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Golden Forever

Page 5

by Willa Edwards

  “Okay.” What else could she say when they looked at her like that, like if she walked out of the door it would end their entire world?

  “I know this is weird. It’s all new to us.” Logan traced his thumb across her knuckles, the light touch sent shivers out to the rest of her body. “We’re not sure quite what to do.”

  In that way they were even. “That makes three of us.”

  “Good to hear, sweetheart.” Jasper grabbed a lock of her hair and tugged it behind her ear. “Otherwise there’d be a couple fellas out there with a big hole in their backs.”

  Riley smiled, but the accusation sounded a little too true to be funny.

  More than once Victoria had accused Logan and Jasper of keeping men away from Riley. Keeping her single, her cousin claimed, so she’d always be there for them. Riley had always blown off Victoria’s accusations before, but tonight she saw some truth to what her cousin said. Here they all were, in their mid-twenties with hardly a relationship in sight, except for each other.

  Had Victoria known what would happen when she put on this dress? No. Her cousin was good, but even she couldn’t be that manipulative.

  “Maybe we should start with a drink.”

  Riley nodded enthusiastically. “That sounds like a good idea. And none of that frilly stuff.” Though she couldn’t imagine they had the ingredients to make a Let’s Get Blitzened. Whatever those ingredients were.

  Jasper chuckled, heading toward the liquor cabinet. He turned three bottles around, reading their labels carefully, before calling back to her. “How does whiskey sound?”

  “Good.” If there was ever a night for drinking whiskey straight up, it was tonight.

  “Three whiskeys, coming right up.” He pulled out the bottle, pouring a generous amount of Jim Beam into their highball glasses. With an ease that startled her, he grabbed all three glasses and carried them back over, passing them around.

  Riley held her glass tight, clutching at the distraction with everything she had. Drinking was far easier than trying to figure out what was happening between them. Drinking was normal. Drinking was safe. Opposed to having a three-way with her two best friends, which was just complete lunacy.

  She brought the glass to her lips. The liquor burning down her throat felt good. The fiery taste settled some of her tangled emotions. This was how alcohol was supposed to taste. Smooth, strong, and straight. She took another sip, and another, hoping if she drank enough she might drown the butterflies fluttering around in her stomach.

  “Hey, hey, sweetheart, go easy.” Jasper tugged the glass back from her lips. If the glass had been fuller, he might have spilled it all over the floor. But she’d taken care of that.

  “We have a lot more planned for tonight.” Jasper leaned close to her. His warm breath tickled across her cheek. The bourbon smell on his breath called to her like a sailor out to sea. “We’re going to need you conscious to follow through with most of it.”

  She tried to smile at the bad joke, but her muscles wouldn’t cooperate. His body was too close, his fingers still clenched around her hand. She vibrated with the desire for him to move closer, lean in further, to kiss her in the same sensual way he had back in the mayor’s office.

  “If you insist.” The retort sounded weak even to her own ears, but it was the best she could do. Especially when his palm traced up her arm, sliding over her bare skin and setting her nerves dancing.

  Her eyes dropped to his lips, unable to stop watching them as his touch traveled up her shoulder to grab her nape. He held her, not hard exactly, but with enough strength she couldn’t move. Not easily at least. But that was nothing compared to the way the fire in his eyes threatened to scorch her to ash. His intent was written in their depths, his desires so blatant a blind person could have seen them.

  And she wanted the same. Some part knew she’d always wanted this, but she’d been too afraid to reach for it, instead locking the forbidden desire aside and never acknowledging it to anyone. Least of all herself. That had been safer. But she was way beyond safe now. She was in uncharted waters, and she didn’t see herself getting out any time soon.

  “Are you sure about this?” She glanced back and forth between her best friends, both dreading and praying for their answer.

  “Isn’t that our line?” Logan traced his thumb down her throat.

  “If we’re not showing you exactly how sure we are…” Jasper pressed his body a fraction closer to hers. The brush of his hard cock against her stomach was evidence of their claim. “We must be doing something wrong.”

  She knew they wanted her. Physically at least. Of that she had no doubt. But this wasn’t just a hookup. This wasn’t a one-night stand that they could walk away from in the morning and forget all about. These were her best friends. She couldn’t lose them. Not over a roll in the hay, no matter how good.

  “I just don’t want…I don’t want there to be…” She stammered, the words refusing to leave her clogged throat. She’d never thought of herself as an eloquent speaker, but tonight she was doing her absolute worst.

  “There won’t be, sweetheart. Not from our side,” Jasper didn’t need to hear the rest to know exactly what she was thinking. “As long as you can say the same, I think we’re going to be in for one hell of a night.”

  Riley licked her lips, her entire mouth suddenly dry as burnt toast. She wasn’t exactly sure what was happening on her side. She didn’t know what tomorrow would bring, or how this would work out in the long term. But she knew she wanted them. She wanted both of them more than her next breath. And if she let this opportunity slip away, she’d regret it the rest of her life.

  She only managed a short nod, but that was enough verification for them. Which worked just fine for her. Lord knew she didn’t have much more to give. They’d already robbed her of her thought, logic, and self-preservation.

  With a deep growl, Jasper tugged her forward, his lips meeting hers in the middle. Just like it the ballroom, his kiss overpowered her. She couldn’t remember anything beyond the heat of his body against hers, the taste of whiskey invading her mouth as his tongue swept across hers, the pressure of his hand in her hair, keeping her pinned where he wanted her.

  She’d never thought of herself as particularly submissive. She couldn’t imagine most ranch-running cowgirls did. But when Jasper forced his tongue in her mouth, when he held her so tight she knew she couldn’t get away, something inside her melted. Sighing, she melted into the kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning forward until her whole body pressed into his.

  Fingers traced across her throat, drawing the hair away from her neck. “You look so beautiful like this,” Logan whispered across her skin, his lips brushing along her jaw. Just a touch—a taste of what was to come—but nowhere near enough. “I can’t wait to enjoy all of you.” The double entendre in his words had her knees going weak. Then his mouth was on her, dancing across her skin, nipping on the spot just below her ear. Any semblance of stability vanished from her mind, taking with it the last rational thoughts she possessed.

  This was heaven. Pure, sweet, unadulterated heaven. It was almost impossible to understand how they’d never done this before. It had been there, almost in her grasp for most of her life, yet they’d never grabbed for it. What had they been thinking?

  Logan looped his arm around her hips, holding her lower half with the same strength—but not the same intensity as Jasper did her neck. For one crazy moment she wondered if they’d ever done this before, taken a woman together to their bed. It shouldn’t matter. It didn’t. But she rather liked the idea that this was their first time, too. That this was something special, only to be shared between them.

  Yet with the sweep of Jasper’s tongue across hers and the scratch of Logan’s teeth on her earlobe, the thought vanished. It didn’t matter. Once, twice, or never before, either way they were together now. That’s all that really mattered.

  “That was definitely more than friendly.” She blinked up at Jasper, and the m
asculine pride on his face set her heart pounding hard. Damn, even that looked good to her. Her brain must have really gone to mush, if she found arrogance attractive.

  “Yes, it was.” She panted back. It certainly was. Nothing about that kiss said just friends. Not a damn thing.

  Without missing a beat, Logan tugged her closer to him and away from Jasper. Any reservations she might have at the separation burned away beneath Logan’s heat along her back. She moaned as the hard bulge of his cock pressed into her skin an inch to the right of her spine.

  “I love this dress, sweetheart.” Logan licked the back of her neck, sending a shower of shivers across her nerves. “But I think I might like it even more on the floor.”

  His fingers tickled the back of her neck, grasping the tag of her zipper and pulling it down before she realized what he was doing.

  “I couldn’t agree more.” Jasper traced his lips across her ear to the hollow of her throat.

  She tightened her grip on Jasper’s biceps as Logan used his lips to explore each inch of newly exposed skin. His tongue licked across her skin, setting every inch of her sizzling.

  Logan’s lips traced across the dimples above her ass, and she giggled at the brush. Her hips pushed forward, away from Logan’s touch, and slammed right into Jasper’s hard groin. A deep growl rumbled from his chest at the caress, not quite a moan but still enough to have her shivering.

  “Ticklish,” she justified, but she wasn’t sure why.

  “We’ll have to remember that,” Jasper whispered in her ear, his voice so deep and husky it set her jittering.

  God, she loved how he said that. Like there would be a lot more nights like this to come.

  Jasper yanked her dress down her arms, peeling the gold fabric from her body, and dropped it to the ground. Clad only in underwear, she should have felt cold and exposed. It was winter, for goodness sakes. Instead she was hot, like she was burning from the inside out.

  “Black lace, very sexy.” Logan stroked the line of her briefs with one finger. His touch spread a line of fire across her skin and settled deep in her stomach.

  “I don’t know,” Jasper added in, tracing his hand up her side to cup her naked breast. She arched her back, leaning further into his hot palm. It felt too good not to. “I think she’d look sexier with them off.”

  She couldn’t see Logan’s smile, but she could feel it against her skin as he pressed a kiss to her throat. “I guess we’ll have to take them off to see.”

  Hooking his fingers in the edge of the underwear, Logan yanked them down her legs. His fingers brushed against her skin and sent tingles shooting through her whole body. She spread her legs automatically, stepping out of the underwear. Her body reacted on its own, fulfilling its own needs regardless of anything else.

  “What do you think, Jasper, is that sexier?”

  Her face heated as they talked about her so intimately. But the jumpy feeling in her stomach wasn’t all bad. It felt pretty damn good.

  “It’s a close call.” Jasper thumbed her nipple into a point. She fought back a moan at the sensation. “I’ve always been a fan of the au natural look.”

  “I’m with you.” Logan’s breath ruffled against her ear as his fingers stroked across her ass and between her thighs. She cried out at the touch along her slit, unable to stop the sound, and not finding any reason to bother.

  “I think it might be about time we move to a more comfortable location.” Placing his knuckle under her chin, he tipped her head up to look in his eyes. Something about the way he stared at her gave her the distinct feeling they were treading toward even deeper uncharted waters.

  Unlike many of the other hurdles they’d jumped, standing naked sandwiched between her two men, the answer rolled off her tongue without a thought. There was no reason to think. She knew what she wanted. She wanted to be with them. With every fiber of her being.

  “Sounds good.”

  The room froze for a second, as if waiting for them to catch their breath. Then Logan growled, “Let’s go.”

  With one firm arm around her waist, Logan hoisted her up against his chest and ran toward the back of the house. Where the bedrooms were. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, her naked pussy spread wide across his stomach. The heat in her stomach stroke to a boil as the buttons of his shirt scraped against her tender flesh.

  “You guys are determined to carry me around today?”

  “It’s the fastest way to get around.” Jasper winked at her, trailing behind them.

  “And just why do we need to go so fast?” They had all night. Nothing would change in the amount of time it took for her to walk to the bedroom on her own two legs.

  “We want to get you in bed as soon as possible, sweet girl,” Logan growled in her ear, sending a shiver through her.

  God damn, that was hot. She squirmed against the firm wall of muscle against her, and she was pretty sure she felt his breath pick up, too.

  Two more large steps and they were in Logan’s room. The room was tiny compared to the large bed, only a few more steps from the doorway. Just the sight had her breathing a little deeper. She’d teased Logan before for needing such a big mattress. For needing all that space to stretch out. She’d never been more thankful for Logan’s particularities before. No way she’d make fun of him for it again.

  Logan dumped her on the mattress. She bounced with the force, but her squeal was quickly replaced with a gasp as Logan leaned over her, his body almost touching her. His fists pushed into the mattress on either side of her, caging her in. “We are desperate for you, sweet girl. More than you know.”

  Just when she thought they couldn’t say anything better, they found the right word to set her head spinning.

  Logan placed a quick, passionate kiss on her lips before pulling back, his eyes so hot they threatened to burn her alive. “But first things first.”

  He leaned back on his heels, tugging at his collar, unbuttoning his shirt. Beside him, Jasper had done the same. Half his buttons were already unfastened, the shirt spread apart, revealing a tempting glimpse of tan, rippled male flesh that had her mouth watering.

  They’d both lost their ties, she wasn’t sure exactly when. It must have been sometime between when they’d kissed her and stripped her of her dress. Everything was a little hazy after that. Not that it mattered when they’d taken off their ties. One way or another, it was a step in the right direction.

  Logan tugged his shirt out from his pants, drawing her attention. He quickly undid the buttons and shucked off the linen, revealing miles of muscle that could only be built by hard work and determination. Next to him, Jasper did the same.

  Saliva flooding her mouth at the look of them together. Miles of bronzed skin danced before her. All she wanted was to reach out and touch them. To trace her fingers across those defined pecs and tiptoe down the mountains and valleys of their abs, to the treasures below.

  No time like the present.

  She grabbed the one closest to her, which happened to be Jasper, tucking her fingers into his belt and tugging him toward her. “Let me help you.”

  She had to stifle a laugh at the shock that crossed Jasper’s face. There’d been a time she had spent hours trying to think of ways to stun Logan and Jasper. To show them she was as daring as any other boy—though she couldn’t remember if they’d ever questioned it. Who would have guessed the best way to surprise them would be to show them how much of a girl she was?

  “You were so good to help me.” She unthreaded the belt through the buckle and released the leather. “It’s only fair I return the favor.” She found his fly and popped open the button.

  “You’re right, that only seems fair.” His words were garbled, spit out between clenched jaws. His arms remained at his sides, almost as if afraid of what would happen if he touched her. She wanted nothing more than to push him to that edge. To see exactly what he’d do with all those muscles.

  Jasper and Logan had always said her rebellious streak would get her i
n trouble. God, she hoped so.

  Sliding down his zipper, she placed kisses along his chest. Two masculine moans filled the air. No one would ever describe Riley as having an exhibitionist streak. She spent most of her days in bulky, shapeless clothing, never showing off any of her body. With her few boyfriends, they’d only fooled around in the dark of night, far away from where anyone could see them.

  Something about the sound of someone else being turned on by what she did to Jasper torqued her rebellious streak even further, pushing her to more daring and more inhibited depths. She sucked Jasper’s nipple into her mouth as she pushed his zipper down the final inch.

  “Oh, god, Riley.” He tangled his fingers in her hair, holding her head to his chest.

  Encouraged, she shoved her hand into his fly. Even through his boxers, his cock was hard and hot in her hand. Need coursed through her, only heightened by his touch and deep gasping breaths.

  On his other side, Logan’s belt buckle hit the floor, followed by the thump of first one shoe, then the second landing on the ground. Her temperature spiked at the sound of a drawer being opened. Logan pulled several foil packages from the nightstand and drop them on the bed beside her. Her thighs hummed. Her boys meant business.

  “God, that looks good.” Logan pushed the hair from her shoulders. The brush of his fingers across her skin sent a shiver down her spine.

  “It feels even better.” Jasper groaned.

  Slipping beneath the wool of his pants, she pushed them down in slow increments. With only one hand available, she wasn’t doing a great job undressing him, but that wasn’t the point. They all knew that. But no one could say she hadn’t done her part.

  “I bet.” The words were whispered into her hair, tickling her ear. Her skin tingled beneath their every touch. Every inch of her overwhelmed with sensation. From them.

  “You’ve got any left for me, sweet girl?” A hand curled around her breast, pulling a moan from her lips. “After all, I had to undress myself.”

  Oh, poor baby.


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