Harlequin Kimani Romance June 2017 Box Set

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Harlequin Kimani Romance June 2017 Box Set Page 28

by Arthur, A. C.

  Daniel held up his glass. “To a rewarding evening.” He looked directly at Angela before glancing at Alejandro.

  “Yes, my friend. To an intriguing night.” Alejandro clinked flutes with him and Angela.

  Both men were in a hurry to pull out Angela’s chair, but Daniel conceded to Alejandro, much to his chagrin if the frown of his face was anything to go by. The uniformed waiter immediately came over and poured Evian into their water glasses.

  “So tell me, Alejandro, what do I have to do to get you to sign with Cobb Luxury Real Estate?” Daniel wasted no time going in for the kill. Angela appreciated his forthrightness.

  Alejandro laughed. “There will be time for that later, my friend.” He patted Angela on the thigh. “First, let’s order some wine.”

  He perused the menu, but Angela could see that Daniel had caught the action because disapproval was written across his face. Just as quickly it was gone.

  “What looks good to you?” Daniel inquired.

  Angela surveyed the wine list and everything on it was exorbitantly priced. There was no way she could ever afford to take one of her clients here, but not Daniel. He only represented the finest luxury properties, so he didn’t appear shocked when the waiter approached and Alejandro ordered a five-hundred-dollar bottle of wine.

  Was this really how the wealthy lived? Apparently so, because Daniel didn’t blink an eye.

  The waiter brought over the bottle, presented it to Alejandro before pouring him a taste. Alejandro swirled the wine around his glass, smelled it and then took a sip. He was quiet for several moments before he said, “This will do.”

  The waiter proceeded to pour it.

  “A toast,” Alejandro said when their glasses were filled. “To beauty.” He turned and stared at Angela with such unmistakable lust, she blushed and quickly took a sip of her wine.

  She glanced at Daniel and she could feel a leashed anger emanating from him. Would he be able to hold it in all night if Alejandro continued with his predatory treatment of her?

  Thankfully, Daniel steered the conversation to business. Over their four-course dinner, they spoke of Alejandro’s growing tequila business, his expansion ideas and of his potential to settle in Miami for good.

  The food was absolutely delicious, but what would she expect from such a fine dining establishment? The conversation was just as stimulating. She was learning so much watching Daniel. She admired his finesse. He was a skilled negotiator and could steer people to his way of thinking. When they wanted to go left, he found a way to make sure they went right. It was a gift.

  This was the side of Daniel she’d admired from afar. This was the Daniel she’d wanted to emulate. In reality, however, he was so much more than a great real estate agent with wealthy clients. He was a fascinating man. A man she was quickly starting to develop feelings for, and it wasn’t just about sex. Though the attraction between them was red hot. It put her in an untenable situation, especially if he didn’t share her feelings or wasn’t willing to act on them.

  * * *

  Daniel was in awe of Angela and how well she’d handled herself the entire evening. She was professional, yet approachable, despite the fact that Alejandro wanted to take her bed. It was evident in the Colombian’s eyes and in the way he made a point of touching her arm several times throughout the evening. He wanted Angela.

  But he couldn’t have her.


  Because she was Daniel’s.

  He hadn’t exactly made that fact known to Angela, but he suspected that she was feeling him just as much as he was her. What had happened last night in that conference room hadn’t been an anomaly. She’d allowed the heat between them to ignite. After one kiss, all fight had gone out of her and she hadn’t resisted him. Instead she’d leaned into him with those pert breasts of hers.

  And he’d lost his mind, yanking up her dress, cupping her bottom and zeroing in on Angela in all her sweet glory. If he hadn’t acted like an utter jerk, who knows where the night might have led? They might have gone back to his place or hers. He wouldn’t have cared because then he would have finally been able to assuage the ache he’d had in his loins since they’d started working together.

  Tonight was no different.

  The dress she wore had to be made of some sort of spandex material because it showed him that Angela took very good care of her body. It was svelte, yet with just enough curves for him.

  The problem was Alejandro was looking at her like she was his next conquest. Daniel was thankful when the Colombian got a call and had to step away from the table.

  “Are you all right?” He peered into Angela’s dark brown eyes.

  “Of course, why wouldn’t I be?”

  “It’s just that Alejandro is being a bit…” He paused for the right word. “Forward. And I don’t like it. He shouldn’t be touching you.”

  “Yes, he has been, but why are you so concerned?”

  “You’re my employee. I’d hate for any man to treat you with disrespect.”

  “Is that right?” she asked and the note of derision was unmistakable in her voice. “I appreciate your concern, but I can handle him.”

  “Like you handled me?”

  Her eyes shot fire at him. “Why are you so upset, Daniel? Alejandro isn’t the first man to like what he sees.” She motioned down her body. “And he won’t be the last. I’ve learned to have a thick skin in this business. But what I want to know is why do you care?”

  Daniel was ready to tell her that he didn’t want any other man looking at her, much less touching her. And he might have, if Alejandro hadn’t returned. His prospective client stopped in his tracks and glanced back and forth at Daniel and Angela.

  “Ah, Daniel,” he said as he clapped his hand on Daniel’s shoulder. “I didn’t realize, my friend. If so, I wouldn’t have encroached.”

  “Excuse me?” Daniel’s brows bunched in a frown.

  “I didn’t realize you two were an item,” Alejandro replied as he sat back down. He reached for his wineglass and liberally sipped.

  “We’re not,” Angela stated. A little too quickly in Daniel’s opinion.

  “Sure, my dear.” Alejandro patted her thigh and Daniel couldn’t help it. He glared at him and Alejandro quickly removed his hand. “Listen, I will be in town until next week. Why don’t we get together on Monday and we can talk more in depth. Sound good to you?”

  Daniel nodded. “Of course.”

  “Then I will bid you farewell.” Alejandro rose to his feet. “It’s Friday night and the night is young. I am sure you lovebirds would like some alone time so I will leave you to it.” He took Angela’s hand and lightly kissed it. “Angela, it has been a pleasure to meet you and I hope to see you again.” He shook Daniel’s hand and then strode confidently from the room.

  “Well, that was an interesting evening.” Daniel wiped his mouth with his napkin. “Are you ready to head out? I can call the driver on the way.”

  “Yes.” Angela was tight-lipped when she spoke and Daniel wondered what upset her. He found out when they left the restaurant and were waiting for the limo. There weren’t a lot of patrons outside with them as they’d pretty much shut the restaurant down with all their stories and anecdotes.

  It was just Daniel and Angela.


  When she finally turned to face him, her expression was clouded with anger. “What the hell was that back there?” she asked, pointing to the restaurant.


  “You and Alejandro acting as if I’m either of your property. Since he can’t have me, I’m yours for the taking?”

  Daniel chuckled. “Are you upset that Alejandro thought we’re lovers?”

  Angela sidled up to him until they were so close, her mouth hovered tantalizing near his. Heat uncurled low in his stom
ach and he felt his pulse start to race. “Yes, because it’s not true,” she replied.

  “It could be,” Daniel muttered under his breath.

  “What did you say?” She was right up in his face, so close he could kiss her.

  “I said,” Daniel repeated louder, “that it could be.” And then he hauled her hard against him and his mouth came crashing down on hers.

  At first he felt her hands against his chest, resisting him, but it quickly gave way to passion and she wound her arms around his neck and kissed him back. She let him lead her, let him take control to give them both the pleasure their bodies so desperately needed.

  Daniel surged backward and pushed Angela against the building and pressed his groin into her belly. She sighed, tilting her head to give him better access, allowing Daniel to slow the pace. He kissed her slowly, sensually, wetting her lips with his tongue. There was no restraint. He lost the ability to think or remember they were in public. Instead his mouth demanded and she gave.

  He tugged at the clip in her updo, releasing her hair from its confines, allowing him to sink his hands into the strands. He held her head so he could explore her mouth. While his lips gloried in the feel of hers, his fingers trailed down her back and the intricate pattern at the back of her dress.

  Desire stabbed through him and the world ceased to exist until they both heard tires pulling up to the driveway. Slowly, they pulled apart, but Daniel didn’t let her go.

  “Not here,” he whispered, keeping his arm around her waist. Angela’s eyes were liquid with heat and Daniel wanted to melt in them for the rest of the night and morning. The time for restraint was over. He wanted her in his bed.


  The approaching vehicle was his limo, and his driver jumped out to open the door, but Daniel stayed him with his hand.

  He opened the door for Angela himself. She didn’t say a word and climbed inside.


  Angela had been so angry with Daniel for his and Alejandro’s treatment of her that she’d been unprepared for his kiss, or the way his mouth seduced hers, commanding a response. He’d awakened a desire in her to give him everything she had. She knew it was emotional suicide to explore a path with her boss and mentor, but neither her heart nor her body would allow her to turn him down. Instead, she accepted his hand into the limo knowing what was to come.

  She hadn’t expected the sheer luxury that greeted her when they arrived at his building. Daniel silently rode up with her in the elevator to his penthouse. Was he as nervous as she was? If so, he didn’t outwardly show it. He stood confidently across from her, smoldering all kinds of sexy that made her want to jump his bones right there and beg him to take her up against the wall.

  But she didn’t.

  Instead, when the elevator opened and he extended his hand, she took it and walked inside his home. Her heels clicked on the bleached teakwood floor and she sucked in a deep breath at the sheer beauty. Floor-to-ceiling windows surrounded the entire place, allowing moonlight to fill the generous living areas, which were minimally decorated. The all-glass walls made the indoor living area flow seamlessly into the outdoor space, and afforded panoramic views of both the ocean and the bay. As an agent, Angela could see the appeal because it showcased the bay and ocean during the day and the magic of Miami at night. It made her feel like she was standing on the deck of a ship.

  She was about to comment on the condo when she felt Daniel behind her. One arm slid around her waist, pulling her backside to his groin, while the other pushed aside her hair so he could nuzzle her neck. His mouth was on her, his lips lightly grazing her skin, his breath soft and warm.

  A delicious shudder went through her and her head fell backward as Daniel’s mouth trailed from her neck upward to nibble on her earlobe. She felt hot. So very hot. Her body was craving his. Her heart fluttered wildly in her chest and her pulse quickened. She didn’t stop him when she felt him unzip her dress.

  “Angela…” He whispered her name and she turned around in his arms.

  His eyes were dark and glittering with unfettered passion. Angela couldn’t help the pure excitement that danced over her as the chemistry between them exploded.

  He took her face in the palm of his hands and kissed her. Her lips opened greedily and her tongue delved inside his mouth, eager to taste him. He was just as hungry as she was and he grasped her hips so purposely against his, Angela would have toppled, if not for the glass wall behind her. Her shoulders met it as Daniel continued kissing and grinding into her. His mouth savaged hers as his erection pressed into her. She wanted all that it promised and shamelessly gyrated her hips against him while sucking on his hot, probing tongue.

  When he finally lifted his head from hers, she gave a slight moan of protest, but he was already pulling the straps of her dress down. He soon caught sight of her naughty secret for the evening.

  “No bra? I like,” he whispered, just before he began licking his way down her chest to one of her breasts. The skilled flick of his tongue sent heated sensations shooting low in her belly, and she arched against him for more, but he was already transferring his attention to her other breast. Instead of soothing the ache within her, he stoked the flames. While his tongue laved her breast, his hand lifted the hem of her dress. When he reached the tiny scrap of fabric that was her thong, he shocked her by giving it a good grip and ripping it off.

  Her shocked gasp became a moan when he slid his finger inside her.

  “Do you like how that feels?” he murmured.

  “Yes, yes,” she moaned.

  He caressed the most intimate part of her, which ached to be touched, licked and kissed. She writhed as the pads of his fingers circled the silky flesh. “Daniel…” She moaned out his name.

  Did he have any idea what he was doing to her?

  She was so lost in her own desire, she barely registered that he’d unbuckled and unzipped his pants until she felt them whoosh at her feet. She glanced down and smiled when she saw him push down his boxer briefs in one fell swoop. She marveled at the sheer size of him as he slid a condom on his hard length. And when she finally met his gaze, she knew instinctively what he wanted and wrapped her legs around him just as he lifted her up and surged inside her.

  * * *

  Daniel pushed Angela backward into the glass wall as his probing tongue found hers yet again and their mouths dueled in a searing kiss. She was so tight—so deliciously tight—that he had to rein in his desire for her and remind himself to take it slow.

  He’d intended to be the debonair playboy by bringing her to his penthouse, where they’d have some champagne, then romance her into his bed upstairs. Instead, he’d seen her standing there in the moonlight overlooking the ocean and all thought had gone out the window. He only knew that if he didn’t have her then, he might die.

  As he moved himself inside her sweet heat, he tried to slow it down, but it was impossible. The only thing Daniel could think of was how good she felt. When he heard her gasp at his thrusts, a deep, primitive urge took over him and he grasped her hips and began driving harder into her.

  “Yes, yes,” Angela urged him on as her half-naked body was splayed on the wall and entwined around him. She didn’t seem to care that her dress was bunched around her waist. Instead, she murmured, “Don’t stop—oh yes, like that.”

  They were locked together in a rhythm that made Daniel shudder at just how heart-stoppingly beautiful this woman was and how she made him behave so completely out of character. Normally, he would be analyzing his actions, but all he wanted to do right now was feel. Feel her clenched around his shaft. Her back arched and she began to shudder around him. But he didn’t stop moving; instead he guided them both toward sexual oblivion, and once reached, let a low, exultant cry from his lips.

  * * *

  Angela felt languid in Daniel’s arms as he carried h
er upstairs to his loft bedroom and placed her on the bed. She barely had the time or the inclination to register that this room shared the minimalist decor with its counterpart downstairs. Curiosity withered, because at the moment Daniel was tossing his shirt aside to show off his toned chest, which looked as if it were made of steel. The ridges of his muscles drove out any coherent thought and made her mouth water and her knees weak.

  But the best was yet to come. She licked her lips in eager anticipation when he began stripping off the boxer briefs that had molded to his shaft. She’d caught a glimpse downstairs right before he’d taken her in spectacular fashion up against the glass wall, but now Angela drank in the sight of him. Daniel was a fine-looking specimen of a man, and she was certainly looking forward to spending more time with him.

  The sheer force of their chemistry had frightened her, because she hadn’t envisioned they wouldn’t make it to a bed their first time together. But they’d been circling each other for a while and ever since he’d made her come last night in the conference room, she couldn’t deny the powerful attraction between them.

  And now here she was lying on his platform king-size bed with her dress around her waist, but instead of being embarrassed, she rose to her knees and shimmied her way out of it, tossing it onto the floor with Daniel’s articles of clothing, then continuing to strip until she was just as naked as he was. He grinned as he strode toward her wearing nothing but a smile and displaying one impressive erection.

  He met her in the middle of the bed and they tumbled backward. Angela shivered as he took her in his arms again. His fingertips lightly skated over her back in soft, light caresses. She sensed he was going to take his time arousing her, but Angela had tasted pleasure and was greedy for more of it.

  Their attraction to each other was wild, crazy and definitely complicated. Tomorrow would be a whole different ball game, but tonight…tonight she would allow herself to enjoy the moment and be with Daniel before reality crept in.

  He stroked her cheek. “Stop thinking,” he whispered, “and just feel.”


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