Harlequin Kimani Romance June 2017 Box Set

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Harlequin Kimani Romance June 2017 Box Set Page 29

by Arthur, A. C.

  Angela’s chin came up so she could kiss him, softly, sweetly, and then harder and deeper. Daniel groaned, but he didn’t stop kissing her. Instead their tongues mated in a sensual dance that left Angela breathless and heady. His mouth continued its journey to her neck and throat. His breath was hot and warm and she instantly responded to him, enjoying the feel of his tongue and weight of his lips on her. So much so that when she felt the rasp of his jaw against her breast, she trembled. And when he caught one of her nipples between his teeth and began sucking and licking, she let out a sharp cry of pleasure.

  “Like that?” he inquired.

  “Mmm… I love it. Do it again.”

  He laughed, but did exactly as she requested and began tonguing one breast and then the other with light, swift flicks of his tongue. Angela marveled at just how good Daniel could make her feel. She’d had other lovers and knew good sex, but Daniel was different. With him she felt something other than desire. Something she couldn’t quite name or perhaps wasn’t ready to. Instead, she just let go.

  One of Daniel’s hands snaked its way from holding her to skim the soft flesh between her thighs. A cloud of desire, of wanting, hung over Angela as she watched, waited for him to touch her there. But instead his fingers danced over her thighs and down to the back of her knees.

  “Please…” she murmured, squirming underneath him. It was shameless to beg, but she needed Daniel’s hand, his mouth, his shaft inside her. And at the moment, she would take whatever she could get.

  And when he finally graced the triangle of curls that waited for his touch with his fingertips, she sighed with contentment. When he slid one finger and then another inside her, she let out a low purr. She rocked her body against him, eager for more.

  A large hand splayed over her stomach, stilling her, and he lifted his head and said, “I’ve got you.” Seconds later, his head was diving between her thighs and he was throwing her legs over his shoulders.

  Her head fell back against the bed when his fingers and tongue moved in parallel penetration inside her. He knew how to evoke unbearable pleasure, and her belly tightened and her thighs quivered uncontrollably. He explored every inch of her. There was no part he didn’t coax, until finally her orgasm came deep and intense.

  “Daniel!” she screamed.

  Only then did he retreat abruptly, returning only after he’d rolled on a condom. His eyes held hers fast as his hands grasped her hips, holding her firmly as he eased inside her, slowly at first, inch by delicious inch before withdrawing. Angela sucked in a deep breath just as he thrust forward again, burying himself to the hilt inside her.

  She moaned loudly when he brushed her hair aside so he could kiss, then suck, her neck. She cried out in pleasure, her nails scraping back and forth across the linens as sensation after sensation built inside her, growing tighter and tighter as he moved deep within her. She locked her legs around his waist, her inner muscles clenching around him in an attempt to hold him still, but that merely caused Daniel to drive faster and harder into her.

  Angela was desperate for him to release her from the torment, but at the same time she didn’t want it to end. Her mouth opened to speak, but then the dam burst and a tidal wave swept over her. A feeling of immense satisfaction and contentment enveloped her just as Daniel gave a loud shout as he, too, reached the peak of exquisite delight.

  * * *

  Daniel levered himself up onto his elbow and surveyed Angela. Her hair was spread out gloriously across his pillow, and his heart leaped.

  How had this woman mesmerized him so? What was it about her that made him reckless, with no thought or care about tomorrow? When he was with Angela, reason went out the window and all he was left with was a desire so strong, he showed no finesse when they’d coupled the first time.

  It had been hot, fast, but oh so satisfying. He’d never felt this way in any of his other sexual experiences. So why was being with Angela so intense? He’d felt driven earlier to take her. There’d been a primal, almost animal need in him to mate and possess her.

  And he had.

  He’d lingered over every luxurious womanly curve, but he couldn’t wait to explore her in even more intimate detail, to feel all that there could be between them. He would make love to her again as if he had all the time in the world, but for now he would let her sleep.


  Eventually, when she woke up later that morning, Angela was famished. They’d certainly worked up an appetite, making love several times throughout the morning and night.

  “Do you intend to feed me?” she asked, elbowing Daniel in the side. “Or am I merely here to sate your ravenous desires?”

  Daniel turned on his side and gave her a dazzling smile. “My ravenous desires? I’d say someone shared my enthusiasm.” He reached for the sheet between them and lowered it so he could tweak her nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

  “Hey!” She smacked his hand away. “Don’t start something you can’t finish. I’m hungry.”

  His eyes darkened. “Oh yeah? So am I.”

  “Down, tiger. I need food.”

  “All right.” He rose from the bed and padded unashamedly naked out of the room. He returned several moments later with his phone. In their hasty encounter last night, his pants were still on the living room floor. “Let’s order in. What do you fancy?”

  After they’d ordered, Daniel threw on a pair of jogging pants and selected a Millionaire Moguls T-shirt from his closet for Angela to wear, which, she noticed, was so neat it was color-coded. Then he headed to the kitchen to make them coffee.

  Angela followed behind him. As she did, she looked around the penthouse. In the light of day, she saw that Daniel didn’t have much in the way of family photos or personal memorabilia. The only decoration was the odd abstract piece of art and sculptures. About the only item that was in abundance was an extensive library of books. “Where are all your photos?” she inquired.

  “Of whom?”

  “Of your family. Your friends. Don’t you have any?”

  Daniel busied himself with adding water to his Keurig machine and procuring mugs for each of them from the overhead cabinets. He placed the first pod in the machine and let it percolate. “Of course I do, I just choose not to display them. I like a clean slate.”

  Angela wondered if that was the real reason. She’d never seen a home so bare of personality. Was there something Daniel was trying to hide or didn’t want to show the rest of the world? Or perhaps something or someone he wanted to forget? His penthouse could use some warmth, and if she happened to become more of a fixture here, she would do something about it.

  Daniel handed her the first mug of coffee. “And you? What’s your apartment like?” He added another pod to the Keurig to make himself a cup.

  “My place has lots of big bold colors, plants and paintings.”

  “Much like you,” Daniel mused. “You’re very bold and expressive.”

  “Yes, I am. There’s nothing wrong with having some individuality.”

  “Sounds like that’s been a problem for you in the past,” Daniel said as he reached for the finished mug of coffee and brought it to his lips.

  How had he picked up on that?

  She shrugged. “My parents are conformists. Everything by the book. And I just dance to the beat of my own drum.”

  “I would say that makes you special.”

  “Aw, shucks.” Angela laughed. “If I didn’t know any better I’d think you liked me.”

  “I do.” His deep brown eyes fixed on her and moved down her body. There was an invisible web of attraction building between them again. It made Angela feel as if she were standing stark naked in front of him. A thrill of arousal caused heat to begin pooling between her legs, flooding her with desire.

  As quickly as it flared to life, it was extinguishe
d as the doorbell rang, breaking the trance between them. Daniel placed his mug on the counter and sauntered toward the door.

  Angela watched him intently, knowing that had it not been for the doorbell, they would have been on the floor of the living room fanning those sparks into a raging inferno.

  Five minutes later, they were sitting on his bed, pigging out on crab Benedict, wheat toast, a fruit medley and the best fresh-squeezed orange juice she’d ever had, all from a nearby eatery.

  “How did you manage to get them to deliver?” she inquired, stuffing her mouth with eggs.

  “I’m Daniel Cobb.”

  Angela nearly choked on her food. “Did anyone ever tell you you’re just a little bit cocky?”

  He gave her one of his irresistible grins. “I may have been told that a time or two, but I don’t mind it, if it shows I’m confident.”

  Angela took another forkful of her crab dish. “So, Mr. Cocky, how do we handle this?” She motioned back and forth between them.

  His grin quickly dissipated. “You sure do cut to the chase.”

  “Well, I’ve never found myself in a situation like this,” Angela responded. “So forgive me if I’m a little out of my element.”

  “Sleeping with a man you’re attracted to?” he offered.

  It was more than that and he knew it. He was trying to make light of the awkward situation they found themselves in. Angela applauded him for trying, but she didn’t know her way out of it any more than he did. It’s why she went on the offensive. Find out what he was thinking first so she could react accordingly. She didn’t want to be the one to lay her feelings bare, not knowing what he might say in return. The last time she’d done that, it hadn’t worked out too well.

  “Sleeping with my boss,” she finally responded.

  He nodded quietly and sipped on his juice, having finished off his breakfast in record time. She could see the wheels of his mind spinning, figuring out what to say, what to do. “Who says we have to do anything?”

  Her brows furrowed. “What do you mean?”

  He shrugged. “Why can’t we just enjoy each other for however long it lasts? Because clearly staying away from each other hasn’t worked.”

  Angela thought back to the last couple of weeks. From the moment Daniel started mentoring her, the attraction between them had slowly simmered, flaring to life in the limo after the Heat game and then combusting in the Cobb conference room. They’d both tried unsuccessfully to suppress the attraction, and all they’d accomplished was to become so frustrated that their first coupling had been a frenzied one against the glass wall. Angela doubted she’d ever look at his apartment without remembering their passionate encounter.

  “I don’t know,” she replied to his suggestion. “I need to think about it.”

  Daniel reached across the space between them, grabbed her plate and placed it on the nightstand behind him. “What’s there to think about? You want me and I want you. The sex between us is raw and intense. Hell, it’s amazing! Even you have to admit it.” His dark eyes stared into hers. “Why shouldn’t we continue to see each other?”

  Angela swallowed hard at his frank assessment. He was laying it all bare in black and white. But she was still hesitant. “How would we act at work?” It was one scenario she’d never worked out when she’d considered a one-night stand with him.

  “Same as before,” Daniel said. “I’ll continue to mentor you.”

  “As I continue to get you off?”

  Daniel hissed, not liking her comment, and before she knew it Angela was flat on her back with Daniel poised above her. “I would think that would be mutual,” he replied. “But in case you need further evidence of just how much you enjoyed my getting you off…” Daniel lifted the T-shirt she was wearing, parted her legs and then lowered his head.

  The first flick of his tongue caused Angela to arch off the bed, but Daniel gently eased her down with the palm of his hand while his tongue took liberties with her already-sensitive flesh. He teased and stroked her with effortless ease, tipping her nearly to the edge of her orgasm, then drawing her back, time and time again.

  Frustration and excitement grew to a fever pitch until Angela was begging him to take her. Only then did Daniel let out a long laugh, lifting his head. “Do you want to amend your earlier comment?” he asked, lightly blowing on her clitoris.

  “Y-yes,” Angela stammered. “Now, for Christ’s sake, give me what I want.”

  “And what do you want?” He drew circles with his tongue around her clit.

  “You. Inside me,” she said unapologetically.

  * * *

  Daniel eased the jogging pants down his thighs and reached for yet another condom. They’d already gone through a box. She took it from him, and her fingers worked magic as she slowly slid the condom down his hard length. Then he was back in place, threading his fingers through her silken mass of hair and giving her exactly what she wanted.

  He lifted her hips and positioned himself so his shaft slid inside her. Angela purred. Damn! Why did she make him feel this way? So wanton, so out of control. He was losing his grip on the situation. Instead he focused on doing incredibly wicked things to her and proving she was powerless to resist him.

  Daniel’s mouth crashed down on hers and his tongue glided into her hot mouth. He wanted to show Angela that there was no way she was walking away from what they shared. It was hot and passionate. The softness of her body merged with his, and it was impossible to know where he ended and she began.

  His body was consumed by a burning need that only Angela could quench. He dragged his mouth away from hers long enough to suck on one plump breast. Desire was coiling inside him, threatening to overtake him, but he didn’t want it to be over with quickly. He wanted to make it last.

  Slowly he thrust and withdrew, reveling in how tight and wet she was. The feeling of being inside her was so exquisite that he groaned aloud.

  “Yes, Daniel, yes,” she moaned, gyrating her hips underneath him.

  Daniel didn’t quicken the pace. He let the pressure and tension build inside them, thrusting in and out with agonizing slowness until finally she sobbed, crying out his name. Only then did he move quicker, harder and deeper until he reached the hilt, and when he did, he shattered into a million pieces.

  * * *

  On Sunday, after he’d met with several members of the Millionaire Moguls Club at a local martini bar in an effort to solidify support for Joshua, Daniel sat alone at the bar with a drink to clear his head. It wouldn’t be easy dethroning Ashton, but he’d given his word he would help. On the other hand, he would much rather be at his place with Angela.

  She’d been a fiery tigress in his bed. He’d spent the entire day laying with her yesterday after their first sexual encounter had him aching for more of her. He hadn’t known it would be that way. Hadn’t known he’d feel the intense desire he felt when they were together. Angela surpassed any of his previous relationships. Since Mia, he’d kept women at arm’s length because he was afraid of putting his heart on the line and being rejected, so when this relationship ran its course—which was an inevitability given that Daniel didn’t do long-term relationships—Angela would become the yardstick he measured every other woman against, because she was the woman who’d made him feel something.

  He was so deep in thought that he didn’t realize he’d been joined by someone until a smooth voice slid over him like syrup. A voice that took him back to another place in time.

  He glanced up from his drink to find Farrah Davenport, his ex-girlfriend, sitting beside him. “Farrah.” He inclined his head and returned to sipping his drink.

  “Is that all I get after we shared two thrilling months together?” she inquired.

  Turning again, Daniel stared at her. Farrah was stunningly beautiful and was of mixed African American and West Indian h
eritage. She had flawless skin, expressive eyes and a body that most women would kill for and that she’d used to get what she wanted—his wallet. The only things Farrah cared about were whether he was good in bed and whether he could support her lifestyle. Too bad he figured that out after he’d shelled out thousands during their short-lived dating stint.

  “You’re looking well,” Daniel said after his slow perusal. Farrah was dressed in a jumpsuit with a neckline that damn near plunged to her waist, showing off her spectacular cleavage. Daniel could appreciate the package even though Angela was far more beautiful in his opinion, both inside and out.

  “I’m glad you noticed.” She eased herself on the bar stool as best she could without her breasts falling out of the jumpsuit and faced him with her legs crossed. It wasn’t lost on him that she was pulling out all the stops to prove she could still hold his interest.

  He gave her a withering glance. “Isn’t that what you’re looking for in that getup?”

  Farrah laughed, throwing back her head so that her long flowing mane of hair, thanks to a thousand-dollar Brazilian weave, could cascade down her back. She truly was a piece of work. There was nothing real about her. Everything was for show. Why had he never seen it before?

  “I just threw on this old thing,” Farrah replied. “I’m meeting some friends for dinner.”

  “Don’t let me keep you.”

  She frowned. “You’re not. They’re late.” Then she chuckled to herself. “Usually I’m the one fashionably late. Anyway, what are you doing here?”

  “Having a drink.” Daniel wasn’t interested in giving her any details. Farrah was a notorious gossip, so whatever he said would make the rounds in Miami society, blogs and social media.

  “Alone? The Daniel I know likes having a beautiful woman on his arm.”

  “And who’s to say that I don’t have a woman?” His mind instantly went to Angela.

  “Then where is she? Doesn’t she know she can’t let a lion like you out of his cage?”

  Daniel turned to glare at her but not before downing the last of his scotch. “We’re not doing this, Farrah.”


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