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CUTTER, 3 (Red Sin MC)

Page 5

by Alexa Rynn

  Ace glanced at Blaze. “It’s about Heather.”

  I relaxed a little bit. “Heather? What about her?” I turned around, uninterested again. My little sister was too boring to be involved in anything too crazy, she knew next to nothing about the life we lived. My father and I had always been extra careful about shielding her from all the bullshit we were involved in.

  Unless it came to injuries, Heather had taken some anatomy classes at the local college and was really good at cleaning people up and giving stitches. It was actually pretty impressive how fast she had managed to teach herself. I wasn’t sure it was completely sanitary but none of us gave two shits about things like that.

  “Is she okay?” Blaze asked Ace, his eyes were focused on the glass in front of him, his hands twisting in and out of his pockets as he emptied the contents of his pockets out in the center counsel.

  Ace shifted his feet up and down slowly in the backseat, dragging out whatever he had to tell us until the last possible second. “Depends on if you think hanging around with Criminal Reynolds is okay or not.”

  Blaze and I both spun around in our seats.

  “What the fuck did you just say?” Blaze asked, his voice growing dark.

  “Apparently, they’ve been spending time together,” Ace said.

  “Since when?” I demanded.

  “What kind of time?” Blaze demanded.

  “I don’t know, it must be pretty recent because I just started hearing about it in the last week or so but either way, it needs to be stopped. He’s not exactly the most honest kid and I doubt he’s hanging with your sister for his health.” Ace cleared his throat. “My boy spotted them down at village pizza about a half hour ago.”

  Blaze through the car into drive and peeled out.

  “Are you telling me that my little sister is sleeping with Criminal Reynolds, Ace, is that what you’re telling me?” I clenched my fists up tightly. “I’ll kill him.”

  “Not if I kill him first.” Blaze took a sharp turn and sped up.

  “I don’t think they’re having sex, she claims they’re just good friends.”

  “You’ve talked to her about this?” I asked him, shocked.

  “Earlier today.”

  “You talked to her about it and she still went to meet up with that fucking kid tonight?” Blaze sounded more pissed off than I’d seen him in a while. “Unbelievable.”

  “We need to be careful how we play this, technically we’re riding into Misfit territory and bringing our problems along with us.” Ace gestured for Blaze to take a right before he missed the turn.

  “No, he brought the problems with him when he decided to put his hands on my little sister.” I reached across Blaze and tried to lift my gun out of the other side of his jacket. “I can’t believe no one told me about this shit earlier.”

  I cursed myself for not paying better attention to my sister lately. How long had this been going on for? Maybe she was on to something when she bitched at me earlier about never calling her or checking in on her enough, I’d just been so caught up in the Grace stuff lately, and I’d figured my dad was still on top of things.

  Clearly, that wasn’t the case.

  Well, that was going to change. From now on my little sister was going to be watched like a hawk, even if I had to assign a personal guard to her so that she didn’t get herself into damn sticky situations like this one. Spending time with a guy like Criminal, what was she thinking?

  Blaze pushed my hand away. “You don’t need a gun right now, you’re still too worked up for that.” He slipped a fresh magazine into his gun, jiggling the wheel back and forth with his knees to steer.

  “Yeah, getting out of the car in Misfit turf is real smart with no gun.”

  “You two are exaggerating.” Blaze stopped in front of the pizza shop. “We’re on the edge of Misfit territory at a dead pizza shop no one goes to except fucking losers. Hence, why he brought Heather here, he probably wanted to make her feel special without actually being seen with her.” He glanced out of the window, disgusted. “What a fucking prick.”

  I swung the door open, sick of talking about it.

  I wanted to take action.

  I was at the door leading inside within seconds; Blaze and Ace close behind me. The pizza shop was pretty dead except for a few drifters and an older couple picking up their pizza. I scanned the room until I spotted the back of my sister’s head in the far corner of the building.

  She was leaning over some video game, Criminal standing in the back of her. He had his arms around her waist, trying to show her how to make the shot. My blood started to boil.

  Blaze followed my gaze and grew stiff beside me. “Really? Trying to show her how to play a video game? That’s the oldest trick in the book.” He shook his head. “What a pussy.”

  “I’m going to snap his head off his body.” I took off toward the two of them. The only thing I could see was red and a light blur of white. He picked the wrong night and the wrong guy to piss off.

  As fast as I was, Blaze reached the two of them first.

  He tore Criminal’s hands off of Heather in one hard tug, throwing Criminal’s body against the wall in the process. “Who the fuck do you think you’re putting your hands on?” he growled.

  My fist collided with his jaw within seconds, knocking it out of place. The pain that shot through my hand made me feel excited and thrilled, the anger of the last few hours started building up inside of me even heavier than it already was and I knocked him across the face a few more times.

  I could hear my sister screaming, climbing on my back. “No! Cutter! No! Please!” she begged, crying hysterically. “He didn’t do anything, he’s just my friend!”

  Blaze pulled her off me, holding her back. “Your friend? He isn’t any friend of yours, Heather.” He picked her kicking body up and lifted it over his head effortlessly. “I thought you were smarter than that.”

  Criminal looked up at me, not with fear in his eyes, but with hate. A small smirk came across his face. “It’s okay, Heather, everything is going to be okay.” He was talking to her but his eyes were on me, only reinforcing what I already knew to be true. He didn’t give two shits about my sister. This was all an attempt to get to me.

  “You don’t talk to her.” I grabbed him by the color of his jacket and yanked him closer to my face. “You aren’t allowed to talk to her ever again.” I let go of him and smashed the back of his head into the wall.

  The blood that spilled out of his wounds was a dark red, gushing down the back of his neck and all over his crisp white t-shirt. The look of pain on his face and the rich smell of the liquid made my insides jump.

  This was exactly what I needed right now.

  The only thing that would be better was Grace’s sweet cunt in my face.

  I made the thought go away so I wouldn’t get a fucking boner while I was beating the shit out of the creep that put his hands anywhere on my sister’s body.

  “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!” I could hear Heather screaming somewhere behind me. “Criminal, are you okay? You’re going to be okay, aren’t you? CUTTER! CUTTER! STOP!”

  “Get her out of here.” Blaze spat out, handing my sister’s body over to Ace. “Put her in the car, she shouldn’t be around for this.” Blaze watched Ace walking away with her, shaking his head back and forth.

  “I HATE YOU!” She told him. “I HATE YOU!”

  “You hate me now,” he told her. “You’ll thank me later.”

  “I’ll never forgive you guys for this,” she said tearfully. “Do you hear me? You’re both dead to me!” She was pounding on the back of Ace like she was criminal being carted away to jail against her will as the door swung shut behind them.

  Blaze was back beside me within seconds, cracking his knuckles back and forth as he looked down at Criminal. “Did you touch her?” His voice was serious, soft but laced with evil.

  Criminal spat a mouth full of blood out onto the floor and shrugged. “Maybe I did, maybe I di
dn’t,” he paused and tilted his head up toward Blaze. “But let’s just say she has a really soft touch if you know what I mean.”

  Blaze lost his cool, pulling him away from me and throwing his body into the pool table on the other side of the room. A bunch of balls went flying everywhere and glasses shattered on the floor.

  The few people who were inside that hadn’t taken off already ran out the door, not wanting to stick around for any trouble. I glanced behind the counter to make sure the owner wasn’t going to call the cops but if the guy standing there was concerned about Criminal, he didn’t show it. I was guessing he was a little tired of Misfits coming into his shop and causing trouble for everyone. It was probably nice to see one of them getting a taste of their own medicine for once.

  I would cut him a check for the damage later.

  Criminal cried out in pain then, the strain of what we were doing to his body taking such a strong toll on him that he couldn’t hold it on any longer. The sound felt like beautiful music to my ears.

  Blaze grabbed a pool stick off the side holder and snapped it in half over his knee without flinching. He threw one-half to me and then circled back and forth over Criminal’s pain filled body sitting in the middle of the table.

  “You’re going to stay away from her, you know why?” He poked him in the stomach hard. “Because I don’t fucking like you.” He thrust his hand back and smacked Criminal in the shoulder.

  He yelped loudly, clutching his body close.

  I tightened my grip around my own stick. This is what I meant about Blaze always being ready when you needed him the most. He might be able to control himself in any situation, unlike me, but he knew when it was time to get down to business, too. He knew when it was time to let go of that control and make someone pay for their sins.

  Heather wasn’t just my sister. She was his, too.

  “And if you don’t stay away from her…” Blaze circled around the table again and again. He looked like a crack head coming down from the best high of his life and was desperate for his next fix. “Well, then Cutter and I will be here every now and then to give you a friendly little reminder, won’t we, Cutter?”

  My pulse raced and my hands fiddled back and forth in anticipation over what was only seconds away. “Oh, sure.” I twisted my fingers deeper into the wood. “We’re really good at giving reminders.”

  We both bounced toward the table, taking turns hitting Criminal over the head with the pool sticks. All I could see was the blood in my vision, each scream he let out only egging me on to hit him harder and harder. I wasn’t sure how long it was before Blaze took my grip and guided it away from Criminal’s head and down to the lower part of his body.

  The message was clear.

  We wanted to beat the shit out of him but we didn’t want to kill him.

  Not today, anyway.

  I probably would have killed him if I could but Blaze was pretty good about knowing what was and wasn’t too far. I knew if he thought he deserved to die that he wouldn’t stop me. It was a miracle he’d even let me come considering my father had made it clear he wanted me to stay out of trouble for a while cause of that son of a bitch cop.

  Not that Blaze could control me.

  If I wanted to do something I would find a way to do it.

  This was my club. My world.

  And pretty soon I would be in charge of every soul in it.

  Blaze pulled me off Criminal eventually. He lay there, looking like a crumpled up napkin soaked in blood. The only indication that he was alive came from the soft moans he would let out every once and a while. Good, I hoped he felt it for weeks, the piece of shit.

  Blaze leaned in close to his crippled body. “The next time you even think about Heather, I want you to remember how you feel right now and ask yourself if you want to feel that way again.” He moved away from him. “Stay the fuck away from her.”

  He threw his pool stick on the ground and headed for the door.

  Heather didn’t speak to us the entire drive back to our dad’s house. She sat in the back seat, her head on Ace’s lap as she cried silently into his jeans. I assumed she could hear Criminal’s screams even from outside. That wasn’t my problem, though. I had done my best to shield her from my life and what we were involved in. She had brought Criminal to my front door, she had chosen this, and if she wanted to play make believe in my activities and with my enemies, I would bring her the real deal.

  My baby sister was in for a rude awakening. She shouldn’t be fucking with any guys, let alone ones associated with any of my damn enemies. Part of me still wished I had killed him right then and there.

  “I hate you,” Heather mumbled as she got out the car and ran toward the house as fast as she could. She tripped on the bottom stair, catching herself seconds before she smashed her head into the pavement.

  I rolled down the window. “Tell dad before I do.”

  The slamming of the door was my response.

  No one said shit on the drive back to the bar; everyone was too worked up to say much. My blood was still pumping strong, still overwhelmed with the wrath of earlier in the night. Giving someone a good beating had helped to relieve a little of my tension but it wasn’t enough.

  I wanted more.

  I wanted Grace.

  I wanted to stick my cock deep inside of her and look her in the eye while I drilled the fuck out of her, tearing that fucking pussy to pieces. I was going to make her my dirty girl tonight for sure.

  I took the steps up to my room two at a time, eager to get to her.

  I hoped she was ready for the fuck of her life.

  She was sitting on the bed when I swung the door open. She had a pair of pink shorts on and a black t-shirt. I could already see the outline of her nipples in her shirt. Fuck, she was so hot.

  She stood up. “Cutter! Thank God!” She ran to me and threw her arms around my neck. “I’ve been so worried about you! You haven’t been picking up your phone! And then I finally got my phone charged and I had this really weird message from Heather crying her eyes out and…”

  I pulled her off me and crushed my lips on top of hers. The kiss was hungry and nasty, dominated by my tongue and spit as my hands groped her perfect body, but I didn’t care, I didn’t want to waste any more time, I wanted to feel her on top of me.

  I wanted to feel her all over me.

  My bulge sprang to attention right away, thankful I was finally giving him what I had been thinking about for hours: my sweet Grace. I linked my hands under her legs and boosted her up so that her long legs were wrapped around my waist.

  God, she felt so good wrapped up in me like that.

  I grabbed her round ass through her shorts and gave it a hard squeeze while I continued to play tonsil hockey with her. She tasted like apple and smelled like cinnamon. The thrill got the best of me and I bit her hard on the lip while squeezing her ass again, this time so hard that it took up my entire hand.

  She gasped in shock but I ignored her, deepening our kiss and kicking the door shut behind me as I carried her over to the bed like the precious little angel she was, my precious little angel.

  I threw her body down on the bed hard. Her boobs flopped up and down as she fell, making me want to get her out of that shirt as soon as possible. I grabbed it and yanked it over her head before throwing it against the wall in the far corner.

  She looked up at me with wide eyes, fascinated.

  She had on a light green bra with tiny little flowers, her huge tits poked out of the top of the fabric, revealing epic cleavage. I leaned in closer and ran my fingers up and down her neckline before leaning in and sticking my tongue between her deep cleavage and giving it a few rough licks.

  I climbed on the bed, looking her up and down like the delicious piece of candy she was and the treat was all mine. I grabbed both of her giant boobs in my hands, bouncing them up and down in her bra while I looked her in the eyes. “Who do these boobs belong to, Grace?”

  She hesitated for a split secon
d. “Yours,” she whispered.

  I slipped my hand inside of her bra and squeezed hard. “That’s right.” I yanked one of her boobs out and then the other, slapping them back and forth a few times nice and hard before I took my finger and trailed it down her stomach to her belly button.

  Her eyes were on my fingers, wondering what I had up my sleeve next.

  “You know what else is mine?” I stopped at the waistband of her shorts and yanked on the elastic, letting it spring back onto her smooth skin. “That sweet, little pussy, Grace.”

  She turned orange and looked down.

  I loved the way she still got nervous whenever I said anything raunchy to her. It was such a fucking turn on. I reached out spanked her cunt a few times through her shorts. “Has my little pussy been thinking about me all day?” I ran my hand up and down her inner thigh, teasing her. I felt so smoldering, I just wanted to pin her down and do nasty things to her perfect little body.

  “I… Cutter.” She smiled shyly. “Of course, I thought about you.”

  “No.” I lunged my hand between her legs and started rubbing her sour spot tightly back and forth. “Has that tight little pussy been thinking about me, Grace?” I dug the tip if my nail into her harder. “Getting turned on about the thought of what was going to happen when I got back here tonight, huh?”

  “Yes,” she admitted.

  “Yes, what?” I pushed her.

  “Cutter,” she breathed. “Are you okay? You seem… tense.”

  “Yes, what, Grace?” I pressed her to say it again.

  “I was thinking about what would happen tonight and it was making me feel… nice.” She moved her flower into me more, enjoying how good my hand felt in spite of herself.

  “It was making you horny, baby?”

  She nodded. “So horny.”

  I grinned in satisfaction then moved my hand out of her legs and tugged on her shorts, pulling them down her legs and pushing them toward the bottom of the mattress. Her panties matched her bra and she blushed when I smirked. “Tell me how horny I make you, Grace.”


  I ran my fingers back and forth over the silk fabric of her undies. “I bet it made you wet.” I pricked the side of her pussy. “We’re you walking around soaking yourself in your panties all day while you thought about me, baby?” I could already feel her juices flowing freely.


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