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Earth To Centauri_Alien Hunt

Page 17

by Kumar L

  “I agree. Abhiram, get the control room to focus their radiation search in the Colaba area to confirm. Pilot, get us to INHS Asvini. ACPji, do you have any other troops available?”

  “No more ATS commandos, Ma’am. But the NSG black cat commandos were assigned to that sector. I'll get them moving right away.”

  The quadcopter turned in mid-air and finding a new heading flew out at maximum thrust, its engines screaming in the night. The second quad carrying a complement of the ATS commandos followed them.


  The mob had overwhelmed the unarmed guards easily and had almost reached the front porch. The armed naval ratings led by the Sub-Lieutenant had reached the entrance almost at the same time but had hesitated briefly in the face of the concerted assault. Then he and his troops had formed a cordon, raised their rifles and fired warning shots over the heads of the protestors. The answer came in the form of flash-bang grenades and Molotov cocktails. The crowd scattered, and the front of the building burst into flames as the doors caught fire.

  With the firing inside and outside the building, complete mayhem had broken out in the complex. The staff and patients inside tried to escape the aliens by rushing out while the mob outside again tried to storm in. The Sub-Lieutenant stared at the carnage in disbelief. He heard a shout behind him and was relieved to see his commander coming to his aid with another squad of sailors.

  They rushed past him and engaged the mob trying to form a ring to protect the building. It was too little too late. In the darkness and the frenzy, Keith and his four people had entered the main concourse and moved to the section on their left.

  INHS Asvini - breach

  “W hat in god’s name is happening down there? It's a war zone,” said Tej looking down at the fire and smoke rising through the pouring rain. The quad was just coming in to land, and the scene below was frightening. The commander of the hospital security had finally ordered his men to fire at the crowd in front. He wasn't trained for crowd control, and shooting seemed to be the only option available. The entire front of the hospital was covered in smoke, and multiple unidentifiable shadows seemed to be engaged in hand to hand fighting.

  “Pilot, go towards the grounds at the back. Let us down there. Then go back and get the rest of the troops. Got it?” instructed ACP Shinde. “Better get your body armour on, people. Check your guns and prepare to engage. My team and I will lead. Let the professionals handle this. The rest will stay back. Don't try to be heroes,” he warned.

  The copter swung over behind the buildings and landed softly on the grass. The six of them tumbled out and ran straight to the foyer, closely followed by the commandos from the second copter. The grisly sight of the two dead sailors greeted them.

  There was a call from the shadows, and Keisham stepped out. His hands were raised above his head. He had no wish to be shot down by the police in a case of mistaken identity.

  “Major! It's me.”

  “What's happening here, Keisham?”

  “There are two of them inside, sir. They're shooting up everything. I don't have a gun on me. I’ve been trying to help the wounded. I tried sending you a call but couldn't get through.”

  “That means we're on track. They're here. Okay, we need to set up a perimeter to contain them inside. Then we'll wait for reinforcements.”

  “We don't have time for reinforcements, Shindeji. I know that is the standard operating procedure. But not in this situation. We need to tackle them now. God knows what they'll do once they realise they're cornered. We have the element of surprise and it’s clear there are only two of the aliens."

  “In that case - I want four teams. Two of you will go up front and cover the entrance. Keep away from the crowds. Get the aliens if they try to escape. Two more will remain here to cover the rear entrance. Shoot to kill. The rest will split up and follow us - one team left and the other to the right,” Shinde instructed. The commandos split up into teams as directed. “You'd better come along with me, Major. Ma’am, you can lead the second team. Not my best choice but I agree, if we move fast we may gain the upper hand. I’ll get additional troops to you very soon.”

  Rawat nodded and turned around. “You should stay here, Captain. I'll let you know when it's safe to enter.”

  “No way, Major. I'm going in with you. I'm responsible for getting Joe and Lucy into this situation. I can't step away now. End of discussion.”

  Tej rolled her eyes but did not say anything as they raced into the building. The screams from the wounded and the dying hit their ears as soon as the double doors slid open. Many unmoving bodies lay on the floor, which was now slick with blood. Intermittent gunfire rang out from their right, and the ACP, Ryan and the major turned that way. The hospital facility had already been overwhelmed, and there was no one in sight to help the injured or engage the perpetrators. The sailors in the front were too busy managing the mob and were not even aware of the carnage inside.

  Tej ran down the corridor to the left, followed by Abhiram, Anara, Keisham, now armed and one ATS commando. The sounds of the fighting outside grew muted as they went deeper into the building.

  “Tej,” said Anara pulling at her sleeve. “If they're after Lucy and Joe, then we may not have much time. They are helpless. We need to get to their room.”

  “Right, this floor looks empty. Let's go straight to the isolation room.” Tej went to the bank of elevators, and one turned up as if on cue. They entered it and called out the sixth floor. It took mere seconds to make the trip. The doors of the elevator opened into another corridor. It was deathly quiet. Muted sounds of gunfire and quads flying outside could still be heard up here. This was interspersed with the soft sobbing of a woman.

  The commando led from the front, followed by Keisham. As they walked ahead cautiously, they found a nurse hiding behind a medical cart. Aisha looked unhurt and pointed towards the isolation room. They moved forward towards the isolation room just two doors further down the hallway.

  The commando stopped beside the door and with his back to the wall, gave a quick turn of his head and looked inside. The double pressure sealed doors did not allow him a good view. He motioned for them to stay behind, then rotated on his toes and kicked the first door open. As he fell inside, he found the emergency release and pushed it. The second door opened automatically, and then he burst inside catching a hail of bullet right on his chest. His body armour deflected a few but two found their mark, and he went down hard.

  With a cry of rage Tej pulled out her gun, but Anara held it with her own hands. “No, don't! There are innocent people inside.” Abhiram jumped across to the other side of the first door, his gun ready.

  “Whoever you are inside. We don't want anyone else to get hurt. Put down your weapon and let's talk,” Anara called out. Her heart was beating very fast. She would never be able to forgive herself if Lucy had been hurt.

  “So…. it is you, Captain. I was hoping to see you again. Stay where you are. Otherwise, I will kill Lucy. You have done enough damage. This will end now.”

  Anara had heard that voice before. But where?

  “You have the advantage over me then. I don't know who you are. Let me come inside, and I promise we'll talk.”

  “Have you already forgotten me, Captain Anara?” The tone was mocking. “Well, I haven't forgotten you. You destroyed my life, and for that, you will pay.”

  “I don't understand anything you are saying. Look - just give me a chance, will you? We'll sort this out, and then you can return home.”

  "Ha! Do you really want me to believe you? You are a liar. I can never trust you. Not after what happened on HuZryss when you pulled that stunt, exploding the bombs and threatening everyone.”

  “Captain…” a frightened voice called out tremulously from inside the room.

  “Lucy? Lucy! Are you all right?”

  “Shut up!” Biw snarled. “One more word from you and your baby will die with you!”

  “But she's your baby too, Jim!”

NHS Asvini - Standoff

  J ur was feeling infuriated, and its headache was now threatening to overwhelm the senses. It had kicked in doors and had already lost count of the number of people it had killed. Still, the bloodlust was not satisfied. Killing nameless and faceless strangers was not enough anymore. Where were Lucy and Joe? It blundered around the corridor, took a turn and came to a stop. It was a dead end.

  Shaking its head trying to get rid of the blinding pain, Jur turned around to find another way up. It turned back around the corner and stopped short. Five humans stood there blocking its path. Jur swung his rifle and let loose another barrage in one smooth motion.


  Have we taken a wrong turn somewhere? wondered Keith. Did Aisha say turn right or turn left at the main doors? Where was she? Why was the ComNet not working? And all that shooting - God! They'd better find the right room and get out of there before the police found them.

  He and his team climbed up the stairs and walked down another corridor just like the ones on the floors below. They'd nearly reached the end when they saw some movement around the corner. They hesitated for only one moment, but that was enough.

  The last words in Keith's mind, before the bullets found their mark, were - What in God's name is that creature? All five of them crumpled to the floor. Keith's dreams of glory evaporated in one instance. Like that of many others that night, his death too was painful and pointless.

  Jur looked down at the five dead men lying in front of it, mowed down by one burst of gunfire. Then it heard more shouting coming from the stairs, leading to the corridor. More people were coming up. No problem. Tonight was a good time as any for the humans to die. I need to find my way back down and find Biw. Surely this is the wrong building.

  Jur kept his weapon pointed towards the stairs and shifted it into full auto laser mode. It would use more power, but it could only be the Earth military coming up now. Who else would be foolish or brave enough to seek death?


  The ACP and others had been following the sound of the shooting. They'd been avoiding the elevators and had climbed up four flights of stairs. His instincts told him that they were getting closer. His earpiece chirped, and a voice told him additional troops had landed and the police had arrived as well. The situation in front was coming under control. The mob-frenzy had abated, and people were running away, leaving the injured and immobile behind on the ground, now strewn with dead bodies.

  He saw a few civilians and doctors crouching behind an overturned trolley and called out, “Where are they?” There was no reply, and the people seemed to huddle closer. Shell shock. He motioned to the team behind him to keep quiet and follow his lead and stepped cautiously up the last flight of stairs to take him to the next floor.


  The ACP and Jur fired at each almost simultaneously, each missing the other by a whisker.

  “Down! Get down! They're here!” he shouted as he scrambled back to the relative safety of the staircase. The laser had just missed his helmet, and there was a deep hole with dark singed edges in the wall behind him.

  “How many?” asked Rawat.

  “I could see only one in the corridor - a bloody four-handed creature. The others may be hiding behind him. He's dressed in some sort of armour. Any of you carrying any tactical grenades?” he was cursing his haste in entering a combat situation with only hand weapons.

  “I have one, sir,” said the commando, removing one from his side belt and handing it over.

  “Get your heads down,” he warned as he chose the stun setting and threw the grenade.

  Jur had already retreated behind the corner when the grenade flew towards it. The suit and helmet protected it completely. The optics went dark to protect it from the intense sound and flash from the grenade. It let loose a few more shots from the rifle when the heads-up display warned that weapon power was low. It was nearly out of bullets too. Shouldn't have wasted it on all those stupid people! Jur reached down and pulled out the trusted knife from its leg sheath. It would have to do. Jur peeped around the corner, just in time to see Shinde’s head poke up from the stairs. Both ducked back quickly.

  “Still only one and he's stopped firing? Why is that?”

  “I'll go up, sir, and flush him out,” said the commando.

  “Easy now, soldier. Stay where you are. This is not the time for heroics. We have him cornered. Let him make the next move.”

  West wing, INHS Asvini

  I t couldn't be! Not Jim! Why? The ‘human’ back on HuZryss. Joe and Lucy’s friend. What is he doing here?

  “Jim? Is that you? You are the mercenary?” Anara was dumbfounded.

  “Who's Jim? One of the humans from HuZryss?” asked Tej. “What's he doing here?”

  “Dammit, Tej! How the hell am I supposed to know? That’s what I am trying to find out,” Anara snapped.

  “Yes, it is me, Captain. In the flesh, as you people like to say. I've come to pay you back. Don't try to enter - I have a device with me. If it explodes all of us will die together. I am not lying like you were, back on HuZryss. I have nothing to lose. Tell her, Doctor. Tell her what you see.”

  “He's serious, Captain. He has some kind of device,” the doctor called out.

  “Okay. Okay. Keep calm, Doc. We'll get you out of there. Jim, please don't do anything rash, okay?”

  She turned to see Tej calling for backup. Abhiram was still standing close to the door, his gun in hand and a determined expression on his face. Tej motioned him to wait for the backup to arrive. She prodded Anara. “Keep him talking,” she mouthed the words.

  “Jim, why are you doing this?”

  “Funny you should ask that, Captain. What did you think would happen when you took my love and my child from me and left me behind in that godforsaken place? You took away from me the only family I have ever known!”

  “Your love? Your child? But I thought Joe was the…. the father?”

  “Joe? The father?” he laughed. His voice was at a high pitch. “Joe was not the father. Lucy loves me!” His rage was at its peak now, blinding him to everything around him. All that mattered was revenge. Somebody had to pay for what had happened to him.

  “No, Jim. I don't love you. Not anymore.” Lucy's voice was suddenly stronger. “I did love you once. But then you went and aligned with the TrueKifs. You were blinded by the thought of unlimited power. You stopped thinking about all of us. Once I knew I was pregnant, I could not bear the thought of my child growing up in your shadow. That's why I decided to leave HuZryss and start a new life.”

  “You didn’t just leave me there, Lucy! You killed me on HuZryss. I have always loved you and this is how you repaid me? You took my child, Lucy!” He was screaming now and he no longer cared. “You took my respect. Without the Chairman I would not have had the courage to live. It gave me a chance to seek my revenge on the people of Earth.” Jim spat on the ground. “I will take you back home with me. You will be mine and mine alone.”

  “Just look at yourself, Jim. I pity you. You have proven me right. You cannot be a good father. You don’t love me. You only love power. You desire what the chairman can offer you over me. I will never go back with you to HuZryss!”

  Jims eyes glinted with a manic hatred. His hands shook with excitement and fury. He shook his head to clear the effect of the headache. “Then you will die here but my child will go with me. And no one… no one can stop me.”

  Tej saw an opportunity opening with Jim getting distracted. She moved aside to let Lieutenant Keisham come forward to the right of the door. Between the three of them, they should be able to overpower the bad guy.

  They heard Jim move across the room and they distinctly heard the sound of a loud slap.

  Several things happened at once. Both the doctor and Joe leaped forward at Jim, who staggered back under their combined weight. Abhiram and Keisham burst through the doors together, with Anara and Tej close behind.

  Jim, Joe and the Doctor were struggling on t
he floor when a sharp wooshing sound was heard. Joe staggered back and fell against the bed, a singed hole in his chest. He was dead before his body hit the floor.

  Jim threw the doctor off and fired more shots at those charging in from the door. Keisham held his fire for fear of hitting the wrong person. That was a mistake. One shot hit him in the neck and without the protection of body armour, he fell on his face. Tej moved instinctively to protect Anara, and a shot caught her in the shoulder spinning her around. She collapsed as well. Blood seeped on the floor and Lucy’s screams filled the room.

  Abhiram raised his gun but found that the doctor was in his way.

  “Stop!” screamed Lucy from the bed - horrified at finding her friends getting hurt. “Please stop!”

  Before Abhiram could react, Jim had jumped up and he held his gun to the infant's head. “You move, she dies.”


  Jur was trapped. It removed the helmet and took a deep breath of the air on Earth. It put its head around the corner again. Just then Rawat peeked out from his hiding place. Their eyes met, and they recognized each other almost immediately.

  Jur exulted. It’s the military man from HuZryss. He was with Anara the whole time. Good. Revenge would be sweet.

  “Son of a …! It saw me. That's the leader of the TrueKif gang on HuZryss. It was a tough nut.”

  “You know him?” The ACP was incredulous. Rawat and Ryan nodded in affirmative. “What do we do about him?”

  “Do about ‘it’,” Ryan reminded them. “They're hermaphrodites, remember? No gender differentiation. When are your troops coming in?”

  “Any minute now. They have the location. We'll flush him out.”

  “Earthman? Major?” Jur's roar was a stark reminder of the menace facing them.

  “Why is he… Why is it calling you?”

  Rawat shrugged as the roar came again; this time bearing a challenge. “It seems that we have some unfinished business.”

  “Earthman! Why hide? Come fight.”


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