The Wolf Claims His Fae (Club Yes Master Book 1)

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The Wolf Claims His Fae (Club Yes Master Book 1) Page 5

by Aspen Drake

  “I need to go grab a cold shower before the club opens.”

  I laughed. “Remember, washing it for more than a minute or so is jerking off.” He flipped me off as he headed out of the office. “I’m flattered but will pass,” I called after him.

  It was never good to get involved with an employee, but Logan had it bad. I’d have to check this woman out for myself. But first, I needed to take care of something else.

  I was parked a few houses down from her home. It was wrong, but I’d looked through the files to find her driver’s license. We required proof of identification for anyone who would be in the rooms as a Dom or sub. The ID was scanned and kept on file in case something went wrong. I wasn’t surprised to find that she lived on the outskirts of Greywood. Fairies preferred the peace and quiet of the suburbs. What did surprise me was that she lived in what looked like the equivalent of a cabin-style mansion. The place was huge, especially if she lived by herself.

  The noise on her property wouldn’t have been detected by anyone else, but my werewolf senses easily picked it up. It was almost three in the morning, and the neighborhood was completely dark. There weren’t any streetlights on the small country road.

  But I saw him clear as day.

  The guy she’d rejected was messing around on her property. As he tried to jimmy a back window, I let out a howl that made him drop his tools. He looked around but couldn’t see more than a foot in front of his face.

  Without thinking, I transformed and headed in his direction. He may be human, but he quickly detected the threat. With his back up against the wall of the house, he turned his head in every direction, trying to gauge where the danger was approaching from. I got within five feet of him, but he still couldn’t see me.

  The growl that came from deep in my throat had the desired effect.

  I could smell urine almost immediately.

  The cowardly human began inching away from me and then took off at a sprint. I ran behind him at a slow speed, not wanting to catch up with him but wanting to scare him enough that he’d never come back. I wasn’t sure what his plans were, but when a woman said no, she meant no.

  After about a mile, the guy jumped on his motorcycle and hightailed it out of there.

  I returned to my own truck, which was parked in front of a home that was currently listed for sale. I wasn’t even sure why I was out there. The fairy wasn’t my problem. She wasn’t my kind. I needed to let it be.

  But I couldn’t.

  I needed to protect this woman.

  Sure, the guy was just a human, but he could still do great harm to her.

  Regardless of what his intentions were, I planned to make sure every move he made was under scrutiny until he backed the fuck off.



  “Willow, we need to talk. Can you come by the house?” I didn’t want to sound alarmed, but after the dreams I’d had the previous night, I needed to talk to someone and tell them what I suspected.

  “Sure, hon. Is everything okay?” I could hear the concern in her voice, and that made me worry even more.

  “I’m not sure. That’s why I need you here.” My voice broke even though I didn’t mean for it to.

  “I’m on my way.”

  She arrived in less than ten minutes, which was a new record. She must have run every light in town. I met her at the door and motioned for her to come inside. After a quick hug, Willow followed me to the air-conditioned sunroom off the back of the house. It was still early morning, and Willow hated getting up early, but she’d do anything for me.

  “I’m sorry I got you out here so early, but something’s bothering me.” I stared out over the back yard to the creek that ran across my property.

  “Hon, you know I’ll be here anytime you need me.” She sipped her iced coffee then shrugged. “Plus, you had coffee, and I was out.”

  I laughed softly before turning serious again. “You know the guy I told you about? The one from McDonald’s?”

  “The one that was well-hung? I remember.” She grinned at me as she took another sip of coffee.

  I forced a smile. “He’s stalking me.”

  She put her coffee down and gave me a concerned look. “What do you mean?”

  He seems to be everywhere I go. He showed up in a parking lot while I was out shopping, and then he was at the grocery store that same evening.” I clasped and unclasped my hands as I spoke. “I’ve told him it won’t work out and tried to be nice about it, but he won’t leave me alone.”

  The stern look on Willow’s face almost scared me. “What does this fucker hope to accomplish?”

  “I’m not sure. I don’t know if he just wants another go at a relationship or what.” I wiped at the drops of condensation rolling down my cup with my thumb. I needed to broach the most serious topic, but wasn’t sure Willow would believe me. I sighed and pulled together all my courage. “Don’t laugh, but I think he may be a creeper.”

  “A…creeper? Really?” She slid her cup back on the table and reached for my hand. “Hon, the creepers were thrown out of Greywood almost a hundred years ago. All entry points to Greywood are manned. If anyone comes or goes, it’s common knowledge.”

  “I know, but—”

  “No buts. It all ended. We’ve heard the stories over and over again in history classes and family gatherings.”

  “Listen.” I held up my hand and ignored her when she tried to stop me. “Just listen for a minute. I had a dream last night.” I saw the fear in her eyes because she knew what was coming. “I dreamed that this guy took me into the woods and there were other men there – humans. I was laid on an alter and he began chanting. Then all the others joined in. He raised a knife into the air and it was coming down, aimed straight for my heart. But I woke up and thought I heard something outside my window.”

  Willow sat there, looking deeply concerned. “If it’s true… If the creepers have returned or have somehow managed to remain hidden all this time… Why reappear now? Why you?”

  “I’m not sure. But, if they have decided to rise again, we’re all in trouble.”

  After Willow left, I tried to work on my novel, but I was too tired to concentrate. I hadn’t slept well after that dream. My daily writing goal was 3000 words, but I usually wrote much more than that. If I missed one day, it wouldn’t kill my deadline. Yet, I knew that one day could turn into two or three and then I would be behind. So, I pushed myself to get the words out and was pleased when I closed the document after 5000 words were written.

  Once that was done, I began to research the town’s history. The creepers had been banished from Greywood almost 100 years ago. The one hundred year anniversary of the cleansing was coming up, and the town usually celebrated.

  It was definitely worth celebrating.

  Creepers were humans who practiced black magic. When they were in Greywood, they had murdered over fifty of the paranormal community. Women, men, children, teens, weres, fairies, warlocks – no one had been safe. I began to wonder if the creepers were planning an uprising to coincide with the centennial.

  But, why? What did they hope to prove?

  I held my head in my palms as I considered the possibility of the creepers returning. Humans and paranormal beings would turn against each other again. We wouldn’t know who we could trust. Creepers looked just like other humans.

  But what if I were being crazy? What if Steve was just a stalker? Should I call the police, or should I consult the elders? I wasn’t sure. Before I had a chance to think much more about it, there was a knock on the door.

  I opened it up and was surprised to see my grandmother, mother, and father standing there. They all looked concerned as they stepped through the doorway before I could invite them in.

  “Willow called us. You need to tell us everything you know about this human.”

  I told them what I knew, which wasn’t much. Although I left out the part about meeting him and immediately fucking him. I just said that we met, but I told him we couldn
’t be together because we were so different. “He rides a motorcycle. One of the crotch-rocket types.”

  “What did you just say?” my mother asked.

  My grandmother leaned forward on the couch so she could see around my father. “Crotch-rocket, dear. It’s a type of motorcycle that you practically lay down on as you ride. Quite fun, especially if you go fast.”

  My mother rolled her eyes and shook her head. My mom and her mother-in-law were so different. My grandmother was far from the overbearing mother-in-law, but my mom, on the other hand, was a strict, stick-to-the-rules sort of person. I much preferred my grandmother’s outlook on life, which was carefree and rebellious.

  “What else can you tell us, sweetie?” my father asked, trying to get as much information as possible.

  “His name is Steve, but I don’t know his last name. He has blond hair that hangs over his eyes. I’d guess he’s about five-foot-eight and is all muscle.”

  “And you know this, how?” My grandmother winked at me playfully. She knew me too well.

  I ignored her question, but I gave her a wink in return. “That’s pretty much all I know. Oh, wait.” I remembered the most important part. “He’s a student at the university. He mentioned having finals this week.”

  My father closed the notepad he’d been writing in. “I’ll go by the university first thing tomorrow morning.” He stepped closer to me. “I’m sorry, Lily. I know you don’t like this, but I have to.”

  He placed his palm on my head, and I felt all the memories of my time with Steve flash before my eyes.

  With the disapproving look I learned to ignore back in high school, my father stepped away and lowered his hand. “You know, you wouldn’t have problems like this if you were more careful.”

  I hung my head in shame. “I know, Daddy.”

  “But the dream. The dream worries me. Many of the women who were murdered had similar dreams. Most people kept diaries in the early 1900s, and some women had written detailed entries about their dreams.”

  “Do I need to start writing these dreams down?”

  My father turned to look out the window. “Yes, you should. The spirits are trying to warn you. You need to pay attention to all the details of your dreams. You never know what will be important. The spirits will keep you as safe as they can, but you must listen.”

  My parents walked out the door, but my grandmother stayed behind. “Don’t let him change you, sweetie. You only live once.” She kissed my forehead. “But, you may want to stick to the paranormal community for your trysts.”

  My father was one of the top law enforcement agents in Greywood. If anyone was going to find out what this guy was up to, it was him.

  I just hoped I hadn’t jumped the gun and worried everyone for nothing.



  His name was Stephen Rockford Miller.

  It was so plain that it almost seemed fake. I looked more closely at the scan of his license. He’d been in the club more than a few times. He’d taken a few subs to the rooms, and all seemed to go well. He never did anything that caused him to be questioned or banned. I didn’t want to, but I needed to ask some of the subs he’d met with if he’d done anything strange.

  Melanie was the first sub I questioned. “To be honest, he wasn’t much of a Dom. He seemed nervous, and I ended up leading the entire show. That’s not my thing, so I wasn’t really into it.”

  Next, I questioned Jenny. “He was okay. Nothing spectacular. He seemed pretty new to the whole scene. He mostly questioned me about being a vampire. It was kind of weird, but I guess humans are curious.”

  The last woman he’d taken to the rooms was Courtney. “He was a pretty good Master. He certainly tanned my ass good. But he was also a talker.” She rolled her eyes. “Kept asking me questions about fairies. It was weird.”

  If I’d learned anything, I learned that Steve Miller wasn’t an experienced Dom. His questioning of the girls also seemed strange. Humans were indeed curious creatures, but why ask the girls? Why not just do his research? It was no secret that paranormal beings existed. You could find out everything you wanted to know on Google.

  Something was off, but I couldn’t quite place it.

  I just knew that boy was up to something.

  I went into the club ready to man Room Two, and I was glad I did. As soon as I walked on the floor, Logan motioned me over. “There’s a fairy waiting for you in Room Two. Go get her, tiger.” He smacked my ass as I walked past him.

  I gave him a confused look.

  “Sorry, just seemed like the thing to do.”

  “Well, don’t do it again. It was weird.” I shook my head as I went straight to Room Two.

  When I walked inside, I was pleased to see my fairy sprawled across the bed, wearing the costume she’d bought. From the scent filling the room, it was freshly laundered. Under the scent of the laundry detergent, I could smell her scent. She was already wet just thinking about being with me. As I got closer, she looked up at me and smiled.

  She was wearing a soft-pink lip gloss that played up the innocent school girl image. Her eyelids were the same soft-pink with a darker purple at the edges. Her silky blonde hair was in pigtails. My gaze was locked on her hand as it went up to her mouth, and she wrapped her lips around a red lollipop. When she popped it from her full lips, I could feel pre-come wet the tip of my cock.

  “Why are you wearing the mask?” She twirled her tongue around the lollipop, and I shivered.

  “I always wear a mask in here.” I placed a knee on the bed, between her legs. “To protect my identity.”

  “But I already know your identity.”

  I froze. “What?”

  “Um, don’t you remember our fuck in the shop? Am I really that forgettable or have you had so many lays that you can’t keep them straight?” Again, she twirled her tongue around the sucker.

  “Stop that.” I took the lollipop and tossed it in the trash. She gave me a satisfied smile, knowing she’d accomplished what she set out to do. I was so hard that my zipper was bulging outward and pinching my dick. “Excuse me for a second.” I unzipped my pants and let my dick bob in the air while I continued talking, “You knew it was me? Why didn’t you say anything?”

  “I thought you knew I knew,” she said, shrugging like it was no big deal.

  “Well, then, I don’t need this.” I pulled the mask off and let my hair fall loose.

  “Mmm. Much better.” She bent her knees and let the short skirt pool around her waist, revealing her bare skin.

  I swallowed hard.

  “Now.” She looked up at me with bedroom eyes. “Where’s the Dom I know and love?”

  Love? I really hoped that was just a phrase because I felt my dick soften a little at the word.

  I grabbed her knees and pulled her toward me. After taking a condom from my back pocket, I slid it on then rubbed my length against her wet folds. She moaned and bit her bottom lip, making my dick grow even harder. I slid my pants down my thighs but kept them on as she scooted to the edge of the bed and wiggled her ass against my balls.

  I growled and bit my cheek to keep from shooting my load too soon. As I slid into her wet core, I could feel a heat that almost burned my cock. It was painful but pleasurable at the same time. “Did you stop by the store again?”

  She nodded as she moaned.

  “Cinnamon Pleasure, huh?” I ground into her pussy and enjoyed the sensation. “I’ve been wanting to try that.”

  “Logan suggested it.” She gasped as her hands fisted in the sheets.

  “Remind me to thank him later.”

  I thrust in and out of her wet channel, always on the brink of losing it. She was so tight. So hot. And when I felt her tiny pussy start to squeeze me, I knew she had lost the battle. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she floated on a cloud of pure pleasure. I couldn’t look away as her chest flushed and her lips trembled. Just watching her caused me to come.

  She was so beautiful.

As I filled the condom with my seed, thoughts of going on an actual date with her flashed through my head.

  But I quickly dismissed the idea.

  I never mixed business with pleasure, even when the business is pleasurable.

  I was sitting in Room Two. It was past closing time, and everyone else had gone home. “I’d love to get to know you better,” she’d said.

  I wasn’t sure it was a good idea. As badly as I wanted to know her better, it was a futile effort.

  She was a fairy, and I was a werewolf. Sure, we could enjoy some good times and AMAZING sex, but what then? I was an alpha, destined to father another alpha.

  It was my legacy and my responsibility.

  I lay on the bed and sighed. The room still smelled of her scent. I inhaled deeply and savored it. Everything about her was perfect. From her silky blonde hair to her small tits that were barely a handful. She seemed self-conscious about her small breasts, but they were perfectly proportioned for her body. Any larger and she’d topple over.

  But there was more to her than good looks. Lily was funny, and though she enjoyed being a sub, I could tell that she was a powerful woman. She told me she writes erotica for a living, and I couldn’t help but smile. She’d been writing about this lifestyle for years, but only now was venturing into the club to check it out. She learned everything she needed to know by researching it online.

  Who knew Google could be so kinky?



  Ugh. What had I done?

  I couldn’t believe I’d asked him for something more. He owned a BDSM club. Why would he want to get to know me better? There were probably lots of women who came and went. Asking for more was silly. I just hoped I hadn’t ruined what we did have. I still wanted to see him…and fuck him. Would it be awkward now? Had I ruined a good thing? I needed a man I could trust to fulfill my needs. I wasn’t going to hit on any hot man who happened to walk by anymore.


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