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Alpha: Bay Harbor Wolves Vol. 2

Page 8

by B. A. Stretke

  “It had a remote detonator on it somewhere. Javier has a good nose for such things but didn’t pick it up when he checked the car before driving it inside the compound.” Henrik reached over to cover Max’s hand with his own. Max found that he craved the touch of this man. “The jackal had some sophisticated equipment. He was at the far western corner of the house. I saw him as you were approaching the car, and the danger became apparent.”

  “You knew it was going to blow?”

  “I knew he wasn’t there, staring at the car to get an estimate.” Henrik’s quip caught Max funny, and he laughed, lightening the mood of the room. “That is the sweetest sound I’ve heard in days,” Henrik said so sultry as he turned and captured Max’s lips in a quick firm kiss.

  Max melted into his touch and wanted so much to forget everything he saw and just go back to his previous blissful ignorance. “Who were those men on the beach? Were they men?” Max leaned his head against Henrik’s shoulder and felt him drop a kiss to the top of his head before answering.

  “The leader, the one at the corner of the house who ignited your car, was John Kriss, Raymond’s driver, and the others were hired by him, I suppose. They were all jackals here to do harm.” Max was not surprised to hear that John was the leader of the pack.” He closed his eyes for a second and then asked.

  “By jackal, you mean the actual animal.” It was a question but posed as a statement.

  “Yes, and John was also a jackal shifter. I don’t know if Raymond was aware of that or not.” Henrik answered wholly and honestly.

  “Are they dead?”

  “Yes. It’s the way of our peoples. We deal with our own. We don’t involve humans or human authorities.” Henrik rubbed his cheek against the top of Max’s head.

  “Tell me everything.” Max made the request, and Henrik began.


  He thought for a minute as to how to start. Derek had simply stated the facts and then shifted to provide proof to his assertions. He would take a more delicate approach to presenting the facts, but like Leo, Max would, in the end, require proof. Max had seen so much already, but his acceptance was slow in coming.

  “I have something to tell you, and you’ll probably balk at it at first, but all I ask is that you listen with an open mind and hear the sincerity of my words.” Henrik began, and the strange expression from Max told him this wasn’t going to be easy.

  “How old would you guess that I am?” Henrik asked.

  “Between thirty and thirty-five,” Max answered quickly.

  “Yesterday I told you some of my history and about the beginning of Vaughn Corporation. I told you that I, Derek, and Zayn set out on our own and formed the business from scratch and built this enclave called Bay Harbor.” He continued while keeping a close eye on Max’s reactions.

  “You’re a very smart man, and I know that when you discovered that the Vaughn Corporation was sticking its nose into your business in Chicago that you researched my organization and me.” Henrik paused but did not give Max time to respond. “You found that this place and the corporation have been in existence for well over a hundred years.”

  Max stared at him for a moment before responding. “I thought that you were referring to changes that were made in the corporation or perhaps growth. I assumed it was formed by a grandfather or great grandfather, and you and the others took control and then implemented upgrades.” Max’s turned to him, and his eyes were watching everything, every twitch, every blink, every expression.

  “No, we formed the corporation after we founded the Bay Harbor Wolf Pack. We’re exactly what you saw on the beach. The black beast that stared up at you was me. I am one hundred and thirty-two years old. Derek is one hundred and twenty-seven years old. We are shifters, wolf shifters, as is everyone in this pack apart from you and Leo. You two are the first human mates to become a part of the Bay Harbor Wolf Pack.” Henrik paused as he stroked Max’s hand and continued to rub against the top of his head.

  “John was always peculiar acting, hearing things even when Leo and I would whisper in another room, and he was strong, stronger than natural. But we had no idea he was something other than completely human. This is all so hard to believe.” Max sounded frustrated at his inability to make the unbelievable real.

  “Let me show you, and then we’ll talk some more. I think you need some hands-on proof of what I’m saying and what you saw at a distance.” It was going to freak him out, but he needed to accept it as real. Henrik got up and stood in front of Max, who remained on the edge of the bed looking up at him.

  “I’m going to shift, and you have nothing to worry about. I’m the same in either form, I know who you are, and I will not hurt you. You’re my mate Max, and my wolf knows you already.” Henrik took one step back and began to strip. He enjoyed the appreciative stare and the way Max separated his lips on a lustful pant and ran his tongue across his bottom lip so slow, so sensuous.

  “Keep looking at me like that, and I’m liable to claim you right here and now and shift for you later,” Henrik warned, and Max blushed actually blushed what a beauty he was. “Okay, now don’t be scared. This is natural and it’s who I am, and remember, I love you.” That last got a surprised gasp that Henrik used to distract him from the sudden and abrupt contortion that resulted in a large black wolf standing before him. He could shift in an instant, but he slowed the process just a bit to show Max the change was real; it was him, and then it was his wolf no trickery or sleight of hand.

  Max jumped back but did not run away. Henrik walked up to him and sat on his haunches and watched his mate. Max seemed interested, curious even, and finally, he reached out one tentative hand and touched Henrik’s sleek black coat and ran his fingers through the softness of his fur. Henrik found the touch enchanting and thrilling, and his wolf was preening with pride and excitement for their mate.

  “This is really you. I saw you on the beach, and I thought you were magnificent.” Max talked as if to himself but heard every word. He took a step back and shifted back to his human form and stood there naked in front of his mate and waited for his reaction.

  Max was silent for so long that Henrik came and sat beside him and wrapped his arm around him. Max did not resist and leaned into Henrik’s embrace. “It’s who I am, it’s who we are, but there is nothing to fear. Paranormals have lived among humans for centuries, millennia since the beginning there have always been the paranormals.”


  Max listened, and he believed, but the fear would not completely dissipate. He wasn’t afraid of Henrik or even the others; it was fear of accepting this new reality and the changes it would require in his thinking and in his life. What would it mean for him, and why is Henrik trusting him with this fantastic secret?

  “I trust you because you’re my mate. Fate has brought us together. It is our destiny.” Henrik went on to explain the meaning of a mate to a wolf shifter and the importance they hold in the life of that shifter. He used Leo and Derek as an example and described their meeting and their subsequent claiming, which bonded them together. It was a lot of information, but strangely enough, Max found that he understood the ramifications of every word.

  “I know that you are overwhelmed, sweetheart, but please understand that you are my heart and my soul, and I’ll do anything in this world for you. You’re my mate, and I am yours.”

  “If I hadn’t asked you to not hurt Taylor, would you have killed him?” Max needed to know.

  “No, I don’t kill children, but he and his family would have been banished. Your plea has given him the opportunity to either do better or fail and be banished. It is up to him.” Henrik told him and was sounding sad all of a sudden.

  “I know that I feel for you what I’ve never felt before, and I fit here like nowhere else, but with that said, I need a little time just to think. I’m not denying you or any of this, I just need tonight to think.” Max felt his resolve slipping away, and he was on the edge of begging Henrik to stay and claim him and make him his
own. The sadness he felt coming from Henrik was completely undoing him.

  “Okay, sweetheart,” Henrik said with another kiss to the cheek this time, and a thorough hug Henrik released him and stood up. Max had to force himself to look at Henrik’s face alone because the naked man before him was too much for his lustful mind and body to cope with without giving in and dropping to his knees.

  He turned and walked towards the door and then turned back momentarily to regard him. “I’ll leave you tonight and collect you at ten in the morning. We’ll go to town and have brunch at the hotel. It will give you time to ask any questions you may have in a safe and public space.”

  “I always feel safe with you, Henrik, wherever we are.” Max made sure to tell him not wanting him to think that he was afraid. The only thing he seemed to be afraid of was change.

  “Thank you, sweetheart. I’ll see you in the morning. Sleep well.” With that, he walked out and closed the door behind him, leaving Max sitting there, mourning his departure. He was feeling completely fucked up and desperately wanted to call him back, but he didn’t.


  Morning finally came, but it seemed like years had passed instead of a few hours. Max slept very little with his heart aching and his body craving the touch and the closeness of Henrik Vaughn Alpha of the Bay Harbor Wolf Pack. The whole thing should be absurd, but it wasn’t, and Max didn’t feel absurd, he felt the reality of it all right down to his bones. This was his destiny, he knew it, but this would be a commitment like no other. This would be for all time, no divorce, no walking away, no changing your mind. Was he ready for that?

  Max had analyzed every word and every feeling for hours trying to put a name to what he was experiencing, and all he came up with was love. Henrik had let the sentiment drop yesterday, and Max hadn’t questioned him, and now he knew that he felt the same way. The connection that began to form and grow from the first moment Max opened his eyes and saw that gorgeous man leaning over him could not be denied. He had to let go of his strict need for control and fully let Henrik in.

  As promised, Henrik knocked on his door at ten. When Max opened his door, he was struck with how handsome his man was and also how tired he looked. There was a pain in his expression that hadn’t been there before, and Max was suddenly swamped with a feeling of guilt.

  “Come,” he said and held out his hand, which Max took hold of immediately. “Derek and Leo are going to be joining us.” He offered as they made their way hand in hand downstairs and out to the waiting car.


  Henrik had the most hellish night of his life sitting in his penthouse bedroom on the top floor of the Mansion, wondering if his mate were going to stay or would he decide to go. The mere thought of Max leaving had his wolf in an uproar and took all of Henrik’s strength and concentration to keep him down. Finally, near dawn, he came to the conclusion that this was not over no matter what decision Max made, he would never let him simply walk out of his life. He would be there always pushing and proving until Max consented to be his.

  That had given his wolf a little something to hang onto, and he was able to get a couple of hours of sleep. But this morning, when Max opened his door, Henrik could see very clearly even without their growing bond that he too had not slept well. It had not been a comfortable night for him, either.

  He hadn’t said much yet, but his grip was firm, and the fact he remained close as possible spoke well of Henrik’s chances. Derek and Leo were as loving and lighthearted as they always were when together. If Max had known Derek before Leo came into his life, he would have seen the positivity a true mate can bring. As it were, he was able to observe a bonded couple and see that his brother was not controlled or changed in any way that really mattered. He was brighter in mood and happier with his life just as Derek was, but their individuality was not compromised in the process.

  Brunch at Pino’s in the Hotel was pleasant, and questions were answered. Max didn’t press on anything in particular and acted as if he were just filling in a few blanks, such as. “Do you only have one mate, or at some point would you claim another as well.” An important question for sure and Henrik thought he’d covered that but didn’t hesitate in making it clear that Max would be the one and only for all time.

  He noticed a couple looks pass between Max and Leo with Leo looking perturbed and Max looking unsure, but Max never moved away from Henrik. Always throughout the meal, he had some part of his body touching Henrik. Henrik did not miss an opportunity to touch as well and did not hold back from resting his hand on Max’s knee to placing his arm across the back of the seat to gently caress Max’s shoulder. He would pull out all the tricks, everything necessary to win his lovely and stubborn little mate.

  After brunch, they went for a walk in the park a few blocks from the hotel. Derek and Leo went their own way heading towards the gazebo, giving Henrik and Max some privacy as they continued on to the fountain area and the large flowering bushes beyond it.

  “I want you to stay, Max. Stay with me.” Henrik said as he pulled him into his arms beneath one of the flowering crabapple trees. Max looked up at him with a sweet smile and was about to speak when someone stepped out from behind one of the trees.

  Henrik turned and took in the situation in an instant. The man Raymond Russo stood there glaring and shaking with a nasty looking handgun in his hand that was pointed at them. Henrik moved to place Max somewhat behind him, but Max kept moving to the side.

  “Stop right where you are,” Raymond demanded, shaking the gun around to make his point. “How the hell did you live through the beating I gave you in that roadside stop?” Was his next statement as his eyes bleary and red trained on Max. “We deserted you to bleed out and die in the woods! No one could have found you where we dumped you. You weren’t supposed to live you fucking pain in my ass.” Raymond took a step closer, and Henrik took a half step to the side, covering as much of Max as possible.

  “You’re out of your mind.” Max shot back. “You’re not walking away from whatever you plan to do here today. Your life is over if you pull that trigger.” Max seemed to be trying to talk sense to a man who has nothing left to lose. As was stated before, Raymond wanted his pound of flesh, and he was prepared to get it from Max. Henrik kept a close eye on the man and his movements. His mate would not be harmed by this man, not again, not ever.


  Max tried to talk to him, but Raymond wasn’t hearing him. He was entirely out of his mind, and Max didn’t know how to handle this. He glanced around, but the area was deserted, so there was no one to see what was happening.

  “I’m going to end you and your boyfriend.” He said with a fury that caused his words to turn to spittle as he forced them red-faced from his lips. He took another step and began waving the gun. Max was terrified that Henrik would get hurt. He kept moving to shield Max from the mad man. He couldn’t lose this man, not now that he knew that Henrik was his life and his future. Why had he acted so stupid last night? Why hadn’t he accepted what he knew was right all the time? Now Raymond was threatening to take everything away from him again.


  A sharp sound to their left startled Raymond, and he pulled off a shot. Henrik moved in front of Max and absorbed the bullet in his lower right side, blasting a formidable hole as it tore through his body. The moment seemed to happen in slow motion. Just as he fell backward into Max’s arms, he saw Derek emerge from the trees to his right, and before Raymond and get off another shot he screamed and crumpled to the ground with his bloody heart in Derek’s fist and a hole the size of a melon in his chest. Raymond was finally finished.

  He felt Max’s panic and felt his hands trying to squelch the flow of blood, but it wasn’t necessary. No bullet, not even silver, could kill a black wolf. He would be well as soon as his body expelled the foreign object and healed itself. But damn, he enjoyed the tight embrace and the lovely words of love and devotion. Max was his no doubt, and he would be claiming him as soon as they could get out of he
re and back to the Mansion.

  “I’m okay, sweetheart. Bullets can’t kill wolf shifters, we heal too fast.” He tried to assure his traumatized mate. He then turned to Derek, who had tossed the heart on the ground and was wiping his hands off on Raymond’s coat. God, he loved his brother.

  “Call Master Cabot. He’ll send a team to clean this up.” He instructed, and Derek immediately pulled out his phone and made the call.

  “He’ll want a favor later, he always does,” Derek stated with a smile.

  “It’s worth it, better than having a local stumble onto a heartless corpse.” Henrik pulled himself to a sitting position while leaning his back against Max, who was holding him like he like he’d never let him go. That felt so damn good.

  Henrik finally pushed himself to his feet with Max, still holding him in a death grip and begging him to be still. “It’s okay, Max. I’m okay.” He pulled up his shirt and showed where the bullet had entered and how the flesh had healed and pushed the bullet out. Max touched the area tentatively, afraid he might hurt him but then started really investigating the wound. He looked at the back and then the front and then at the amount of blood that had soaked his shirt.


  Max could not believe his eyes. The bullet wound was gone, and the bullet lay in Henrik’s hand. His body had healed itself. Henrik tossed the bullet aside, slipped off his shirt, and wrapped his arm around Max, pulling him close. He balled the shirt up in his left hand, hiding the blood from curious eyes in the park. Max couldn’t seem to stop touching Henrik’s bare torso running his hands over the injured area only to feel warm, smooth flesh.

  “This is amazing.” Max stuttered as they rushed off to the car. Derek and Leo remained to assist Master Cabot’s team, and he and Henrik headed home. He wanted to go home and be with his mate, to hold him and tell him how much he loves him and how much he wants to be with him forever.


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