Writing for Kenya

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Writing for Kenya Page 50

by Wangari Muoria-Sal

e Kikuyu Independent School

  Rironi Karing’a School was the first independent school to invite

  Kenyatta. It belonged to a faction that had adopted a Kikuyu name in

  its school title, being called: ‘Th

  e Karing’a or Kikuyu Karing’a Schools,

  which is to say Independent schools.41

  Aft er the Sports, the school Chairman Mr Johana Karanja stood up

  and told the assembled Parents and their children who had been taking

  part in the day’s Sports meeting:


  e elder we told you about is with us here today. Now welcome

  your man. We have repaid our debt to you by bringing him back from

  where he was staying’.

  When Kenyatta stood up to speak, people clapped as was the cus-

  tom. He said:

  ‘You are celebrating a big occasion today, the school Sports and the

  happiness it brings to you all. Some people may think schools aren’t


  chapter six

  too ma kuiguo mbembe na andu aria macemanagia kuo ni kunyitwo

  manyitagwo magathii gucirithio. No uumuthi-ri twina rutha gucemania

  tutari mundu tukuhoya rutha, ningi cukuru cia Agikuyu ina ciana nyingi

  irathomera kuo gukira ciana iria i macukuru ma miceni mothe. No

  gikeno kiu muri nakio uumuthi, gikinyitio hau ni undu wa ukiririria

  na kiyo gia Tuthuri turia tutindaga twihumbite tubuti.

  Agicoka akiira ciana ati ni wega ithome muno, tondu ina munyaka

  munene; tondu ati ta hindi iria Kinyatta we mwene athomaga ni kwi-

  hitha ehithire agithii githomo, ningi ona hindi iria athiaga Ruraya ndoi

  githungu kiingi ta kiria oi riu. Agikiuga atiri, matuku maya ciana ira-

  thomithio ni maithe mao ikarihiruo githomo, ningi igakiruo macukuru

  ni maithe mao; tondu ucio ni wega ciana igithome na kiyo kiingi ithii

  na mbere ni getha hindi iria magatuika andu agima nao makoigaga

  ati hindi iria mari ciana macukuru mao mahanaga una. Agikiuga ati

  Agikuyu moigire gutirika ni gute na makiuga ati hatiri haraya he njahi

  hure, tutiri turaigania macukuru ni hindi turambiriria. Kwoguo ni wega

  tumenye ati wira urutagwo mwiruti. Akirikia kwaria agiikara thi.

  (7) Uria Kinyatta Erire Atongoria a Kiama gia Kenya African

  Union, Nairobi


  utha wa matuku manyinyi niguo ningi Muthuri mwende muno ti

  Kinyatta etiiruo cai ni Atongiria a Kiama gia Kenya African Union.

  Naguo cai ucio warugithitio Hutiri-ini igwitwo Ritz Hotel, Nairobi.

  Atongoria a Kiama kiu a miena yothe nimetituo ona atongoria a Ciama

  cia Uhindi no metitwo na nimakinyite o wega. No andu mataigana

  gukinya ni Muthungu ona umwe.

  kenyatta is our reconciler


  going forward as they should, but if they do think that, or keep saying

  so, what they say is not true because, when I came back from Europe

  [in 1930] before going again for my second visit, our schools and

  buildings were being used as maize stores. And the people who tried

  to meet there were getting arrested and taken to court.

  ‘But today we can meet without asking anyone’s permission.

  Moreover, the Kikuyu schools,42 owned by the Kikuyu people, contain

  more children than those to be found in all the white-owned Missionary

  schools put together.43 But the happiness you celebrate today you owe to

  the sacrifi ces made by minor elders who [now] spend their time wearing

  old overcoats’.44 Th

  en he turned his attention to the children and told

  them they must be ready to study hard because they now had a great

  opportunity to do so. When he himself had wanted to go to school, he

  had had to hide [his intention]. Even when he was being sent to Europe,

  his English was very poor compared to what he knew today. He said

  that, today, [by contrast] fathers were paying for their children to be

  educated and their fathers [even] built them their schools.45

  So it was imperative that children should study hard and make head-

  way, so that when they grew up they too could tell their children what

  school used to be like in their day. He then reminded the people of the

  tribal saying that asserts: ‘Gutirika ni gute’ which means: ‘To give up in impatience is to throw away’ 46 and that: ‘Hatiri haraya he njahi hure’

  meaning: ‘Th

  ere are no ready-prepared beans in far-off places.47

  ‘We have not yet got all the schools we need, we are still building

  new ones. We should remember what the tribe says: “Wira urutagwo

  mwiruti” which means: “ ‘Only a worker can do the work’ ” [or: work

  needs someone to do it].

  With those words ringing in the people’s ears, he brought his speech

  to an end and sat down. Th

  e crowd clapped their hands warmly.

  (7) Kenyatta Speaks to the Kenya African Union

  In those busy days aft er his return to Kenya, Kenyatta was invited by

  the fi rst recognized political body, namely, Th

  e Kenya African Union,

  Nairobi Branch.48


  e Tea Party was held in the Ritz Hotel, Nairobi. All KAU branch

  leaders were invited. Indians were invited too and had accepted, coming

  to the Tea Party as expected. But, although invited by the organisers,

  not one European had accepted the invitation.


  chapter six

  Ningi uhoro ungi wagiriiruo ni kumenywo ni athomi a Kabukugaka

  ni ati ngathiti ya Athungu ndiri yandikwo ati Kinyatta e guku. Ona

  andu aingi aria me mawira-ini ma Th

  irikari kana Cukuru cia Th


  nimakoraguo makienda gwita Kinyatta akamahe uhoro, no hindi iria

  mahoya rutha kwi Mutongoria wao Muthungu makaregeruo. Tondu ta

  arutwo a Alliance High School, Kikuyu, nimendete muno kuonana na

  Kinyatta, makigirio, ningi andu aria mareruta wira wa guteithagia ma

  D.C. kuria Jeanes School, Kabete, no mendete kuonana na Kinyatta,

  Athungu makimagiria. Ningi Agikuyu a mwena wa Murang’a kuria

  andu aingi muno ihinda-ini riri makuite ngoro ya kwenda bururi na

  ruriri tondu wa kwaga andu a kumahunjiria ni kuigwituo ati nimer-

  itwo ni Mbari ya Nyakeru ati hindi iria Kinyatta agakinya bururi ucio

  wao matikanathii kuigua uhoro wake tondu ati ti mwega. Na uira wa

  uhoro ucio niwonekire hindi iria Kiama kia Aciari gietiire Kinyatta

  cai kuu Murang’a tondu hatiari munene ona umwe wakinyire cai-ini

  ucio. Maundu tamacio ni uira mwega wakuonia andu aria meciragia

  ati Muhonokia witu ithui ciana cia Mumbi tiwe Muhonokia wa mbari

  ya Nyakeru.

  Uhoro uria tukwaragia ni wauria Kinyatta. erire atongoria a Kiama

  gia K.A.U. Hindi iria andu maarikirie kunyua cai Mutongoria wa Kiama

  gia kau Muthuri mukumie muno ti Gicuru akiaria uhoro wa kuonania

  uria andu airu turathii na mbere na uria Athungu marageria kuuga ati

  tutiri akinyu twi ciana ona akihutia uhoro wa Mwanake witu Njamba

  ti Gathigira, akiuga ndanyitiiruo gutoroka na makiria anyitiiruo Uteti.

  Ningi agicoka akiuga ati Kiama gia K.A.U. ki hamwe na Muthuri ti

  Kinyatta uteti-ini wake wothe.


  utha wa miario ya Gicuru, niguo Njamba iitu nene ti Kinyatta

  arugamire akiuga ndekwaria maundu maingi, no niekugeria kuhutia

  uhoro wa andu airu aria mat
uikite ati nio moi guthoma muno matuku


  Akiuga ni wega andu kwirora kana gwituiria o ene tondu andu

  mangiaga kwirora matingithii na mbere wega ona ningi matingihota

  gutwika andu a ma.

  Agikiuga tungituiria uhoro wa andu acio ogi na githomo wega no

  tuone ati nio ngombo iria nene. Tondu riri andu acio kiria mendete

  muno ni gwitongia o ene. Akiuga tareke tutuirie uhoro wao wega. Tuge

  mundu oimagakwao mucii agathome cukuru nigetha amenye guthoma

  akaheo mucara munene gukira andu airu aria angi matooi guthoma,

  uguo ni kuuga ageciria ati ni njira ya kuuma ukomboini aracaria. No

  kenyatta is our reconciler


  Another thing readers of this pamphlet should know is that white-

  owned newspapers have deliberately avoided reporting Jomo Kenyatta’s

  return to the country. Even many Africans working for Government, or

  in schools owned by whites, and who would have very much liked to

  see Kenyatta and to ask him to come and talk to them as he has done

  in other places, have been refused permission by the white offi

  cials in

  charge of them.

  For instance, the students at Alliance High School, Kikuyu, would

  have liked to meet Kenyatta. But they were refused permission. More-

  over, the Africans being trained at Jeanes School to help the District

  Commissioners wanted to meet Kenyatta, but were refused permission

  to do so by their white offi


  Also, very many Kikuyu from Murang’a these days have lost the spirit

  of loving the country and people because of lacking people to preach to

  them.50 It is said that the whites who live there have been telling them

  that, when Kenyatta comes to their District to visit them, they should

  boycott his meeting because he is not a good man. Th

  e evidence for

  this was clearly seen when a Parents Association invited Kenyatta to

  their Tea Party at Murang’a. While Kenyatta went, no tribal chief came.

  Children of Mumbi, all this seems to indicate that our African Saviour is not for the white people in Kenya.51

  But here our main concern is to report what Kenyatta said to the

  leaders of the Kenya African Union. Aft er the Tea Party, the Union’s

  chairman stood up to introduce Kenyatta and to say few words him-

  self. He was Mr James Gichuru52 who told the assembled audience that

  Africans were making progress in various aspects of their lives. But the

  white people still say that we are not yet adult, that we’re like children.

  He mentioned the arrest of Mr Henry Gathigira53 and said he was not

  arrested for deserting from the Army but because he was connected

  with politics. He then said the Kenya African Union was in full agree-

  ment with Jomo Kenyatta and supported him in his political activities.

  He then introduced Kenyatta to the assembled gathering.

  Aft er that, Mr Kenyatta stood up to speak:

  ‘I’m not going to say much, but will touch on the so-called educated

  Africans of today.’ People should examine themselves, for if they failed

  to do so, they would make no progress whatsoever. Nor would they

  become truthful and trustworthy individuals.

  ‘For if we look very closely at so-called educated Africans, we fi nd

  they’re the worst type of slave54 living today. Th

  is is because what they


  chapter six

  hindiiria athoma amenya githomo wega; andu aria mekumugura atwike

  ngombo magakoruo methagathagite atanoima cukuru. Akirikia githomo

  giake cukuru thogora wake niuuio.

  Agakiuima akaguruo akaingira wira-ini, uguo ni kuuga agatwika

  ngombo nene gukira uria egwiciria we mwene.

  Andu a muthemba ucio nio kaingi moigaga matikwenda kuingira

  maundu-ni magutetera bururi naruriri. No riri ona mageria kweherera

  maundu macio ma uteti, gutiri hindi makahota, tondu uteti niurima

  rumagirira o kuria guothe marikoraguo mari. Ningi undu ungi ucoketic

  andu acio magwituo athomu muno nathutha ni uhoro wa kwenda

  utongoria. Gicuru akenda agie na Kiama giake atuike mwenegiti

  wakio, Muoria akenda agie na Kiama giake atuike Mwene-Giti wakio,

  Khamisi akenda agie kiama giake atuike mwenegiti wakio. Riu hindi iria

  andu acio macemania; o mundu agakiganaga akera uria ungi ati niwe

  Mutongoria wa Kiama kiria kina. Riu haria mukihitiirie ni kuriganiruo

  ati hindi-iria mureka uguo; ni hindi mwi mutego-ini wa thu cianyu.

  Tondu mutiri na Uiguano nakwiraguo ‘Amukania andu ni getha uhote

  gwathana’. Riu uria tukiagiriiruo ni tugie na uiguano ni getha tuhote

  gutwara bururi witu na mbere. Ningi hindi iria andu airu acio athomi

  moima cukuru, meciragia o riciria oro rimwe, ria gwitongia o ene na

  makambiriria gwita aciari ao na andu aria angi maciaraniiruo nao airitu

  na anake acenji. Uguo ni kuuga makagia na meciria makunderu, nao

  moigaga ati mena meciria magima. Ucio tiguo mutugo wa gutwara

  bururi na mbere. Ni wega kugarura mutugo ucio mwende aciari anyu

  na andu aria angi muciaraniiruo nao ningi muiguane inyui ene, niguo

  bururi uthii na mbere.

  kenyatta is our reconciler


  want more than anything is to get rich. Let’s look at it a little more

  closely. Let’s say that a man leaves home to go to school, so that when

  he is educated his rate of pay will be higher than that of others who

  aren’t educated or who don’t know how to read or write. Th

  at is to say,

  he thinks he’s looking for a way out of slavery. But while he’s getting

  educated and gets better at it, those who are going to buy his services

  and make him their slave are already getting ready for him. By the time

  he fi nishes his education, his price is already fi xed and known.

  ‘He leaves school; he is bought as he enters into service. Th

  at is to

  say, he becomes a big slave, more than he realises. Th

  ese kinds of people

  oft en say they don’t want to get into politics, which is concerned with

  protesting about the country and our people’s aff airs. But no matter

  how much they try to avoid politics, they can never do so, for politics

  will keep on following them wherever they go.

  ‘Another thing that holds educated people back is their desire to be

  leaders. Say Gichuru wants to have his own group so that he’ll be its

  chairman. Khamisi55 wants to have his own association so that he can

  be its chairman. Muoria wants to have his own Union so that he may

  be its chairman. Now, when they all meet, each one takes to praising

  himself as he boasts he is the chairman of such and such a Union. Th


  great mistake is to forget that, while thus engaged, they’re entering their

  enemies’ snare. For they have no Unity and the saying “Divide the

  people so you can rule them with ease” comes to apply to them.

  ‘So, the best thing for us to do is to achieve Unity so that we can

  advance our country. Moreover, when these educated Africans leave

  school, they have only one idea, which is to enrich themselves. And they

  begin calling their parents savages, as well as those with whom they were

  born, men and women. In fact, they acquire
very narrow minds while

  thinking they have sound minds. Th

  at’s no way to lift up our country.

  ‘You should change that attitude and take to loving your parents

  and the other people with whom you were born. And to be United

  yourselves in order to advance our country.’

  He sat down, and the audience clapped at the end of his speech to the

  KAU, Nairobi branch.


  chapter six

  (8) Uria Kinyatta Erire Kiama gia Cumari

  Ningi thutha ucio niguo Njamba iitu iretiiruo cai ni Kiama gia Cumari,

  aria meitaga Cumari wa Angeretha. Naguo cai ucio niwetiiruo andu

  aingi aria moikaine ta Muthuri Mugathe muno ti Hon. E. W. Mathu, na

  Harry Th

  uku na andu angi aingi mari ho. Th

  utha wa cai, mutongoria wa

  Kiama kiu ugwitwo Hassan akirugama akira andu othe ati Kiama kiu

  kiao kina gikeno tondu wa gukoruo hamwe na Muthuri mumenyeku

  muno ti Kinyatta. Agicoka akiuga ati nimarikitie na kumenye maundu

  maingi ma uria Kinyatta arateithagia andu airu othe e Ruraya akiuga

  ati nikio Kiama kiu gia Cumari kina ngatho muno. Agicoka akiuga

  ati riu Cumari wi hamwe na andu airu maunduini mothe, tondu ati

  maithe mao mari na ihitia hindi iria moigire ati o ti andu airu ni andu

  a Asia ta Uhindi. Agicoka akiuga ati hihi Kiama gia K.A.U. ni wega,

  kibaciriruo wega ni getha kihote gutuika kia andu airu othe a Africa

  ino ya mwena uyu wa Irathiro, nigetha Cumari moneruo kamweke

  ga gutuika a ngwataniro imwe na andu airu. Th

  utha wa Muthuri ucio

  mwene giti ti Hassan niguo njamba iitu arugamire. Akiuga atiri hindi

  iria arari Ruraya andu airu aria a mwena uyu maronanaga kaingi ni

  Cumari tondu ona ni kuri itura rimwe ritagwo Cardiff ria andu airu

  atheri ri kuu Ruraya, kwa Angeretha na andu acio aingi ao ni Cumari

  na wira uria marutaga ni wa guthii iria-ini na macua ciao na ati aingi

  ao mena mikawa yao marugaga kuo.

  Agicoka akiuga ati cumari aria mokire guku tene, nimahitithirio,

  makiuga ati o ti andu airu ni andu eru ta Ahindi. No tungicoka kurora

  thiini wa mebu ya Africa tukuona ati bururi wa Cumari wi hakuni na

  guku Kenya ningi Cumari ti eru ni andu airu ota ithui.

  Kinyatta agikimera ati ni gikeno kinene angikoruo Cumari nimeharii-

  rie kugia ngawataniro na andu airu aria angi matuike kindu kimwena

  magie na uiguano: Agicoka akiuga ati o nake niegwiciria ni wega Kiama

  gia K.A.U. kugaruranio ni getha Cumari moneruo ithenya ria gutwika


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