Running Away From Love

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Running Away From Love Page 15

by Jessica Tamara

  As soon as Quincy snapped out of his thoughts, he grabbed Lisa by the arm, and led her outside of the club. He needed to get a private moment alone to clear everything up. Enough of his business had been put out there for public display he didn’t need any more attention. She didn’t protest; she went with him willingly. She was happy that she had his undivided attention now.

  Once they were outside the club he immediately asked “What do you mean you’re pregnant?”

  She smiled at him slyly, “Oh, so it takes me telling you I’m pregnant to get your undivided attention, huh? You heard what I said, Quincy. I am pregnant with your child. And I’m pretty sure you remember the night too. It happened when we were in Miami together. I told you the condom broke, but you didn’t care, you kept going. I guess you don’t love your girl as much as you thought you did. Or was it that the pussy was just too good for you to stop? Which one was it Quincy? You see you may have gotten the chick you calling wifey fooled, but I know who you really are.”

  Q was completely stunned he didn’t have anything to say because what she was saying was true. So he decided to question her sureness of it being his baby. So he said “How can I be sure that this really is my baby? I know I ain’t the only one you been fucking. I can name at least four other niggas I know you mess around with.”

  She just rolled her eyes as she said “Well, I guess you will find out when the baby is born, because I am keeping my baby. So now since you’re all in love, think about the fact that you’re about to have a child. Good luck trying to explain that shit to wifey. How will she feel about the fact that the mother of your firstborn isn’t going to be with her?”

  After she said that she walked away from him. She went back inside the club feeling fully satisfied with herself. She wanted to make him feel as fucked up as she did right now, and by the look on his face she knew she had succeeded.

  Quincy decided not to go back inside the club. He needed some time to try to figure all of this out. He had no clue how he was going to handle the situation with Lisa. There is no question that he loves Jasmine with all of his heart. But recent conversations between them have left him with doubts. He was not the center focus in her life. Jasmine’s sole focus is her work. She was not willing to fully submit to him in all aspects. Also when it came to Jasmine’s ex-boyfriend Trey he knew that she wasn’t completely over him. Just by the way she looked at Trey when she saw him that night was enough to put doubts in Q’s mind. He couldn’t help but think he wasn’t the only man who resided in her heart and mind. As he was waiting on his car to be pulled around his phone rang and it was Jasmine.

  He answered reluctantly saying “Hey, baby what you doing up so late?”

  She said “Hey, baby. I’m up because I was trying to wait for you. Are you still at the party?”

  He said “Naw I just left about to come home now. Don’t wait up for me try and get some sleep.”

  She said “I couldn’t really sleep for some reason, but I’m about to try and go to bed now. I will see you when you get home.”

  Q was trying his best not to sound nervous. Jasmine had a sixth sense on picking up when something was wrong with him. So he said “Okay, baby, I should be there shortly.”

  After he hung up, his truck pulled around. As he got inside, he couldn’t help but think about how fucked up this situation was. Once all of this shit came out his relationship with Jasmine would most definitely be over. Knowing her stubborn ass there would be no coming back either. He had a choice to make. Be honest and admit his infidelity to his woman, and pray she would forgive him. Or he could hide and deny everything for as long as he possibly could. As he pulled off heading home he decided that Jasmine could just never know about Lisa and the other women. She already has trust issues, and he worked hard as hell to gain her trust. Knowing he was cheating and a baby was the result would destroy everything that they had built. Q never thought about losing Jasmine until something came up that threatened to end their relationship. Ultimately he really realized he didn’t want to lose her at this moment. But he knew she would be as good as gone if this ever came out.

  As he pulled up in the driveway he tried to sober up. He walked inside the bedroom he saw that she was peacefully sleeping with her laptop next to her. As he stared at her he never thought she looked any more beautiful than she did to him right then. He could see such a beautiful future with Jasmine. But the issue is would he have enough self-restraint when it came to other women? Jasmine didn’t deserve the embarrassment of being cheated on, and having the whole world know about it. His celebrity status would make this situation the gossip of the month if it ever got out. The chances of the baby being his was very much likely. There were plenty of times when he didn’t use a condom with Lisa. But he didn’t take her as the type to want any babies. But knowing that he had money, and she was a gold digger what did he really expect. Lisa wasn‘t the type to be quiet either. In all honesty he felt her catching feelings a very long time ago. She started to always ask him questions and become clingy out of nowhere. Now he was left wishing that he had paid attention back then, and cut her off. Maybe he could have avoided this whole situation he is in now. He removed the laptop off of the bed, and took his clothes off as he got into bed. Q pulled me into his body and kissed me lightly on my neck. His kiss woke me up and I smiled.

  “Hey, baby,” I said sleepily, “you’re home. How was the party? Did you enjoy yourself?”

  “It was cool, the same people, nothing really new. I’m glad to be home with you, though, I missed you.”

  I softly placed a kiss on his lips as I said “I missed you, too, baby. Goodnight.” I closed my eyes and started to drift back off to sleep.

  He just stared at me wondering how it would feel to not have me in his life anymore. He really could see me as his wife, and as the mother of his children. But at this point, the only thing on his mind was keeping Lisa, and the whole baby situation as far away from me as possible. He held me close as I lay asleep in his arms. He held onto me as if this could possibly be the last time that we would ever be this close again. Who knew what tomorrow would bring.

  He kissed me again, “I love you so much, Jasmine. Can you promise me you won’t ever leave me, no matter what?”

  I woke up a little bit confused as to why he was asking me this. So I said “Don’t ever give me a reason to leave you, Q, and I promise I won’t.”

  He removed my t-shirt and kissed me hard. I knew exactly what he wanted, and I was more than happy to give him whatever he wanted.

  Q was in the shower and I was on the bed working on an article on my MacBook pro. I noticed that his phone was ringing on the nightstand. As I picked up his iPhone I saw the picture of a half-naked chick pop up onto the screen. I froze as the name Lisa flashed across his screen. In the picture she had on nothing but a bra and thong spread out on a bed. Immediately my blood began to boil.

  I answered it saying “Hello?”

  The person on the other end was silent at first, as if she wasn’t expecting for me to answer his phone. She said “Who is this answering Q’s phone?”

  My attitude flared up immediately this chick couldn’t be serious. I was obviously pissed off, “This is Q’s girlfriend Jasmine, answering her man, Quincy’s, phone. Who the fuck is this?”

  I know she could sense my attitude so she threw it right back at me saying “Oh, so you’re the new chick in Q’s life huh? That’s funny because I’ve been thinking that it’s about time that we have a little talk. I’m sure that Q was never going to come clean about his relationship with me. So I guess I will just have to tell you myself. First of all it’s safe to say that yes I‘ve been fucking your man. He just so happened to tell me about you last night at the club we were at. Don’t you think it’s crazy how he just remembered he had a girlfriend all of a sudden last night after all this time?”

  I wasn’t with the small talk so I said clearly annoyed “Please get to your fucking point! The only thing I wanna know is how long have you bee
n messing with him for?”

  She laughed as she said “I’ve been messing with Q for about four years now way before you came into the picture. I’ve been sleeping with him since the first day that I met him. Matter of fact, the last time I saw him was when he was in Miami a couple weeks ago playing on the road. I spent about a week with him there. He took me shopping and bought me a whole new wardrobe. But we spent most of the time in his hotel suite. I’m really confused as to how he can be all in love with you if he has kept me around. But what I really need to know is if he told you that I’m pregnant with his child yet? And just in case you’re wondering yes he is the father.”

  After she said that my heart rose up into my throat. It felt like someone was choking me. I was having a hard time breathing. I couldn’t utter a single word. I almost dropped the phone I was so damn stunned. I mean I can somewhat grasp that he has been cheating, but having a damn baby with the chick is devastating. I had heard enough at this point.

  So I said as calmly as I could “Let me ask you something, how does it make you feel to know that you’re Quincy’s side chick? Since you call yourself wanting to be so open and honest about everything everyone knows who the main woman in his life is. I was never a secret. If you google him right now, I’m sure that I’m in every single picture with him. I mean seriously did he even take you out on dates during the day? Were you ever really even seen in public with him? Because I’m willing to bet any amount of money that he cut out any public viewing with you completely once he got serious with me. You should be much smarter than that sweetie. I guess it’s nice to know you snuck around, and sucked his dick for some attention. I mean what did he do, throw a little money your way? Tricked off on you for some clothes and shoes. Have you ever even come back to his house? Or did he just fuck you in hotel rooms and at your place only? What’s really sad is that you seem so fucking proud to be a side piece. I guess sneaking around is enough to keep a chick like you happy. So while you’re happy and content with him sneaking you around to fuck I’m living in the house with him. My name is on all of his accounts. I access his money whenever I want for whatever amount I want. I’m sure it hurts to find out I’m the woman that he really loves, and you’re nothing more than a jump he fucks within his spare time. Please understand first and foremost that Jasmine never have, and never will play second to any other woman! The both of you really got me fucked up if you think this shit is going to fly. Quincy better pray to God that it isn’t his damn baby that your ass is pregnant with.”

  I hung up on her. I said all that I needed to say to her. In reality I really wanted to beat her ass, but for now I will direct all of my anger to the right person which is Quincy.

  I quickly got up off the bed with his phone in my hand as I stormed into the bathroom. He was singing and shit like he couldn’t be any happier, and that shit made me furious.

  I opened up the glass door to the shower and yelled at him, “Who the fuck is Lisa, Quincy? I just got off your phone with this bitch telling me that she is pregnant with your baby!”

  As soon as I said her name, his face went blank. He had that dumb ass look on his face that all men get when they know shit is about to get real. I could tell that he was trying to think of a quick lie that he could tell me. Too bad his lying ass wasn’t quick enough to wipe that guilty ass expression off his face first.

  He finally answered saying “I don’t know no girl named Lisa. Now close the door and stop playing. You trippin right now.”

  I was beside myself I was so damn pissed off. He couldn’t really be serious. That was the best he could come up with? I hated when people lied to my face especially when I knew that what they were telling me was a lie. If it’s one thing I hate most it’s a liar! I blacked out and threw the phone at him with all my strength just barely missing his damn head. I was aiming to take his fucking head off with that phone. His iPhone broke in half as soon as it hit the shower wall. He looked at me, stunned. I have never gotten this upset with Q before. I guess he was a little taken aback by how angry I was. The Jasmine standing in front of him had completely lost her mind.

  He yelled at me shocked saying “Are you fucking crazy? I said I don’t know no chick named Lisa, Jasmine, calm the fuck down! I do not have any baby on the way. If I have a baby on the way it‘s with you, and you know that, Jasmine. I can‘t believe you just tried to take my fucking head off with a phone. Are you out of your damn mind?”

  I yelled “Fuck that bitch you fucking, and fuck your lying ass too!” I had heard enough so I stormed out of the bathroom. He quickly jumped out of the shower to follow me. He was right on my heels naked with water dripping everywhere as he tried his best to get a towel wrapped around him.

  I quickly put on some pants and a t-shirt. After I was dressed I began to go into our dresser drawers taking out all of my clothes. I went into the closet and got a suitcase to put it all in. As I began to pack up my things he was pleading for me to calm down. As I was putting my things in the suitcase, he kept taking it all out.

  I finally screamed at him saying “Stop fucking touching my shit Quincy! Don’t tell me to calm down! You’re the one with bitches calling your damn phone telling me how she is pregnant with your baby. You must think I’m stupid. But it will be a cold day in hell before I play the fool for another man. You’re a fucking liar! This bitch called your phone her name and naked ass picture popped up. But you’re really going to sit here in my face, and tell me you don’t know her! I don’t know what type of chicks you’re used to dealing with, but I’m not the one. Get the fuck out of my face!”

  The fact that he was trying to play me for some simple chick offended the hell out of me. Any chick with common sense could sense the bullshit.

  I continued to pack up as much things that I could grab. He forcefully yanked me by the arm to make me stop. I screamed out in pain yelling “Stop it! Let me go you’re hurting me!”

  He quickly let go of me after he realized how much force he actually used to stop me. He said “Look I’m sorry baby I swear I didn’t mean to grab you like that. But I just need you to just stop for one damn minute, and let me just talk to you.”

  I just looked at him in disbelief and disgust. As soon as I stopped moving the pain in my arm immediately began to flare up. It felt like he was trying to yank my arm out of the socket by how hard he grabbed me.

  I stopped and said “What is it that you need to say that is so fucking important?”

  He said “Okay, Jasmine, yes I do know who she is, but I am not cheating on you with her. She is just a girl that I used to mess with a long time ago. She is just starting shit because she is mad I cut her off. When we became serious I cut her off. As you can tell, she is not the type of chick who takes rejection lightly. But I swear to you, whatever she said to you was a lie. I love you, Jasmine; I would never do anything to hurt you like that. You have to believe me baby.”

  I rolled my eyes at him as I said “So you were in that bitch face last night, huh? Then you came home, and got your trifling ass into bed with me? That is fucking disgusting! That is why kept trying to make me to promise that I would never leave you? I have given you all of my trust, Quincy. And you sat your ass up in my face this whole time knowing that you were doing me wrong. You always wanna tell me how much you love, but you were consistently going behind my back fucking some hoe! Looking at you right now is making me sick to my stomach. Please just get out of my face before I punch you in your face!”

  I couldn’t even stand looking at his lying ass anymore. I just needed to get away from him before I end up in jail.

  A part of me really wanted to believe that Q was telling me the truth. I didn’t want to believe that he would betray me in this way. But deep down I knew the girl was telling the truth. So I grabbed my bags and keys heading for the door as I tried to grasp this whole thing. As I was about to walk out the door, I stopped and stared at him.

  I said “How could you do this to me, Quincy? I trusted you, and I gave you my heart. I never
would have thought you would do something like this to us. You knew how damaged I was from my previous relationship, yet you go and prove to me you are no different. You promised me, that you would never hurt me. I honestly felt like our relationship was going great. There wasn’t anything I wouldn’t have done for you. But now I come to find out the man I was claiming as mine was really ours. If you were unhappy with any aspect of our relationship then you should have been a man and come to me with the problem. If it couldn’t have been worked out between us then we could have went our separate way with no hard feelings.”

  Suddenly it felt like my chest was going to cave in and I could hardly breathe. It felt like I was having a damn panic attack. I dropped my bags down, and collapsed onto the floor burying my head into my hands. I had developed a pounding headache that was weakening me. I kept fighting back my tears. I felt him sit down next to me. He tried to hold me, but I pushed him away.

  He pleaded with me saying “Listen calm down, baby, and breathe. You sound like you’re having a panic attack. Please listen to me. I swear to you I didn’t betray you. Yes I should have not denied knowing her when you first asked me. I’m dead ass wrong for her number and picture still being in my phone. But I swear to you that once we became official I left her alone. You have to believe me, baby. I have never lied to you. I never once gave you a reason not to trust me. So why would I start now?”

  I stared into his eyes looking for any sign of uncertainty but I didn’t find any. He really did seem genuine and truthful in what he was saying. I really didn’t have any proof that the chick was telling the truth. It was basically her word against his. I said “No you haven’t given me a reason not to believe you.” He grabbed both of my hands and forced me to look into his eyes as he said “Jasmine, please don’t leave me, baby. I need you to trust me. You never had any reason to doubt me before. Please don’t start doubting me now when I need it the most. I love you Jasmine I wouldn’t hurt you like this.”


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