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The Broken Road

Page 7

by Anna Lee

  “It’s no dream, baby.” Kason turned on the stool so he could slip his hand into Ryen’s. He kissed Ryen’s knuckles. He had to distract them before they forgot where they were so he added, “I told you that your food was to die for.”

  “No, it’s not only that.” Ryen leaned in close so he could whisper in his ear, “I really want to pick you up and carry you outta here so I can show you how much I love you.”

  Ryen had to know how crazy those words would make him. Kason swore Ryen could read his mind sometimes. “Yeah, me too. I was just trying to distract us from what we’re thinking. But class is almost over and then you can do that.” Kason gazed at Ryen, letting him see his need. Kason wanted to kiss him. “We’ll go home, open some wine, and spend the rest of the night in bed.”

  Ryen’s eyes darkened. “Perfect.”

  Kason thought so too.

  Chapter Eight

  It didn’t take long after that for Ryen to enroll in the cooking school. He had to go three days out of the week and only needed Kason to run the coffee shop two of those. It was no trouble—Kason only had to learn the basics then he was all set to go. He was doing inventory in the storeroom when Jenny, the barista, poked her head in.

  “Kason, we have a jerk out there who wants to speak to you.”

  Kason raised an eyebrow. “Why?”

  “He says there was a hair in his coffee. I made it myself and I know he’s lying ‘cause the hair was supposedly blonde.”

  Kason rolled his eyes as Jenny’s hair was a fiery red. “Just give him his money back. It’ll be easier that way.”

  Jenny popped her gum. “I know. I tried, but he said he wants you.”

  Frustrated, Kason set down the clipboard and followed Jenny out to the front then stopped in his tracks. The jerk of a customer was Blake. Now what was he going to do? Deciding to be professional, he steeled himself and went over. He was thankful the shop was empty as he was certain Blake would cause a scene. Especially since Kason knew Milo had recently left the jerk.

  “Sir, I apologize for the mistake. We’ll refund your money and—”

  “Kason, what are you doing here?” Blake stared at him in disbelief.

  It had always bothered Kason that Blake never seemed to want to grow out of his college years and do more in life than work odd jobs while partying, or taking trips and getting free meals on other people’s dime. He’d realized some time ago that Lexie was right about the accident being a blessing in disguise. Sure, he wished he could walk again, but he had Ryen now, while Blake was still being an ass.

  Kason was going to stand up for himself—well not literally—but still…

  “I run the shop while Ryen is gone.”

  “Not that dude you were with at the restaurant?”

  “Yes. My partner.”

  Kason could have slapped the look off Blake’s face when he sneered. “Oh, come on. He only pities you.”

  Crossing his arms over his chest, Kason glared. “Screw you, not everyone is a heartless bastard like you, Blake.”

  “Oh, here we go again with me not being part of your pity party,” Blake said, making Kason see red. “Sorry I didn’t want to mope around with you and be miserable.”

  “Right, because it was asking far too much for you to understand the hell I was going through.”

  “Understanding was not part of our deal.” Blake threw up his hands. “When did I ever tell you I wanted it to be serious?”

  “I dunno, in the two years we were together? I guess I was just stupid. My mistake for assuming you cared. Or were even a decent human being. You cheated on me!”

  Blake threw up his hands. “I didn’t do this. I didn’t ask for everything to change or for you to—”

  “To what? Realize life is too damn short and want more?” Kason couldn’t stop his voice from rising. All the anger and hurt at what Blake had done came rushing back once again. “I didn’t ask for this either, but it happened.”

  “It wouldn’t have if you had listened to me and not gone.”

  “I’d do it again. Because unlike you, I actually give a damn about my friend.”

  “I liked Milo,” Blake said, his voice rising. “You ruined things between us.”

  “No, you did with your lies,” Kason countered. “I just didn’t want him wasting his time with you like I did.”

  “Well you got that right.” Blake pointed at him. “Complete waste of time.”

  “Agreed, I knew that the second you told my sister you wouldn’t have taken my place.”

  “So, I’m a horrible person because I didn’t want to?” Blake’s fists clenched.

  “No, you are because of the way you’re looking at me. For calling me a cripple. For all the other crap you put me through.” Kason tried to calm down. He pictured Ryen and that helped. “Never once has Ryen made me feel different. He sees past the chair in a way you never will.”

  “Give him a fucking medal.” Blake’s voice rose. “He’ll get tired of you and leave your pathetic ass just like I did.”

  “Fuck you. He won’t.” Kason turned his chair away and toward Jenny. “Don’t refund him the money. It was his hair. I’ve seen him pull that stunt before.”

  “Hey!” Blake grabbed the back of Kason’s seat and tried to whip him around, but he held onto his wheels.

  Ryen had been working out with him, and though it hadn’t been long, Kason was already stronger.

  “We’re not done talking.”

  Kason pulled away from Blake then faced him. “I have nothing more to say to you other than you leaving was the best thing to happen to me.” Damn, it felt good saying that and he knew Ryen would be proud. “Now get the hell out and don’t come back.”

  “Or what?” Blake’s fists were clenched, his chest heaving and he got in Kason’s face.

  Kason saw the danger immediately. Blake always had a temper and he knew he was in trouble. Maybe he shouldn’t have provoked him.

  Blake continued on, “Ryen isn’t here—not like I’m scared of him anyway—and you can’t do shit. Not like this. I should mess up that pretty face of yours for taking Milo away from me.”

  “Stay away from me!” Kason tried to roll back but wasn’t quick enough. Blake shoved Kason, and Kason swung out his fist, connecting with Blake’s jaw. He couldn’t stop his chair from flipping back and the wind was knocked out of him as he fell out and landed in a heap on the floor. He heard Jenny scream and he swore he felt something crack when his side hit the metal frame. Pushing himself up, he knew he was in trouble. His side hurt and he had no way of getting away.

  He was waiting to get his ass kicked and hoped Jenny would call the cops, but before Blake could do anything, someone spun him around, kicking his legs out from under him and knocking him out cold.

  “Ryen,” he said, unable to stop his voice from shaking. Thank God.

  “Baby, did he hurt you?” Ryen stepped over Blake and dropped down beside him. He cupped Kason’s face in his hands and did a once-over for injuries. “Are you okay?”

  “My side hurts a little.” Kason winced when Ryen gingerly touched it. “Probably did something when I fell.”

  “I’ll kill him.” Ryen pressed a kiss to Kason’s temple. “Lemme get the chair, and I’ll help you up, okay?”

  Shaking his head, Kason threw his arms around Ryen and buried his face in his lover’s neck as his body shook.

  “Easy, I’ve got you.” Ryen’s voice was soothing.

  Kason still didn’t want to let him go.

  The adrenaline was gone, leaving him terrified. Blake had been angry a time or two, but it had never gotten out of hand since he’d known Kason wouldn’t have taken it. Now that he was unable to fight back so easily, he wasn’t sure what Blake would’ve done. They hadn’t fought when Blake left. Kason hadn’t been angry then, only hurt. It had felt good to call him on his crap, though, and to punch him for everything he’d put him through.

  “How did you know I needed you?”

  Ryen almost chuckl
ed, but it was strangled. “Superman powers? I wish. I forgot something and came back. What happened?”

  “I was doing inventory and Jenny said there was an angry customer. I saw it was him, we got into it and he got really mad when I told him I was better off with you. He shoved me, I hit him and then…”

  Pressing a kiss to Kason’s hair, Ryen held him close, and Kason calmed down until he heard Blake groan. He froze, but Ryen pulled back and kissed him quickly.

  “I’ve got this.”

  “Kason, here’s your chair,” Jenny said quietly. She held out a hand as Ryen knelt over Blake, waiting for him to come to.


  Unsure if Jenny could lift his weight, he used one arm to hold onto the chair and hoist himself up with a little help from her. His side was in agony when he moved, and he bit his lip to avoid crying out since he didn’t want Ryen to get distracted.

  He pulled himself farther back in the seat, his ribs hurting as he used his hands to position both of his legs onto the footrests.

  Ryen grabbed a fistful of Blake’s shirt and yanked him to his feet when his eyes opened. “Combat vet. Two tours. I can kill you before you blink. I believe I told you before you wouldn’t see me coming,” Ryen growled, voice dripping with venom. “Give me a reason, please, just one. And I’ll kick your ass.”

  Kason had yet to see this side of his lover, the trained and efficient Marine who could kill and fight. He knew he was safe and that Ryen would never let anything happen to him.

  “Let me go! I got it, you like coming to his pathetic rescue.”

  “He doesn’t need rescuing. He decked you all on his own,” Ryen retorted. “But, I can’t stand you and worse, you hurt him. He’s with me now, I won’t allow that. You so much as look at him again, and I promise you you’ll disappear.”

  Eyes wide with fear, Blake tried to grab onto Ryen’s arm to push him away but just like before, Ryen was stronger and Blake was no match for him. “It was a misunderstanding, he just pushed my buttons.”

  “Liar, you’re the one who’s pathetic.” Ryen was clearly furious as he shoved Blake to the door. “Get out of my sight, loser. Step foot in here again, I’ll call some of my Marine buddies.”

  After straightening his clothes, Blake rubbed his jaw. “I could take you, asshat. But it’s not worth it.” He then dashed out of the door when Ryen took a step toward him.

  “Coward,” Ryen muttered.

  Jenny sighed and Kason shared her relief.

  “Wow, Kason, what did you ever see in that?” she asked.

  “I have no idea.” He held onto his side.

  “Do I need to take you to the hospital?” Ryen was at his side immediately, resting his hand over Kason’s.

  “It’s just a bruised rib or two.” Kason grimaced. “I’d rather take some pain meds and go home.”

  “All right, we’ll do that then.” Ryen turned his attention to Jenny. “Could you lock the register? We’ll close early today, but I’ll make sure you still get paid for your shift.”

  “No problem. I’m just glad you showed up, Ryen. I thought I was going to have to use my pepper spray.” Jenny paused and Kason knew she was concerned when she asked, “You’re sure you’re okay, Kason?”

  “I’ll be okay. Thanks, Jenny.” Kason tried to move his hand to his wheel, but Ryen stopped him.

  “Ah, you do that and you’ll be hurting worse. Let me take care of you.”

  He generally didn’t like feeling weak or having his chair pushed, but Ryen was a different story so he nodded and together they left the shop with Ryen heading to his truck.

  “My place, yeah?”

  “That’s home,” Kason said without thinking. It was the truth. Ryen had given him a drawer and closet space, his laptop and his stuff was all around the apartment and they spent most nights there. Sometimes they went to his place, but it was smaller and farther away. His apartment didn’t feel like home anymore. Home was wherever Ryen was.

  “Yeah, it is.” Ryen kissed his cheek before he opened the passenger door. “Come on, Hot Wheels. I’ll make you some of those brownies you love when we get home.”

  “With extra chocolate chips?”

  “Anything you want.”

  Lifting Kason gently into his arms, Ryen then set him inside the truck. The fear he had been holding back hit Kason again. Before Ryen could move away from the passenger door, Kason grabbed his arm. “I felt so helpless back there. If you hadn’t shown up…”

  “Hey.” Ryen cupped his chin. He thumbed away a tear Kason hadn’t even realized had fallen. “You fought back and my bet would’ve been on you. If you want, I can teach you some self-defense moves using just your hands.”

  Kason never wanted to feel that helpless again. “Yeah, please?”

  “Okay, but you’re safe.” Ryen hugged him, giving Kason the comfort he needed. “I promise. If anything happened to you, I don’t know what I’d do.”

  Kason tangled his fingers in Ryen’s hair, and held him close, surprised when he felt his lover stiffen. He glanced over Ryen’s shoulder to see the nightmare wasn’t over and the hate in Blake’s eyes made him feel cold all over.

  Blake stood behind Ryen, and Kason wondered why Ryen remained so still.

  “Not so tough now, are ya?”

  “Like you are, holding a knife to my back,” Ryen countered. “Put it down, coward.”

  “Shut up!” Blake shouted. He was shaking in anger, face bright red. His jaw was already bruising and his eye was almost black. “Kason, I hate being humiliated. You know no one humiliates me and gets away with it.”

  “I’m sorry.” Kason held up shaking hands, scared for Ryen. If Blake hurt him, he would never forgive himself. This was his mess and he couldn’t lose Ryen over it. Kason would keep him safe, no matter what. “Look, whatever you want, just tell me. Please, don’t hurt him. Please.”

  “I was planning on just kicking your asses. Then I thought of something.” Blake gripped Ryen’s shoulder. “I want money or I will hurt him. Five thousand should be a good enough apology for messing up my face and taking Milo away. Maybe ten for that, he was a damn good fuck.”

  Kason couldn’t stop himself from saying, “Oh, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me!” What the hell was wrong with Blake?

  “Shut up or I swear to God I’ll stab Jarhead and he’ll be joining you in that chair,” Blake spat and Kason could see he meant it.

  He had to calm Blake down before that temper got out of control again. “Fine, it’s yours. I don’t have any money on me though.”

  “You have it in the bank. I know you do from your settlement. So, you’re gonna get it, apologize to me, call Milo and tell him you lied and then I’ll let him go,” Blake ranted.

  Ryen had remained silent and deadly calm. Kason could see he was ready to spring into action. He met Ryen’s gaze then nodded. He figured Ryen was waiting for the right moment. He only had to make that happen.

  “Okay, okay. You can have it. I don’t care.” Kason would give everything he had for Ryen if it came to that. “I’ll call Milo and say whatever you want.”

  “I knew you’d see it my way.” Blake gave him a dark grin as he grabbed Ryen’s arm. “Get into the truck, nice and slow. You try anything and you’ll both regret it.”

  “You’ve forgotten something,” Ryen told him with a growl.


  “I survived an IED. You think your pocket knife scares me?” Ryen spun around, snapping Blake’s wrist back as he took the knife and shoved the man down.

  Without thinking, Kason keyed in the code on the dashboard and pulled out Ryen’s Glock. With shaking hands, he pointed it at Blake, who was cradling his arm.

  Blake was obviously terrified as he stuttered, “Y-y-you won’t shoot me.”

  Smoothly Ryen took the gun and cocked it. “I will, and trust me, I don’t miss.” He set the pocket knife on the hood of the truck. “Call the cops, Kason. Tell them we have an assault, attempted robbery and all-around stup

  After pulling his cell from his pocket, Kason called nine-one-one, gave the operator the information and was quickly assured that help was on the way. Ryen kept his eyes on Blake, gun held steady. He reached back and squeezed Kason’s knee. Though he couldn’t feel it, it was still a comfort, and he grasped onto Ryen’s hand.

  He put the phone on speaker as he was asked to stay on the line until the cops arrived. His chest was tightening, and suddenly he couldn’t catch a breath. He had watched too many damned crime shows with Lexie. All he could picture was Ryen being stabbed and him sitting there helpless. Panic rose up and things went out of focus as he became lightheaded.

  “Baby?” Ryen’s voice broke through his thoughts.

  Dropping his head, Kason tried to take a deep breath, but he couldn’t with his body shuddering and his ribs on fire. “I-I don’t know what’s wrong.”

  “Panic attack. Put your head down between your knees and breathe. Just breathe.” Ryen squeezed his hand. “I’m right here.”

  Holding onto Ryen like a lifeline, Kason did as Ryen instructed. The panic receded a little and his chest didn’t feel like it was caving in, though his side was in agony. He took calm breaths, focusing on Ryen’s fingers, interlaced with his in his lap.

  “Say something and I’ll knock you out,” Ryen threatened.

  Kason wondered what Blake was going to say. It was likely something to demean him again, make him feel bad for having the attack, but he was scared. He knew how easily life could change, that in a moment he could lose everything. He had come so close to that once. He barely heard Ryen as he said, “I’d like to see you get cut out of a car, go through intensive surgery, be in months of pain and then not have an attack when some asshole pulls a knife on you.”

  “I wouldn’t have hurt you,” Blake lied. “I only wanted the money.”

  Lifting his head, Kason gazed at Ryen and blinked back tears. How had he ever gone so wrong with Blake? Why had he ignored the signs right there in front of him? He didn’t know, but he did hope this was all over and he’d never see him again.


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