and rescue operation. The serious look on Hu’gan’s face tells me otherwise. After a few words with his warriors, they scurry off towards the sea entrance. I wonder what Hu’gan told them?

  “I’m lining up the dragons to carry Hu’gan and his warriors. He made the suggestion that we travel on the backside of the Spires so we don’t alert those in Phoenix or the surrounding communities. After what we all went through, seeing us fly out in a war formation would rattle their tenuous foundation. The warriors have arrived. They’ll saddle their dragons. I’m finishing explaining to Athan and Sezalor our focus on this mission. Tell Grifton and Belinda to join you and make your way here.”

  The sooner we get started, the sooner we will rescue Elky. There isn’t another choice. We have to find her. I can’t wrap my mind around why they would take her and Ustice. Capturing her is one thing but how did they get close enough to capture Ustice? If it had been Dreyth, he would have flamed the lot of them before I could bat an eye.

  “Grifton, Belinda, Dreyth and the other drag
ons are waiting for us at the sea exposure. If you’re ready…”

  The words hardly spring from my mouth when Grifton stumbles past me in a full run.

  Belinda blinks rapidly and joins me. “I don’t have a good feeling about this.”

  I nod. “Hopefully by bringing some of the Beljeem Warriors with us, it will make these nomad people back down and surrender Elky and Ustice. I keep wondering why they would take sweet Elky?”

  Her face is pale. “I didn’t want to mention this around Grifton and I wish it wasn’t on my mind but those nomads…”

  I take her by the arm and spin her to look at me. “What about them? What aren’t you saying?” I know my face is showing the alarm I feel at her words.

  “My people have heard of a nomadic tribe that steals people when they sleep. It hasn’t happened in recent history that they are aware of, but the memories are still strong enough that as children we were warned not to go out by ourselves to the woods where the nomads could be hiding. Also, parents put bells on doors and windows to alert them if they heard a noise.”

  All the moisture in my mouth dries up. Now that Belinda brought this to mind, I remember hearing such tales as a youngster. I had forgotten them in favor of the stories of the dragons and the Dragon Riders School long ago. I feel like I swallowed something sour, my stomach roils and gurgles.

  “Slave traders…” My words hang in the air. Belinda nods slowly, biting her lip.

  We join the others already cinching saddles and tying on supplies. Grifton is seated on Athan staring fiercely over the backs of those still making ready. I grab Dreyth’s saddle, lug it to him and start wrapping the cinches over and under him.

  He speaks softly in my mind. “Hu’gan and his warriors will take lead. He has seen this land bridge in his Vision. He tells me there are places such as the one where we go, that lead from one point to another. He calls them Gateways. Like opening a door where we are, and stepping through it to a distant land. Their ancestors took the same type of Gateway generations past to be near the Spires at the time they would be needed once more.”

  “Has Hu’gan mentioned anything about these nomads?” I recoil at the sudden rumble beneath him as I tighten the last strap. I climb into the saddle working into my shoulder harness.

  “Yes. He says they are the Xi. But even the Xi could be Slavers that come to steal people to sell to the highest bidder. Elky would be a lure to them with her fair skin and copper hair. It is a wonder they took Ustice with them. If they don’t keep him under their mind control, he’ll flame the lot of them.”

  “They’ll regret taking them, I agree. All he needs is one moment and he’ll turn them to ash.” I dart a glance at Grifton. As much as he looks like chiseled granite, his eyes hold a pool of moisture. I can only imagine what is hammering in his head. I remember vividly the conversation he, Elky and I had before they became dragon riders… and my heart sinks. If he is remembering that conversation, he is blaming himself for anything that happens to Elky.

  Movement at the cave entrance catches my attention. Hu’gan stands upon the white dragon, Jenkor, and raises his arms for our attention. “Riders, we leave in battle formation. It is impossible to know if this is a lure to attack us with warriors lying in wait. The Beljeem Warriors will ride in a ‘V’ formation with Grifton, Seyra and Belinda riding in the center. We know by description, we are up against the Xi and they are powerful sorcerers. We will be at a disadvantage. They have taken the one that could protect dragon and human, alike. What I don’t know is if their dragons also carry magic. Stay alert. I will recognize the Gateway when I see it. If you think I drift as we fly, I follow the signature of the Vision, wherever it leads.”

  He slips into his saddle and motions us forward. Jenkor’s pearlescent white scales look more like dripping moonlight, as he leaps from the cavern. He is followed quickly by the other dragons and warriors. I wait for Grifton’s turn, then Dreyth plunges into the breaking dawn. Belinda is the last to clear the safety of the Spires.

  It feels odd leaving the Spires without Elky astride Ustice off to my left side. In her stead is Belinda on the purple feathered dragon, Sezalor. There are no smiles, no giddiness in this flight. There is fierce resolve in its place. The only sound is that of wings buffeting the wind.

  Dreyth is uncommonly quiet. “It is because the dragons are speaking. They are unsure of what to expect. We have known battles aplenty, but from those of our kind. The dragons described are different from us. They wonder, as do I, if the difference is only in appearance? Or are they skilled in warfare, of which we have no knowledge?”

  “That is the great fear. The unknown. All I know is we must find Elky. Otherwise…”

  “Yes, Sparrow, I know. Athan has commented regarding his worries for Grifton. Even now I feel the pulse of his magic barely contained and feel a darkness shadowing his mind. Whatever meets us on the other side of the Gateway will find his wrath.”

  I don’t need to answer. We are all of the same thoughts. It is crucial to regain Elky or this search will never end. Grifton will never give up looking for her; likewise, we won’t either. She is part of the Spires. She is family.

  The sun finally crests in the east. Belinda points out the area where the nomads, as her people called them, had stayed. What brought them to the battle area in the first place? I hate to think this way, but if they were looking to steal someone, why didn’t they steal from one of the closer communities? Elky and Ustice should have been on the other side of the Spires, away from the battleground, away from the nomads. Something doesn’t fit right with this puzzle and it gnaws at me. Dreyth rumbles below me.

  “I have wondered the same. Perhaps the Xi were returning to the Gateway and found Elky and Ustice without others around. She became an easy target.”

  “Of course, it could be as simple as that, being in the wrong place at the wrong time.”


  “These aren’t simple nomads. They are the Xi and by Hu’gan’s telling, they are something to be reckoned with. Now, why would a clan of sorcerers want to take Elky? What is the benefit? And as terrible as it sounds, why didn’t they eliminate Ustice when they had a chance, rather than take him with them?”

  “You’re good to question everything. We need to find out what Hu’gan thinks when we find a place to rest. Even if the Gateway is nearby, he will want to stop before barreling through. Think on those things until we land. We’ll see what answers we find.”

  If I’m thinking these things, than surely Grifton is also. He has to be wondering why they would snatch up his sister, the one who had no enemies and never met a stranger. I nibble my lip raw. Was that it? Did she simply see people and wander over to them to see if they needed any help? Knowing her as I do, I can see it happening. She would have no fear or concerns and if their dragons were close by, she’d have been fascinated. I’m not merely curious. I feel deeply in my gut if we can figure out why, we’ll have an easier time liberating her from her captors.

  The sun is high above us as we drift down to the shade of trees at the edge of the forest. A waterfall cuts through the mountains and weaves a stream through the forest. The sea is off in the distance to the right of our flight path, as Hu’gan has led us further inland.

  We make short work of removing saddles to give the dragons a rest from their burdens. I watch the lead warriors as they dismount. They wear scarves over their faces masking more of the drying wind from their noses and mouths. Studying the scarves I’ve wrapped around my neck, arms and legs, I decide to try what they’ve done to help placate this constant urge to moisten my lips and dry throat.

  After guzzling from my water skin, I refill at the stream as several others are doing. I look around for Grifton and find him staring off into the distance, neither eating nor drinking. I shake my head as I make my way to him.

  Reaching into my pack, I draw out dried meat strips and nudge him with my elbow. “Here, eat some of this.” I don’t wait for a reply, instead I place several strips
into his hand and start to walk away.

  “Do you think she is okay?” His voice warbles with distress.

  I’m thrilled to have him finally speak. It’s a small opening for me to reach through. “I do, Grifton. She has an uncanny way of always rising above the situation. You still think of her as a child and I know it’s hard not to, but she’s already past her sixteenth birthday and is an established dragon rider and warrior. Whatever her situation is, I have faith she can work through it until we find her.”

  Chapter 5

  The Land of the Xi

  Seyra couldn’t have been more wrong.

  Elky reclines under a tent of billowing purple silken material, her body nestled into soft furs. Next to her sits a man, black eyes boring into her as if he could find her soul even with her lids closed in a forced deep sleep. A round hammered silver bowl filled with a blend of midnight-blue powder and odd herbs sits off to his side on a low table. He snaps his fingers over the mixture and a spark ignites. The concoction smolders. Rising up, he smirks and leaves the tent.

  Two guards stand outside the tent and snap to attention as the formidable man passes on his way to the grand tent. Pushing through layers of silk, he bows to the one sitting in the hand-carved throne chiseled from the Stone Oak tree. The arms of the throne display two dragons in battle with the sinewy one clamping vicious rows of dagger teeth into the neck of the larger dragon. Blue inlaid sapphires drip down the arms of the carving, depicting the flowing blood of the defeated dragon. The rotund man upon the throne gives a piercing glare to the one who just entered.

  “Is it done?” He toys with his braided grey beard.

  “Yes, Master Kuztem. She is ours. Her mind and dragon are under our control. We will steal from her this Dragon Magic she holds and give it to our dragons. It will take time but…”

  “We have no time! We must invade while they cannot recover such a tremendous loss. Drain her blood if you must! We will control that part of the world only if we can defeat their dragons. Ours must be more powerful. We cannot be assured of dominance if our dragons don’t have their magic.”


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