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The Spires of Dasny: 2: Queen of Dragons

Page 17

by Cheryl Rush Cowperthwait

  We’re in too close quarters to use the Lightning Magic, as it could branch and hit our own. This is one-to-one combat. The heat of the flames singes my hair as I duck and stab with the Ziphan. The tension in my head increases. The Xi are attempting to control our minds again. We have to eliminate them.

  “Fly!” The Ziphan obliges my call and I run across the sky, sweeping the scythe end across the necks of the Xi as I leap from one wingless dragon to the next. Using both ends, I plunge the blade through the backs of Xi and slash with the scythe end. Blood flows down the Ziphan coating me in the thick metallic smell of blood. Screams and roars spill as much as blood, and the stench of death is thick. The Xi can’t keep their concentration on using spells against our minds, they’re far too busy fighting to survive our attack.

  Stunned, through the smoke I see Grifton and Elky running across dragon-back, leaping to the wingless dragons, fighting. Now there are four of us able to attack the Xi as they fly on their dragons. The rest of our dragons are fighting with tooth, claw, and fiery blazes. My limbs shake with exhaustion. Time passes slowly but less dragons make their advance. Hu’gan screams out in his language and it takes me a moment to understand. My head whips from one side to the other. The wingless dragons that remain are without their riders. Dreyth sees two attempting to escape and tears off after them. I flip from dragon to dragon and come to rest on Dreyth back. As he flames one, I leap to the other, stabbing and gouging as I go. Before it falls, I leap back to Dreyth as he finishes the other and it crashes below.

  As the frail rays of the sun push through the smoke, the ground is awash in bloody carnage. As we circle, we find no living thing below. Our dragons circle thrice, roaring victory over the Xi and praise for our fallen. Even with the Power of Three, we weren’t invincible. I count five of our own dragons amongst the dead. We have no time for burial by fire or celebrations of victory. The Stone dragons are headed towards the Spires.

  Dreyth flies close to Hu’gan and shouts, “How long ago did the Stone dragons leave?”

  His ice-blue eyes lock onto Dreyth, his voice shaky. “I cannot be certain. It feels like it was only a short time ago, perhaps a day?” He shakes his head in confusion. “The way the Xi controlled our minds, it makes remembering hazy.” He turns sideways to catch my attention. “If you hadn’t found the crystal, I’m not sure any of us would have recovered. Always before, I knew I could save any others from most magic and spells, yet when it controlled me, I had no way to help anyone.” His eyes grew sad, then refocused. “If the ancient gods are with us, maybe the Stone dragons are no longer concerned with fighting for the Xi.”

  “If they want a fight, they shall have one. We’ve discovered our Lightning Magic will end them with enough hits. Also, Seyra’s Ziphan shields us from their Stone flame.”

  Hu’gan nods thoughtfully.

  Of course, when we battled the Stone dragon before, we were fresh and it was two lightning throwers against one Stone dragon. I wonder how many dragons were on their way to the Spires? We’re battle-weary this time around and our dragons on guard at the Spires have never seen or fought a Stone dragon. The thought of what awaits us makes my skin crawl.

  It’s taken hours of flight before the familiar spine of the Spire’s mountain range comes into view. Under normal circumstances, my face would be aglow with knowing I’m almost home. Now, the dread of not knowing what we’ll find courses through my bloodstream. I sit alert, eyes scanning high and low. It’s Dreyth who sees them first.

  “Look along the ridge. The Stone dragons perch and watch. What are they doing?” Dreyth thunders in my mind.

  The message is passed from dragon to dragon and then to their riders. Shuffling on saddles, we each prepare for the battle.

  Hu’gan yells, “They may have been told to wait here for the Xi, so they could battle together.”

  My teeth grate against each other. It’s a boon for the Spires. Now if we can eliminate them before—”

  Elky screams, “They’re coming!”

  Chapter 24

  Seeing the webbing of her shield weave from dragon to dragon, I raise the Ziphan and hope it shields us further to stop their Stone flames. There looks to be fifteen to twenty of our opponents— it’s difficult for me to count when they’re in constant motion. They split apart and some dive under us, others stay circling above us as I see yet more form a semi-circle around us. My stomach turns sour. For us to fight them we need the Lightning Magic to hit them relentlessly. Their formation makes for a tedious battle.

  All at once, it begins. Dreyth and Grifton launch the Lightning Magic above us. It arcs and branches, striking four of the five dragons above us. Dreyth swivels his head and shoots another round at those surrounding us. I hear Ustice roar next to me. More lightning! Ustice has found his Lightning Magic! Athan roars behind me and I jerk my head around to see him spewing a green mash below us. Roars pierce the sky. My spirit soars. Our dragons are finding their Dragon Magic! Athan continues engaging the dragons below us as Grifton, Dreyth and Ustice assault the dragons above and to the side of us with strike after strike of lightning. Thunder crashes around us, wrapping around the constant roars.

  Whipping my head to the side, I see Ustice spin as he spews the green mash to the closest dragons and rain it down below. I’m not sure what it is, but it looks like it eats away the scales of the dragons. Screams rip the sky from every direction as dragon after dragon falls away. Quakes send dirt and rock spraying from below. Hu’gan’s dragon bellows next to me, but no flames or lightning erupt. It takes a few seconds and I see an invisible force hit three dragons sending them tumbling in the wind to smash against the mountainside. The heat of the battle has sweat running down my neck and back. Unable to leave Dreyth’s back for fear of being in the way of lightning blasts, I’m forced to stay where I am. Even if I were to fly and land on a Stone dragon, my Ziphan is no match for their rock-hard scales. I keep watch to make sure no others slip upon us from hiding places. Not knowing how many in total there were, I can’t be positive we are battling all that has been waiting on the mountain. There is so much smoke, it’s hard to see. Almost as soon as I think it, Jenkor sends another blast of wind, whirling the incoming dragons, sending those crashing down below. One of the Stone dragons falls against one below him, both tumbling until impact on the ground below.

  As the dust settles, Dreyth shoots another round of thunderous lightning, finishing off three to our side. The dragons whirl and spin, aligning themselves with the final six dragons when a gargantuan roar rocks the air. “Cease!” I spin in my saddle, looking for the dragon who speaks. I know it wasn’t Dreyth or even Ustice or Athan.

  “Wait, Dreyth! A dragon calls for a cease of battle. Let’s hear his words.”

  “You can understand his roar?” Dreyth’s green eye focuses on me with surprise.

  “Speak dragon,” I shout, hoping it can hear and understand me.

  “Send me the one who speaks my language.”

  “Dreyth, take me to the Stone dragon over there.” I point to the one who roars at me.

  “The rest of you prepare to blast him if he attempts to harm Seyra!” Dreyth rumbling under me is nothing shy of a mountain exploding.

  A rattling roar greets me. “Who are you, female on dragon-back?”

  I raise my brow and give a partial smile. “I am the chosen Queen of the Spires. I sit upon our Brula’r, King of the dragons of the Spires. Know this, Stone dragon, you are outmatched. Concede this battle and live.”

  I watch as his head slings side to side, roaring what can only be interpreted as vile obscenities in any language. Dreyth’s muscles are tense and ready to spring forward to rip out his throat. He doesn’t have to understand the words to know it wasn’t kind.

  “We were promised freedom and sky by the warriors who opened the crevasse. In exchange we were to obliterate the kingdom of this mountain range.”

  “Those who released you are dead. They’re no match for even the few of my mighty kingdom. As you lea
rned, we have powerful Dragon Magic, but we also possess an ancient magic given by the gods when this world was birthed. You cannot win against us, now or ever. Why should we let you live?” I hear Dreyth chuckle under me and I bite back a smile.

  “We have done only what we’ve sworn to do in exchange for our freedom.”

  “You have done no such thing!” I shout as I rise from Dreyth’s back and gracefully float until I stand as a speck before his enormous snout. “You have failed to conquer our small party. Our kingdom is great!”

  A rumble growls from his clenched maw.

  “What is our fortune if we let you live?”

  A claw raises and scratches the side of his face. “You would let us fly the skies?”

  “And if we did?” I challenge.

  “We would return to where the sun rises across this land. We would fly the skies over the great crevasse, far from your kingdom.”

  “And you would raise a great kingdom and come against us…”

  “No! Greckend speaks truth. Our kingdoms will not bring harm to the other. My kingdom can help protect yours. If the ones who released us return, we can battle them before they attack you. They have weak magic. We only helped to gain our position in the skies again.”

  “I shall speak to our dragons.” I move back to Dreyth. He rumbles under me, “Do you trust his words?”

  “I believe he believes them. I only know how hard I would fight to feel my freedom. If offered, it brokers a truce and even an ally. We may wish to pass that way in the future; it would be good to have safe passage.” I glance back over my shoulder to see Greckend watching us intently.

  “You are a wise Queen. I would have destroyed every last scale of them.”

  I face Greckend and slowly extend the Ziphan to touch midway on his snout, watching his eyes cross. “Greckend, I agree with the generosity of our Brula’r. He grants you the freedom of the skies to the east, above where you were ensnared.” I watch his face break in a full dagger-filled smile. “We do charge you with disposing of all those like the ones that set you free. They meant to annihilate our kingdom. Any who come against us will be met with our full wrath. Also, as part of our agreement to allow you those skies, in the future you will welcome an emissary from our kingdom, so we may learn more of you and strengthen our bonds.”

  “We agree to these terms.” His excitement is evident as he sneaks peeks to the others around him.

  “Today, we give you the Second Kingdom. You are now our ally and a protector to the Kingdom of the Spires.” Roars erupt from all sides and my heart finally slows the adrenaline pumping through my veins. A small twitch hits the corner of my lips a moment before a blue light erupts from the crystal and sets a course to where the Stone dragons had emerged. I’m caught off guard and stare in awe. As I close my mouth, I see it’s shocked everyone else the same.

  My heart is gladdened. It must be acceptable to the ancient gods. I feel we have done well. The Stone dragons turn and fly to the east, roaring as they leave.

  I take quick stock of how many are with us, but unfortunately I’m unaware of how many were with Hu’gan from the beginning. I slip out of my harness as Dreyth turns to lead us to the Spires. Standing on the saddle, I throw my arms wide and a roar bursts from my throat. Deep—resounding. I’m answered in return by our dragons, even Dreyth, although I feel the tension under me. Sliding back down, I slip my arms through the harness, to ease Dreyth’s worries. Today, I feel invincible. Today, I truly feel his Queen.

  “You are my Queen and so much more. What you’ve done today could not have been taught. I knew it was within you, just as it was within Reyanah before you. It was from her, I imagine, you were able to understand the Stone dragons, for all I could understand was their temperament.”

  I smirk. “It’s just as well you didn’t understand the full of it—”

  “I understood enough to want to shred his throat. Anything is understandable by tone and body posture.”

  “I felt untouchable once I realized Greckend believed we could overtake them with a snap of our fingers, so to speak.”

  His belly-fires rumbles. “Never become complacent or over-confident with a dragon. It worked well this time, but that is a rarity. Their numbers had dwindled. They wanted to survive to relish the freedom of open skies. They were ready to strike a bargain. You knew that without fully recognizing their reasoning—like the Queen you are.”

  I blink hard. A part of me believed I had them twisted around my finger. Now, after listening to Dreyth, my mouth dries out. This could have ended badly.

  “Not so, my Sparrow. All the time you spent talking with him, even if they decided to attack, we had everything still working for us. The shields still held and we were given the opportunity to rest and breathe as you kept him in conversation and thought. After seeing what we could do and hearing what we might be able to do, he made the wise choice. Had he not, we would have finished the battle.”

  It’s at this point I see Elky fly past, her fiery hair waving as a banner behind her. Her smile lights the sky. Grifton chases after her, his love for his sister showing in the gleam in his eyes. Surrounded by all that I love, my heart is full. When Grifton and Athan agreed to take me from the Spires, even when they were told not to, I hadn’t much of a hope of reaching them before they came upon the Xi. Had I known about the Stone dragons… My body shivers as I remember first seeing Dreyth turned to stone. I’m grateful we will have such powerful allies, but my mind is already working on how to keep them in check.

  Wiping the sweat from my brow, my eyes catch something when my hand drops. I open my palm and gasp.

  “Seyra, what is wrong? I felt your body go rigid.”

  “The mark—the one on the crystal. It’s on my palm! I have to see if Elky and Grifton have it, too.” Dreyth surges ahead until we move in between Athan and Ustice. I shout, “Look at the palms of your hands.”

  Twisting my head from one to the other, without them saying a word, I know they are marked by the look of shock on their faces. “Grifton, remember when you dragged Elky over to the crystal when she was under the Xi’s spell? You put her hand on the crystal, then yours, and I added mine. Before the crystal made the explosive sound, I remember feeling like my hand was fusing with the crystal. It must have happened then.”

  “What does it mean?” Elky runs a finger over the marking.

  Just as unsure as they are, I shrug. It could be that we are accepted by the crystal as the Power of Three. It might mean nothing at all…or it could mean everything. One thing for certain, the crystal doesn’t give up its secrets lightly. Perhaps in time, we’ll understand more about the odd crystal that saved us today. I glance at it and think I see or saw, it pulsate. If only it would talk to me.

  Elky turns to catch my attention and falls back with Ustice, smiling. Grifton falls back too. Ahh, the Spires! We’re almost there! My eyes begin to burn and tears form at the sight of home. Roars echo down from the lookout points—our guards welcoming us. Every dragon answers the call. Thunder breaks the sky with their roars. Soon dragons dive out of the main entrance to the cave and speed toward us. They know a victory call when they hear it. Dreyth explodes another roar as dragons from the Spires encircle us and guide us home. I can no longer bite back the tears; they flow with my laughter and joy. A faint shadow crosses my soul as I wish my parents and brothers could see me now. I let the shadow go and embrace my new family. To think I was once one of dozens, maybe hundreds of girls who lay in bed at night dreaming of being a Dragon Rider.

  “To think that young girl grew up to become First Rider, my delightful Sparrow and the Queen of the Spires…what parent wouldn’t be proud?”

  Fresh tears spill as I rub the side of his neck. I sniffle, “Take me home, my King.” I chuckle as he rumbles under me. We burst through the opening first, with Elky, Grifton and Hu’gan right behind us, followed by the rest. Beljeem Warriors that stayed at the Spires bustle to us, removing saddles and lining the walls with them, to make room for
all to enter and draw close. Riders pour out of every nook and cranny, some evidently hearing we were gone on a mission looking for the Xi, but none of them having any hint of what’s transpired. Dreyth leads us to where the throne and benches had been set, not very long ago. The noise level within the Spires is deafening in its echoes.

  Dreyth roars, flaming the ceiling as the noise drops off to speculative whispers. “Our family of the Spires, thank you for the welcome home. If you could give me a moment.” He waits as people and dragons quiet themselves, again. “We are tired, hungry and battle-weary…”

  Gasps rain down from all those clustered around us.

  “Yes, battles. We’ve had losses, those who sacrificed themselves for all at the Spires and the villages we hold to our kingdom. Thankfully, our losses were few compared to our enemies.” Roars again disrupt his speech, but he allows it to continue for a moment. “We will discuss this in full tomorrow after we rest and replenish. “For now I want to say this.” His eyes land on every dragon and person he can see, “your Queen saved us this day. None of us would have returned had it not been for her.”

  I feel the heat rising to my face as I glance around the room. The one person I didn’t want to see is standing towards the entrance, still in her messenger gear— Belinda. I look away.

  “She not only saved us, Seyra saved your Brula’r first, then Hu’gan, his warriors, dragons and Elky, and all of us again as we battled a new dragon species that seemed unstoppable. As a result, they are now are allies!”


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