Book Read Free

Through The Woods

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by Shannon Myers

  Through The Woods

  A Fairest Series Novel

  By Shannon Myers

  Copyright © 2018 by Shannon Myers

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever, including but not limited to- being stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the written permission of the author.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, groups, businesses, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Cover Design by: The Final Wrap

  Illustration by: Kat Powell

  First Printing: 2018

  ISBN- 978-0-9994716-4-7


  For those who still believe in fairy tales.

  And Ali- The Aussie who left an honest Goodreads review three days after my first release and made me feel world famous. I’m so glad we became friends.


  As always, I am nothing without the team of people standing beside me, urging me on.

  To my Betas- You guys were generous with your time and honest in your feedback. I felt the story was missing something, but couldn’t place my finger on it. Your constructive criticism turned this story around and made it so much better.

  Neda Amini- Thank you for taking me on as a client and for your willingness to listen to my crazed rantings when I’m standing on the ledge, ready to jump off.

  Kat Powell- Thank you for the gorgeous illustration. You completely captured Neve and Charm in a way that I never could. Your talent is evident in every aspect of the picture.

  Bex- You are so much more than just my cover designer; you are one of my closest friends. You never cease to amaze me with your kick ass covers and your belief that my writing is not absolute shit, as I so often convince myself.

  J. Law- I adore your readiness to drop everything and read my books; usually on a pretty severe time crunch. I also love that you didn’t want to hurt my feelings when you beta read this book and instead claimed, “It’s good,” before clamming up completely. I love the friendship we’ve built over the last eight years and cannot wait to see where we go next.

  Wendi- Thank you for all that you’ve done to keep me sane. Your ability to find the smallest of plot holes is uncanny, yet ensures that the story always flows. I love that a couple of conversations over books led to such an amazing friendship.

  Bloggers- I cannot do any of this without you. Thank you for taking a chance on my books, whether this is your first or your eighth, I truly appreciate your efforts to promote my work out in the Indie community.

  Shayla- Thank you for being my best friend and confidante. I know that you were late to the party, but the fact that you read my books has meant more to me than you’ll ever know. I love you to the moon and back. PB talks for life!

  Forsaken- You guys motivate me every day. I love seeing your excitement over upcoming books and strive to continue to better myself with each book released. Thank you for loving these characters like I do.

  Zach- I love you more than anything I could ever write. You keep me sane and fed when I’m in writing mode—sitting un-showered in a bathrobe, mumbling to myself. Thank you for believing in this crazy dream of mine and encouraging our sons to always follow theirs.

  Table of Contents




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four


  Chapter Five


  Chapter Six


  Chapter Seven


  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine


  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve


  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen


  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen


  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen


  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty- Eight


  Author Notes

  Other Works

  About The Author

  He thought, “The wild animals will soon devour you anyway,” but still it was as if a stone had fallen from his heart, for he would not have to kill her.

  Little Snow-White

  -Jacob & Wilhelm Grimm


  One Year Ago…Age 21

  My eyes fluttered open to piercing red and blue lights flashing all around me. Men’s voices carried from nearby as they yelled to each other, amid sirens screaming in the distance.

  I had no idea where I was.

  “Miss? Can you hear me?” A yellow man asked, as he knelt next to me, concern marring his features. I was disoriented—exhaustion threatening to pull me back into blissful oblivion. He obviously wasn’t yellow, just wearing a suit that color.

  Aramid fibers, my brain urged, and I struggled to remember how I knew that.


  I began coughing until my eyes watered, but I couldn’t get a full breath. My chest felt as if it would crack open from the strain.

  The outer shell usually consisted of a Kevlar type material…what was it called?

  Someone else knelt down on the other side of me, shining a small light into my eyes. Mouths moved, but I only heard the rush of blood in my ears. I turned my head ever so slightly to the left and that was when I saw it.

  An inferno.

  Incidentally, that was when I remembered that the material was NOMEX, but instead of being relieved, I was left with more questions than answers. I felt the moisture on my cheek as a tear escaped, before being lifted onto a stretcher and driven away from the devastation.

  I wanted to wail and scream, but I’d caused this.

  Not so very long ago, the sirens wailed loudly and the world that I’d known ceased to exist.

  I discovered that, sometimes, it’s not giants with booming voices or cackling witches who swoop down from the sky—it’s not even a curse cast by an enchantress. Sometimes, the foe that steals away everything you held dear is the reflection in the mirror. The villain you never imagined—the evil you never saw coming…you.

  Chapter One

  Four Years Ago…Age 18

  There was a soft knock at my door before Sofia poked her head around the door. “Did you check Blackboard? Because I did and I’m thinking a study break in the form of a campus party is in order.” She gyrated her hips, hands swaying above, as she moved to the beat of something only she knew.

  I dropped my pen and stretched my arms overhead. I’d been sitting at my desk for who knew how long; my body stiff from hours spent hunched over a textbook, taking notes. I wearily opened a new tab on my laptop and entered my login credentials.

  I’d been anxiously awaiting my mid-term grades for the last week. And I’d been regretting my decision to double major in Psychology and Neurosciences for even longer than that.

  Things had started out promising enough. I’d scheduled my college classes much like I’d done my high s
chool classes, thinking that I could handle the course load.

  My academic advisor had recommended that I not overload myself until I got a feel for the program and the instructors. I didn’t want to just take the basics though—I’d wanted to get into the meat of my studies.

  So, I ignored his advice and loaded up with a mix of basics and upper level courses that didn’t require a prerequisite.

  By the end of the first week, I was cursing myself. The classes were unlike anything I’d experienced in high school. It didn’t matter how hard I worked, I quickly fell behind. I gave up dinner in the dining hall in favor of ramen noodles in my dorm room, glued to my computer.

  When two of my professors threatened to drop me, I gave up my part-time job at the campus bookstore, relying instead on my dad’s emergency credit card to keep myself comfortable.

  It wasn’t like it was going to affect them—I could’ve maxed the dang thing out every month and I doubt he would’ve cared as he paid it off.

  Spoiled brat?


  But I’d worked hard to get where I was and someday—I’d pay them back for everything. I pulled up my grades with bated breath. This was it. This was where I turned it all around.

  MCDB 2150 Principles of Genetics…overall grade with the midterm factored in…F.


  I’d damn near killed myself studying for that one. I even had the kidney infection to prove it too. How could I still be failing?

  MATH 2520 Intro to Biometry was just as dismal. In fact, the only classes where my grades didn’t make me want to puke were my psych classes. That didn’t bode well for me getting accepted into the doctoral program. I couldn’t even blame it on the university—the National Academy of Sciences ranked them as one of the best in the country.

  Suddenly, the painted cinderblock walls didn’t feel like a cozy haven for studying, but more like the walls of a prison. I’d started this semester with a roommate. A roommate who’d cried most every night and ended up moving out three weeks into the semester. I wasn’t going to be far behind her if my grades were any indicator.

  Sofia cocked her head to the side and fixed me with a curious smile. “Yes? You joining me?”

  I opened my mouth to decline when I realized there was really nothing stopping me from going out. So far, my college experience had consisted of me spending every waking moment either in class or chained to my desk. And what did I have to show for it? Nothing. I hadn’t pledged a sorority or gone home with a random stranger. I hadn’t even gotten drunk. I was nothing like the stereotypical college freshman. In fact, I’d never acted my age and slacked off.

  I’d graduated at the top of my class and gotten accepted to every university I’d applied to. My parents wanted me at UCLA, but I’d chosen University of Colorado in Boulder.

  While I’d been born in California, I’d never been considered your ‘typical California girl.’ The girls I grew up with were tall, blonde, and tan. Me? I was short, raven-haired, and fair. I’d slather on the SPF 5000 and it never seemed to matter; I’d burn to a crisp just stepping foot outside.

  Colorado had been a much better fit. I found that I didn’t have to wear a lot of makeup or dress in a certain way to fit in.

  Now, it seemed, the closest I was going to get to my dream of becoming a researcher was going to be as a janitor in the science building.

  I pushed my chair back from my desk. “I’m in.”

  It wasn’t like my grades were going to improve if I stayed in studying. I deserved a night out—an evening to just be an eighteen year-old. Tomorrow I’d worry about how I was going to pull myself out of this hole.

  I stood against the wall, a lukewarm beer in my hand, taking small sips to appease Sofia whenever necessary. It tasted like watered down piss. I was fighting my gag reflex with every swallow. To say that I’d expected more would’ve been a massive understatement. In all honesty, I wasn’t sure how I’d convinced myself that going out was a better alternative to reviewing my mid-term answers and emailing my professors to see if there was anything else I could do to bring my grades up.

  I watched as Sofia lost herself to the music, her eyes fluttering closed with every hip thrust from the frat boy behind her. She’d downed several plastic cups of beer upon our arrival and appeared to be feeling no pain.

  I choked down another sip, praying that I was close to feeling as free as she appeared to be. It would be nice to just lose control for a while.

  “Did you ace your midterms?”

  I turned toward the voice. “Do I know you?”

  The man laughed and extended his hand, raising his voice to be heard over the music. “I don’t think we’ve formally met, but you were in my stats class. I’m Paul.”

  I shook his hand. “Neve.” I could tell he was waiting for me to elaborate and I gave a small sigh before adding, “I failed my midterms. If I give up sleep, I might have a chance in hell at getting out of my first semester alive.”

  He regarded me thoughtfully for a moment and I downed more of my beer, trying to fill the awkward silence between us.

  “You’re only a freshman? You’re the one that got special permission from the dean to take a senior level lab, aren’t you?”

  I bristled at his words. “So? It’s not like it matters now. I’m failing almost everything.”

  He rocked back on his heels. “What if I knew someone who could help you?”

  I snorted. “What—like a homework helper? How much is that gonna set me back?”

  Paul shook his head and chugged the contents of his cup before latching onto my arm and pulling me toward the stairs. “I know a guy. You see, I was in your shoes my freshman year and I wasn’t ready to watch all my hard work turn to shit.”

  I tried to wrangle myself free, spilling beer onto my hand. “Let me go—”

  He stopped walking and turned back to me. “What did you just say? If you didn’t need sleep, then you might have a chance at passing. What if I could give you that?”

  “What do you mean?” This guy had to be off his meds. Leave it to me to find a lunatic at my first party. I risked a quick glance over the railing and found Sofia and her frat boy wrapped around each other on the makeshift dance floor. Obviously, she wasn’t going to notice if I went missing anytime soon.

  All the more reason to stay downstairs.

  Paul leaned in. “I can get you something to stay awake. It’ll keep you focused too.”

  I should’ve broken free and run back down to the safety of my wall, but his words had piqued my interest. I’d tried energy drinks…coffee…you name it. Nothing helped keep me awake for longer than a day. “What is it?”

  He pointed toward a closed door. “Clint—he—just come meet him and see for yourself.”

  This was exactly what after-school specials had warned me about. Yet, here I was, following this perfect stranger upstairs to meet ‘Clint’ and get something to keep myself awake.

  “Twenty percent of female college students will report being raped during their time on campus,” I muttered to myself as I trudged after him.

  Paul gave me a strange look. “What was that?”

  I shook my head as he opened the door to reveal a gorgeous man on a leather couch, watching television. His sandy brown hair was spiked up into a fauxhawk and as he turned toward us, I couldn’t help but be mesmerized by his piercing green eyes. Eyes that were now narrowing in suspicion.

  “What the fuck, Paul?” He complained, while remaining in the same position on the couch, as if his body was unaware of the tension in the room.

  Paul pushed me forward, spilling even more beer onto my arm. “My girl needs the goods, man. Get her in the mood.” He said the last part with a wink.

  “I am absolutely not his girl.” This was never about helping me with my grades. The prick just wanted to get into my pants. The bass from the music downstairs vibrated the floor beneath my feet and I wondered if Sofia was still tangled up with her guy or if she was looking for me. It obviously
hadn’t taken much beer to impair my judgment because I’d now put myself in a very precarious situation.

  The man picked up a glass from the side table and took a sip of the amber liquid, suddenly seeming much more distinguished than the punk I’d followed up here. He exuded power and sophistication—heck, even his clothes were designer. He watched me carefully. “You didn’t come with him?”

  I shook my head. “I told him I was falling behind with my grades and he said Clint could help me. Obviously, that was a lie so, I’ll just be on my way.”

  “Did he try something with you?”

  I risked a glance at Paul and noticed the sweat beading along his hairline. He was scared of this man and I knew that if I said yes, Paul was going to be in a world of hurt.

  Damn you, Sofia. Damn you for insisting I get out of the dorm for a night.

  I shook my head again, while contemplating calling my dad. “No. He just got me up here under false pretenses.”

  “Out.” He gestured toward the door with his head and Paul immediately disappeared, leaving just the two of us. He slid off the couch and slowly walked over to me and I could feel my pulse jumping in my neck as he looked me over.

  “I’m Clint,” he said by way of greeting, as he patted me down and checked me for a wire. His touch conjured up all sorts of conflicting feelings inside of me, even as I began to suspect that he’d obtained his lifestyle through highly illegal means.

  “Neve,” I whispered through quivering lips, effectively killing the smallest hint of a buzz from the beer.

  He ran a soft hand lightly down my arm. “Hey, don’t be afraid. Unlike the fuckboy who brought you, I won’t take anything you don’t willingly give me.”

  I exhaled and nodded, debating whether to run or press myself up against his muscular body. This was nothing more than his pheromones acting as a catalyst for the sexual attraction I was feeling. I just had to hold it together a little bit longer and then I could go back to my dorm and forget this ever happened.


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