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1st Women’s Battalion of Death 108, 109
2nd Ekaterinburg Squadron 197, 198
3rd Army 132
25th Tomsk Reserve Battalion 109
Ackerman, Carl 217
Agnes, Sister 119
Ai-Todor 76
Akimov, Aleksey 179
Alapaevsk 23, 34, 38, 156, 167, 213
Albert, King of Belgium 103
Albert, Prince 63, 65, 147, 153
Aleksandr (brother-in-law of Nicholas) 49
Alexander, Grand Duke 50, 83
Alexander II 36, 99, 137
Alexander III 48, 52, 99, 137
Alexandra, Tsaritsa, devoutness of 21; health of 21, 25–6, 59–60, 73–4, 117, 129, 144; keeps a diary 42–3, 129, 157; character of 55, 61–2, 63, 65–7; marriage to Nicholas 58, 62–3, 65–6; and birth of Alexey 59–60; mental collapse of 59; addiction to narcotics and sedatives 60; conversion to Russian Orthodoxy 62, 63–4; Queen Victoria’s affection for 63; court perceptions of 64; public perceptions of 64–5; charitable works 67; criticism and hostility towards 67–8; daughters’ concern for 73–4, 83; reaction to son’s health 88–92, see also Romanov family