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The Mating Power

Page 6

by Marcy Jacks

  Tory’s hands slid beneath Zack’s shirt, feeling what little muscle he had there.

  Zack never before thought of himself as being slender, but next to Tory, he was practically a stick of spaghetti.

  Tory didn’t seem to mind, and that was all he needed to care about. His mate touched and stroked him as though Zack’s body was the most interesting thing he’d ever felt in his life, and he moaned while he did it as though it was a treat to touch him.

  As though that alone was enough to give him the pleasure he needed.

  Zack liked that. He was barely doing anything and somehow Tory was into him. No one had ever been this into him before.

  They pulled their mouths back again only to shove their way out of their pants.

  “Mike is in the other room.” Zack whispered, tossing his jeans to the side, careful not to disturb Harvey.

  “I know. I can hear his heartbeat,” Tory answered, also kicking his clothes away. “And we have a little sleeping friend over there. Wouldn’t want to wake him.”

  This was going to be quiet, but it was going to be great. Zack could feel it, and his body buzzed with the intensity of that feeling, with the desire that surged through him, and the eager need to please as much as be pleased.

  Glancing down between them, Zack’s eyes widened.

  “What is it?”

  “Uh, your dick is… kind of huge.”

  He was a little scared by how huge it was. To the point where he didn’t know what he was going to do if he felt any pain. Would he freak out? How the hell had this already been inside him and he didn’t get torn to pieces?

  “You like it?”

  Zack nodded, though he was still nervous. “You sure this was in me earlier today? Tonight, whatever?” he asked, barely aware of the time.

  “It was,” Tory assured him. “Trust me.”

  “Yeah, I guess you wouldn’t lie about that.” He’d seen a few dicks before, so this shouldn’t have been the big deal that he was making it out to be. “Can I touch it?”

  Tory laughed a little. “You never need to ask me that question,” he said, taking Zack by the hand and bringing it down to his cock.

  Because of the way his heart was already pounding, it jumped a little bit more when his fingers curled around the shaft.

  It felt… normal. Like it could be anyone’s cock.

  Except not as huge.

  He wondered what it would be like to have that inside his mouth. Then he immediately knew Tory knew he was thinking about that.

  Well, whatever. It didn’t matter. They were lovers now. Mates. They were both grown adults, there was no reason to be shy here. Aside from the fact that they were still getting to know each other.

  “We can do all sorts of things, whatever you want, whenever you want. We have all the time in the world.”

  Zack found himself smiling, his hand gripping a little tighter around what he had in his hand. He started to stroke the length of him.

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

  He wished he wasn’t so excited about the idea of getting to live with Tory, but he was. An awesome mate, who was a wealthy dragon, good in bed, and promised to let him keep his apartment if he wanted it?


  Tory pressed his lips together, groaning softly as Zack explored the length of his cock, his fingers playing around under the head. He wasn’t cut, and Zack had never been with a guy who wasn’t cut before. He wondered if it was true that it made it more sensitive.

  “Do you have something we can use?” Tory finally asked.

  Zack paused. He thought about it, then realized he might as well come clean. He already knew about Tory’s secret stash behind the couch, so it was time for him to show his own.

  “Uh, yeah, one second.”

  Zack got out from under the other man, reached up to his top drawer and pulled his sweats out of the way, grabbing his little stash of lubricant.

  “You are never allowed to tell Mike that I keep this here.”

  “You said you’re his best friend and cousin, and clearly his roommate, so I’m pretty sure he knows.”

  “I’m pretending that’s not the case, though,” Zack said. “And that’s as far as I want to go with knowing how much Mike knows about my masturbating habits. It’s not sexy.”

  Tory laughed again. “You’re funny.”

  “I am?”

  “Yes,” Tory said, somehow making the act of sprawling out on an air mattress look sexy. “You’re very funny. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed more at something someone has said in one day than I have since meeting you.”

  “Well, yeah, I’m a little comedian, I suppose,” Zack said, crawling back over to Tory. “So long as you keep me satisfied, I’ll do my best to keep the laughs coming, sound good?”

  “A bossy comedian. That’s interesting,” Tory said.

  His firm hands took Zack by the waist, once again reminding him of how powerful Tory was as he pulled Zack into his lap.

  “I think I want you like this. Riding me. I want to see your face this time.”

  Zack couldn’t have agreed more. “I think I’d like that, too.”

  He cleared his throat right after. Fuck, why did this guy have to make him feel so shy? It didn’t make sense!

  “You make me nervous, too.”

  Zack blinked. “What? No way.”

  “You do.” Tory smiled at him, and it did look kind of bashful. They were totally naked, Zack was in the man’s lap, and their dicks were between them, and yet the guy who looked like he had sex every night suddenly appeared as though he were having a couple of firsts of his own. “You’re not like anyone else. You’re special. I want to make sure this is especially good for you. I don’t want to fuck you just because I want to get off, and I don’t want you to feel as though this was a mistake.”

  “I wouldn’t… I mean, I’m pretty sure, we still don’t know each other.”

  “And that is exactly why. You humans have such a different way of doing things. Sometimes you all think of yourselves as being so weak, but you have no idea the power you hold over us. You have no idea what would happen to my heart if you decided to crush it.”

  “I wouldn’t do that to you. Figuratively or literally,” he added, making Tory snort and shake his head again.

  “I believe you,” Tory said. “But that does not stop me from worrying all the same. I don’t know you either, but I know I love you with all my heart, and I will do anything and everything to make sure that you never regret this decision.”

  That was the thing that did it. That was what it took to make Zack’s heart do a little swelling and popping sensation in his chest. It actually hurt, but in the best possible way because he needed to kiss this man so badly and he needed to do it right now.

  He kissed Tory hard on the mouth. He felt like a needy animal in that moment, and he needed to get this out of his system and do it right now.

  The only little voice he had in his head was the one that told him to be fucked by this man. To be taken by him, again and again, as many times as it took. To prove that he was with Tory now, a hundred percent.

  He’d been fighting it before, unsure of how a dragon mating with a human worked and suspicious of the benefits Tory would get from being in such an arrangement, but no longer.

  He couldn’t.

  The only thing Zack wanted to do was submit to the man.

  And in doing so, lay down his own sort of claim.

  Chapter Eight

  He wasted no time and found himself fumbling a little more than he probably needed to. Zack’s hands trembled as he stroked Tory’s cock, slicking him, getting him ready.

  He still felt that buzzing of nervous tension within him, but he could see it now for what it was. His excitement to be with this man, to make love to him. There was no fear here. He didn’t even worry that the guy’s cock was going to be too much for him to take.

  It sure hadn’t been the last time, right?

  “Hurry, sweeth
eart,” Tory said, his body actually trembling, as though he was an addict in need of his fix. As if he wouldn’t be able to function without it. “I need you.”

  Zack nodded. “I know. I’m hurrying.”

  He wasn’t drawing this out to be sexy or anything. He was honestly going as fast as he could. He barely took the time to reach back and push two fingers inside himself to prepare. After all, he’d already done this a couple of hours ago, he should be properly stretched, right?

  Normally he needed a day or two before the next round to give his ass the chance it needed to recover, but it was as though he didn’t need that.

  He was perfectly all right to go as he was.

  Pushing himself up a little higher on his knees, Zack relied on Tory to take his cock in hand and push the head right where it needed to go.

  That same intense thrill of pleasure hit him when he felt the crown touching his hole. Zack’s cock jumped from the sudden pleasure of it. He had to hold onto the base of his dick just to get some control over himself as he settled.

  “You’re so sensitive right now,” Tory said. “I love that.”

  “Y-you’re feeling it pretty hard, too.” Zack circled his hips, as though to prove that he knew how much Tory desired this.

  The flaring of the other man’s nostrils was proof enough that he was on the edge, and Zack smiled at that, as though he’d caught the man doing something naughty.

  “Maybe a little,” Tory said. “You ready?”

  “Never been more ready,” Zack said, and without waiting for Tory to give the go ahead, he began to sink down.

  He felt himself stretching around Tory’s cock and felt the resistance of his body. It turned out one fuck earlier in the day wasn’t enough to make him entirely used to what was about to happen, but that was all right. He could still take it. He sighed as his body slowly accepted the other man, and it wasn’t as though Tory was just shoving away inside him.

  No. The man smiled at him, those perfect, green eyes half-lidded as he watched Zack get the feel of it.

  “This is what you want?” Zack asked, gently easing himself back up, and then back down again. He went up and down a little more each time, until he was almost fully sheathed.

  “I’ve been wishing for this since before I met you,” Tory said.

  Zack couldn’t figure out if the man just said cheesy things for the sake of saying them, or if he was genuinely trying to be romantic or not. He decided it didn’t matter. He would take the compliments and take the cheese. He wanted it all.

  “I think… I think I’ve been thinking of you since before I was born, too.” He might as well give a little cheese of his own. It would help him to focus while he worked on his game, circling his hips, clenching his hole, trying to make this as good for Tory as he thought it was good for him.

  Just because Zack was on the receiving end didn’t mean he couldn’t do a little giving of his own, after all.

  “God, that’s good,” Tory said.

  Zack was pleased to hear it. He began moving faster and faster as his pleasure mounted. He wished he could have the will power to make this go on all night, one of those never-ending love making sessions that he could keep in his memories for the rest of his life, but even with being the mate of a dragon, it still seemed as though his body had some limits to it that it was determined to stick to.

  And having an orgasm building up within him that he couldn’t hold off for very long was one of them.

  “I know you can feel it coming,” Tory said, his voice a breathy gasp that only turned Zack on even more. “Don’t fight it.”

  “I… I can’t.”

  He wanted to. Oh fuck, he wanted this to last forever, but it seemed he wasn’t going to get the chance to give in to what he really wanted when all he wanted was to—oh fuck, he was coming.


  Zack grabbed onto his cock by the base, clenching his teeth and every inch of his body. No. He refused to give in so easily. He was not going to be the sort of mate who hopped on, did a little lap dance, and came within two seconds.

  He was going to make this last longer.

  “You don’t need to do that,” Tory said. “I want to feel you coming. I want to feel your hole clenching around my cock and I want your seed on my skin and chest. Mark me.”

  “Oh God, shut up, I can’t focus,” Zack said.

  He’d feel badly for talking like that to the other man later. Right now, he was going to do this.

  “Y-you’re going to give me a ten minute orgasm. I… oh God, I can afford… to wait… a little while longer. And so can you.”

  He was pretty sure Tory agreed with him, because the other man didn’t fight him anymore. He gave in, letting Zack do what he wanted to do and that was more than enough for them.

  So Zack did exactly what he wanted. He clenched his cheeks, circled his hips, determined to make this as good for Tory as it was for him.

  And to hold off on his orgasm.

  He’d thought the ten minute orgasm from before had been a little much, but now that he was in the throes of this kind of pleasure, he found himself thinking that maybe he could enjoy having a fifteen minute orgasm. Why not give that a try now that he knew it was possible to have it happen?

  “Do it, baby,” Tory said, that wicked grin back on his face. His hands gripped tightly to Zack’s waist, encouraging the motion of his hips. “Fuck yourself on me. Make yourself come. I want to see the look on your face when you do it.”

  “Yes,” Zack moaned, and instead of holding his orgasm back, he found himself stroking his cock, encouraging it to come over him, to overtake him and make him come undone.

  He couldn’t stop anymore. He was completely swept away, and the instant he felt his orgasm coming onto him, he knew there was nothing he could do about it but hold on for the ride. Zack threw his head back, his body clenching tightly, and just before he could moan long and loud, loud enough to bring the whole building down over his head, never mind Mike in the other room, Tory slapped his hand over Zack’s mouth.

  Thank God he did, because the moan he released, even muffled as it was, was enough to wake up Harvey, who woke with a startled jump.

  Zack might have laughed at it had he not been in the middle of the best orgasm of his life. It was another long one. The sort of orgasm that was amazing in the beginning, but then, toward the end, left him wishing it would just get on with it as he came dry.

  It didn’t take as long for his body to deplete itself of his seed this time, and thankfully, despite his efforts, the orgasm didn’t last ten minutes, either.

  Maybe seven minutes, but still, holy shit.

  Zack collapsed. His body turned into fresh Jell-O, and he fell against Tory’s warm, inviting chest as the other man held onto him, his hand stroking Zack’s back while he still pumped into him.

  The rush of warm seed inside him felt as wonderful and warm as it had the first time he felt it. Zack wished he could do more than press little helpless kisses to the man’s shoulder, but that was all he would do as he moaned softy while being filled and claimed.

  When Tory stopped, it was with a long pause, and then a heavy exhale.

  They couldn’t have been that loud, but it almost felt as though they were waking up everyone in the building with how heavy their breathing was.

  Zack tried to control that, but of course, he couldn’t do that either.

  “That… that was amazing,” he said, then groaned again as he cuddled into Tory’s chest.

  He never wanted to leave this spot.

  Tory, on the other hand, was still kissing Zack’s hair and neck, his jaw and mouth, all the while stroking his back and arms.

  “Are you all right?” he asked.

  Zack nodded, closing his eyes, feeling like he could drift off to sleep at any minute. “Never better.”

  He had to know, though, and he opened one eye to ask. “Does that really power you up?”

  “Something like that,” Tory said after a short pause. “We
don’t always need sex in order for me to feel your power.”

  “Is it normal that I don’t feel it?”

  “You will eventually,” Tory said, smiling up at him, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes.

  Zack figured he knew why. “When you have to get into a fight?”

  “Yes, something like that.”

  He thought about it. He glanced down at Harvey, who hopped on over to see what was going on and have a sniff of the new visitor in his space.

  Zack reached down to give him a scratch along his long ears.

  Maybe he could just smell the carrots and wanted his share.

  “Do you think we could try this out sooner than later?”

  Tory tilted his head up at him, but he smiled in a way that suggested he knew exactly what Zack was getting at. “What do you mean?”

  Zack swallowed, and he couldn’t believe he was about to suggest this, but here he was. “I was thinking, that after you and I cleaned up, and once I peeled one of those carrots and tucked Harvey away with it in his cage, you and I could find those assholes who tried to jump me in that alley, and we could challenge them to a fight. You keep saying how much you can feel me powering you up. I want to see how well I can work for you.”

  Tory grinned at him, showing off sharp teeth that, on anyone else, might have scared the hell out of him just a little bit.

  “Yes. Absolutely, positively, yes.”

  Chapter Nine

  Zack had never cleaned himself up and dressed so quickly in his life.

  Sneaking himself and Tory into the bathroom was one of the more heart pounding things he’d done in a while, aside from nearly getting kidnapped by a couple of dragons, of course.

  Much as Zack might like wandering around, smelling like Tory, even Tory said it would be better if their scents weren’t so obvious to anyone they were going to challenge.

  Then he quickly washed and peeled a carrot for Harvey. Instead of taking the door and the elevator, Tory shocked the hell out of Zack by opening up the window to his bedroom.


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