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The Mating Power

Page 3

by Marcy Jacks

  Zack still screamed, however. He was totally ashamed of himself and he was never going to admit it to Mike that it happened, but he was ashamed of himself for shrieking like that.

  Those wings kept right on whooshing, and though it seemed to take them a little while before they made it up into the colder sky, they really weren’t there for long, despite clearing five blocks in less than a minute.

  Shit, flying was… fast. It wouldn’t have taken them long to walk that, but when Tory came down to land on the roof of a tall condominium, setting Zack down on his feet, he found himself standing firmly.

  His legs didn’t shake. He wasn’t overcome with the relief of being back on something solid. Zack hadn’t been in the air long enough for his body to register the change.

  He kind of wished it had lasted longer, because now that he was up here, he’d wished he’d kept his eyes open to enjoy the view from Tory’s arms.

  “What do you think?”

  Zack looked over the city. The sky in the distance was a dusty pink, purple, and even a little yellow and blue.

  He didn’t want to look at that, however. He wanted to look into Tory’s green eyes.

  “That was amazing. Thank you.”

  He didn’t have the words to describe how that felt. How amazing and scary it was to have his feet off the Earth for even ten seconds. He wished it had been longer so he could take in the real feeling of it. Not so much the terror, but everything else. Even the way his stomach dropped was amazing.

  There was a rush of adrenaline pushing through him, and the way Tory kept smiling at him, as though Zack was the cutest thing he’d ever seen, really boosted Zack’s confidence.

  “What is this? Is this real? I feel like I can see inside your head.”

  “I know,” Tory said, and even though he was a complete stranger, and Zack didn’t consider himself the sort of guy who slept around a lot without at least going on a couple of dates, he didn’t mind it when Tory put his hand behind Zack’s neck. “Which is how I know you’re going to love this.”

  He pulled Zack forward and up, and Zack didn’t want to be all cliché about it, but the instant their mouths touched, it was as though he’d never breathed before in his life, as though only just now he was getting the chance to experience what it was like to really be alive.

  And he wanted more of that. He wanted so much more of it that he wrapped his arms around that wide neck and pushed himself closer, until their heated bodies were pressed up together and Zack could feel the firm heat of the man’s dick through his jeans.

  A thrill of excitement rushed through him, because if he was only feeling that right now, he could only imagine what the real thing was like.

  Pretty exciting stuff.

  Wasn’t he the guy who swore he’d never sleep with a dragon? Now he was practically dry humping one, and he wasn’t even ashamed of himself. Not even when Tory pulled back from him, a gasp escaping both of their mouths as they looked at each other, really taking it in.

  “I think I’ve been waiting for you my whole life.”

  “Wow, really?” Zack wasn’t being too sarcastic. “You say that before having sex with every human you meet?”

  “Not at all. Let’s get inside, I don’t want any other eyes on you when I get you out of your clothes.”

  Zack was about to say that he didn’t think there were any other eyes around for miles, but then he realized, oh right, dragons. They weren’t just natural flyers, but they also had the sort of eyesight that a human needed to pay a few hundred dollars in camera lenses in order to compete with.

  “Do you, uh, think those other dragons you chased away might be watching?”

  “Anyone could be watching, but don’t worry, I’ve got you,” Tory said, leading Zack toward a door.

  He’d been so focused on the kissing and being up in the air that Zack hadn’t fully paid attention to where he was. He’d thought he was just on some random person’s roof, or even the common area to a condo. Nope. When Tory used a key to open the nearest door, Zack could see the inside of what was clearly a luxury condo apartment.

  Meaning the chairs, decorative plants, and even the pool, all belonged to him.

  “Wait, this is yours?”

  He looked outside, then back in just to make sure he was seeing things right. What he’d assumed to be a black wall was actually a wall of tinted windows. Only then did he notice the shine on them as the sun hit.

  Of course they were windows, and inside was the most spacious living area he’d ever seen in the city.

  The high ceilings, bright space, open concept, and furniture that looked brand new and designer gave him the impression he was way out of his depth.

  “Uh, are you sure we… well, never mind.” He’d almost asked if Tory was sure they should be here, but of course Tory was supposed to be here, he’d come in with a key.

  Tory looked at him, and it was clear from the expression on his face that he was doing that thing that allowed him to see inside of Zack’s head. His expression softened. He reached out, taking Zack by the hand and squeezing his fingers with a surprisingly gentle grip.

  “You are meant to be here. This is for you now.”

  Zack shook his head. “Uh, maybe we can take this one step a time for now? Until I’m not horny and can think with my actual head, would that be good?”

  Tory laughed at him, and with that sound, Zack suddenly wasn’t so nervous, even if he still felt like someone was going to stop him and check his pockets for stealing.

  “Sure thing. We can do that after I make you howl my name.”

  Chapter Four

  Zack was almost scared to see what this guy’s room would look like if this was house. Apartment. Condo. Whatever it was.

  Thankfully, they didn’t get that far since, when they started kissing again, that addictive feeling returned and they couldn’t seem to stop.

  Tory ended up inching Zack toward the sofa.

  Maybe the door to his bedroom was on the other side of the living room, but either way, they didn’t make it over there as they collapsed on the leather loveseat, which was damn near too small for the both of them. At the same time, it was perfect, forcing their bodies to be in even closer proximity to each other.

  The heat from their bodies was almost too much to handle. Zack had never been with a guy who heated him up like this. There had been the guys who tried, who did nothing for him at all where it was awkward all the way before, during, and after.

  This was different. This swept him away, and he wanted to go with it.

  He never wanted to stop.

  Tory pulled at Zack’s clothes, and Zack fumbled to help him. His brain seemed to struggle to send all the right signals to his brain, however, because the more Zack tried to help him, the more he fumbled and cursed.

  What the hell was going on here?

  “I got you,” Tory said, kissing him on the mouth one more time. “Don’t you worry. I got this.”

  “I know. I still want to help.”

  “You will,” Tory said with a low growl, but it didn’t scare him. A dragon’s growl was always something that meant a man was either in massive trouble or about to get the best sex of his life.

  Zack knew he was going to get the latter, and he intended on going for the gold here because there was no way he was going to lie back and do nothing. He wanted to participate, and that was exactly what he was going to do. So if he couldn’t get out of his own clothes, then he was going to get Tory out of his instead.

  He started with the man’s belt. That was the spot that made the most sense to start with, and it got him what he wanted the fastest, which was his hand around Tory’s cock.

  He finally got the chance to feel it with his own fingers, to have the heat and length around his palm.

  Holy shit, the guy was blessed to say the least.

  Tory’s eyes slid to half-shut. He pressed his lips together in a soft moan before looking at Zack with those glowing green eyes one more time.
r />   “That’s what I want,” he said, suddenly attacking Zack’s lips with that mouth of his.

  Zack was entirely helpless against this attack, and he surrendered to it, white flags waving all day long if it would give him more of this deliciousness.

  Tory seemed to forget about undressing Zack for a hot minute as Zack stroked him. He couldn’t even use one hand to do it. Zack had to get both of his hands down there to put maximum effort into it. That was fine. That was perfectly all right as far as he was concerned because he wanted to memorize the feeling of Tory’s cock before the other man pushed it inside him.

  He had no doubts in his mind that he was going to bottom here. He didn’t get the impression that Tory, let alone any dragon, would let a human nearly half his size take control, and that was more than all right with him. He wanted to be fucked. Put on his hands and knees and taken harder than anyone had ever taken him in his life.

  Zack got impatient for it. He thrust his hips forward and up, desperately trying to get at any kind of friction he could while giving Tory the pleasure he needed.

  He wanted more. He wanted to be taken. He wanted to be filled with this man’s cock and he wanted it all day, all night, until this desperation was something he could handle without feeling like he was going to lose his mind.

  “Fuck me,” Zack begged, turning his mouth away so he could keep talking, but that sense of too much heat, too little air, was coming over him. “God, please fuck me.”

  Whatever this was, he needed it to come to its conclusion sooner than later, or there was going to be trouble.

  Tory seemed to know exactly how Zack wanted it, too. He pulled back for only a second, long enough for the air between them to chill, but then, with those powerful hands, he took Zack by his hips and flipped him around.

  Zack instinctively pushed himself to his hands and knees, glancing behind him as his already undone jeans were lowered down around his thighs, exposing his ass.

  “You want this inside you?” Tory took his cock in hand, pressing the thick head up and against Zack’s crease, making him shiver as the other man thrust against him.

  Zack nodded, his elbows trembling as he struggled to hold himself up. “Y-yeah.”

  God, as if that was his voice. Did he really sound like that? He hoped it was just in his head because that was pathetic.

  “You’re fine,” Tory said, doing a little more of that mind reading of his. “You’re perfect just the way you are.”

  “Are you sure you can’t actually read my mind?” Zack asked. “If you are, maybe you could tone it down just a little.”

  He looked back just as Tory reached for something. The little bottle he’d produced from a small table drawer behind the loveseat immediately made him jealous. He didn’t like the idea that Tory was fucking other people so much that he had to hide lubricant around his condo.

  “I can’t read your mind, as in that little voice you have inside your head. I don’t have access to that,” Tory said, popping the cap open and pouring some of the clear slick into his palm. “You can’t hear my little voice either, but if you try hard enough, we can figure out what the other is thinking. It happens with a true mate. I know you’re mine even before I’ve stretched you wide on my cock.”

  Zack shivered. “Well, that’s comforting.” And it explained just a bit why he couldn’t read Tory’s mind but he seemed to be a natural at figuring out what was going through Zack’s head. “Anyway, you don’t have to do that too much. A little mystery to the romance never hurt anything.”

  Tory leaned in, kissing the back of Zack’s neck and his back. “I’ll try my best, but we’re new to each other, and your thoughts are shockingly loud.”

  “They are?” Zack was a little horrified by that, but then he wasn’t embarrassed by anything as he felt a thick, blunt finger pushing inside his hole, stretching him wide. He gasped, jumped a little, then softened, sighing. “Oh God.”

  “Tight. Is this your first time?”

  He sounded hopeful, and Zack was a little sad to disappoint him. “No. I just… don’t get around much. You’re the first dragon though,” he added, hoping that would be enough to make the other man happy.

  It made him happy, for some reason. Maybe it was the idea that he was going to be able to give him some form of first.

  It felt like a first. The trust he had to have, the nerves, the fear that he might not do well enough or that he was being too obviously nervous. That was all there.

  “You don’t have to be my first for this to be perfect,” Tory said, wiggling his finger around before inserting another one. “To be honest, I know it makes no sense, but I am glad I get to be the first dragon who takes you. I’ll be the last, too.”

  Zack could hardly speak over the clenching of his teeth. “Contradicting much?”

  “Yeah, I know. Sorry,” Tory said, not sounding very sorry at all as he pushed a third finger inside him, and Zack swore he damn near burst. He couldn’t possibly take anymore. He was at capacity, and these were just his fingers. The stretch and burn was definitely as intense as it had been the first time he’d taken something inside him. Maybe even more so.

  That was fine. He was fine. He could do this and he wanted to do this.

  There was pain, but it melted away in time. Tory seemed to really be able to read Zack’s mind in that respect.

  “Maybe, when it comes to the sex, reading my mind might be all right,” he said.

  “I’m not reading your mind for that. I can see it every time your shoulders clench up and when you release them.”

  Zack was silent for a few long seconds. “Oh.” He heard a light snorting sound behind him, and he glared back over his shoulder. “You’re trying not to laugh at me.”

  There was a twitching at the corner of Tory’s eye that made that obvious enough, but then it didn’t matter as Tory pulled his fingers free from him, pressing the head of his dick to Zack’s stretched hole instead. “Will you forgive me?”

  Zack gasped for breath. His body shivered, and Tory wasn’t even inside him yet. It was just the tip of his cock touching the ring of his asshole.

  This was insane! How the hell was his body reacting like this to something that shouldn’t have been a big deal in the first place?

  “Tell me,” Tory commanded, pushing just the head forward, not even enough to breach him, but the threat of being breached was enough to make him lose his mind a little.

  “I want it,” he groaned. “Fuck me, hurry up! You take forever.”

  He glanced back just to see the way Tory paused and blinked at him, and Zack was happy to realize he’d struck a nerve, because in that next instant, he was being fucked.

  But in the good way.

  Deep and firm. One hard, forward plunge was what it took and he was lit up like a firecracker.

  Zack threw his head back and moaned long and loud. His body didn’t need time to adjust like previous times he’d bottomed for anyone. His body just accepted what was happening. Not even accepted it, but it was so good that it took his body and his brain a moment to catch up with everything that was happening behind him, as though he was having a delayed reaction to all the pleasure he was getting.

  Zack held on firmly to the arm of the leather loveseat. He pressed his face into it, keeping his ass up, barely remembering that it was good manners to push back and give back some of the pleasure he was receiving, but at least he did manage that much.

  The kissing was nothing. That was level one compared to what he was at right now.

  He’d thought kissing Tory was enough to prove to him that he was right where he belonged.

  No. Not even close.

  This, holy shit, this was what he needed, what his body desperately wanted. He was flying. He was actually flying again while the other man fucked into him.

  Zack never wanted this to stop.

  What the hell was he doing with his life before now?

  “God, that’s good,” Tory said, pushing forward again and again, his
cock pushing as deep as he could go, which was about Zack’s limits. Then he came in closer still, his massive chest pressing against Zack’s back, the heat of his mouth kissing and whispering beautiful, lewd things into his ear. “I could fuck you all night. You’re so tight, you’re perfect. I can feel myself changing inside you.”

  It took Zack a second to register that he wasn’t talking about transforming into his dragon shape, and after he was finished being relieved, he was intrigued.


  Zack didn’t feel much of a difference in himself, aside from how good the sex was. He was close to coming. Every forward thrust pushed him closer and closer to that edge he was so desperate to make it to.

  He barely cared about the answer at this point, so long as he got off and his balls didn’t turn blue from the wait.

  “Yes,” Tory said, emphasizing the answer with another hard, forward push. “Wh-where the hell have you been my whole life?”

  Zack wished he had an answer for the guy, but he didn’t have anything to say since he was too busy coming. The rush of orgasm hit him and it hit hard.

  And long.

  He always thought humans who claimed to have orgasms that lasted for several minutes at a time were bullshitting him, because there was no way in hell that could be a real thing.

  No. Wrong. As in wrong with a capitol Wow that was amazing!

  He came and Tory came. He didn’t exactly have a watch to compare the time to, but he knew it was a while before he was able to come down off that amazing high.

  Long enough that it almost became uncomfortable. Tory groaned and came inside him, a warm rush of seed that made Zack pleased to feel it there, as though the other man was marking him, but then Zack just… kept right on going. Even when Tory pulled out of him, Zack felt it. Even when his dick stopped spurting and it was dry, he felt it.

  To the point where he was getting embarrassed and just wished it would stop.

  He slammed his fist down onto the arm of the couch. “What the fuck?” he moaned, still coming.


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