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Elevation of the Marked (The Marked Series Book 2)

Page 38

by March McCarron

  Divisionary Prophecy: A three-hundred-year-old prophecy, delivered by a Fifth, predicting that the Chisanta will one day have a civil war. Since this prediction, tensions between Chiona and Cosanta have greatly escalated.

  Dolla Adder: A Dalish Chiona with an expertise in criminal justice, mentor of Bray Marron.

  Fifth: A Chisanta who has made the fourth sacrifice and obtained the fifth gift—a mad truth-speaker and prophet.

  Gift: A special ability given to a Chisanta, traditionally believed to come from the Spirits. Gifts are determined by the need and desires of the individual. The first gift is received freely, the latter four require sacrifices. (See Sacrifices of the Chisanta)

  Glans Heath: Small town in Daland, childhood home of Yarrow Lamhart.

  King Oren Bellra: King of Trinitas. The Bellra line has ruled for over two hundred years. He will be followed by his son, Prince Jo-Kwan Bellra.

  Ko-Jin, Sung: A Chaskuan Cosanta gifted with exceptional strength and agility to compensate for a former physical handicap. Expert in martial arts and warfare.

  Mark of the Chisanta: The symbol that appears on the neck of the Chisanta. Five concentric circles halved by a single vertical line. The five circles represent the five gifts a Chisanta may receive, the vertical line the two halves of the Chisanta.

  Mearra: Name for the imaginary self a Chiona fights when practicing the Tearre.

  Mountsend: A Dalish mining town, north of the Verdant Peaks. Childhood home of Bray Marron.

  Pauper's King: Celebrated outlaw, leading a massive organization of highwaymen, thieves, pickpockets, and con-men. Steals to redistribute wealth, practices non-violence.

  Peer Gelson: A Dalish Chiona with a gift for reading texts in all languages. As a former orphan, serves as an advocate for orphaned children in addition to working with Bray Marron and Adearre Mallez on matters of criminal justice.

  Place of Five: see Aeght a Seve

  Sacrifices of the Chisanta: There are four sacrifices: (1) Propagation, or the ability to conceive children (note: this cannot be made if one already has a child), (2) Contact, or the ability to touch another person (to do so post-sacrifice would cause both parties immense pain), (3) Identity, or an individual’s memories and knowledge, and finally (4) Mind, or sanity—a person who makes the fourth sacrifice is no longer themselves. No sacrifice can be made without an understanding of what is to be lost and a feeling of regret.

  Smugglers and Scrutineers: A game played by children in which competing groups each have a treasure that must be protected. The team that collects all of the treasure wins.

  Spiritblighter: The enemy of man, an entity which seeks to destroy human souls during their journey from their human bodies to the Spirits’ Home. A spirit burdened by sin travels more slowly, increasing the chances of being blighted.

  Spirits' Home: Where human spirits go after death.

  Tearre: The martial art practiced by the Chiona, in which an individual splits his or her mind in half and the two sides spar each other.

  Temple, the (Chisanta): A temple in western Daland where newly marked Chisanta are tested and divided. Where the two halves meet to discuss matters that concern both.

  Trinitas: The united kingdom comprised of three culturally and ethically distinct nations: Daland, Chasku, and Adourra.

  Vendra Alvez: An Adourran Cosanta, chemistry expert, focusing primarily on medicine. Granddaughter of Dedrre Alvez.

  Yarrow Lamhart: A Dalish Cosanta with the ability to read the emotions of those he loves. A scholar, he studies and interprets the transcripts of the past Fifths.


  March McCarron grew up outside of Philadelphia. She earned a BA in English, and—useless degree in hand—went on to wait tables and sell used cars. More recently, she moved to South Korea with her husband, where she teaches English at a private academy. Aside from writing, she loves travel, craft beer, folk music, and all things geek.




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