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The Secrets of Paradise Bay

Page 8

by Devon Vaughn Archer

  Though Trey seemed genuinely saddened in losing their baby girl, Ivana wasn’t so sure that things had not gone according to plan for him. Maybe he never really wanted a child and got his wish.

  Ivana had gotten so absorbed in her thoughts that she failed to notice someone had entered the room and come up behind her.

  “Now just what’s so damned interesting out there anyway?” the voice said, giving Ivana a start.

  Ivana swiveled her head and saw the smiling, beautiful walnut face of one of her best friends from her modeling days, Naki Aboule.

  Ivana felt the long, thin arms wrap around her even as she returned the favor. She had met Naki in Paris during a fashion show. She and the six feet one Nigerian beauty had hit it off right away. Naki had tried to talk Ivana out of giving up her burgeoning career for a man, but failed to do so, as Ivana was convinced that love was much more important than all the glamour, fashion shows, and money in the world.

  Was I that naïve? Ivana wondered, stepping away from her friend, who had gone on to even more international success since then.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked in disbelief.

  Naki tussled her thick, short dark hair. “I came to see you, darling. Don’t you think it’s long overdue?”

  “Yes, I do,” Ivana admitted, feeling bad that she hadn’t exactly gone out of her way to visit Naki or others she knew in the modeling business. Ivana had convinced herself that once she’d broken ranks, they had no use for her as a married, retired model.

  “Well, I wanted to surprise you—and apparently I did!”

  “Scared me to death was more like it,” Ivana said, “but in a good way.”

  “You know me—totally unpredictable.”

  “And beautiful as ever.” Ivana admired her tall, sleek figure in a print tunic and twill gauchos.

  “Look who’s talking, girl,” Naki said. Her big brown eyes peered at Ivana’s bracelet. “Are those diamonds?”

  “Yes,” Ivana admitted. “Trey gave it to me.”

  Naki gave an envious smile. “Obviously your man is taking real good care of you.”

  I wish. Ivana had not spoken of Trey’s infidelity with many people, preferring to keep it private, so long as they were still together. Maybe had she been still in the loop, it would have been easier to talk to Naki about it.

  “Guess you knew what you were doing all along when you gave up the hard life of a model for domesticity.”

  Ivana pasted a smile on her lips and diverted the subject for now. “So how long are you going to be in town?”

  “Oh, just a couple of days. I have a gig in San Francisco coming up. Thought I’d divert to the Pacific Northwest for a little R and R, if you’ll put me up?”

  “Don’t be silly,” Ivana said with a wave of her hand. “Of course you can stay here. Stay as long as you like. I could certainly use the company.”

  “Looks like you already have company,” Naki hummed, and moved to the window. “Who is that absolutely gorgeous creature playing ball with your husband?”

  “It’s Clyde. Trey’s brother.”

  “Well, no wonder you were caught gaping. The good looks obviously run deep in the Lancaster family.” Naki faced Ivana. “Tell me that Clyde is single and looking.”

  Ivana felt a twinge of jealousy that Naki was already throwing herself at Clyde before they ever met formally. And, as he was definitely available, Clyde just might fall under her spell.

  “He is single but I don’t really know if he’s looking.”

  Naki beamed. “Well, that’s close enough. All of a sudden it looks like the trip could be much more interesting than merely catching up on our lives.”

  Maybe more interesting than I care for it to be, Ivana told herself. I’m not in the mood to play matchmaker, though it doesn’t look like Naki will need my help any in that department.

  “So where have you been all my life?” Naki queried flirtatiously to Clyde as they sat in the living room with Trey and Ivana.

  Clyde grinned and might have asked the same thing of the attractive lady, had he not sensed that Ivana was staring him down as though Naki was invading her territory. He hoped Trey didn’t get the wrong idea. Though, at this point, Clyde wasn’t sure what the right idea was where it concerned him and Ivana.

  She’s my brother’s wife. But that’s certainly not the case with her friend.

  “Oh, I’ve been around,” he responded, albeit not somewhere she’d want to be. “Though I’ve yet to get to some of the places you and Ivana have been.”

  “All overrated, trust me,” Naki said.

  “If you say so.”

  “Would I lie?” she giggled, and sipped red wine.

  “Are you still living in New York?” Trey looked at Naki.

  She returned his gaze. “London, actually. Been there for three years now. Much more charming in a retro and artistic way than Manhattan.”

  “We’ll have to go there and visit her sometime, Ivana,” he said.

  “I’d like that,” Ivana said, tasting her drink. “London’s a great city.”

  “Then consider it an invitation,” stated Naki. “You’re all more than welcome to visit any time I’m there.” She rested her eyes on Clyde. “Especially your good-looking brother-in-law.”

  Clyde blushed, ignoring the resentment he felt from Ivana at the notion. As far as he was concerned, he had to keep all options on the table at this point. At least the ones clearly available, ready, and more than willing.

  “Sounds like a plan,” he told Naki.

  “How long will Naki be staying?” Trey asked Ivana when they were finally able to get a moment alone.

  She looked at him suspiciously. “Why do you ask?”

  He paused, not wanting to add more tension to their lives, but also feeling it necessary to try and keep her from backpedaling to the substance abusing, partying, and promiscuous lifestyle he was able to pry her away from. As far as Trey knew, Ivana had never been into the hard drugs of the modeling world, but he suspected Naki had been and probably still was.

  “I think Naki’s a bad influence on you,” Trey came right out with it. “The last thing either of us needs is her hanging around here getting high when talking about the good old days.”

  Ivana’s chin jutted. “First of all, Naki is not a bad influence on me. Just the opposite. She’s a good friend and always has my best interests at heart, which is more than I can say for you. Secondly, Naki does not use drugs. She has too much respect for her body to go down that road. As for the ‘good old days,’ why shouldn’t we talk about them? It was part of my history and I won’t let you take that away from me too.”

  “I don’t recall taking you away from anywhere you wanted to be,” he said, feeling the sting of her words.

  “You wouldn’t, after getting what you went after.”

  “This isn’t about us. I simply want to keep you from getting caught up in two worlds and not being sure which one you belong to.”

  “I don’t need you to protect me from my friends,” Ivana insisted. “Least of all Naki. I chose your world and have to live with it, just as you do for choices you’ve made. Now if you don’t mind, I have my own welcome visitor to make feel right at home.”

  Trey cursed under his breath as Ivana walked away. With Clyde taking up an extended residence, he didn’t have much of a leg to stand on where it concerned Naki. Maybe Ivana had matured enough so that Naki would come and go without putting the wrong thoughts in her head.

  One could only hope.

  When Naki boldly kissed Clyde smack-dab on the mouth the next day by the pool, he had hoped that sparks might fly. Or the earth would shake. But the truth was, in spite of her beauty and obvious sex appeal, he felt nothing. Not that he had an issue with bedding someone for the practice, if nothing else, after a long dry spell. He didn’t want to give Naki a false impression that this could go somewhere—even from long distance. She wasn’t really his type, though Clyde had yet to figure out who was. The women i
n his past did not fit into any particular image, and he liked it better that way.

  Naki also wasn’t Ivana, who made his blood run hot whenever Clyde allowed it to. Taking her friend to bed would only make him wish it were Ivana, and perhaps make things that much more strained when around her.

  Clyde still felt the kiss on his lips as he pulled back from Naki, dressed in a V-front bathing suit, “Look, I think you’re hot, but—”

  “But you’re into someone else?” Naki frowned.

  Clyde nodded and glanced at Ivana, who was approaching them from the house. “Something like that.”

  Naki ran a hand through wet hair. “I feel like such an idiot!”

  “No reason to,” he insisted. “You’re anything but an idiot. If I’m ever in London, I’ll definitely look you up.”

  Naki forced a smile. “That would be nice.”

  Ivana joined them with a glass of wine in hand. “Did I miss anything exciting?”

  “Think I’ll leave you ladies alone,” Clyde said solemnly. “Have to get to work before the boss man docks my pay.”

  He eyed Ivana, thinking how fine she looked in another dazzling swimsuit that accentuated toned arms and legs, and gave a brief grin before heading off.

  Ivana watched Clyde walking away for a moment—or more specifically, his tight ass moving sexily through trousers—then turned to Naki. “So what was that all about?”

  “I’ve just been rejected, for like, maybe the first time in my life.” Naki took Ivana’s drink and tasted a generous amount.

  Ivana was surprised, but couldn’t say she wasn’t pleased. “Don’t take it personally. Clyde is a complex man who’s been through a lot. I’m sure he’s just not ready to go down that road at the moment.” Maybe he was waiting for the right woman to offer herself to him.

  Naki crinkled her nose. “Now you tell me. Just my rotten luck!”

  “You’re anything but unlucky, girlfriend.”

  “Funny, I don’t feel that way at the moment.”

  Ivana decided this was as good a time as any to talk to her friend about her own troubles. Maybe that was why Trey wanted to get rid of Naki, so she wouldn’t see him knocked off his pedestal.

  “Trey cheated on me,” she said glumly.

  “What?” Naki cast bold eyes at her in shock.

  “He decided one woman wasn’t enough, so he took another.”

  “That bloody bastard.”

  “That’s one good name for him.” Ivana could think of plenty of others.

  “When did it happen?”

  “Six months ago.”

  Naki blinked. “Isn’t that around the time you had the miscarriage?”

  “Yes,” Ivana said emotionally.

  “Oh, you poor baby.” Naki hugged her. “Why didn’t you tell me what Trey had been up to?”

  “Guess I didn’t want to hear, ‘I told you so.’”

  “You know me better than that. We all make mistakes.”

  But some were more unforgivable than others. Ivana took the wine back and sipped. “I’ve been trying to deal with it ever since—not very well, I’m afraid.”

  “So why haven’t you left him?” Naki asked bluntly.

  Ivana couldn’t figure that one out herself. She’d thought about asking for a divorce on more than one occasion. But what then? Collect alimony and become an old maid? She had no interest in going back into modeling, though she believed there was still a place out there for older models. She certainly would not return home to San Antonio, only to be once again at her mother’s beck and call.

  In many respects, Ivana considered herself stuck in a bad situation, but tried to put on a brave front. “He’s apologized like a thousand times and swears it will never happen again. Maybe Trey means it.”

  “So too did men who have cheated on me, I’m sure,” Naki said. “But I wasn’t married to them. You don’t have to put up with this crap, Ivana. You can come to London and we can room together. It would be fun and maybe you can get back into the business.”

  Ivana was flattered more than she could say, but didn’t think that was the answer. At least not right now. “I think that part of me still loves Trey and wants to forgive him.” Even if another part felt hatred and found what he did totally unforgivable. And certainly unforgettable.

  “I understand that you have mixed emotions, are confused, and probably even afraid to walk away from this marriage,” Naki said. “That’s perfectly normal. But it doesn’t change the reality of your situation.”

  “Doesn’t it?” questioned Ivana.

  “How can you stay with a man if you can’t trust him?” Naki fixed her with a straight gaze. “In my experience, men who cheat once can never be trusted again. I’m afraid that the same is likely true with Trey, no matter how many expensive gifts he gives you to try and buy his way out of a jam. Who’s to say that he won’t jump at the next woman who flashes her boobs in his face? Or, for that matter, isn’t still involved with this homewrecker bitch?”

  “You really think Trey could be . . . or is—” Ivana’s voice shook.

  “I wouldn’t put it past him. Once a dog, always a dog. You deserve so much better, Ivana. What if he is fooling around or decides to again next week or two months from now? Where will that leave you?”

  Where will that leave me? Ivana wondered uneasily. Is it possible that Trey hasn’t ridden himself of the cheating bug? Maybe he’s using our current situation as an excuse to get some on the side with Helene DeCroch. Or spend time in another woman’s bed.

  The thought infuriated Ivana, even if Naki may have been way off base. Maybe she should hire a private investigator to spy on her husband. Or maybe this marriage wasn’t even worth holding onto—any more than being faithful to a man who hadn’t shown her the respect she was entitled to.

  Ivana finished off the drink.

  Chapter Eleven

  The charity ball to raise money to fight sickle-cell anemia was held at the DeCroch Hotel in downtown Paradise Bay. As one of the sponsors of this year’s fundraising event, Trey was obligated to come. Though no one in his family had sickle cell, fighting the disease was important to him, not only because it primarily affected people of African ancestry, but a good friend of Trey’s had died recently from complications associated with the hereditary disorder.

  Grant and Helene DeCroch were also involved with the event, right down to providing the spacious diamond ballroom in the hotel they owned. Though grateful for their generosity, Trey felt a little uncomfortable being there. Grant DeCroch never knew about Trey’s affair with his wife, possibly saving Helene’s marriage and a friendship and business acquaintance that meant a lot to Trey.

  The jury was still out on Helene and Grant’s future. And what about his own fragile marriage? Trey questioned the wisdom of his honesty about the affair. I should have kept my mouth shut and just let it disappear with the wind. If so, maybe I wouldn’t feel so damned guilty having my wife and ex-lover in the same room at the same time.

  Trey observed both women in their designer gowns, looking beautiful and seemingly content for the moment. He could only hope the two wouldn’t come to blows. Or worse, let everyone in the ballroom know what was going on.

  Trey felt thankful he’d talked Clyde into attending to act as interference, if necessary. While initially reluctant to do so, fearing he would feel out of place, Clyde had a sudden change of heart and was on board.

  It had been an even bigger coup to get Ivana to attend this year’s fundraiser. Trey had managed to impress upon her the importance of the cause not only for their people, but for business interests. It also happened to be a great occasion for networking and promoting car sales.

  “Looks like we got a decent turnout,” Trey told Clyde.

  “Yeah, I’d say so.”

  “And that can only mean good news in raising money to fight sickle cell.”

  “I’ll drink to that,” Clyde said, lifting his champagne flute.

  Trey put the glass to his mouth. He loo
ked at Ivana, who also had champagne in hand. He feared that she would get plastered, embarrassing them both, in spite of promising him she would hold the line at one drink. But not bringing her to the most important social event of the year was not an option in Trey’s mind. As his wife, Ivana’s presence was important not only to show them as a couple, but to prove to her that his affair with Helene was history and he had nothing to hide.

  Ivana pretended not to notice Trey watching her carefully, wondering if she would make a scene with his mistress whore. Well, let him wonder. Even if she were to give Helene DeCroch a piece of her mind, it would be something she deserved and damned long overdue.

  For her part, Ivana would have preferred to be anywhere other than there, but succumbed to Trey’s desire to at least keep up appearances for the sake of his business contacts—or potential thereof—if nothing else.

  Is there anything real anymore about our relationship? Or are we to only pretend to be happy with each other for the rest of our lives?

  She watched as Trey used a break in the lineup of guest speakers to disappear. Strangely enough, Ivana no longer saw Helene DeCroch. Coincidence? Or would Trey dare carry on with her here under the guise of a charitable cause?

  “Are you all right?” Ivana heard the whisper in her ear. She turned and saw Clyde standing there. He was dashing in the ebony tuxedo, his head freshly shaved. She even liked the way he smelled—an enticing, woodsy cologne.

  “I’m fine,” she replied, feeling goose bumps in the nearness to her husband’s brother and thankful for the distraction.

  “I guess this really isn’t your thing any more than mine?” Clyde said observantly.

  Ivana smiled faintly. “Is it that obvious?”

  “No, not really.”

  “Liar.” She smiled again. “It’s all right. I guess I felt more at home walking down the runway than being somewhere with a bunch of rich folks, all with their own agenda.”

  “Is that what this is all about?” Clyde made a face.


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