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Work Like You Don't Need the Money (Summer Lake)

Page 19

by SJ McCoy

  “No thanks.” She'd deliberately asked him to wait in the kitchen. She hated bringing him here at all. It wasn't that she was ashamed of the place. To the contrary, she loved her little townhouse, though she knew it was small and ordinary compared to Pete's massive place at the beach. It was more than that though, she didn't want to fill the place with memories of him. So she'd confined him in the one room she could easily avoid.

  “I won't be long.” She crammed clothes and toiletries into her bag and closed it. She'd hardly been here in the last few weeks. She looked around, knowing that she'd more than make up for her absence, moping around for the next few.

  She joined him in the kitchen. “Ready to go?”

  He frowned. “What's the rush? We could hang here?”

  That was the last thing she wanted. “No, let's get going.”


  Pete looked at Holly curled up on the sofa in the den. He'd gone to get them another glass of wine and come back to find her with her eyes closed, knees curled up to her chest. Beautiful. She was so capable, she'd taken care of so many details over the weekend. So strong, she stood on her own two feet, as she kept reminding him. So independent, he'd noticed she didn't readily accept help from anyone, not just him. Yet curled up like that, she looked so vulnerable, he wanted to take care of her. He didn't want to step in and be the 'Bigshot' she so often accused him of being. No, he just wanted to be there for her. With her. Stand beside her as she fought her own battles. Be her soft place to land when she needed one. He shook his head. Not happening. He needed to stop thinking like that.

  She opened her eyes and smiled at him. “There you are. I've told you, the service is terrible in this place.”

  He laughed. “Here's your wine, impatient one. I was just admiring the view.”

  He sat back on the sofa and pulled her head into his lap. “Go back to sleep if you want.”

  “I wasn't sleeping. Just resting my eyes.”

  He smiled. “Then rest them some more.” He felt her relax.

  “Mmm, maybe just a minute.” She closed her eyes again.

  He stroked her hair and stared out at the ocean, trying not to think about what he'd do this time next week when she was gone.

  As he watched the last pinks and golds of the sunset fade, Pete realized she was fast asleep. He shifted, hoping not to disturb her as he got to his feet.

  She opened one eye. “Sorry, Bigshot. I'll bet you're not used to 'em falling asleep on you, are you?”

  He had to laugh. “I'm not! See, I told you you're bad for my self-esteem.” He picked her up. “I think it's time to call it a night, Sweetheart.”

  Her arms came up around his neck as he carried her upstairs and she kissed his chin. “It's early.”

  “Yeah, but it's been a busy weekend and we've both got work in the morning.”

  She ran her fingers down his throat. “I could keep you awake for a while.”

  “You could?” He felt his interest stirring. “And why would you want to do that?” He held her eyes as he nudged his bedroom door open with his hip.

  “Because I want you.”

  He lay her down in the middle of the bed, “You do?”

  She bit her bottom lip and, taking hold of the hem of his T shirt, pulled it up over his head and off. He loved the way she looked at him. She wasn't shy about the fact that she found him so attractive. She ran her hands down his chest.

  “I do.”

  “Then I guess you'd better take the dress off.”

  She smiled and crawled to the edge of the bed, where she got off and stood up. “Why do you have such a big bed?”

  Sometimes she said the damnedest things at the strangest moments! “Because I'm such a big guy?”

  He felt the strain in his boxers as she eyed him. “You can say that again. Show me.”

  He unfastened his jeans and kicked them off, boxers too, so that he lay naked on the bed as she stood fully dressed beside it. “Take the dress off, Holly.”

  She met his eyes. “What if I don't want to?”

  He loved the way she teased. “The dress is coming off,” he kept his voice low and commanding.

  She took a step away from the bed, eyes shining. “You can't make me.”

  “Oh, but I can, Sweetheart and I will.” The thought of doing so was making him harder. He got up from the bed and she backed away with a come-get-me smile. He lunged but she dodged, taking another step backwards, but not, he noticed, too far out of reach. This time he caught her wrist and pulled her to him. She wriggled, but didn't make too much of an effort to get away.

  “Last chance. Take the dress off.”

  She shook her head, her skin was flushed, nipples erect, completely aroused as she waited to see what he would do. He wrapped an arm around her waist and slid a hand inside her panties. His fingers explored her damp folds and he bent his head and nibble her neck, drawing a moan from her.

  “Surrender?” he murmured.

  “Never!” She tried to pull away, but he spun her around to face the dresser.

  He met her eyes in the full length mirror that stood between two chests of drawers. “Are you going to take it off?”

  She shook her head, her breath coming quickly as he continued to work the bundle of nerves between her legs. He leaned forward, pushing her down until her arms shot out to support herself on the drawers. He moved fast, lifting the back of her dress so her naked ass cheeks were exposed as she bent before him. Grateful she was wearing a thong, he hooked a finger in it and pulled it to the side. The sight of her like that, flushed face and breasts in the mirror, tight little ass bent in front of him, had him aching to be inside her. He held her hips steady and nudged at her heat. He lost it when he felt how wet she was and plunged deep. She gasped as he thrust inside her over and over, picking up his pace as he watched the pleasure on her face. He found her nub and worked her with his thumb as he drove into her. The heat began to build in his veins. He dropped his mouth to her neck, kissing and nibbling, sending her over the edge. Hearing her scream his name took him with her. Her tight wetness closed around him and he exploded, filling them both with his heat.

  He lay on the bed staring up at the ceiling. How the hell was he supposed to let her go? She made him laugh. She made him think. She made him question everything. She made him horny. So damned horny. She made him come like no woman ever had. She made him happy. She emerged from the bathroom. She was still wearing the damned dress. She made him hard again! He felt his erection grow. How was that even possible so quickly?

  She met his eyes with a smile. A soft, shy smile, no teasing in her eyes now.



  “Take off the dress.” He held her eyes and felt the change in her. She said nothing, but he knew this time she'd do it for him.

  She reached down and lifted the hem, pulling the whole thing up and over her head. She stood naked before him. His cock was fully erect again, eager for her to come join him on the bed. He sat up against the pillows.

  “Come here.”

  She climbed up onto the bed and he pulled her on top of him. He held her hips and moved against her as she sat astride him. Then he raised his arms above his head and held the headboard, giving himself up to her. “I'm all yours.”

  Her fingers closed around his shaft sending a tremor though his body as she guided him inside her. Oh, so slowly, she lowered herself onto him, driving him crazy as she sat up tall, stroking his chest and gently rocking her hips against him, holding him tight inside. The view from down here was one he knew he would never forget. Her pert breasts were swollen, her perfect body moving with his, using him to take her pleasure. She was biting down on her bottom lip and he could feel by the way she was closing around him she was about to lose it. She started to move faster on him, he knew he could take her over the edge any moment he chose.

  But she took him.

  “I'm all yours, Pete.” Her words filled his mind and his body. They were the heat t
hat surged through his veins. He let go, claiming her as his own, filling her with his hot need. He pulled her down to him, holding her tight to his chest as he thrust up. She closed and clenched around him as her words reverberated through his veins and his soul with every thrust. 'I'm all yours, Pete.' Whatever plans he might have, his body knew the truth and was claiming it. This woman was his, just as he was hers.


  Holly came downstairs to the smell of coffee and bacon. She felt a little edgy this morning. It was strange to be starting a weekday together. It was more than that though, she couldn't believe she'd said that last night. 'I'm all yours, Pete.' Really?! Yes really. It was the truth and, as per her stupid usual, she'd spoken her truth. He'd been so sweet too. He'd held her close afterward, told her how special she was, how beautiful. Stroked her hair. Gazed into her eyes. Poor Pete. He was truly such a decent man. He was trying to make her feel better. They both knew she wasn't really his. If only she could keep her big mouth shut.

  Oh God! Pete dressed for work was a sight to behold. Pale blue shirt, light gray pants, suit jacket draped over the sofa. She could go for a few more CEO fantasies right about now.

  “Hey, Sweetheart. Want some coffee?”

  “Yes, please.” If only this was her real life.

  “Come sit outside with me? I told you making breakfast for you could become a habit.”

  She followed him outside, wishing it was a habit that wouldn't have to be broken in a week.

  Pete dug into his eggs, grinning at her. “So, I figure I could drop you off at the store on my way in. Will you have time to meet me for lunch?”

  She shook her head. “We've got a big delivery today. I'll be lucky if I get time to even eat lunch.”

  Pete frowned. “You have to eat!”

  “Sweetie, I don't always get chance.”

  He was still frowning. “What time will you be done tonight?”

  “Probably not until seven or so.”

  “Okay, I'll come for you at seven. If you're not done, I'll help you until you are.”

  She almost choked on her coffee. “You don't need to do that!”

  “I want to do that, Sweetheart. Then I thought we could go out for dinner, if you'd like to?”

  “I'd like to, but…”

  “No, buts. It's decided. I'll be there at seven.”



  How could she tell him everything she wanted to say? “Thank you.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  As he sat in the restaurant waiting for Holly, Pete fiddled with his phone. He couldn't believe it was Wednesday already. On Monday he'd had Judy call the store and ask for Roberto. He'd found out from him what Holly and each of her staff liked for lunch. He'd driven around himself to three different places to get their favorites, then delivered it in person. It'd taken a great deal of willpower to not stick around, but he'd simply given Holly a quick kiss and left. He'd gone for her at seven, but she'd refused to let him help, sending the others home and locking up instead. He'd taken her to his favorite restaurant then taken her home and made love to her.

  Yesterday he'd done the same. Roberto was a very willing accomplice. He'd delivered lunch to the store again, this time with flowers for each of them, including Roberto. He grinned to himself, remembering how touched Roberto had been. Last night they'd swum in the pool, eaten a simple supper, and then walked hand in hand on the beach, chasing each other through the surf. Then they'd gone home and made love all night. He couldn't think of it as anything else. He made love to her. She made love to him.

  When she'd spoken those words on Sunday night, they'd changed everything. 'I'm all yours, Pete.' They were the truest words ever spoken. They'd melted the defenses around his heart and he knew it was going to get broken. He knew because he was the one about to do the breaking. True as those words were, yes they changed everything, but at the same time they changed nothing.

  Maybe in a few years they'd still be true. He hoped that by some miracle they would be, that she'd still be his by the time he was ready. He didn't believe in miracles, though. On Sunday they would say goodbye. He had to.

  He was still hoping that she'd agree to implement her ideas for the plaza. That she'd take the consulting job, and the big fat fee that went with it. He didn't hold out much hope, though. He wanted to maintain at least some connection, he wanted a safety net. Holly, on the other hand, was more courageous. He was quite convinced that he may never see her again. That she'd make sure of it, give herself the time and space to heal, put it all behind her. He understood that.

  He looked up as he sensed her enter the restaurant. He was aware of the heads that turned as she passed. She was stunning, her long brown hair flowing around her shoulders, long lean body moving gracefully as she made her way toward him. She wasn't aware of them though, to be fair she never was, but in this moment her attention was all focused on him, smiling, amber eyes shining as he rose to greet her. She didn't stop until she was wrapped in his arms, planting a tender little kiss on his lips.

  “Hey, Sweetheart.”

  “Hey, Bigshot.”


  Holly rested her head back against Pete's shoulder. They'd had a fabulous dinner, a wonderful evening. Now they were sitting out looking up at the stars on one of the pool loungers, his arms around her waist, her back to his chest. She breathed a big sigh and felt his arms tighten.

  “Penny for them?”

  She smiled. “Just breathing in the moment.”

  He kissed her neck. “It's a good moment to breathe in.”

  She pushed away the sad thoughts that threatened to flood her mind, couldn't let herself think about how few moments they had left.

  “Have you thought any more about the plaza?”

  Had she ever. She'd been in constant battle with herself. “I have.”


  “And I still don't know, Pete. There's so much to consider.”

  “It'd be a good move for you.”

  He was right, as always. In many respects it would be. She'd love the chance to work on it. The money wouldn't hurt either. It could be the beginning of a whole new career.

  “What's stopping you?”

  That was the problem. HE was! How could she work with him, even just work for him and not BE with him?”

  “You know what's stopping me.”

  He was quiet a long time then. “I told you, I can take myself out of it. You can work with Ben and Jack.”

  “Maybe so, but I'd still be hoping to bump into you all the time.”

  Again, a long silence. “I'd be hoping to bump into you, too. Might even have to engineer the occasional 'chance' meeting.”

  Her heart leapt, then sank again just as quickly. “Yes, but that's all it would be, isn't it?”

  He pulled her closer, but said nothing for a long time. “It's not all I want, but it's all I can offer.”

  She nodded sadly. “And that's why I'll probably end up saying no.” She felt the tears prick behind her eyes, glad he couldn't see her face.

  “I won't see you at all, will I?” he asked.

  She shook her head, unable to speak.

  “What if I promise not to engineer anything? I don't want to screw up what could be a great opportunity for you. Could you do it then?”

  She shrugged, still not wanting to risk trying to speak around the lump in her throat. She would love to take the project, but she knew if she did, it would be in large part just a way to keep a connection with him. She desperately wanted to leave a door open, some chink of hope. She knew deep down, though, that what she really needed to do for her own sanity was to cut all ties.

  “Please do it?” His voice was low and husky.

  She didn't answer.

  “Think about it, Sweetheart.”


  Pete sat at his desk, drumming his fingers. He'd taken care of everything he was going to before leaving for the wedding. In a couple of hours he was suppos
ed to pick Holly up from the store and head out to the airport. Smoke was going to have a busy night of it, he'd be taking them and Nate up to the Lake, collecting Dan and Laura on the way. Emma wanted them all to get there as early as possible, tomorrow would be a crazy day getting Gramps' place set up before the rehearsal dinner tomorrow night.

  He'd been toying with an idea for the last hour. He didn't want to go tonight. He pressed the number one on his phone; Jack's speed dial.

  “Yo Bro!”

  “S'up, Partner?”

  “Doing great. It's all coming together. What time you going to be here?”

  “I'm not.”


  “I was going to feed you some crap about not being able to get away tonight.”


  Pete drummed his fingers on his desk, trying to figure out what to say.

  “Fuck the plan, Pete!”

  Pete stared at the phone in surprise.

  “Bro, I do know you better than anyone. You don't want to come up here tonight because you want one more night alone with Holly. True or false?”

  Pete let out a short sigh. “True.”

  “So do it! Come up in the morning. But man, you're a fool. If she's got you this bad, you need to say fuck the plan and start working on a new one. One that includes her.”

  “It's not that simple.”

  “It could be.”



  “It's how I live my life.”

  “Well, change it! Adapt, overcome, survive.”

  “You don't get it, Bro.”

  “Too damned right, I don't, Pete. Maybe we're just different. I've never known much love in my life. When I found it with Em, nothing, and I mean NOTHING, was going to get in my way.”

  Pete sighed, Jack had gone through more than most men would stand for to win Emma's trust.

  “Maybe it's different for you. You had a different childhood, always felt loved, so you're not hanging onto this the way I have. But Pete, if you let love walk away, you'll always regret it. Life doesn't always give you second chances, you know.”

  “Who said anything about love?”

  Jack laughed. “You and Holly, every time you look at each other!”


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