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The Visitor_New York 1871_1873

Page 10

by Barbara Svetlick

  James was sitting on the couch reading a book. Meeks nodded when he came in, sat down at the desk and went through his mail.

  “I thought you were going to Washington with Garnett?”

  “I couldn’t leave until we talked.”

  “There’s really nothing to talk about.”

  “I disagree. We have been friends for a long time and I’m not willing to give up that friendship so easily.”

  “Our friendship is fine.”

  “Meeks, you know it isn’t and until we talk it out it never will be.”

  “We’ll talk later.”

  “Where’s Mirisa?

  “In the kitchen fixing the children dinner.”

  “Is she still mad at me?”

  “Why don’t you go ask her? It’s probably safe since she’s unarmed at the moment.” He lit a cigar and opened the mail.

  James walked into the kitchen to find her at the counter mixing dough for biscuits. He watched her for a moment and walked up behind her wrapping his arms around her. Mirisa could feel the emotion in his body as she closed her eyes. He didn’t say anything but just held her. She turned in his arms and looked at him. There were tears in his eyes and she reached up and put her palm on his cheek. He took her hand by the wrist and kissed it. “I’m sorry.”

  Mirisa watched his eyes as he said it. “James, I’m the one who owes you an apology. None of this had anything to do with you and you didn’t deserve what I said. I’m sorry I took my anger out on you.”

  He pulled her closer and she knew he was working hard to control his emotions. She wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in the softness. The feel of her in his arms totally broke down any reserve he thought he had left.

  Meeks watched him and it was obvious that whatever triangle they had formed was as important to James as it was to him and Mirisa. He didn’t know if it was because of the many days and hours the three of them were alone but it had developed to the point that two couldn’t stand alone without the third.

  “Are you two going to spend all night crying or can we get something to eat?”

  James released her and she reached up and kissed him. James took out the pan for the biscuits but didn’t respond to Meeks. It was obvious that his love was as strong as theirs, but unlike Mirisa, showing it wasn’t something either of them was comfortable doing. Meeks took the dishes down and set the table giving James time to try to get control even though being in the kitchen with Mirisa might make that difficult. Meeks came back in and put on a pot of coffee and milk for the children’s cocoa as James started making eggs and ham. As the biscuits were cooking, Mirisa sat on the counter next to the stove. James moved the pan off the fire to the other side of her and reached around her for the large spoon.

  “You don’t do well when you brood James.” She kissed him lightly as he helped her down. “I thought you had to be in Washington for the session?”

  “They will have to handle life without me for a while.”

  Meeks picked up the pan to take to the table. “Then you’re staying here when we leave?”

  “You’re going?”

  Meeks put food on the children’s plates and Jonathan asked if there was cocoa which his mother brought out and filled his cup before kissing his cheek. Jonathan was getting so big and with Matthew’s help was actually starting to settle down though he was still very reckless. Maggie went over and asked James to pick her up because she missed him. James sat down with her and she cut open his biscuit and put a lot of butter on it before getting down and going around to her chair to eat. Maggie’s face was her father’s but her coloring was Mirisa’s.

  Mirisa took the children upstairs after dinner and helped bathe the twins and tucked them all into bed. They fell asleep instantly just from the exhaustion of the long ride home. Mirisa sat on Matthews’s bed and watched him as he slept. He was getting to be so handsome yet had none of his father’s hardness. Mirisa leaned over and straightened out the covers. James was standing in the doorway watching her.

  “You know it startles me every time I turn to find one of you watching me.”

  “Sorry. Do the children ever worry about you not being there?”

  “I don’t think so. They are all so used to the five of us that I think they are pretty secure.” She walked out into the nursery and started picking up the books and putting them back on the shelf. He sat on the window sill. “If anyone panics its Maggie but I think she is just a lot more sensitive.”

  “I need you.”


  “No, I just need to know if I need you that you will be there.”


  James rolled over as she sat up. “Mirisa, I am sorry. I didn’t understand.”

  “My actions with you and Garnett since marrying Alexander are far worse then what he did in Philadelphia. Sometimes I wonder why he married me when I would have stayed with him without marriage but I shall never think less of him or of his love for me. I don’t know if he understands that but I struggle with my own weakness. I love Alexander in a way that I have never loved another person.”

  Meeks was still in the library going over the books when Mirisa brought him a cup of coffee and sat on his lap. He slid the chair back and kissed her. “Is he feeling any better?”

  “I’m not sure. I think I really hurt his feelings.” Mirisa put her head on her husband’s shoulder. “I’m sorry I took it out on all of them when it was Dominic I wanted to shoot.”

  “He’ll work it out himself. Sometimes I wonder why you are married to me when all four of us love you so much and any time you want to shoot Dominic I’ll be your backup.”

  “You can make me laugh without trying.” She looked into his eyes and smiled as she put his hand on her heart. “As long as I’m in your arms I’m happy.”

  “Well, do you want to talk about Washington and whether or not I need to take away your gun?”

  “Sure, you can tell me why we are going again?”

  “I have to lobby for issues regarding Colorado and I have certain influences with lawmakers that are different than the others.”

  “So, essentially you try to convince them to vote on something that will be beneficial to you?”


  “Are the four of you as good at lobbying as you are at picking up women?”

  “No, we’re a lot better with women. Men are harder to influence except when you put loose women on the table.” He smiled.

  “How come men remain sexually attractive longer than women?”

  “You think we do?”

  “Yes, I think you have actually gotten extremely gorgeous over the last eight years where I think I’m just getting older.”

  “Yeah, I think twenty-four is a horribly old age. I believe I was a few years older than that when I first met you.”

  “Well, you were extremely gorgeous at that age too.”

  “We both know you really don’t think you are any less pretty now than you were the first time I met you. You just want me to tell you that you are prettier, sweeter, and more erotic now than you were at sixteen.”

  “Am I?”

  “Definitely, especially the erotic part. You will always be sweet even when you are standing in the middle of a room with your hands on your hip demanding explanations.”

  “Why did you fall in love with me?”

  “Because you touched me when I was trying to stop you, because every time you touched me you did it knowing that you were getting closer to my love even though I tried to hide it.”

  “I’ve been waiting for you all of my life.”

  “All of it?”

  “Yes, all of it.”

  “I am sorry I made you wait so long.” Meeks kissed Mirisa and she put her head back down.

  “When are we leaving for Washington?”

  “On Tuesday.”

  “Can we ride?”

  “To Washington?” He thought about it a moment. “It’s a little cold to take th
e children on a ride.”

  “They can take the train with Jasmine. Dominic can make arrangements to get them until we get there.”

  “I’ll make arrangements to put them on the train tomorrow since we’ll have to leave early if we’re going to ride.” He picked up his spoon and stirred his coffee. “Is there anything else you want?”

  “Chocolate and black stockings?”

  “Reading my mind again?” He held her tight.

  They put the twins, Jasmine and Dog on the train the next morning with their luggage. Her father changed his reservations so that he would be on the train with them and could get them checked into the hotel. They decided to let Matthew ride with them since it was a short ride. James took care of business while they were at the train station and they met him for lunch uptown. He stood up as they walked up to the table and she kissed him before sitting down. James looked at Meeks because they still hadn’t talked about anything. He knew that he was aware every time he was with Mirisa but he never said anything one way or the other.

  “Did they get off alright?”

  “They were fine when they realized that my father was going with them and Garnett and Dominic would be at the hotel.” She reached over and put her hand on his wrist. “You’re drinking more than normal. I think it’s time you two work out whatever it is men don’t talk about before we have to hide the whisky.”

  Meeks raised his eyebrows and James just smiled. They ordered lunch and she ordered coffee. They talked about the ride and decided to just stop when they were tired rather than worrying about routes or times. After lunch they shopped for long johns for Mirisa and Matthew which weren’t hard to find though she thought they were awfully ugly and wanted to know if they came in silk. James laughed and told her that he missed shopping with her.

  “It’s funny because what I miss the most is cooking with you.” She held up a pair of grey non-descript scratchy underwear. “Are you sure these don’t come in silk?”

  They left early Monday morning carrying only their saddlebags since they would be staying in a hotel overnight. The weather was cold but the sky clear. Meeks had wrapped her scarf around her face so that she didn’t get frostbite but her cheeks were still very pink. They made it to the southern part of Pennsylvania before they found an Inn to spend the night.

  “If I have to wear those wool things another minute, I will break out in hives.”

  “It’s been an awfully long time since I have heard you whine so much. I didn’t realize how much I missed it.” She threw the bar of soap at him. It slid across the floor and up against the door. Meeks bent down, picked it up, took off his clothes and climbed in with her.

  They arrived in Washington in the early afternoon and checked into the hotel. Their rooms were connected to the children so she immediately went in to see them. Dominic was sitting on the bed and looked up when Maggie let out a squeal. Mirisa bent down and kissed both children as Matthew talked to his father about the ride. She stood to leave when Dominic stopped her.

  “Are you going to stay mad at me?”

  “Probably not but I’m not quite ready to not be mad.”

  “Fair enough. It would be much faster if you would sleep with me.”

  “Do you ever think of anything that doesn’t involve making you happy?”

  “Whoa, you really are mad at me.” He pulled her into his arms and kissed her knowing she wanted to hit him. “Next time you hit me at least give me a warning so I can duck.”

  “I thought you had the keen ability to know when you were in danger.”

  “So did I but that one caught me totally off guard. I am sorry though.”

  “No you’re not.” Mirisa pulled out of Dominic’s arms and he smiled. “Fortunately for both of us we have two children otherwise I would have probably shot you instead of slapping you.”

  “You do still love me.”

  Mirisa went into her room and shut the door while Dominic went downstairs and found everyone at the bar talking politics. He ordered a bottle of whisky and they moved over to a table to talk. Meeks ordered dinner to be taken up for the children and went up to tell Mirisa that they were having a late dinner at the Capital Pub but it would be very political if she wanted to stay at the hotel.

  “And let you out alone? I don’t think so.” Mirisa was curled up on the bed rubbing cream on her toes. Meeks sat down at her feet and picked one up and started massaging the cream in as he talked to her. He then did the other one and put the rings back on for her. Meeks reached up and touched the heart around her neck. It was the only necklace she wore every day.

  As he slid it between his fingers he talked softly. “A lot has happened in such a short time. I remember the first time you held a gun.” Meeks smiled to himself as she watched his face. She wrapped her arms around her legs and put her chin on her knees as he talked. The details were so accurate it was like reliving each moment with him. He finally looked up into her eyes and she smiled. “We need to be downstairs in an hour.”

  Mirisa sat watching Meeks as he shaved. She loved the way his muscles moved. He wiped off his face and turned to say something to find her still watching him. He walked over and crawled up on the bed and kissed her. “Are you wearing just your camisole tonight?”

  “No, but it won’t take me but a moment to get dressed.” Mirisa slid off the bed and took off her rob and put on a pair of black stockings adjusting the seam as it ran up the back of her leg. He walked up behind her as she was bent over and ran his hands down her hips and kissed her neck. Meeks went over to the wardrobe and took out his grey suit. Mirisa slid on a light grey wool dress and put on her black boots. The dress was scooped but high with long sleeves. She pulled out her necklace so that it was on the outside of the dress before she tied her hair back in a black bow.

  Mirisa marveled at the beauty of the hotel as they descended the staircase. It was a very grand hotel with two large curving staircases on either side of the front desk. The rich mahogany was highly polished and inlaid with ivory. They all stood up when they saw her and she realized they were all wearing shoulder harnesses.

  The restaurant was equally elegant, very romantic and dinner was set in a private room. The waiter took her cape before he pulled out her chair. There were about twelve people already sitting at the table in deep discussions. The waiter asked Meeks what she would like to drink and he ordered whisky for both of them. There were no other women at the table and it was obvious that this was a high powered political meeting.

  No one seemed to notice that Mirisa was the only woman so she ignored it herself. She was surprised when her father came in. Dr. Eppes greeted several people before he came over and kissed her on the cheek. This caused most of the men in the room to look at her and wonder what her connection was with so many money men. The men talked for about an hour before dinner was announced and they slowly took their seats still discussing and arguing issues.

  Meeks sat down next to her while everyone else seemed to sit down to either continue their conversation or to get away from whatever conversation they had been trapped in. Her father was at the end of the table in deep conversation with what she assumed was a Congressman from his district. Mirisa didn’t engage in any conversations and politely didn’t eat much. Meeks excused himself and walked around the table to discuss the upcoming issues on Statehood. Garnett sat down next to Mirisa and reached under the table wrapping her hand in his as he leaned toward her.

  “Are you going to stay mad at me for a long time?”

  She looked over at him as she curled her fingers around his. “Don’t you think I should?”

  “No, I think you should only be mad at Dominic.”

  She laughed and several people looked at her but she didn’t notice. Meeks looked over and knew Garnett was trying to get her to talk to him. Meeks didn’t have any doubt that it wouldn’t take much for her to relent to all of them. Garnett talked to Mirisa for about twenty minutes asking her if she wanted another drink. She declined and asked for coffee.

  Meeks came over and she asked directions to the powder room and Meeks told her around the corner once she stepped out of the room. Mirisa stood and everyone sitting stood automatically. She left the room but instead of returning right away Mirisa climbed the stairs to the large window that looked out over the Capital. Washington was so beautiful at night. She sat down on the long bench in front of the window and watched the streetcars running up and down the avenue. It was such a beautiful city no matter what season.

  “Did we bore you so much that you had to find somewhere to hide?”

  Mirisa looked up and he introduced himself. Senator David Yarrows stood up against the window and talked to Mirisa for about twenty minutes before he told her they would be sending someone to locate her if she was gone much longer. David offered his hand and Mirisa stood and walked down the stairs with him. All four of them noticed when David and Mirisa came back into the room talking. Meeks put his arm around her waist and introduced her to the gentlemen who had held his attention.

  The waiter brought her a cup of coffee and she excused herself and sat down next to James. The waiter picked up the cup and put it in front of her. James talked to her quietly and Garnett realized her eyes were getting darker. She picked up her coffee and the waiter came over and asked if she wanted desert. They brought her a bowl of fresh fruit and whipped cream. James smiled and Garnett knew they were in trouble. Garnett looked at Meeks who turned to his wife. Meeks was going to kill James when they got back to the hotel.

  She ate a raspberry covered in whipped cream turning the spoon upside down as she took it out of her mouth. James was holding her attention as he talked to her about the purpose of lobbying. She picked one up with her fingers and put it in his mouth then used the spoon to eat another one. Meeks knew Mirisa wanted to kiss James because it was in her eyes. Meeks tried to get James attention but he was intentionally ignoring him. Dominic was standing at the end of the table with four or five men watching her. Garnett was so transfixed on her that the two men talking to him turned around and watched her. She fed the last one to James. The whole room was quiet and her father thought she could probably get any vote she wanted just by asking.


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