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by Jean Strouse

  35 “enabling” & ff.: PML—Robert Langton Douglas to JPM, May 3, 12, & 20, 1904; RLD to Jack, July 29, 1937.

  36 “I take”: PML Vendors’ files, Cartier—J.P. Worth to JPM, June 16, 1904.

  37 “Father has”: PML—Jack to FTM, June 20, 1905.

  38 “As one entered” & ff.: in Francis Henry Taylor, Pierpont Morgan as Collector and Patron, pp. 21–25.

  39 “The ceiling”: Satterlee, JPM, p. 434.

  40 “This afternoon”: Letters BB & ISG, p. 388.

  41 “I have”: in Denys Sutton, “Robert Langton Douglas, Connoisseur of Art & Life,” Apollo, CIX–CX, April–July 1979.

  42 “When you go”: Moore, p. 282.

  43 “The sky”: N-YHS, MMW, 1950 Collection, “Morgan Library,” Box 627, folder B—CFM to White, Feb. 1, 1906.

  44 “One day” & ff.: The Inferno of Dante, translated by Robert Pinsky (New York: Farrar Straus & Giroux, 1994), p. 53.

  45 “instruction and pleasure”: PML—JPM Last Will and Testament.

  46 “[He] is”: GWP to P. Widener, Feb. 27, 1907, in Garraty, p. 199.


  1 BG salaries: PML—JPMD, Dec. 31, 1905, & Box 22, Trustees Records, Princeton University Archives, Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library, Princeton University Library.

  2 “the most”: PML—Bernard Berenson to Philip Hofer, Nov. 26, 1934.

  3 “a native”: Notable American Women, Vol. II. “I knew”: NY Sun, Oct. 19, 1916.

  4 “with great”: I Tatti—BG to BB, Oct. 29, 1910.

  5 “the luxury”: Ibid., Sept. 20, 1913.

  6 “pre-eminent”: PML—BG to JPM, April 23, 1909.

  7 Fleet wedding: Virginia State Archives, Paul E. Sluby, Sr. and Stanton L. Wormley, Blacks in the Marriage Records of the District of Columbia, Dec. 23, 1811–June 16, 1870, Vol. I, p. 184.

  8 Du Bois on Greener: in Allison Blakely, “Richard T. Greener and the ‘Talented Tenth’s’ Dilemma.”

  9 “My chief desire”: Harvard University Archives—“Richard T. Greener, Class Notes,” May 19, 1870.

  10 “a world which”: W.E.B. DuBois, The Souls of Black Folk (New York: New American Library, 1969), p. 45.

  11 twenty-six thousand books: Harvard University Archives, Class Reports—Greener, 1895.

  12 “For the first”: in Blakely, p. 308.

  13 “a colored”: Ellen Collins to BTW, Aug. 23, 1892. “I am devoting”: RTG to BTW, May 26, 1894. “In regard”: Thomas Junius Calloway to BTW, May 2, 1894. All in Booker T. Washington Papers, edited by Louis Harlan (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1972–1989), Vol. 3, pp. 258–59, 448, 415.

  14 Vladivostok charges: Louis Harlan, Booker T. Washington (New York: Oxford University Press, 1983), pp. 89–90.

  15 “I still believe”: The Freeman, Jan. 25, 1896, in Blakely, p. 311.

  16 “Would he be”: R. Bacon to C.R. Dean, July 3, 1907, in Blakely, p. 314.

  17 “the hard-won”: George Eliot, The Mill on the Floss (New York: Collier Books, 1962), p. 321.

  18 “blonde”: I Tatti—BG to BB, Nov. 6, 1912.

  19 “if he were”: Ibid.—BG to BB, Jan. 19, 1911.

  20 “duly impressed”: BB to ISG, Dec. 5, 1908, Letters of BB and ISG, p. 426.

  21 “Dear thou”: I Tatti—BG to BB, March 9, 1909.

  22 “I am so” & “How I should”: Ibid., April 9 & March 17, 1909.

  23 “would stand”: Ernest Samuels, Bernard Berenson, Vol. II, p. 73.

  24 “Malay”: Ibid.

  25 “of course” & ff.: ISG to BB, Dec. 18, 1909, Letters BB–ISG, p. 462.

  26 “that I”: I Tatti—BG to BB, Dec. 21, 1909. “incredible” & ff.: BB to ISG, Jan. 1, 1910, Letters BB–ISG, p. 463.

  27 Portuguese descent: I Tatti—BG to BB, April 9, 1909. “grand”: Nov. 22, 1910. “stunning”: Feb. 27, 1912. “I shall”: Oct. 29, 1910. “I am sure”: Dec. 15, 1911. “that poor”: Dec. 28 & 13, 1910. “I am so”: Dec. 29, 1913.

  28 “a most” & “I hope”: MB to Ray Costelloe, Feb. 18, 1909, & MB to BB, Aug. 21, 1910, in Mary Berenson, eds. Barbara Strachey and Jayne Samuels, pp. 150, 160. “I am all,” “incredibly,” & “much more”: Samuels, BB, Vol. II, pp. 109–11.

  29 “a terrific”: I Tatti—BG to BB, April 18, 1921.

  30 “one of,” “my dear,” & “quite loved”: Ibid., April 14, July 6, & July 19, 1909.

  31 “I really”: MB to AR, May 24, 1911, in Mary Berenson, p. 170.

  32 “[T]hat is”: I Tatti—BG to BB, Jan. 9, 1912.

  33 “to extinction” & “More and”: Ibid., April 23, 1909, & July 9, 1913.

  34 “the shadow” & ff.: N-YHS, Osborn Papers, Box XXII—ATM to Mrs. HFO, June 1 [1903].

  35 “the swan-song,” “best,” & “I’ve waited: Cleveland Amory, Who Killed Society? (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1960), p. 222.

  36 “Miss de Lamb”: Jane S. Smith, Elsie de Wolfe, p. 56.

  37 “almost certainly”: Ibid., p. 24. “the only”: HA to E. Cameron, Sept. 12, 1899, LHA, Vol. V, p. 30.

  38 Bessie childhood: Elisabeth Marbury, My Crystal Ball, pp. 12–13, 34; J.S. Smith, pp. 26–34.

  39 “If she”: Brady, Ida Tarbell, p. 197.

  40 “Rapacious”: Smith, p. 57. Bessie & Wilde: The Letters of Oscar Wilde, edited by Rupert Hart-Davis (New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1962), pp. 668–69, 698–99.

  41 “I went”: HA to E. Cameron, Jan. 28, 1901, LHA, Vol. V, p. 189. “J.P. Morgan”: Smith, p. 71.

  42 “in a way”: Samuels, BB, Vol. II, p. 50.

  43 “Miss Marbury ill” to “Colleges”: PML—ATMD, April–June 1904.

  44 “would have liked” to “were expected”: MHS, Marian Lawrence Peabody Papers—Marian Lawrence Peabody Diary, Sept. 11, 1904.

  45 “very unprepossessing”: PML, MSI—HLS to Mrs. Satterlee, Oct. 3, 1904.

  46 “Oh, a”: William Lawrence, Memories of a Happy Life, p. 201.

  47 “everybody”: PML—ATM Box 4, Elsie de Wolfe, “Story of Mr. de Beauvoir”. “who knows” & fn.: Woolf, Roger Fry, p. 135.

  48 “He thrilled”: PML—de Wolfe, “Story.”

  49 “a bronze”: MGCo. Ms 21,760—JPM to Bosdari, Aug. 7, 1902. “inconceivable”: MGCo. Ms 21,799—ECG notebook, pp. 88–90.

  50 fn. “Bosdari &”: PML—ATMD, Sept. 23, 1907. “highly pleased”: PML—Jack to ECG, March 12, 1918.

  51 “young for” & ff.: Marbury, My Crystal Ball, pp. 151–53.

  52 “there are such”: The Letters of Archie Butt, edited by F. Lawrence Abbott (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1924), p. 267.

  53 “shirt waist”: PML—ATMD, Dec. 5–15, 1909.

  54 “Surely”: PML, MSI—WSR to LMS, March 28, 1908.

  55 “got me aside” & ff.: I Tatti—BG to BB, October 19, 1910, and [n.d.] “Oceanic,” 1910. “tiresome”: July 9, 1912. “immediately” & “Your friend”: March 17 & April 21, 1913. “hates”: July 9, 1913.

  56 “I want” & ff.: HA to John Hay, Sept. 28, 1904, LHA, Vol. V, p. 612.

  57 “J.P. Morgan, Sr.”: N-YHS, James Hazen Hyde Papers, Correspondence M, Elisabeth Marbury file.


  1 “If Congress”: “Northern Securities Co. v. U.S.,” 193 U.S. 197, in Ripley, Trusts, Pools, pp. 491–92.

  2 “Great cases” & ff.: “Northern Securities Co. v. U.S.,” in The Dissenting Opinions of Mr. Justice Holmes, arranged by Alfred Lief (New York: Vanguard Press, 1929), pp. 163–75.

  3 “I could”: William H. Harbaugh, The Life and Times of Theodore Roosevelt, p. 161. “broke up”: OWH to F. Pollock, February 9, 1921, in Holmes-Pollock Letters, The Correspondence of Mr. Justice Holmes and Sir Frederick Pollock 1874–1932, edited by Mark A. DeWolfe Howe (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1941), Vol. II, pp. 63–64.

  4 fn., “Mr. Solicitor”: Yale University Library, Manuscripts and Archives, John William Davis Papers—John W. Davis to Herbert Brookes, Oct. 19, 1944.

  5 “almost as” & ff.: PML—Jack to
CED, March 14 & 21, 1904.

  6 “with all their”: TR to H.C. Lodge, May 23, 1903, LTR, Vol. II, p. 17. “will have been”: MGCo.—CED to Jack, Feb. 17, 1904.

  7 “the salient”: in Boller, Presidential Campaigns, p. 184.

  8 “Theodore”: Dictionary of American Biography (Laffan).

  9 “No” & ff.: “Campaign Contributions,” Testimony before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Privileges and Elections, U.S. Senate 62nd Cong., 3d sess. Pursuant to S. Res. 79, 386, and 418. Vol. I, pp. 437–53, Oct. 3, 1912.

  10 “wise custom” & ff.: Harbaugh, p. 224. “I would”: H.W. Brands, Theodore Roosevelt, The Last Romantic (New York: Basic Books, 1998), pp. 515–16.

  11 fn. “We talked”: PML—JSMCo. to Jack, April 25, 1904.

  12 “plunged”: Barings—Revelstoke to Gaspard Farrer, April 19, 1904.

  13 “we take it”: Cecil Baring to Revelstoke, Nov. 27, 1900, in Ziegler, Sixth Great Power, p. 297.

  14 “inveighed”: Barings—Revelstoke to Farrer, April 19, 1904.

  15 “débacle” & ff.: Bodleian, MS. Milner dep. 216, fol. 61—CED to Milner, May 5, 1904.

  16 “back number”: Barings—in Farrer to John Sterling, Sept. 22, 1904.

  17 Bacon on Perkins: Barings—Sterling to Farrer, Oct. 4, 1904. “absolutely”: Ibid.—JPM to Revelstoke, Nov. 4, 1904.

  18 “it might”: Ibid.—R. Winsor to Revelstoke, Oct. 10, 1904.

  19 “of inflicting” & “Old Man” & ff.: Ibid.—Revelstoke to Winsor, March 17, 1905, & to Hugo Baring, Aug. 8, 1905.

  20 “JPM is”: St. Just—ECG to Maud Grenfell, May 19, 1906.

  21 “It is”: PML—Jack to FTM, Jan. 3, 1905.

  22 “I want”: Ibid., JPM to Baldwin, April 14, 1905.

  23 “so high”: Schieffelin—Léon Blanc to James Markoe, June 29, 1905.

  24 “serious enough” & ff.: TR to JPM, July 18, 1905, LTR, Vol. IV, p. 1277.

  25 “insist”: TR to JPM, Aug. 17, 1905, Ibid., p. 1303.

  26 “a strong safeguard”: Memorandum of First International Harvester Conference, Jan. 18, 1907, in Robert Wiebe, “The House of Morgan and the Executive,” pp. 52–53. “anticipated”: Columbia, Perkins Papers—GWP to JPM, June 25, 1906.

  27 “satisfied” & ff.: Perkins Memorandum, Aug. 28, 1907 (Perkins Papers, Columbia), in Wiebe, pp. 53–54; “moral ground”: in Garraty, Right-Hand Man, p. 257.

  28 “moral obliqueness” & insurance industry figures: John Rousmaniere, The Life and Times of the Equitable, pp. 101, 75–78.

  29 fn. “the most”: Mark D. Hirsch, William C. Whitney, Modern Warwick (New York: Archon Books, 1969 [1948]), p. 466.

  30 “He shook”: Rousmaniere, Equitable, p. 104.

  31 “When, in your” & ff.: Garraty, p. 171.

  32 “the King”: MGCo.—Alexander Koch to JPM, Feb. 10, 1898, in Carosso, Morgans, pp. 401–2. JPM declines Russian loans: Ruth A. Roosa, “Banking and Financial Relations between Russia and the U.S.,” pp. 305–11.

  33 “It is curious”: Barings—Farrer to Winsor, July 29, 1905.

  34 proposal to build battleships: Roosa, p. 313. “greatest”: Robert K. Massie, Nicholas and Alexandra, p. 90.

  35 fn., “when I”: TR to Cecil Spring-Rice, July 24, 1905, LTR, Vol. IV, pp. 1285–86.

  36 “a huge”: Massie, Nicholas, p. 101.

  37 “morbid nose” & ff.: Yarmolinsky, Memoirs of Count Witte, p. 170.

  38 Witte’s proposal: Roosa, pp. 313–14. “the Jewish”: Yarmolinsky, p. 169. “shameful”: Adler, Schiff, Vol. II, p. 124.

  39 “Our scheme”: PML—JPM to Jack, Oct. 7 & 10, 1905.

  40 “reluctantly,” “even if,” “would have”: Ibid.—to Jack & GWP, Oct. 17; GWP & Jack to JPM, Oct. 21; JPM & CS to GWP & Jack, Oct. 22, 1905.

  41 “Please”: Ibid.—GWP & Jack to JPM, Oct. 23, 1905.

  42 “What a time” & “We have”: Ibid.—Jack to FTM, Oct. 31, GWP & Jack to JPM, Oct. 31 & Nov. 1, 1905. “Have changed”: Garraty, p. 185.

  43 “impolitic”: PML—Jack & GWP to JPM, April 7–11, 1906.

  44 “crusade”: TR to McClure, Oct. 3, 1905, LTR, Vol. V, p. 45.

  45 “the Man”: TR Works, Vol. XVI, pp. 415–18.

  46 “dull, purblind”: TR to Taft, March 15, 1906, LTR, Vol. V, pp. 183–84.

  47 “if the currency”: in Sobel, Panic, p. 303.


  1 “as complete”: PML—GW Vanderbilt to JSM2, Nov. 25, 1905.

  2 “the family”: PML—Jack to JPM, Jan. 6, 1905. “that there”: to G. Duckworth, Jan. 16, 1905. “It may”: to ECG, Feb. 24, 1905.

  3 “Thoby”: The Letters of Virginia Woolf, edited by Nigel Nicolson and Joanne Trautmann (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1975), Vol. I, No. 279. fn., “One”: Virginia Woolf, Moments of Being (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1976), p. 160.

  4 “There is” & fn.: PML—TR to Curtis, Dec. 16, 1905.

  5 Curtis plans & “I congratulate”: PML—Curtis to JPM, Jan. 23, 1906, & TR to Curtis, Feb. 6, 1906.

  6 “the matter”: PML—C.W. King to Curtis, Aug. 28, 1906.

  7 Curtis project costs: Barbara A. Davis, Edward Sheriff Curtis, The Life and Times of a Shadow Catcher (San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1985), p. 75.

  8 archaeological studies: Bruce Kuklick, Puritans in Babylon, pp. 102–5.

  9 “I see Morgan”: Laffan to Edward P. Mitchell, April 24 [1906] in Mitchell’s Memoirs of an Editor (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1924), p. 360.

  10 fifteen years: MMA Egypt—A. Lythgoe to E. Robinson, Feb. 26, 1906.

  11 “I hope”: PML—Johns to Laffan, Oct. 2, 1907.

  12 “only to,” “Perhaps as,” “to work”: PML—BG to Johns, April 1; JPM to BG, April 29; Clay to BG, April 20, 1910.

  13 Morgan gifts to Natural History Museum: The American Museum, April 1913, & Geoffrey Hellman, Bankers, Bones and Beetles, pp. 118–33. fn., “I cannot”: PML—Jack to HFO, Oct. 11, 1916.

  14 “painful surprise”: PML, MSI—LMSD, Feb. 4, 1906. “quite alone”: Rainsford, Story, p. 461. “Would advise”: PML—JPM to C.W. King, April 26, 1910.

  15 “for causes”: Canon 32, Of Renunciation of the Ministry, Journal of the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, 1910, in Soukoup, “From Orthodoxy to Liberalism,” pp. 97–98.

  16 “am willing”: PML—JPM to Jack, May 29, 1912.

  17 “STANFORD WHITE, VOLUPTUARY”: Suzannah Lessard, The Architect of Desire (New York: Dial Press, 1996), p. 245.

  18 “objectionable”: NY Times, Jan. 27, 1907.

  19 “the poison” & ff.: PML—Jack to WSMB, Jan. 4, 1907.

  20 “it makes”: PML—Jack to ECG, Jan. 11, 1907.

  21 “the best”: PML—Jack to JSMCo., Feb. 13, 1906.

  22 seven groups: Chandler & Tedlow, Managerial Capitalism, p. 278.

  23 “while the”: Columbia, Perkins Papers—GWP to JPM, June 25, 1906. 564 fn.: Shaw, Annual Report on the Finances, 1906, p. 49, in Friedman & Schwartz, Monetary History, pp. 149–50.

  24 “aggressive”: NY Times, Nov. 24, 1907, in Carosso, p. 534. “a literally”: in Sobel, Panic, p. 300.

  25 “allay”: Washington Star, March 12, 1907.

  26 “underlying”: MGCo.—JPMCo. to JSMCo., March 15, 1907.

  27 “Think plan”: PML—JPM to Jack, March 26, 1907.

  28 “As Jesus”: PML—Jack to JPM, April 16, 1907.

  29 “that, in spite” & “and expressed”: RF to A. F. Jaccaci, June 18, 1906, & to JGJ, April 3, 1907, in Letters of Roger Fry, Vol. I, pp. 266, 283.

  30 “You may” to “to make my”: RF to HF, May 21–June 2, 1907, Ibid., pp. 284–88.

  31 “Fry burst”: BB to ISG, June 26, 1907, Letters of BB & ISG, p. 400.

  32 “marvellous”: King’s College, RF to HF, June 7, 1907. “some fine”: RF to HF, June 16, 1907, LRF, Vol. I, p. 288.

  33 fn. “highest” & “Woe”: BB to ISG, Aug. 14, & ISG to BB, Aug. 26, 1907, Letters BB-ISG, pp. 403–5. �
��in memory”: PML—BG to BB, Feb. 26, 1932.

  34 “in some”: George C. Williamson, An Experiment in Book Collecting (London: Cassell & Co., Ltd., 1931), p. 26.

  35 “Beginning”: Wilhelm Bode, Bronzes in the Collection of J. Pierpont Morgan (Paris: Librairie Centrale des Beaux-Arts, 1909).

  36 “This is the most”: PML—note on RF to JPM, June 20, 1909. fn.: BB to ISG, July 11, 1909, Letters BB-ISG, pp. 450–51.

  37 “up in”: I Tatti—BG to BB, March 11, 1910.

  38 “I hope”: PML—RF to JPM, Dec. 10, 1912.

  39 “sleeping” & ff.: Woolf, Roger Fry. pp. 140–44.

  40 “As he”: VW to Donald Brace, Oct. 6, 1940, The Letters of Virginia Woolf, Vol. VI (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1980), p. 438.


  1 “The figures”: PML—Jack to VHS, July 2, 1907.

  2 “everyone”: Ibid., Aug. 14, 1907.

  3 “difficult”: TR to HLH, Aug. 12, 1907, LTR, Vol. V, pp. 746–47. “certain malefactors”: Harbaugh, Roosevelt, p. 297.

  4 “the irrigating”: in Rousmaniere, Equitable, p. 80.

  5 “We got”: NY Times, Oct. 21, 1907.

  6 “reflected the” & “We are”: Ibid., Oct. 23, 1907.

  7 “All hands”: PML—GWP to Jack, Oct. 22, 1907.

  8 “Yes, and”: in Chernow, Titan, p. 543.

  9 “This is”: PML, HLS Box 12, folder 2—Benjamin Strong recollections to T.W. Lamont, Feb. 1, 1929.

  10 “Gentlemen”: Ibid.

  11 “reflect on”: NY Times, Oct. 24, 1907.

  12 “We have”: PML—GWP to Jack, Oct. 24, 1907.

  13 “There goes the” & ff.: Satterlee, JPM, p. 473.

  14 “Situation”: PML—GWP to Jack, Oct. 25, 1907.

  15 “With his”: Satterlee, JPM, p. 479.

  16 “We have”: PML—GWP to Jack, Oct. 25, 1907, #2.

  17 “the unselfish,”: NY Times, Oct. 26, 1907. “could have”: Adler, Schiff, Vol. I, p. 176. “owing to” & “J.P.”: NY Times, Oct. 26, 1907.

  18 “unswervingly”: NY Times, Oct. 23, 1907. “those conservative”: TR to Cortelyou, Oct. 25, 1907, LTR, Vol. V, p. 823.

  19 “The week’s”: PML—GWP to Jack, Oct. 27, 1907.

  20 “delirium”: NY Times, Oct. 30, 1907.


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