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Alpha: Bay Harbor Wolves Vol. 2

Page 5

by B. A. Stretke

  Henrik tightened his grip and increased his speed and pressure bringing Max to the edge in record time. He thrashed and moaned and then stiffened with breathless anticipation as he exploded, filling Henrik’s mouth with stream after stream of his sweet, warm essence. Henrik continued to work the silky softness of Max’s hard cock until a soft whine indicated sensitivity. He licked him clean and let the now softening cock slide from his lips as he glanced up and once again captured those beautiful eyes. Henrik pulled the pajama pants back up, placing a hungry kiss to the head of his cock before carefully tucking him back inside.

  Max touched him everywhere he could reach from his shoulders to his hair to his face. His touch was needy but calm, and Henrik knew Max was finally relaxing and finding his center. Henrik came up to position himself behind Max and pull him back against him. Spooning him once again to his chest. He had never felt such a powerful emotional connection before as what he felt with Max. The man was becoming part of him, part of his heart and part of his life.


  Max was still coming down from the powerful climax as Henrik pulled back into his loving embrace. His heart rate slowed, and his breathing returned to normal, but his mind was consumed by the amazing man who held him so safe and sure. His expert lovemaking had set Max on fire and left him trembling and ready to beg for more. It may not have been the right thing to do, but it was what he wanted and needed in this moment. He turned in Henrik’s grip and placed a kiss to his upper arm that was wrapped around him.

  “Let me take care of you,” Max asked, wanting to reciprocate.

  “Next time, sweetheart. This time was for you, all for you.” He pulled him closer and nuzzled his face into Max’s shoulder, placing a few kisses to the area before settling down. “Go to sleep, I’ll keep you safe.” Apparently, that was all he needed to hear because, in the next breath, he was asleep dreaming dreams of sweethearts in love.


  Thankfully the following morning was not awkward or uncomfortable in the least. Max woke in Henrik’s arms and did so with a soft sweet smile gracing his lips. Henrik was confident that their connection was taking shape and that soon he would be bonding with Max and introducing him to his new life as the Alpha Mate.

  Henrik got out of bed and urged Max to sleep in a little longer. “You stay and rest, and I’ll collect you for breakfast at eight.” He said, and with a lingering kiss that made the days start so much brighter, he left the room and returned to his bedroom next door.

  In the hall, he met Derek, who with a knowing nod and a pat on the shoulder, said nothing and walked on towards the staircase. Henrik entered his room and quickly took a shower and got dressed. He was running later than usual because he’d loathed getting out of Max’s bed. If he could have stayed there with him all day, he would have. Someday, someday soon, he told himself as he made his way downstairs.

  He headed into the den after getting a cup of coffee. The den was situated on the other side of the vestibule from the living room and afforded a more casual environment. When he entered, Taylor was there tidying up from their meeting of the night before. “Sorry, sir.” He said as he quickly finished.

  “You’re fine,” Henrik told him as he took a seat in the large brown leather chair on the far side of the room near the window, which afforded a beautiful view. He was soon joined by Zayn, who sat on the loveseat situated more in the center of the room. They both drank their coffee in silence for several minutes, just enjoying the peace of this new morning.

  “How is your mate?” Zayn offered as an opening to their discussion.

  “He’s well, his headache is gone, and his physical injuries have all healed,” Henrik responded. “He will be having breakfast with me at eight, and you’re welcome to join us.”

  “Thank you, I will.”

  “Breakfast at eight then?” Derek said as he came in and sat in the chair near the door.

  “Breakfast at eight,” Henrik responded with a smile.


  Max got up just after seven and showered and dressed in the clothes Henrik had left for him. They were much appreciated since his car with his luggage had still not been located. Max noticed the shirts were all a lovely shade of light blue, his favorite color.

  He wasn’t sure if the authorities had been alerted but he thought not, considering Henrik’s reluctance to involved police. He would have to make a decision pretty soon as to how he wished to proceed, considering everything that had happened in the last few days. Some of it he remembered and some he did not.

  One thing he clearly remembered was Henrik coming to him last night and making everything alright. The nightmare had been tied to the messages he’d received presumably from Raymond. He’d clearly lost contact with his sanity if he thought death threats and beat downs were the way to go.

  A brief knock on the door and then Leo stuck his head inside. “Hey, I hear breakfast is at eight.” He said with a sly smile. “Let’s go, I’ll show you where the kitchen is at.”

  Henrik had said he would be back to get him, but it would be more expedient if he just went with Leo and saved Henrik the trip. “Sounds great.” Max fell into step beside Leo as they left the room and headed for the staircase.

  “Did you sleep well?” Leo said with a distinct grin. Max shot him a scathing side-eye before responding.

  “Very well, thank you,” Max stated without elaboration.

  “Yeah, me too.” Leo winked and then started to laugh.

  “If you think I’m about to discuss any of last night with you, you are sorely mistaken.” Max continued.

  “I just like seeing you satisfied, brother. It’s been a long time.” Leo dodged the punch he was about to receive.

  “Breakfast,” Max stated, firmly hoping to change the subject. “Let’s find breakfast.”

  “Right this way.” Leo led him into the large kitchen with a small dining area off to the side. Henrik, Derek, and Zayn were already there drinking coffee. It was a nice, private sun-bathed corner of the room.

  As soon as their eyes met, Henrik was on his feet, coming to greet Max. He brought him over and seated him at the table. Henrik prepared a plate for himself and one for Max and returned, taking the seat next to Max. Leo brought them coffee and orange juice, and soon they were all tucking into their breakfast. Max found he was quite hungry and was pleased when once he finished the first plate Henrik prepared him a second. When he finished the second plate, Henrik offered a third, but Max declined.

  “Thank you, but no, that was enough,” Max told him, relieved when he noticed that all the men appeared to have hearty appetites. “Any word on my car?” Max asked as he drank his coffee.

  “Nothing yet,” Henrik answered.

  “Do you think it might have been stolen?” Leo commented.

  “Maybe.” Was all Henrik said.

  “I remember leaving Chicago, and I remember driving through lower Michigan, but I don’t remember arriving in town or showing up at the Lounge. I don’t know how I got to town, whether I drove or was dropped off. It’s frustrating and maddening, but it just won’t get clear in my head.” Max’s frustration erupted suddenly, and he glanced away from the men at the table in an attempt to gather his control. Henrik’s hand was on his knee, and suddenly he felt grounded. The reaction caught him by surprise, but he leaned into the calm, accepting it as it flooded his mind.

  “I understand your concern about your car, but there is a strong possibility that it will never be found. It may have been dumped, hidden, destroyed, chopped depending upon whether or not your attackers were in possession of it.” Max appreciated Henrik’s bold truth, but it didn’t make the news any easier to accept.

  “It’ll be okay, Max, don’t worry,” Leo spoke and gave his brother a quick one-armed hug. “Besides, it’s not as if the car were a Mercedes, it was over ten years old and pretty busted. I hated riding in that thing.”

  “Hey, it drove just fine.” Max defended.

  “It drove like it had square tir
es. It was awful, admit it.” Leo kept pushing, and finally, Max started to laugh.

  “It was paid for.” That was the only line of defense left as far as Max could see since everything Leo had said was correct. The mood was lighter now, and conversation flowed easily around the table.

  Max learned a little about the men seated there and the business they ran, which included more than just the Indigo Hotel. The Vaughn Corporation took in a good share of the town it would seem. Restaurants, coffee shops, bars, but the Indigo was the jewel in the crown. It was odd, but Max was getting an at-home comfortable feeling as if he belonged here. But unfortunately, he was only here temporarily. He was here until he healed, and he could safely return home. That was the truth of the situation, and he needed to remember that.

  Henrik was gracious and kind and sexy as hell, but there was no forever after going on between them. They were just two people finding pleasure in one another, and in the end, Max would go home.

  “Why don’t I show you around while these guys go to work,” Leo said while standing up and stepping away from the table. Max agreed and went to rise, but Henrik held him in place for a moment pulling him close and dropping a quick kiss to his lips before releasing him. He should have felt uncomfortable with such a public display, but he didn’t. No one commented or cared, it was that easy.

  “I’ll see you for lunch,” Henrik said and then added. “If you need me call, no hesitation, no second thought, if you need me call.” He hammered that demand home before they parted. Max nodded that he would, but deep down, he wasn’t sure what would warrant him calling and disturbing him. It would have to be life or death considering all the man had already done for him. He didn’t want to become any more of a burden than he already was.

  Leo grabbed him by the upper arm to hurry him along, and soon they were on their way out the back door and down to the beach. They were at the crest of the small dune that led down to the beach when Leo stopped. “I forgot my phone.” He said and turned back towards the house. “Derek likes to be able to contact me during the day. He may not look like it, but he can be a chatty fellow.” Leo chuckled and started running back to the house. “Wait here, and I’ll just be a minute.”

  “Sure.” Max stood and stared out at the water as it lapped at the sandy beach. A small man in black with his face covered came from a rocky enclosure off to his right and, with a stick in his hand, began to write something in the sand. Max’s attention was captured as the man completed the short two-word sentence. ‘You’re dead.’ He read it, again and again, thinking he had to be mistaken or it wasn’t meant for him. The man turned and looked straight up at him and pointed before dashing back to the shelter of the rocks and disappearing.

  Max looked again at the words, but they were gone washed away by the constant lapping of the waves. Nothing remained except a few footprints, and slowly they too were gone. He didn’t recognize the man, and as he stared at the beach, he began to wonder if it had really happened at all. His muddled mind was playing havoc with his fear and anxiety. Could this have been a figment of his imagination brought on by stress?

  He searched the area with his eyes franticly trying to find the man who’d been there, and he was so deep in his desperate search that he did not hear Leo come up to stand beside him.

  “What are you looking for?” He said abruptly, and Max visibly jerked.

  “Oh, nothing, I thought I saw someone on the beach.” He covered quickly, and Leo didn’t seem to notice his agitation.

  “Let’s head down, it’s a beautiful walk,” Leo said and started down to the beach with Max following behind.

  The walk was restful, and the air was fresh, but Max could not quell the worry that bubbled up whenever he thought of the messages and the man on the beach, if indeed there was a man on the beach. He needed to focus on something else.

  “Now that the Vaughn Corporation has backed our claim and we have better lawyers, it looks like the hotels are ours,” Max remarked. “What do you propose we do with them?”

  “You’re not interested in running them?” Leo asked as he turned to look at Max.

  “No, are you?” He turned the question around.

  “No, they don’t represent anything positive in my life. Father loved those hotels more than he ever did us or even mom. He loved them so much he gave them to Raymond in his will because he thought we weren’t good enough.” Max heard the hurt entering his brother’s tone, and he understood it fully.

  “Yeah, I agree.” Max squeezed Leo’s shoulder as they continued to make their way down the beach. “Want to sell them?”


  “Let’s do it.”



  Henrik stood on the back porch with Zayn watching his mate walk the beach. He was consumed with the need to constantly check on him, making sure he was not in danger. His wolf would not settle down until their mate was marked and claimed.

  “I’m going to have to claim him soon if I ever want to get any work done,” Henrik noted while never taking his eyes off Max. Zayn chuckled and glanced over to where Max and Leo stood talking.

  “Two good and strong men, both fine additions to the pack. You and Derek have been fortunate.” Zayn observed with a touch of longing. “I just hope that it doesn’t end there. I hope that Fate has decided to smile upon us for a while.”

  Henrik nodded at his friend. “You’ve been alone a long time just as Derek and I have. I’m sure she will reward you as well.”

  “It would be nice to have someone to call my own. Someone to cuddle and spoil.” He smiled as his eyes took on a far way look. “Unlike you and Derek, who wanted strong men by your sides, I’m hoping for just a lovely piece of fluff. I need some softness and beauty in my life.”

  They continued to watch the beach as Zayn filled him in on the current state of the investigation. “The report from Chicago states that Raymond Russo has left town. He took what he could from the accounts, which wasn’t much. The lawyers had everything locked down. The last anyone heard from him was the day Max headed north.”

  “He’s after a pound of flesh and won’t back off till he gets it,” Henrik stated. “He may have followed Max and may have been the one who beat the shit out of him. But my guess is that he hired someone probably more jackals.”

  “Do you think he’s somewhere in town?” Zayn was skeptical.

  “I don’t know. What has Seamus found?”

  “The rest area just before the Eastport exit, although thoroughly cleaned, still exhibited evidence of a bloody encounter. The scents were Max and jackal.” Zayn gave the information carefully, knowing the discussion of the incident could incite Henrik’s wolf. “His car wasn’t there, and they haven’t located it yet.”

  “Raymond?” Henrik enquired sharply.

  “They scented Max and one jackal and many humans, but it’s a public washroom so that would be expected. The jackal scent was strong as it usually is. Max bled out a bit, so his scent was easily discerned from the other humans.”

  “So, it’s inconclusive whether he was there or not?” Henrik’s tone remained sharp.

  “Yes, sir.”


  “You do know that we’re being watched,” Leo said and glanced back towards the house. “Henrik has been watching you for the past half hour, at least.”

  “Really?” Max looked back, and there he was arms crossed standing tall, staring out at the water. “Maybe he’s just looking at the water.”

  Leo barked a laugh. “That man is crazy about you, Max. He’s making sure you’re safe. Derek’s the same way; once they stake their claim, they get very possessive.”

  “Is that a good thing?” Max smiled.

  “A very good thing. They’re good people, Max.” Leo implored. “You’ll see, they aren’t criminals, and they’re not like Raymond or any of the people he worked with. What the Vaughn brothers have here is a solid community of people who look out for each other. It’s a good place.” Max
nodded, not agreeing because he could see all of that for himself, but what he wasn’t so sure about was his place in this community.

  “Once Raymond is out of our lives for good, you should consider staying here.” Leo tossed out there.

  “Why would they let me stay?” Max blurted automatically.

  “I’ll let Henrik explain that one to you.” Leo started to laugh as if he knew something Max didn’t.

  “What aren’t you telling me, Leo?” Max pressed.

  “Let’s head back and get some lemonade. I’m thirsty.” Leo changed the subject and turned back in the direction of the main house. Max chose not to pursue his question. He had enough on his mind.

  “I got a couple of text messages from someone last night. I think it was Raymond, but I can’t be sure.” Max decided to share his concerns with Leo and see what he thought.

  “What did they say?”

  “Vague threats, here just a minute, and I’ll show them to you.” Max stopped and searched his phone for the messages, but they were gone. “I can’t find them. They were from an unknown number.” Leo took his phone and tried to find the texts but also came up with nothing.

  “They were there.” Max declared, and then softened. “I think they were there.” Then the message in the sand came to mind, and he shared that as well. Leo looked at him with that terrible expression of sympathy. “You think I’m crazy?”

  “No, but you were beaten pretty bad.” Leo tried to explain. Max frantically searched his phone again and again came up with nothing. Now he was really getting worried, what would he do if his mind were truly working against him?

  “I think I need to lay down for a while. I’m getting quite tired.” Max announced and started in earnest back to the house. Leo caught up with him easily.

  “It’s okay, Max, you’ll heal, and everything will be okay.” Leo kept telling him that, but Max was beginning to wonder if it were true. Things don’t heal that fast, and the brain is a very delicate organ. Max stopped abruptly and caught Leo by the arm.


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