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The Wolf Claims His Fae (Club Yes Master Book 1)

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by Aspen Drake

  The Wolf Claims His Fae

  Club Yes Master #1

  Aspen Drake

  Ever Coming



  “On your knees,” he said, crossing his arms across his wide chest. Though he’d said it quietly, his deep voice filled the entire room.

  I followed his orders, dropping to my knees and letting my gaze glide along his body on the way down. There was a black leather hood covering his face, the type an executioner might wear. His broad shoulders and chest narrowed only slightly as they led to a well-chiseled six-pack. I gulped audibly as my inspection paused at the V that went into his low-hung leather pants. His thighs were like tree trunks, and when my stare landed at his black combat boots, I tried to control my raging hormones.

  He placed a finger under my chin and lifted so I was looking up at him. With a flick of his thumb and forefinger, he released the button on his pants and then unzipped, freeing his massive cock. Unobstructed by underwear, his shaft was fully released.

  I gaped in awe.

  Was it possible for a man to be this large? I was a petite woman—not even a human woman but a fairy. I barely reached five-feet tall and wasn’t even close to 100 pounds soaking wet. And I didn’t mean the soaking wet that was currently pooling between my thighs. I continued to stare as he unrolled a condom on his dick in an expert motion that said he’d had plenty of experience.

  I was no virgin, but I wasn’t a pro either.

  “Open for me.” He came closer and rubbed his tip against my lips.

  Instinctively, I opened up by licking my lips to provide some moisture as he thrust inside. There was no way he would fit in my pussy. I almost choked on just half his length.

  “Relax, little one. Just take it slow,” he purred as he ran his hand through my golden locks.

  I did as he said and found it easier to handle what he gave. Slowly, he offered more and more. I wanted to reach up and massage his balls, but my hands were tied behind my back.

  He continued to slowly thrust in and out of my mouth until I was moaning in ecstasy. Then he picked up the pace and began to truly fuck my mouth. Somehow, this man managed to make me enjoy it as much as he did. I loved giving head, but this was unreal. I was about to come just from hearing his grunts.

  As I massaged his dick with my tongue, he pulled my head backward by the hair so he could get a deeper thrust. His grunts were almost a growl. I wondered if he’d transform before me, but he just continued to enjoy himself. A few more minutes of sucking and licking, mixed with a few other tricks, and his cock began to twitch in my mouth as he released his seed.

  He pulled out of my mouth with an audible popping noise because he was so large and my mouth so small. I wondered if my pussy would do that. Before I had a chance to die of mortification or giggle from embarrassment at the thought, he pulled me to my feet and led me to the bed in the corner of the room.

  In one swift motion, he tossed me onto the bed. He then sat on the edge of the bed and removed his combat boots before standing up and sliding out of his pants. His ass was sheer perfection. Not too flat, not too bubbly. It was a work of art.

  Without thinking, I leaned forward and bit his left cheek.

  He turned and removed a cat o’nine tails from the wall before ordering me to get on all fours, facing away from him. I did as I was told, which resulted in my face being pressed into the mattress since my hands were still bound. The sting of the leather as it struck my backside made me whimper as both pain and pleasure flowed through me. The leather hit my skin again in a different area, a bit harder this time. I could feel the moisture from between my legs start to drip down my inner thigh. My costume consisted of only a few straps here and there…and neither here nor there covered my pussy or breasts.

  Again, he let out a sound that was a mixture of a moan and a growl before sticking his face near my entrance and inhaling deeply. “Mmm,” was his only response before roughly pulling my legs farther apart and licking my folds. He laid down on his back and slid beneath me, so I was straddling his face. I held my breath as he began to fuck me with his tongue. It was as if every drop I gave him was pure honey that he sucked and lapped clean. Within seconds, I started to come undone. The rest of the world fell away as an intense orgasm hit me.

  He held on and continued to lick and suckle until I was fully spent, and my knees collapsed.

  He flipped me over and grabbed another condom from the nightstand. After he removed the used one and slipped into the new one, my master crawled toward me on the bed. I was prepared to be fucked like I’d never been fucked before when a voice came over the speaker announcing that the club was closing.

  This seriously couldn’t be happening.

  I sighed in frustration before invoking my safe word. “Tinkerbell,” I said glumly.

  He reached for the key and undid the cuffs binding my wrists. I rubbed them, even though they weren’t the least bit sore. As the lights began to get brighter in the room, I stared into his eyes and wished I could see his face.

  As if he could sense my need, he turned and grabbed his clothes, walking toward his exit. I got up from the bed and walked toward my exit, which led to a locker room of sorts. Before I closed the door behind me, I dared to look back at him one last time.

  He was looking back at me too.

  There was a cutout in the mask that let me see his mouth, which was turned up in a half grin. I blushed and shut my door before sliding down against it. I didn’t know if I’d ever see him again, but I was definitely coming back in hopes of getting seconds.



  I was sitting at the breakfast bar in my apartment and enjoying a cup of coffee when my bratty sister came into the room. Rubbing her eyes and with a scowl on her face, I could tell she was still half asleep.

  I didn’t care. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “Huh?” She didn’t even look at me as she reached for the coffeepot.

  “Here. What are you doing here, Luna?”

  “Oh, I was out late and didn’t feel like going all the way back home, so I just crashed in your guest room.”

  “Uninvited? What if I’d been home fucking someone?”

  She laughed as she poured herself a cup of coffee. “Sure. Like Mr. No-Commitment would bring someone home.”

  “Hey, just because I don’t want them to hang around doesn’t mean I won’t bring them home to fuck,” I barked out as I reached for the morning paper.

  “Yes, it does,” she said as she blew on her coffee to cool it down. “You wouldn’t want them knowing where you live so they can’t hound you. That’s why you take them to a hotel.”

  I sighed and cursed the fact that my best friend was into my sister. He’d told her everything she wanted to know about me and probably a few things she didn’t want to know.

  “Well, it’s morning. You can go now.” I waved my hand, shooing her away like the pest she was.

  “I think I’ll stay, actually.” She took a piece of toast off my plate and shoved it into her mooching mouth. “There’s a club my friends and I are thinking about going to. It’s called Club Yes Master. I think it’s supposed to be like Fifty Shades or something.” She took a sip of her coffee to wash down my toast. “I was surprised there’s a place like that here in Greywood.”

  Though she hadn’t noticed, I actually spit coffee onto my newspaper and the hot liquid came out my nose. I quickly wiped up the mess while giving her a stern look. “No.”

  “Excuse me?” She put her hand on her hip and used the same tone on me that she used with her punk friends. “I’m twenty-one f
ucking years old. No one, not even you, tells me what to do.”

  I got up from my stool and towered above her. “I. Said. No.”

  She whimpered under my command. “What the hell,” she squeaked as she broke eye contact and looked down, submitting to me.

  “I am the alpha of this family, and you will do as I say. No questions asked.” I threw the paper towels into the trash and poured myself another cup of coffee before escaping to my office. There was no way in hell my baby sister was going to a BDSM club.

  Later that evening, I was at the bar with Matt, the one who was in love with my sister. “So, you just had to tell her every-fucking-thing, huh?” I took a sip of my beer and spoke again before he could answer. “I think you forget that I’m the alpha of our pack and I could easily send you on your way.”

  Matt sat next to me, nursing a beer of his own. He had the decency to look down at the table and not dare meet my eyes. “I’m sorry, Anwell. I wish I knew why she has so much power over me.”

  “That’s your problem, mate.” I clapped him on the back. “You let her have that power. Once you stop giving her power over you, she’ll probably be more interested in you.”

  He glanced at me with his eyebrows raised. “You think so?”

  I really wasn’t sure. My sister and Matt were both ten years younger than me, but I knew enough about women to know some things were true for every generation. “Most women want a man who shows some power and dominance. They usually won’t admit it, but most women like to know that a man is strong enough to take care of them. If they feel you aren’t able to do that, what do you really have to offer them?”

  Matt stared at me for a full minute as he contemplated my words. “I thought today’s woman wanted to be in charge?”

  I laughed as I set my beer back on the bar. “They certainly act that way, don’t they?” I turned to face him. “Truth is, women haven’t changed that much since the caveman days. Sure, they want to be treated with respect, earn a fair wage, and do the things that make them happy. But trust me on this, man. Women, especially our kind, have a primal need to be taken care of – to submit to their mate.”

  He seemed to mull it over before he started peeling the label off his beer. “I don’t know. Women have been pushing pretty hard to be equal in today’s society.”

  “And there’s nothing wrong with that. Women deserve to have equal rights, but what they want to come home to every night is a strong man who will protect them. No matter what that man does – even those who stay-at-home with the kids – he still has to offer that security women yearn for in order to keep their interest.”

  We sat in silence for a while before my sister strolled through the door with a couple of her friends. I learned close to Matt and whispered, “Here’s your chance, man.”

  Luna walked up to the bar and sat down beside Matt, expecting the same jovial friend who always tried to hit on her. What she got was indifference. Matt took a long swig of his beer before he glanced in her direction. Even I could feel the power humming around him. Luna’s eyes darkened a bit as she watched him, waiting for him to make a move.

  Within seconds, she began to squirm on her stool. “Um, so, you guys been here long?”

  “Just finishing up our first beer,” Matt said as he tipped his bottle in her direction. He turned back to me. “Come on, man. Let’s play pool.”

  I slid off my stool and followed him to the pool tables. Subtly, I glanced back at my sister and saw her watching Matt with interest. “See that. When you don’t hang on her every word, she notices.”

  Matt seemed disturbed by the fact. “I don’t know, man. It feels weird.” He racked the balls and took his first shot. “I’m head-over-heels for the girl and not showing her my interest feels wrong.” He leaned against his cue with his hands clasped at the top.

  “Once you’ve won her over, you can begin to show her how much you care.” I lined up my shot and sent two balls into the left back pocket. “But right now, she needs to feel like she’s in charge. She needs to feel like she’s hunting you. Not the other way around. Just give it a chance.”



  “Here, drink this.” Willow handed me a shot glass.

  I scrunched up my face. “I don’t know. It seems pretty early to be doing shots. I haven’t even had breakfast yet.” I held the glass in my hands and inspected the liquid. It was an amber color and looked like it would burn on the way down. My guess was whiskey, but I wasn’t sure. “Oh, what the hell.” I threw the shot back and immediately ran to the sink to spit out what didn’t go down my throat. It was all I could do not to vomit. “Dammit, Willow! What was that?”

  Willow looked at me nervously. “I know you haven’t been feeling well lately and I heard that apple cider vinegar was good for digestion and a few other things.” She gave me a hopeful smile. “I got the kind with mother in it. It’s supposed to be the best.”

  “That shit must have the mother, father, sister, and – hell – the family dog thrown in for good measure.” I continued to spit into the sink. “Look, I appreciate the thought, but I think we’re supposed to dilute it with something, not drink it straight.”

  “Oh my god, you’re right.” She slapped her forehead. “I totally forgot that part. It said to mix one to two tablespoons with a glass of water and to add honey and lemon to help mask the flavor.”

  “Yeah, thanks.” I got a glass from the cabinet and filled it with ice before pouring some sweet tea to cleanse my palate. I took a large gulp and the sugary goodness helped erase the bad taste that lingered in my mouth.

  “So, what did you do last night?” she asked as we pulled away from each other.

  I had to stop myself from cringing. I really didn’t want to admit to my lifelong bestie that I’d spent the night at a BDSM bar, having sex with an incredibly sexy stranger. “Oh, you know. I flipped through Netflix for an hour or so before I gave up and went to bed.” I patted her on the shoulder before grabbing some muffins from the countertop and putting them on the table between us. “Seems like I spend more time searching for something to watch than actually watching anything.”

  “Ugh, I know, right?” She took a bite of her muffin and moaned. “These are so good. I swear you should bake for a living.”

  My bestie was also fae, but she didn’t share the same diminutive figure that I did. She was short like me but almost as wide as she was short. Don’t let that fool you, though. Willow had more men begging for her attention than I could count. She had a very powerful spirit and more confidence than I could ever dream of having. Men loved that. Not that Willow kept a man around for long. She enjoyed the sex, but she wasn’t looking for anything long-term.

  We ate in silence and then discussed upcoming movies and which one we would see this weekend. We both decided on the latest comic book adaptation. Comics might have been made for boys, but directors certainly knew how to capture the female audience. The muscled heroes and villains kept women entertained while men enjoyed the action and aggression.

  “Well, I’d better get to work,” I said as I cleaned up the kitchen and put our glasses in the sink. “Oh, speaking of, how’s the job hunt going?” Willow had been out of work for a couple weeks and was starting to worry about her finances. If things didn’t turn around soon, I’d invite her to move in with me.

  “I’ve got a second interview at a nice restaurant.” She grabbed her purse from the counter. “They seem to think my personality is perfect for being a waitress.” She slung the strap over her shoulder and pulled her long black hair from under it. “It’s a far cry from the dream job I had, but they think I’ll easily clear a thousand a night.”

  “Whoa. That’s a hell of a lot of tips.”

  “The restaurant is in an upscale part of town, across from a casino.” She headed to my front door. “You know how winners love to share the wealth.”

  I just shrugged, not sure what to say about it.

  “Anyway, I’ll see you on Friday night.”
br />   “I’ll see you, sweetie.” I closed the door behind her and went straight to my home office. If Willow got this job, she’d be set. She’d have no trouble at all getting great tips from gamblers. Everyone who met Willow loved her. Her personality was magnetic, and the male gamblers would be drawn like a moth to a flame.

  I finished writing the last chapter for the day and leaned back in my desk chair, stretching my arms and legs. I didn’t need this work, but I enjoyed keeping my mind busy. My parents gave me a large chunk of money at eighteen and made another deposit when I graduated college. At twenty-five, I was already a millionaire. But I enjoyed creating new worlds and characters. I chose to be a ghostwriter because I didn’t want everyone to know the type of fiction I liked to write.

  Just like in my sex life, I enjoyed being unconventional. I liked a man who was powerful and domineering. It seemed so far from the norm that I didn’t dare utter my fantasies to anyone – not even Willow.

  It was five in the evening, and I wanted to go back to the club, but I didn’t want to seem desperate. I didn’t want the incredibly sexy werewolf to get the wrong idea about me. I was looking for fun and games, maybe even a bit of pain, but that was it. And I was sure he didn’t want anything more than a good fuck with a girl who would roll over and beg. Still, I didn’t want him to get the wrong impression.

  So instead of giving in to my desires, I poured myself a large glass of sweet tea and started making dinner.

  My fae bloodline was different from Willow’s. While Willow was a full-figured goddess, I would always be tiny – no matter what I ate. Of course, I tried to eat healthy food but sometimes I indulged. That night, I opted to grill some chicken on my back deck. As I brushed on the barbecue sauce, I heard Willow’s voice just before she rounded the corner of the house. “Girl, something smells good.”


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