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Possessive Canadian: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 72)

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by Flora Ferrari

  And what’s gotten into me challenging a guy of this size, and if I’m being honest with myself one that I don’t want to blow my chances with.

  “I see we’re on the same page. That was fast,” he says.

  “Uhhh,” I exhale hard, pivoting on the ball of my foot and bee-lining it towards the stairs. There’s no time for the elevators right now. I need to get out of here as quickly as possible before I give this guy a real piece of my mind.

  Or worse yet…a piece of me, or maybe yet the whole enchilada.



  “Her name is—” I raise my index finger to the receptionist as I watch her bubble butt move as she bounds up the stairs.

  Damn she’s got curves, and I want to run my fingers, my lips, and my tongue along all of them.

  “I’m not about abusing power,” I say to the receptionist. I know he’s just eager to do a good job and please the hotel owner, but that’s not how to do it. Plus there’s another reason just as equally important.

  “I want to hear her tell me herself. Hear her name roll off her sassy tongue and her own sweet lips. I want her to give it to me of her own free will.”

  “Yes, sir,” the receptionist says.

  “And she will.”

  I watch as she rounds the corner and suddenly she’s gone, nearly as quickly as she came into my world she’s vanished.

  But she’s hardly gone.

  I don’t know how many days she’s got booked here and frankly I don’t care. I’m going to wait downstairs for her. I know she didn’t come all this way by herself just for one night. And I know this is her first night. I would never forget the face of the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen and I know for a fact I would have seen her if she was here yesterday. I always make it a point to meet as many guests as possible and I know yesterday I met everyone. I counted the introductions I made in my head as the day went along and it matched the number of rooms booked.

  It’s an OCD thing I have. After working so long out in the middle of nowhere where you can almost lose your identity if you’re not careful I know how important it is to have that human connection and thank the people who come to my resort. There are hundreds of options from them to choose from in Whistler alone, and I’m truly honored when they choose mine.

  But the more important choice this time is mine. And my choice is her.

  And I will see her again…soon.

  I’m sure of it. And she can be sure of it too.

  And I sure know what I want to do with her when I do, and I’m not just talking about sexually.

  A young woman like that…the way she holds herself…the way she stays calm under pressure and the way she doesn’t take any lip from anyone, not even me.

  That’s not the kind of woman I need in my life. That’s the woman I need in my life.

  And I will have her. And just as important she’ll want me to have her just as much as I want her, and that’s no small feat because I’d do anything for her…just for one night with her.

  But I know one night could never be enough and I know that’s why this is much more serious. This is something that hit my gut the moment I saw her and something that will never go away, nor would I want it to.

  I never felt so alive as when I laid eyes on her. And now I know why I myself am alive.

  To have a family with her. And that starts as soon as she’s ready.

  And the next time we lock eyes I’ll be ready to show her that’s now.

  There’s no time to waste. She’s the one and she will be mine.



  To think that I even imagined TV, a hot shower, or room service now seems ridiculous.

  Because all I can think about is him.

  I did get in the shower, but the temperature was lukewarm at best, which is very surprising considering I’m almost always cold. And as much as I wanted to point that showerhead in-between my thighs for a quick bit of relief I just couldn’t.

  Something inside me told me it wasn’t right. And something else told me it was because I wanted the real thing and the real thing only. No shallow climax when the man I wanted was in the same building as me and he’d made it very clear he wanted me too.

  And I didn’t eat either, instead my stomach was still filled with butterflies just as my head was filled with thoughts.

  Why was I even considering this? There’s no way this could work.

  And he’s practically a Neanderthal.

  And that just added to the complexity.

  At the office where I work everyone always seems to be so politically correct, afraid to step on anyone’s shoes. And part of the consequences of that are guys who just tiptoe around and start speaking in tones that resemble the same pitch with which a woman typically speaks.

  I swear sometimes I can barely make out if there’s a guy or a girl in the conference room when I walk by if the person’s back is to me. They will for sure be in a suit. Their hair will often be a medium length. And their tone of voice will be the same regardless. It’s unreal.

  But not him. He’s the antithesis of civility and modern society. He’s the older man that time seemed to have forgot.

  But he’s not that old. I can see by his skin that he’s spent a good part of his life out in the wilderness. Men’s skin creams from the mall? Forget about it. I doubt this guy even knows what a skin cream is.

  He looks weathered, worn in, and raw. In other words he looks like a man should look, especially one who lives in this part of the world.

  But even if I did, say, have dinner with him where does that lead us?

  Some hot vacation sex at most? That’s not my thing. As a matter of fact that’s never been my thing.

  I’ve been saving myself for Mr. Right for twenty-three long years and I’m not about to go back on my promise to myself to just give my first time to some guy who gets my panties in a bunch and turns my stomach in knots.

  No matter how tempting that may be.

  But why can’t I get him out of my head then?

  None of this makes sense. None of it. I mean he could be arrested for assault for what he did to that guy earlier.

  But maybe that’s part of the appeal. He’s a man who takes charge and does the “right thing” even when it’s not the “right thing” in legal terms. I mean, how many guys just catcall girls and just annoy the hell out of half the female population for years before they finally stop? And how many never give up?

  There are some laws against it, but not really too many. Guys can still get away with a lot, but not when there’s a real man around…like him.

  But who is he? I don’t even know his name or anything about him.

  I shake my head quickly and blink my eyes. I need to stop thinking about this…about him.

  I walk to the big window in my room and pull open the blinds.

  It’s already dark. Wow, that happened fast. I forgot that’s how it works when you’re this far north.

  I look at the main ski run that leads straight down to the lodge. It’s beautifully lit on each side, but wait…there’s something…no.

  Right in the middle of the run somebody has used some kind of blue coloring or something and “written” out four letters horizontally.

  How in the world?

  I say the letters out loud one at a time.

  “M. I. N. E.”

  I feel my breath catch and my entire body goes on alert.

  He… He couldn’t have… There’s no…

  Who else could it be? Who else is crazy enough to do something like this? Only the guy who’s crazy enough to throw a guy out the front door of the resort and then proclaim I was his.

  And now he’s done it again.

  Or has he just done it? Has he gone way too far?

  Why am I even thinking like this? It’s like we’re already in a relationship in my mind and I’m just contemplating his latest display of grandeur.

  And wow, are they getting bigger.
br />   I turn and look at my suitcase and right there on top is the one thing I brought “just in case.” I knew I wasn’t going to need it, but I just wanted to bring it anyways, to trick myself into thinking maybe I would.

  But I knew I wouldn’t.

  Until now.

  And not only will I need it, but I’m going to need the matching heels that go with that little black dress that I bought over a year ago but have still yet to wear.

  Until tonight.

  I’m going to put my hair up and then try and let it down when I go downstairs and have a drink with him.

  But letting my hair down in the presence of a real man is the last thing that I’ll be able to do.

  I know I’m going to be tense. I know I’m going to be excited. And I have no idea what’s going to happen.

  But I know he’s going to surprise me and I just have to know how.

  And I know this dress is going to surprise him.

  But the real surprise won’t be what he says to me, because I already know his words are shockingly direct.

  What will surprise me is if he finds a way to talk me out of it, and if he does there’s no going back then.

  I will be his. Forever.



  I can see by the look in her eye that she saw my gesture on the main ski run. I don’t have to ask my team members who are working the gondola lifts if they saw her curtains pull back and the light from her room signifying she was looking out. I already know.

  And I knew she’d come down once she did.

  I’ve been waiting in the lobby for well over an hour, but in reality I’ve been waiting my whole life…for her.

  Her eyes stay fixed on mine as she comes down the stairs as she grips the handrail. I’m up and out of my seat quickly moving towards her.

  The moment I reach her I extend my elbow and she stops her grip still on the handrail. Without taking her eyes from mine she leans towards me slightly and sticks her hand through the space I’ve created between my elbow and my body.

  And then it comes.

  The feeling of her hand on my shirt and I can feel the electricity shoot through my arm and spread throughout my entire body. I freeze having never felt something like this before.

  I’ve had to drill holes in the ice and jump in in the dead of winter and did my body ever feel that. I’ve felt the adrenaline kick of realizing you’ve got a polar bear on either side of you in the most northern parts of Canada and realize one wrong move, any display of fear, will result in the end of your existence.

  And none of those moments compare to this. To the feeling of her taking my arm and making my existence on earth, and in life, so much more real.

  “You’re quite the gentleman,” she says.

  “And you’re the ultimate lady,” I say.

  I watch as the corners of her mouth turn up slightly followed by her eyes. Her smile is real, genuine, and youthful…and it makes my cock harden instantly.

  I slowly help her down the stairs until we’re in the lobby.


  “How did you know?” she asks.

  “It’s my job to read you. To know what you want before you do. To anticipate everything in life you could possibly want and then deliver it to you in the exact moment you first desire it.”

  “Are you like this all the time?”

  “Like what?”


  “If you know what you want why bother with anything else?”

  “You have a point,” she says as her head turns slightly exposing that beautiful neck of hers to me.

  “I’ll always go all in on exactly what I want than mess around and go halfway on things I don’t, or things I’m only slightly interested in.”

  “And this is all in?”

  “This is just the beginning.”

  “You’re pretty sure of yourself.”

  “Because I’m sure of us.”

  “What makes you so sure? And why me?”

  I look down at her feet. I don’t know much about women’s shoes, or nothing to be exact, but I can bet those heels aren’t comfortable although damn do they make her legs look so incredible I could spend the rest of the evening kissing my way up and down them.

  “How about I tell you all about it over a home cooked meal?”

  “Let me guess…you cooked it?”

  “I would have, but I was working on other things.”

  “Such as the display on the ski run?”

  “For one.”

  “So there’s more?”

  “There’s a lot more…so much more and it’s never going to stop.”

  “When do you have time to sleep?”

  “Why would I want to sleep and miss one second without you?”

  I have no clue what’s gotten into me. If I were reading what I was saying right now I’d feel like it was one cheesy pick-up line after another. But if I was a fly on the wall watching this I’d know it’s not the case. It’s just coming to me naturally because it’s so damn true. It’s the first time in my life I’ve ever felt this way and I’m speaking immediately and with complete honesty and transparency. It’s so natural. And if I was that fly I’d see that my body language is congruent with my words, because it is. One hundred percent.

  And I one hundred percent want to continue this conversation with her over the food that’s been prepared, but she’s still peppering me with questions…which is good. I like that she’s sizing me up. I appreciate that she’s not an easy catch. The best things in life are those you work for.

  Freezing my ass off in the middle of nowhere for months at a time before I struck it rich in the oil sands was hard work, but I’ll work a million times harder just to have her in my arms. She’s the ultimate treasure.

  “So what’s on the menu?” she relents.

  “Right this way,” I say and walk her to our VIP room, which I’ve had cleared out for tonight. I don’t want any interruptions. Just the two of us.

  The best food in Canada for the best company in the world.


  And the world is what I want to give her…and that starts by giving her answers to her questions.

  So I can ask her the one and only question I need to.



  I remember reading something in Psychology Today about sociopaths and how long they can stay in character.

  I know he’s not a sociopath, but the thought did briefly cross my mind that maybe he’s in some sort of character, playing some sort of performance.

  But everything about him is so consistent that I just can’t even fathom that might be true.

  “So do you do this for all the women who come to the resort?”

  “Never. The thought never crossed my mind, let alone the actions you’ve seen out of me today.”

  “What if I’m not sure?”

  “Ask anyone, any of my staff or even anyone in the area. Just ask them about me and see what they say.”

  “How could I ask them when I don’t even know your name?”

  “Cameron,” he says without apology and I realize I was the one who ran off earlier before we could have a proper introduction. “And you are?”

  “Camila,” I say.

  “We share the first three letters.”

  I nod. He’s just so quick with his answers still. I’m guessing he could have gotten my name from the hotel staff and then given me a made-up name for himself that kind of coincides with mine.

  Why am I so paranoid?

  Maybe it’s because I’m not allowing myself to be loved.

  I think back to when I was a girl and I spent those countless sessions with the therapist who told me it wasn’t my fault my mother abandoned me. Theresa. I’ll always remember her. She was so supportive and patient with me, but something inside me told me I wasn’t worthy of love if my own mother didn’t even love me.

  And maybe that’s stuck with me all these years, even with
all of Theresa’s generosity in the beginning. Something inside me just closed up, but here he is to open me up and make me believe I can be loved.


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