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The Spires of Dasny: 2: Queen of Dragons

Page 12

by Cheryl Rush Cowperthwait

  I hear Grifton behind me. “Hu’gan sent me to find you, Belinda. Feylor is waiting. Hu’gan has maps and instructions for you.” Grifton steps around me. “Let me help with some of your load. I’ll carry the saddle.”

  Belinda smiles. “Later, Seyra.”

  She strolls off with Grifton next to her. He never looks my way. I want to scream and pound something. I make it to my chamber and wallop the stuffing in my pillow flat. She had to have seen Grifton coming our way and she let me keep talking. know it must have embarrassed Grifton to be talked about in that manner. Arg! I drop face-first into my limp pillow and muffle my screams. After I finish wallowing in my frustration I sit up and call out to Dreyth. “I need to fly. I need out of here and I need it now.”

  “Are you okay, Seyra?”

  “I will be if you are done with speaking to the dragons. I need to fly, to get out of the Spires for a while.”

  “I’ll meet you at the entrance. I had the decorations of your saddle removed.”

  “I’m on my way.” I can’t walk fast enough.

  “Come, my Sparrow. The sky is meant for us and mere man is left to the dust.”

  Without being able to stop it, a smile wiggles from the edges of my lips. Those meandering through the Spires, suddenly scurry, leaving a broad path for me to walk. Eyes dodge watching me. It is only then I discover, I’m in more of a run than a walk towards Dreyth. All of his glimmering night-sky blue stands waiting by the entrance. He doesn’t even have to lean down, as I find my hand holds and clamber up his side, leaning down instinctually, ready to fly.

  “Tell me, my Sparrow, what has your inner fires burning?”

  I decide it wisest to speak to his mind. “It’s Belinda and—I was goaded into acting in the typical Seyra fashion. I’m sorry to say it hardly befitted a Queen. She is so envious of me and had the nerve to say I’ve had it easy, everything has just been handle to me. Had I a moment longer, in privacy, I think it would have been an all-out brawl. I did have the opportunity, after slapping her, to inform her how wrong she was! You may be happy that I haven’t the ability to spew fire—yet.”

  A gentle rumble stirs under me. The difference is I have no doubt that Dreyth doesn’t laugh at me, but at my words. “Seyra, being a Queen doesn’t mean becoming someone different. I’d never want that from you. I can understand, knowing your story, how enraged you must have felt. Even with the anger, look at you—you didn’t wrestle her to the ground and pulverize her as you had wanted in the moment. I would say you acted as best as one could hope for under the circumstances.”

  “That isn’t all of it. She was making some comment about Grifton and how he had always had eyes for me. I set her straight. I told her what my choice was and that Grifton was not it. Dreyth…I didn’t know he was standing behind me when I said all this. I feel awful for speaking about him and Belinda—she smirked knowing he heard every word. I feel like I’m making terrible mistakes every time I open my mouth.”

  “You made no mistakes, Seyra. You spoke the truth of your heart. Too many people bury their truths, hide them deep where others have to dig to find them. Yes, I know it wasn’t pleasant for Grifton to hear this truth in the light of day, especially around someone else, but he confesses to know the truth, confesses to only be concerned with supporting the kingdom and guarding the Queen. Just as being a Queen comes in small steps of learning, so does this new position Grifton finds himself in. Never doubt yourself. Hold your head high. It is by your doing so the Spires will best learn from their Queen.”

  “A girl could get spoiled around you. It’s as if I can do no wrong.”

  A thunderous laugh quakes around me. “I wouldn’t take it that far, my Sparrow, but you are learning.”

  “A humorous King! Who knew?” Contented now that I’ve been able to unload my frustrations and being understood, I relax and lean my face against his neck gaining a dragon purr.

  “Should we stop below and let the people meet the new Dragon Queen?”

  “I suppose that is necessary, but I’d rather just fly.”

  “We’ll keep the stop as short as possible, but I think it is wise, especially knowing Belinda will be a messenger and be visiting the villages from this point, north. It is better to get some knowledge first-hand.”

  “Oh! I hadn’t taken that into account. Certainly she wouldn’t seek to undermine me as Queen or you for choosing a human as Queen…”

  “If we hear any repercussions from her being messenger, she’ll not only lose that status, but possibly her dragon rider status. She would be wise to do the job given.”

  We glide down to see people running from their houses, grins spotted even from this far. As Dreyth kneels, I slide down to be at once swarmed by the younger girls. And then the gasps. They start backing away, eyes round in disbelief. “People of Phoenix, please come close. We have news of the Spires to share.”

  Dreyth, having the louder voice, calls them out. “Denizens of Phoenix, The King brings you news. All gather in close. As in the days when the Dragon School of the Spires was formed, there was a Brula’r, my predecessor Beokrull, who had not a Queen. In times when trouble knocks at the door, it is imperative to have another who can rule the kingdom in case anything happens to the King. Beokrull found his Queen in a human female.” He waited as the shocked gasps died down before he continued. “Fortune shines on us as Seyra, the First Rider has become my Queen, making her the Queen of Dragons and the Queen of the Spires. You may wonder why the change? We are living in the times when we can be attacked. We kept it secret that our very own Elky and her dragon, Ustice, had been stolen from us.”

  He waited as the shock moved as a wave through the crowd. “All is well. We retrieved them, but it was difficult. These are people from far away. They want to conquer lands and worst of all, to steal the ability of any of our dragons to have Dragon Magic. Because of this, it is very likely they will return. As in any battle for a kingdom, they bring a credible threat to not only the King, but our kingdom. Understand, your Queen, Seyra, rules by my side out of a deep bond and loyalty. Many have speculated—well, I won’t go into the particulars, but suffice it to say, our relationship doesn’t include those of typical husbands and wives. But this I say, her ancestor was Beokrull’s Queen and Seyra being born of this lineage has given her the gift of scales. None other has ever been given such a gift. It shows she is a leader to both dragons and people. We hope to have your continued support as we work diligently to protect you.”

  A few, a very precious few of the younger girls approach me cautiously. I see the intrigue in their eyes, the wonder of a human carrying the marking of a dragon. Tehrin, a child of eight or nine with a mop of wheat-colored hair, utters, “Beautiful…” With her voice, I am surrounded by the curious.

  “My friends. I may look slightly different, but I am the same Seyra who comes to you with provisions, who listens to your concerns, who brings healing to your family members. And now, I come to you as your Queen, promising to take care of you and the Brula’r to the best of my ability. But…I do need your help. I need you to support me and the Brula’r as you have in the past. I need you to speak of the good we do for the villages. And if you hear illness spoken about your King and Queen, to extinguish it where it sparks. We are in a precarious time. We don’t want to be ruled by those who will ruin our kingdom—or worse, kill us all.”

  A unified sharp intake of breath ripples across the villagers. Followed on its heels with a thunderous round of applause.

  “We thank you, each of you for understanding and giving us your support. The kingdom needs such people as you. We must leave you now but will return soon to make sure your food supply is restocked before the winter snows arrive.” I climb to my saddle and squirm into the harness, waving cheerfully to our supporters.

  “My beloved Queen, your words and care brought about all we wished to accomplish. Well done.”

  A surge of love fills me. Dreyth is right. We are far better together than apart. I feel that to my bo

  “We have enough light left to visit the villagers by the sea. We’ll skip the village between here and there today. They will take more time as they have not been the most supportive. Shall we?”

  “Yes, my Brula’r. I enjoy them, they have a great spirit and open minds. I am looking forward to sharing our news.”

  Chapter 18

  The sunlight sends slender fingers of golden light over the sea. It’s breathtaking. The clouds scuttle lazily along, drifting without a care. I too, feel like the clouds. Dreyth senses my ease and pushes out to sea, skimming the waves and catching the updraft. The scent of the sea permeates me, filling me with an unmistakable sense of home.

  Ahead, the river cuts through the break in the Spires, merging the fresh water into the sea. The first of the homes come into view, so grey in their sea-brushed wood, they hardly stand out near the vast ocean. Below, the villagers look and point. Waves meet our glance and shouts are sent up as more villagers run from the stream towards the houses inland.

  As we land, we are encircled by people awaiting any news we bring. Dreyth speaks to them first of the disappearance of Elky and Ustice, followed by who the thieves are and what they seek from us. He hardly starts to illuminate them on me being his chosen Queen when a shout arises.

  “Seyra! You have scales! And here I was going to bring you necklaces of shells!”

  A twittering of soft laughter scoots about, but there is no maliciousness to it.

  I speak briefly of my ancestor and Dreyth’s choice for me to be his Queen. Nary a smile falters through the telling. When I pause for breath, a praise is given. “Glory to the Stars and Moon, we have our Queen and the Brula’r! Long may they reign!”

  Their acceptance is a balm to my heart. These are the most caring and giving assembly of people I have met. We are rushed by people bringing us gifts of shell-work, necklaces, and carvings of the sea life. Tears burn the edges of my eyes. My heart wants to burst from all the love freely given. I’m more determined than ever to make sure our kingdom doesn’t suffer the beasts that seek to destroy us.

  “We will be sending a messenger to all the villages. If you notice anything odd occurring, please use the messenger to get word to us. The Xi are troubling people and use a strong magic to use people to do their will. They do this to learn how to steal and use Dragon Magic for their own gains. If you see these strangers, get word to us immediately. We must save our kingdom but it will take all of us working together to accomplish it. If we fail…those that live through it will become their servants.”

  Heads turn and speak to each other; firm nods are sent our way. “We are at your service. You can count on us to keep our eyes to sea and land!”

  The sun is fading quickly so we make our goodbye and leave them, promising to return soon with more supplies. The flight back to the Spires is on wings of hope and support. It’s turned an unpleasant afternoon into one I’ll long remember.

  Darkness comes sooner than our return to our home. Dreyth seems to navigate without hindrance and soon the lights of Phoenix glow softly ahead. We rise and enter our home, spirits lifted and true.

  “I’m famished. I’ll go find food and leave you to do the same. No, leave the saddle, Seyra. I’ll have one of the warriors remove it and tote the trimmings away. Ahh, no pouting. It’s unfitting for my Queen.”

  I pivot on my heels, my stomach rumbling a hunger chant. Making my way to the kitchen, I run into Elky leaving. “Oh, there you are Seyra. Are you going to get something to eat?”

  “Can’t you tell by my stomach talking?” She laughs and locks arms with me.

  “I’ll join you. They will be putting desserts out soon.” Her grin is infectious and I give her one of mine.

  “What have you been up to this afternoon,” I ask.

  “Most of it was spent studying with Hu’gan. Not battle tactics but mental focus. He feels magic surrounds me and is helping me learn to discover it. He says it takes understanding for the magic to have a way to work through you. Truthfully, I think I have enough magic. I can already shield the dragons and use invisibility for the riders.” She gives a frown. “Sometimes, Hu’gan hurts my head.”

  I chuckle. “That is a perfect way of saying it. But, I have to agree with Hu’gan. We do need focus, especially with—you know—what happened.”

  “I suppose it’s harder for me. I don’t remember most of what happened. It’s the rest of you that saw it and rescued me. I imagine I would feel the same way, if I remembered everything.”

  “Just listen to him and work on what you can. He only wants the best for us, to be better prepared.”

  “Do you really think they will come back?”

  “I do, Elky. I truly do. It scares me more than when those vile self-proclaimed knights came. I know it will be ten times worse if the Xi arrive.”

  Our conversation ends as I load my plate with a bit of everything. I can’t get over how much food I can put away and my clothes still fit. I burn up the food as I ingest it. I’m not complaining, I enjoy eating. By the time I finish all that is on my platter, Elky spies the dessert. I’m on her heels, following.

  “Have you seen Belinda recently?” I mutter through a cherry-stuffed hand pie.

  “Oh yes. She was giving Grifton a fond farewell in the training room. Hu’gan was there too, offering last minute suggestions. Why under the Stars and Moon he wanted them to leave at nightfall, I have no idea. Does he believe those horrid people have already arrived?”

  Many thoughts crest like waves before crashing. I take a moment to consider all that Elky said. “No, I don’t think Hu’gan sent them out at night because he senses that they’ve arrived, any more than Dreyth thinks they're here as he posts guards along the Spires. The hope is to have as much advance warning as possible, in order to save our dragons and our kingdom. Anyway, did Belinda seem okay with her duties?”

  “I did hear Grifton reassure her that her post was a prestigious one and not to take it lightly. For some reason, she seemed to think her being a messenger was by your suggestion. Grifton was shocked by her response and Hu’gan, who had been in close range, joined Grifton and set Belinda straight on that account. You know how Hu’gan is, when he doesn’t want his words to carry, they spiral close to the other person without moving through the wind. Since I couldn’t hear what he said, I’m sure she was put on the right course.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “The look on her face told me so. It changed from anger to embarrassment. After that, she left the training room in a huff. Grifton shrugged to Hu’gan and left also.”

  “Usually, I don’t think twice on who likes me and who doesn’t, but Belinda has formed an unhealthy form of dislike. I haven’t done anything towards her except goodwill, yet she holds me responsible for everything in her life that isn’t as she wishes.”

  “I think it’s a cycle she’s going through. We all meet challenges as we grow. Remember, not all of the riders have lost their family. Belinda still has hers, but is torn from them by becoming a dragon rider. And then too, there is her infatuation with Grifton. Her emotions are all off kilter.”

  My eyes soften as I listen to Elky, so wise beyond her years.

  I chuckle. “I may have to appoint you as Wise Woman to the Queen.” In truth, I do keep the thought in my notion sack—the place where my ideas take root as I sleep.

  Elky walks with me as we move towards our chamber. I stop in front of hers as we finish... more accurately, as I finish listening to her recap the afternoon. I lean against the stone wall across from her chamber opening. My mind wanders to visions of the invaders and the chaos they bring. I’m shook out of my thoughts by Elky yelling at me.

  “Moon madness, Seyra! Look what has happened. Are you okay?”

  I haven’t an iota of an idea what she is talking about until I look at the puddle of liquid around my feet. I pull away from the wall and step aside to see my image has been captured in stone. Somehow, the stone has melted around my form. Just as sno
w will melt under heat, the rocks have melted while I nestled next to them. “I’m unharmed, but what would cause this to happen?”

  “We need to find Hu’gan. Perhaps he will know what caused it to happen.”

  “Find him and go to the training room. I want to tell Dreyth and have him join us there.” We divide and I call to Dreyth to ask him to meet me right away.

  “Seyra, what has happened?” Dreyth responds, worried.

  I don’t tell him what happened, but tell him to hurry to Elky’s chamber. I hear his pounding steps before I see him and when he moves closer, his eyes are aflame with worry.

  “Look what has happened.” I step aside and show him the rock wall and the form of my body melted into the rock. He runs his talons across the imprint, finding it’s as smooth as obsidian. Where I stood, the melted stone on the floor has hardened again, leaving a mound where there was none before. “Elky went to find Hu’gan and they’ll wait for us in the training room. Maybe he will know how and why this happened?”

  We hurry to the training room. Entering, I see Hu’gan waiting, eyes no longer sky-blue but the color of frozen ice. I’ve come to learn this look as one he has when receiving a vision or in meditation.

  “Seyra, what were you doing when this oddity happened?”

  “Nothing. I walked Elky to her chambers and leaned against the wall. Then Elky screamed.”

  “Nothing else happened?”

  I no longer can look at him. His eyes have storms in them, and a bright light beams out. “I—I drifted off for a moment, having a dream. I saw the Xi invasion and the kingdom in chaos. That is when Elky screamed.”

  “You have had a vision. In this vision, what do you recognize? By what village were the Xi?”


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