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Page 9

by Tina Christopher

  Her father’s footsteps echoed through the house. Doors slammed.

  She should get up and ensure he tidied his shirt and check his coat, but lead sank into her legs at the thought of getting up.

  Not today.

  She dragged the platter with the cheese and biscuits close and ate. When the clock rang and drew her back to the here and now, Sarah realized she’d eaten everything. Frustrated at her lack of control and feeling slightly ill, she pushed her chair back and stomped to the kitchen.

  This mindless eating hadn’t happened in a while. She’d thought she’d left it behind.

  Sarah boiled fresh water and took the dried chamomile out of the cupboard for a soothing cup of tea.

  But even the hot beverage couldn’t chase away the chill deep inside her. She hunched over in an attempt to feel warm and strong again.

  Archer, blazingly hot behind her. Warren, pleasuring her with his mouth. The two of them together pushing her past all boundaries and rules.

  Her eyes slid closed. No matter what else happened, no one would ever be able to take those memories from her.

  And she wanted more.

  Sarah’s eyes sprang open and she checked the small wristwatch. She’d told the coachman to pick her up twenty minutes away from her house. If she wanted to be on time she’d have to get ready soon.

  She sat up straighter, tingles spreading across her body at the thought of seeing them again, at the pleasure they would visit upon her. But above all else, the knowledge she didn’t have to plan the next twenty steps ahead. She trusted them to take care of her.

  To keep her safe.

  Every muscle in her body softened as she remembered how safe and protected she’d felt in their presence.

  What would it be like to be with them openly and forever?

  For a moment Sarah froze completely. Joy and excitement swirled through her. But then her father’s and Kemmer’s images floated through her mind. She jumped to her feet and hurried into the entranceway to pull on her boots.

  She couldn’t allow herself to dream like that. No matter how advanced science had grown and how magical it appeared, magic still didn’t exist. Her exposure to men was limited, but she had read books and observed the male of the species whenever she had the opportunity. Beatrice had more opportunity to meet men, as her mother wanted her to marry well. And Beatrice had always said men rarely denied themselves anything they wanted.

  Sarah had been right before them.


  With everything on display.

  Chances were they couldn’t help but respond. All her life she’d been told she wasn’t pretty enough to entice a man and now suddenly two dashing and handsome bachelors wanted her?

  Sarah wasn’t familiar with Warren, but Archer’s exploits with the other sex were well talked about. And none of the women he’d been seen with had ever looked like her.

  She might wish for forever, but it would never come. She would squeeze every ounce of pleasure out of this dalliance. When it came to an end she would cherish the memories.

  But she would protect her heart, no matter what she had to do.

  With that resolution dominating her thoughts, she shoved her dreams and hopes into the deepest, darkest corner of her mind, so far down she could barely remember them.

  Sex was all she wanted. All she would allow.

  Sarah drew her coat from the wardrobe, put it on along with her hat and gloves. Ice spread through her chest.

  Her heart would not become involved. She smiled. Under no circumstances.

  Chapter Seven

  Archer drummed his fingers on the desk, forcing his gaze to stay on the papers before him and not wander off to the clock on the wall. Chances were only a minute or two had passed since the last time he had checked. It wasn’t as if they’d agreed on an actual time for her arrival anyway. She’d only said she’d come later.

  The speed of his tapping fingers increased. The words before him blurred and his mind wandered back, reliving the pleasure of having her in his arms, of bringing out the passion inside her.

  His cock swelled.

  And the sight of Warren pleasuring her with his mouth.

  He wanted him to do it again while he thrust deep inside her from behind. The clasp of her tight cunt with the occasional lick from Warren would drive him crazy.

  Warren had been magnificent last night. Archer leaned back in his chair, his eyes dropping closed as he remembered his lover’s torture. The featherlight touches, the teasing kisses, followed by his demanding thrusts.

  He rubbed his chest and hoped his words and touch had eased whatever worry had slid into Warren’s heart. His lover rarely became this demanding unless something gnawed at him.

  Archer had his own concerns about this unusual relationship they were attempting. All day his dominant thought had been, Today I want to pleasure her. Show her what she means to me while Warren watches.

  But he dragged himself away.

  This would never work if he competed with Warren for her affections. Complete trust was the only way their unusual relationship could succeed.

  Sarah was the one. They would make it work. There was no other option. He would not allow it.

  Archer sat up and picked up his pen. The little boy inside him who’d struggled all his life to live up to his father’s expectations and invariably failed every time finally settled down.

  They would succeed.

  He sank into his work until a sharp beeping roused him again. He looked to his shelf and the flashing light. With a smile he finished the last couple of papers and waited for Warren. He didn’t have to wait for long.

  “What kind of bloody stupid contraption have you dumped into my studio now? The blasted beeping nearly made me drop my palette.” Warren pushed through the door, his hair wild as if he’d run his hands through it more than once. Plus he’d acquired an indigo streak across one cheek. Archer thought it quite fetching.

  Archer settled his hands on his desk and smiled at his lover. “You look absolutely delicious.”

  Warren gaped. “Have you finally snapped?”

  “Why would you think that? I speak only the unvarnished truth.”

  Warren frowned and sank into one of the chairs in front of the desk. “It’s official, you’re insane. But no matter, make this annoying noise stop!”

  Archer rose, flicked a small lever beside the blinking bulb and sat back down.

  Warren crossed his arms across his chest and slumped back. “Almighty Archer, what has your genius mind concocted now?”

  He laughed. “Just an early warning for Sarah’s arrival. The coach just turned onto Kensington Court and will be here in about,” he pulled out his pocket watch, “twelve minutes.”

  Warren’s eyebrows shot up. “You what?”

  Archer smiled and tapped his crossed fingers against his lip. Warren had been in the zone and the early warning system had yanked him out of it, leaving him a little scattered. “You have about eight minutes to wash your hands and clean the paint off your face. Unless you want to meet her looking like William Wallace.”

  Warren rubbed his clean pinky across his cheek and grumbled when it came away blue. “Something has you in a good mood.”

  Archer only continued his smile. “Seven minutes.”

  Warren frowned as he rose, but asked no more questions. He must have decided cleanliness was more important than information.

  Archer shuffled the papers on his desk into a neat stack before straightening his cuff links. He arrived in the hallway just as Jennings accompanied Sarah through the back entrance.

  He smiled and kissed the back of her hand. “It is lovely to see you. I trust you are well?”

  “I am. Thank you.”

  It’s chilly here. She had surrounded herself with a wall of ice and appeared determined to cling to her pretense of wanting nothing more than a good time. Archer contemplated the next step. Warren had said they needed to reassure her, show her that they were open to more, but
he preferred the more direct approach.

  He turned her hand palm up and gently tugged on each fingertip of her glove. Her breathing flattened and with each pull it was as if he undressed something far less innocent than her hand.

  His smile deepened as he raised it and kissed her pulse. Her blood raced under the skin. Archer pressed his lips against it one more time and gave it a slow lick.

  A sound escaped her.

  Ah, there she is.

  She gasped when he repeated the teasing tugs on each finger. He put the second glove beside her first and turned over her hand. Her veins ran blue under the white of her skin.

  He captured her gaze as he teased her pulse with his lips. Her pupils dilated. Archer wasn’t sure what would have happened if Warren hadn’t interrupted them.

  “Sarah, how lovely to have you here again.” Archer stepped aside. Warren took her free hand and kissed the back of it before clasping it between both of his. “Are you ready?”

  “I am.”

  “Very good.” Warren set her hand on his arm and guided her toward the studio.

  Archer fell into step behind them. Warren might have been content to not push her, but Archer didn’t agree. They could not establish a strong relationship by hiding their feelings. There were enough secrets between them.

  He wouldn’t let her hide behind her wall of ice.

  “How is your father? Will he be speaking at the Hall about the Rigdon’s Banknote Verification Device?” Archer thought he saw a small spark in her eyes, but she only smiled.

  “Not that I am aware of. His teaching schedule is keeping him busy and you haven’t had time to study it just yet.”

  Archer scrutinized her. Her last words carried a bitterness he’d sensed before, but he only ever caught hints. Never enough to ask her about.

  “Would you like tea or anything to eat?” Warren asked.

  “A cup of tea would be lovely.”

  Archer walked to the corner of the room and picked up the speaking tube. He called the kitchen and requested a pot of tea, then pulled off his waistcoat and undid the top few buttons on his shirt, never looking away from her. Warren had prepared the studio for the session by turning up the heat and closing the window coverings. “Sarah?”

  She turned her head and smiled the blank smile that drove him crazy.

  Enough is enough. He strode to her, pulled her tight against his chest and kissed her.

  At first she was cold and unresponsive in his arms. But then she warmed to his touch. The stiffness drained out of her. She opened her lips to him. He rubbed his tongue against hers, her taste hitting his system and shooting straight to his dick.

  Archer pulled back, both of them panting. “If you want to fully explore and enjoy this dalliance to its fullest extent you have to allow yourself to feel.”

  Desire turned her eyes as blue as the ocean, the passion of her personality finally released. “I don’t know if I can.”

  “Would you prefer we go back to being artist and model?” Warren spoke from behind Archer. He joined them and stroked across Archer’s arse as he passed, out of Sarah’s line of sight.

  Her cheeks pinkened and she studied her toes. Before Archer could say anything, she straightened her shoulders. “I have agreed to a dalliance, but we never talked about involving emotions.”

  Archer kissed her again. If the walls around her had indeed cracked he would do whatever he could to widen the rifts. He intensified the kiss, guiding her deeper and deeper into passion, bringing her inherent sensuality, denied for so long, to the surface.

  Finally, when the need for air was as strong as the desire to dive even further into their desire, he released her.

  Her knees weakened and she stumbled against him. He tightened his arms around her waist. “Easy, darling, we’re right here.”

  Warren moved behind her until they’d sandwiched her between them. Sarah shifted until she could wrap an arm around each of their hips. Her head remained on Archer’s shoulder.

  Archer savored the moment. There was still a mountain of issues to work through, but right now he held the two most important people in his arms. And everyone appeared to enjoy the moment as much as he did.

  He kissed her forehead. “True passion and desire encompass everything—mind, body, spirit. If you want to experience every drop of passion we can surround you with, you have to decide to be with us completely.” He continued to rain gentle kisses along her hairline until he reached her ear. He sucked on her earlobe.

  Sarah slumped more fully against him.

  Warren spread his palm across her stomach and kissed down her neck.

  Archer’s cock grew harder. She stood between the two of them, accepting their touch, even inviting more, coming very close to his fantasy. He could only hope that she believed him. Of course they could have sex without her fully involved, but he wanted more.

  She only had to allow it.

  He tongued the rim of her ear until he grabbed the outer edge with his teeth. Her whole body tensed and he thought it had been too much, but then a low moan escaped her parted lips.

  Archer repeated the caress and her groan nearly drove him to his knees. He cleared his throat. “What will it be, Sarah? Do you want to explore this new world in all its depth or do you just want to skim the surface?” He captured her stubborn chin and lifted her head until she met his gaze. Storm clouds filled her eyes, her pupils dilated and her luscious lips well kissed.

  He had to clench his teeth to keep his growl contained. He wanted nothing more than to spread her across the sofa and feast, but he needed to know—he looked over her head at Warren—they needed to know if she really wanted to be with them.

  She licked her lower lip and looked between the two of them. After what felt like an age she finally appeared to come to a decision.

  Sarah had no idea what had happened. One moment she had been safe and sound behind the barrier she’d put in place between her and the world around her. All her life she had been an observer and not a participant in life, keeping distant with the exception of only a handful of people.

  It was a lonely but safe and familiar place.

  But then Archer had pulled her close and kissed her. His passion, the way he made no excuses, had burned through her blockade within seconds. Warren had filled the empty space on her other side.

  And now they wanted an answer.

  She studied Warren. His smiling lips, his beautiful eyes sparkled with humor, but also held a depth and a touch of vulnerability. Sarah wondered how much of himself he hid behind the charming smile. She lifted her arm from around his waist and cupped his cheek. The bristly feel of his stubble teased her senses. He captured her thumb in the wet heat of his mouth when she caressed his firm lips.

  Sarah’s breath sped up. Moisture flooded her already wet quim.

  Warren brought up his hand to support hers. He curled his tongue around the digit and licked the sensitive skin between it and the index finger.

  Her knees crumpled.

  Archer caught her. He always did.

  Warren released her finger and pulled her hand against his racing heart. He let her see that this meant more than them just making the most of an available woman.

  More than she expected.

  Behind her Archer’s hard member rubbed against her derriere. She wished her dress lacked the bustle. She wanted to feel him without all the fabric between them.

  She tilted her head and examined his dark, dark eyes. He was more like she and tended to hold back parts of himself. For a moment she wondered what had driven a strong and successful man like him to protect himself.

  He lifted her hand to his lips and pressed a soft kiss to her fingertips before copying Warren’s posture. The symbolism wasn’t lost on her.

  Her hands on their hearts.

  What to do?

  Sarah looked down and studied the grain in the wood floor.

  She’d thought she’d made her decision. Enjoy what they gave her, but don’t let them touch
her emotions. But did she really want that? All her life she’d watched what happened around her and never participated. Always held back, protected from feeling pain.

  Until yesterday she’d never taken the risk to live life.

  She leaned more fully against the men on either side of her. Their hearts beat beneath her hand, actually raced as if her decision was important.

  She’d never been important to anyone, not even her father.

  Oh for goodness sake, when do you expect an opportunity like this to ever come along again? You’ve been on the shelf for years. All you have to look forward to is ensuring Father doesn’t lose us home and hearth. If you give this everything you can, you’ll at least have the memories. For once you’ll actually live life.

  Sarah raised her gaze and straightened her spine. She grasped their shirts and pulled.

  They came without hesitation. Archer’s arm went around her shoulders, his hand rested on Warren’s chest. Warren wound his arm around her and Archer’s waists. Not even a puff of steam could have made it past them.

  Archer’s hand cupped her nape in a firm grip. “Tell us.”

  His demand shot through her, released that giant knot of emotions at her center. Her grip on their shirts tightened. “I want to experience everything.”

  And if pain followed the ecstasy she would deal with it.

  “Good.” He tilted her head and pressed her lips to his. He gave her a quick nip to the bottom lip he soothed away with his tongue before pulling her into another one of his toe-curling kisses. Their tongues rubbed and played tag, the men’s arms around her all that held up her shaking legs.

  Archer pulled back and it was Warren’s turn. His kiss started out softer, his lips firmer, but less overwhelming. Or so she thought until he framed her face with his hands and pulled her into the vortex of his kiss. Sarah thrust her hands into his hair and hung on.

  Every part of her body was ablaze with need and demand. Each lick, each caress fanning the flames.

  She wasn’t sure if she could go on for much longer. She needed more but didn’t want to give up the kiss. Just as she thought it would be too much Archer cupped her breasts, her back to his front. She wore only a half corset, leaving the sensitive tips of her breasts uncovered. His touch shot through her. She arched her back, trying to increase the pressure of his hands.


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