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The Spires of Dasny: 2: Queen of Dragons

Page 6

by Cheryl Rush Cowperthwait

  Once more I’m in awe of Dreyth and the rest of the dragons of the Spires. To willingly put themselves into a position where the loss of a rider could cause them as much damage as a parent losing a child. I’m constantly surprised at why they would risk having riders again.

  I look up to see his smirk. “Because, my Sparrow, as I’ve said before, we are greater together than apart. All is worth that connection, and once you have it, nothing else will suffice.”

  We make our way to the common area where there is already a buzz of activity and high spirits, but I’m lost in thought. I remember when I first lived with Dreyth and met Athan and Ustice before they had riders. Dreyth and I had a disagreement and he left. I thought when he didn’t return that night, he had left for good. Even though I put on a bold exterior, I remember the pangs of that feeling of disconnection, of being separated. Of all the places I could have chosen to run to, I chose instead to climb higher in the Spires—a place at that time that was inhabited with the enemies of Dreyth. Even then my soul searched for its connection. Poor Ustice. It must have ripped his heart out to not have that connection even though Elky was close by. I think it may have even made it all that much worse.

  Suddenly, I feel my arm jerk and I whirl around to see the sun beaming in my eyes. It’s Elky, full of giggles and enchantment. Thank the Sun and Moon. I want to cry to see her as she is. Full of wonderment and the light for us all. Uncharacteristic of me, I pick her up and swing her around before giving her a fierce hug. I’ve become dependent on her light, her innocent ways of seeing the world. I understand deeply yet again how we never understand the value of someone until they are gone. This time, we were lucky. We only suffered a temporary loss, one that I don’t want to feel again.

  Shaken out of my thoughts, Elky is talking a mile a minute about some ceremony Hu’gan has planned. “Isn’t that the greatest? I mean, we get captured and returned and everyone is treating us as heroes. It’s really very silly, it was all of you that came to rescue us. I tried and tried to explain that to Hu’gan.” She shrugs. “But you know him. He just wouldn’t take that into consideration.” I can’t do anything other than laugh and follow along side of this light beam as she moves through the crowds.

  Chapter 10

  The noise in the Spires is almost deafening between the constant chatter and dragon roars. Bustling around us are the kitchen runners, bringing out heavy laden platters of succulent pig, deer and bear. Today I hear even a few dragons have pitched in to help, by roasting the feast so the kitchen workers will be able to join the festivities.

  All through the Spires, people rush about carrying benches and chairs, tables and hewn slabs of granite winding through the ground floor, leaving the sides closest to the walls open for dragons and the scurrying help. Elky drags me from table to table sampling the foods still steaming on platters. You’d think she hadn’t eaten in days, and that thought punches me in the gut. I feel a ferocious need to protect her, to stay close—hoping upon hope that she’ll never again have to go through all that she just endured.

  Even though Ustice was able to fill in some blanks, there is much we still don’t know about the time she was held captive, and about those Xi people that held her. I shake my head and come back to Elky talking to me.

  “…the best potatoes. Here, you try.” She promptly pushes a toasted end of a potato in my mouth. Her eyes are wide and waiting for my response.

  Between chews and trying to catch the pieces falling from my mouth, I manage: “You’re right. These are drenched in butter and what? Is that rosemary in them?”

  She vigorously nods, her mouth full again. Grifton cuts a path through the crowd, his eyes cutting nervously about until he spots his sister. Then it’s as if I can see boulders of worry falling away from him. I understand his concern. As much and as deeply as I worry over her, it can’t be near the amount of concern Grifton carries.

  “Hey, sis. I was sent to come get you. Since this is your welcome home celebration, there is much in the works. Belinda, and if you’re willing Seyra, will take you to the hot springs. Everyone is to bathe, wash and braid their hair. Then Elky, you’re to return to your cubicle where fresh clothes await you.”

  I grin watching Elky shove another potato in her mouth, intermittently chewing and nodding. Pulling her from the table, I link one arm through hers and shuffle us through the throng of well-wishers as we wind down through the mountain to where the bubbling hot spring pushes through granite into a smooth basin before it spills down the hillside. A few women are already here, laughing and enjoying the soothing heat of the water. Baskets are set near the sloping edge of the basin filled with soapwort, the perennial plant that grows on the lower slopes of the mountainside. It makes a nice soapy substance that cleans and leaves a fresh scent to the hair.

  Elky quickly slips out of her rider leathers and is down to her next-to-nothings. She eases into the basin and lets out a slow ah. I race to join her. I swear it’s been a week or more since I’ve been down to the hot spring and it feels sublime as my aching feet break the surface. I submerge into sheer heaven. Reaching out, I grab two handfuls of the soapwort and give one to Elky. I lean backwards to get all my hair wet and come up smashing the leaves and flowers into my hair, scrubbing away layers of dirt and oils that accumulated there. I let the suds do their work as I scrub every part I can reach. After I scrub myself raw, I swim to the edge of the springs that pours down the mountain and rinse the suds off. My skin is tingly and red from the thorough scrubbing and feels squeaky clean. I wait for Elky so I can help remove any spent leaves and flowers from her hair after she rinses.

  It hadn’t occurred to me how quiet it it’s been… until now, making our way back to the basin’s edge. There waiting on us is Belinda and two of the Beljeem Warrior girls with thick pelts to wrap around us. Belinda pulls me to one side as the other two wrap Elky in the pelts and guide her out of the bathing room. She turns her head, eyes wide in surprise but Belinda’s giggle assures Elky all is well.

  Belinda waits until they leave the area, then whispers. “Elky is in for a big surprise.”

  “What is it?”

  “I might as well tell you; you’ll know soon enough. Hu’gan is making her a full Beljeem Warrior!”

  My jaw flops open. I mean—little Elky? I can see the warriors and their talents of fighting and leaping from dragon to dragon and my heart races. What does this mean? “Are you sure? I know Elky has come a long way in her training but do you even think she wants to be one of their warriors?”

  Belinda has a dreamy look on her face. “Who wouldn’t? They get to be up front in all the battles and are taught so much more than even we are trained.”

  “Yes, but—well, I just never thought of Elky as being part of the elite warriors.”

  She confides, “In truth, I think Hu’gan wants to be close by to protect her. The rumor is he wants to train her separately and fill her with all his knowledge. I guess he thinks if ever anything happens to her again, she’ll be better prepared.”

  “Hmm. Okay, I can grasp that. We all want to do everything we can to protect her.” I start to think about this, all of this. Why is it that we all feel so overprotective of her? I mean, I know how awful it was for her to be kidnapped from us, but suddenly I feel something deeper is at play. It leaves me confused and alert.

  Belinda and I part ways as we emerge from the bathing area to the lairs and cubicles. I hurry into my room to find my clothes have been freshly steamed, then cleaned with a vinegar and oil solution until they shine. I remove my wet underthings and slip into the fresh ones lying next to my rider leathers. I feel almost as excited as when I was first given my leathers. Taking my time, I fully dress and start combing out my hair. Today I’ll add the special beads that the girls made for me. I wish I had Elky here to help me get my braids straight. I could use more beads then, because, face it, I don’t have a lot of patience with this sort of thing.

  “There is nothing you could add or diminish that would change
you in my eyes.” I smile at the warmth of thought Dreyth rattles in my mind.

  “I think you should have told me a bath would help. I must have smelled like spoiled meat.”

  “If it had been so, my stomach would have rumbled. Humans and their strange sense of smell. You have always smelled of earth and air—of courage and resolve. There is nothing wrong with your scent. It is most like a dragon.”

  “That explains a lot. No wonder Gr—I mean, no wonder men don’t seem interested in me.”

  The low rumble fills my mind. “They would have to pass through the Brula’r first.”

  “Are you saying you've kept interested parties from me?”

  “Of course not, my Sparrow. Those who are intimidated with my grandeur have no right to approach my First Rider. She holds a special place in the Spires, much like a Queen. It would take someone of equal importance to gain such a treasure.”

  “Where are you?”

  “Why, Sparrow, I should be hurt. Do you not feel the heat of my scales even through the rock? Can you not hear the racing of my heart? I wait patiently outside of your room to escort my Queen to the festivities.”

  I can’t help but grin. There’s no doubt about it. He is a charmer for calling me his Queen.

  “I’m so glad none of my charm has been wasted on you. Come, Sparrow. Take your seat of honor as I glide you into the room where every head will turn and covet your position as my Rider, my Queen.”

  There is something in the way he speaks to me that has goosebumps running up and down my arms. I feel all aflush and excited, and I don’t even know why. This is a celebration welcoming Elky home again, yet Dreyth makes me feel everything is being done for my benefit.

  “As well you should. Always. I have been—lax in showing the Spires just who you are to us. Yes, they know you are the First Rider but they know little else. Even I had to go through scroll after scroll to find all the essence of the title and—this and more I will share with you, share with ALL, tonight.”

  To say I’m stunned doesn’t come close. I always knew I had a favorable spot and more responsibilities but other than that I really hadn’t thought of it. I walk out of my room to find a gleaming Dreyth sitting with a mile-wide grin. I run my hands over his sleek scales and pull back suddenly. My eyes narrow.

  “Someone has oiled your scales. Who has done my job?” The sound of irritation doesn’t go unnoticed. Thankfully, Dreyth has the common sense not to chuckle at my display.

  “Hu’gan dispatched three of his most burly warriors to scrub me down and oil my scales with the oil of almonds.”

  I have to smirk at his use of burly warriors since I knew he added that for my benefit. There is nothing burly about the Beljeem Warriors. They are lithe and sleek, light enough to fight in air or on dragon-back. “They did a wonderful job. I can see the stars glisten in your scales again, my Night Sky.”

  The rumble shakes underfoot. His sound is as close to a purr as a dragon can make. As I make my way to his side, I notice the saddle. Fringed golden cords hang down on all sides, and at the top of the backrest a new hammered gold sheath has been added. His head turns watching my reaction.

  I pull myself up and twist in the saddle to feel the metal behind my back. Its artistry is overwhelming. I turn back around with tears in my eyes from the sheer beauty.

  “I have kept the blacksmith busy. I hope it meets your satisfaction.”

  “I won’t know how to act. I’m used to lugging that saddle around and throwing it down when I remove it. I better take more care now.”

  “Not to worry. It will only be added during special ceremonies and such. It is easily removed for daily flights. The look of your appreciation warms my heart.”

  “It is stunning. You are stunning. I still don’t know why all the fuss when we should be celebrating Elky.” He chuckled again.

  “We will be, but no one outshines my Sparrow.”

  I lean forward and hug his neck as we lift above the ground.

  We skim a mere ten feet or so over the heads of those hurrying to and fro. I look ahead and catch my breath. Ribbons and banners dangle under the slab of polished alabaster, catching the light from the sun. There in the center sits an ornately carved throne, for there isn’t any other word for it—chair doesn’t come close to describing it. It seems to be made of wood, yet I’ve never seen anything like it with its burnished red sheen that turns even darker to almost black as it bends and swirls over the high back and down to the other arm. The arms end in what looks like dragon claws each holding a large glistening stone. The stones look just like Dreyth’s scales! The seat looks to be made of a tufted leather. Next to this throne are several backless benches made of the same wood and leather seats. I am amazed that Hu’gan would go to this extreme for Elky’s welcome back celebration. When did he have time to have these things crafted? Under me, I feel Dreyth rumble in amusement.

  We land in front of the throne and the noise level drops to the scratchiness of whispers. Dreyth’s head turns each way to take in all within the Spires. “Welcome all. I have a few words to say before we carry on with the festivities. Please, everyone have a seat.” A commotion stirs as chairs and benches scuff across the stone floor and people hurry to give attention to Dreyth.

  “Thank you. I will make this as brief as possible since we all are eager to celebrate the one taken from us and recovered. That in itself is a rarity. Certainly reason enough for this grand celebration.” He pauses as he looks over the crowd of all gathered. “I find myself in a rare moment. I have spent a great deal of time going through our archives, the ones stored here since the beginning of the Spires of Dasny. I was looking for something to explain our peaceful times, and times of war. I came across a staggering rarity of the Spires. Said rarity was occasioned by circumstance not unlike where we sit today... or better said, where I sit today. Before I get to this special circumstance, let me share with you the laws that bind it as such. Below me sitting in places of honor you will find the Council of Dragons.”

  People crane their necks, some even standing enough to look at the dragons who now turn their heads in acknowledgement. I’m gawking at them and then back to Dreyth. I feel the electricity shooting from one to another as this sudden surprise has taken everyone into bewilderment, myself included. Dreyth waits patiently as the people regain their seats and focus on him again. I gaze at the council, but can glean nothing from their stoic faces.

  “All here should know I have brought this subject up to the Council and have their full approval. Now I only need one more.”

  I catch my breath as he turns my way. His flashing green eyes penetrate me, locking me into his gaze. I feel heat surging from my toes to my face. I don’t think I’ve ever seen this look on his face before. I try to swallow but my throat has turned to parchment.

  “Seyra, you have become many things to me—my First Rider, and my Sparrow. We are the fortunate ones to share so much stardust in our blood. Look out among us and you will find many kizmeht dragons and riders, fated to be together. Their bonds are strong, yet they are not as strong as the bonds between a Brula’r and his chosen. Seyra, in the absence of a dragon queen, I ask you to become my Queen, to be at my side always and help rule over the Spires. Before you answer, think hard my Seyra.”

  Dreyth begins to pace in front of me, the throne and the empty benches. “There are things you should know. Some I’ve only recently learned. Beokrull who came from the East as a Fighting Dragon, brought scrolls of governing. It was a practice that happened when a suitable match was not found for the Brula’r. Another could be sought, but in doing so much could change. It is this I wish you to know before I have your answer. The human Queen to a Brula’r will be permanently marked. Her left arm will be raked with razor sharp talons and carry the scars of her King. She must then lance the King deep enough that his blood spills. Once done, their blood is mixed and plastered over their wounds. This will change you, Seyra, in unsure ways as it will me. The one thing you must understand is as
the Queen of Dragons, you won’t be able to take a human male as a mate. Not unless the Brula’r is dead.”

  I know my eyes have turned as large as dragon eyes, themselves. I don’t know what I expected Dreyth to say but it wasn’t this. Yet—even so, I find myself held in his eyes, unable to free myself from his scrutiny. I gulp the small amount of moisture left in my mouth. I glance around looking at the faces of those below me, shock evident in most. I see Belinda pulling Grifton down to his seat, his face a splotchy red.

  “Seyra, I’ll have your answer now.”

  He is once again at my side. I feel the heat coming off his body will consume me and set me ablaze. I think I’m about to faint. The room seems like it’s moving and I can’t open my mouth to speak. I do the only thing I can. I nod and unbuckle my jacket letting it fall upon the stone floor with a clatter, to the gasp of those below. The look on Dreyth’s face shakes me to the core. It’s raw and more animalistic than I’ve seen. His roar rips across the Spires shaking the ground under us. He swiftly spins me towards him and strikes his talons across my shoulder to my elbow.

  Hu’gan races in front of us, kneels and hands me a dazzling sword and points to Dreyth’s left side. I sway forward and thrust his side, spilling his blood. Hu’gan brings a silver bowl and catches the streams of blood from Dreyth and then my own. Dipping leather strips into the blood, he quickly binds my arm with it and seeps more leather strips and wraps it over Dreyth’s wound. The room has gone quiet. Hu’gan bows before us sending the message to all to bow before their Brula’r and Queen.


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